Crave Me: A Billionaire Boss Romance

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Crave Me: A Billionaire Boss Romance Page 144

by Amy Brent

She reached up and took him in her hand, working him hard and fast. She didn't know how much time they had, and this wasn't the moment for slow, intimate lovemaking. There would be time for that later, when they were alone in Jake's apartment, with no restraints and no limitations. But now, there in her father's office, all she wanted was to get fucked.

  Once she had him hard enough and worked up enough, she pulled back. Jake pushed her down onto the ground, unzipping her pants and pulling them off faster than she ever could have herself. She had worked him up into a frenzy, which was exactly what she wanted. What she needed. He knelt between her legs and leaned forward, then he thrust himself inside of her.

  She grabbed Jake's shoulders and pulled him down on top of her. He thrust into her in quick, hard movements, burying his face in her neck to stifle his moans. She held him close, closing her eyes and focusing on the sensations pouring through her. It had been such a long time since she'd had a man inside of her. Years. And as much as she had loved her husband, he had never taken her this hard or this fast. He had never been so powerful, so in control. It thrilled her and drove her to the edge.

  Jake's movements started to become more erratic as he neared his climax. He leaned back, propping her legs on his shoulders, so he could reach between her legs with his fingers and push her over the edge. She grabbed her blouse and bit down on the fabric hard to quiet her moans as he pushed her past the point of no return.

  When it was finished, Chanise laid there for a moment, clinging to Jake. Then she heard voices in the hall. She didn't know how long they'd been in the break room, between talking earlier and then fucking. She suddenly worried that her father's session had finished earlier than she had expected.

  She pushed Jake off her and whispered, “Get dressed!”

  They hurried to pull on their clothes. Chanise didn't even bother with her bra, instead tucking it into one of the break room's cabinets to get it out of sight. She straightened her clothes and patted her hair, taking a few deep breaths to steady herself. Then she peeked out into the hall.

  Her father stood down by her desk. Chanise gestured for Jake to stay put as she left the break room and headed down the hall.

  “Chanise, there you are,” her father said. “Mrs. Williams needs to reschedule next week's appointment. Can you take care of that for her?”

  “Sure thing.” Chanise sat down at her desk, smiling at Mrs. Williams, who stood in the waiting room, looking at her through the window.

  She got the appointment booked as quickly as she could, glancing over her shoulder every few moments to see where her father was. She thought he had gone into the office, but just as she was finishing up with Mrs. Williams, she saw him walking down the hall towards the break room, his coffee mug in his hand.

  She quickly handed Mrs. Williams her appointment slip, then hurried down the hall, trying to beat her father to the break room. “Dad, wait!”

  He paused, standing in the doorway to the break room. “What is it?”

  She looked past him through the open door. There was no sign of Jake.

  “N-nothing,” she said. “Never mind, I got it.”

  “You okay, Chanise? You look all sweaty.”

  Chanise glanced past her father, down the hall. She saw Jake peeking out of the employee restroom.

  “I'm fine, Dad. Just a bit worn out, that ‘s all.”

  “Well, Mrs. Johnson was the last patient of the day. Go on home. You need some rest.”

  “Yeah, I think I'll do that.”

  She waited until her dad was in the break room getting his coffee, and then waved for Jake to hurry. He left the restroom and hurried down the hall, pausing only long enough to give her a quick kiss.

  “I'll see you this weekend,” he whispered.

  She nodded, then shooed him away. He headed down the hall and out through the waiting room, then left the office.

  Chanise was about to return to her desk when her father came out of the break room. He was holding her bra in one hand.

  “Chanise?” he asked. “What was this doing in with the coffee sweetener?”

  Chanise laughed, her face heating up. She snatched the bra away. “Sorry about that. I had a spill and had to wash my blouse and bra in the sink. I didn't know if it was dried yet.”

  He frowned at her, and she was almost certain he didn't believe her. “Well,” he said, “do me a favor, and keep your underthings away from my coffee, please?”

  “Sure thing, Dad.”

  She hurried back to her desk and tucked her bra into her purse, then gathered her things and headed out to pick up Deena from the daycare. The entire drive, all she could think about was Jake's touch and the way he had felt when he was inside her.

  * * *

  Chanise didn't mention anything about Jake to her daughter that night, but the next night, she decided she needed to bring the subject up. She and Jake had talked on the phone during her Friday lunch break, and they had made plans for Chanise to come to Jake's apartment for dinner Saturday night. Dinner alone, just the two of them. And Chanise wanted to be able to spend the night, without having to worry about rushing home to a waiting daughter.

  “Deena, baby,” Chanise said, calling her daughter into the living room after dinner. “Come here. Momma needs to talk to you.”

  “Am I in trouble?” Deena asked, her eyes wide.

  “No.” Chanise laughed. “No, baby, you're not in trouble. I just want to talk to you about this weekend.”

  Deena walked into the room and sat down in her favorite little rocking chair. She looked up at her mother, wide-eyed and innocent.

  “How would you feel about spending the weekend at Grandpa's?” Chanise asked.

  “The whole weekend?”

  “That's right.”

  “I guess,” Deena said. She shrugged. She had never been away from her mother for a full weekend since she was born, but Chanise was glad that she seemed to be taking it in stride.

  “When are we going?” Deena asked.

  “Well, baby, that's the other part of what I wanted to talk to you about.” Chanise folded her hands in her lap and leaned forward, hoping she could explain this right without her daughter asking too many awkward questions. “I'm not going to stay at Grandpa's place over the weekend. It'll just be you and Grandpa together, okay?”

  “You're not coming?” Deena pouted.

  “No, baby. But you and Grandpa will get to spend lots of time together.”

  “Why aren't you coming?”

  “Well...” Chanise took a deep breath. “Because, baby, I'm going to go see Jake.”

  “Oh.” Deena thought about that for a moment. “Are you having a sleepover?”

  “That's right, baby. Jake and I are having a grown-up sleepover.”

  “Oh. Okay.”

  Deena frowned slightly, and Chanise wondered what she was thinking about. Deena was far too young to really know anything about sex, and Chanise was hoping to have quite a few years before she had to have that awkward conversation with her daughter. But if Deena thought anything was strange about her mother spending the night at a man's house, she didn't say so.

  The next morning, Chanise packed two overnight bags, one for herself, and one for Deena. Deena's bag had a change of clothes and some of her favorite coloring books and dolls, along with a couple of videos. Chanise's bag, in addition to a change of clothes, had something special that she would picked up for her night with Jake. Something she made sure not to let Deena see while she was packing.

  Chanise arrived at Jake's house in the late afternoon. He had dinner warming on the stove, though she suspected it was catered food again. She didn't care. As long as they had the night to share together alone.

  They enjoyed a quiet meal together, and then Jake opened a bottle of wine. They sat on the couch together, watching the sun set over the city. The view from Jake's high-rise apartment was breathtaking, and for a moment, Chanise wondered what it would be like to live in such a place. She had never been a city girl, but t
he luxurious apartment was the sort of place she could get used to.

  Sitting with Jake that night was a very different experience than their wild, passionate afternoon at the counseling office. Gone was the vulnerable, crying man who had needed her comfort. He was back to his usual flirtatious, confident self. But as much as she missed seeing Jake's vulnerable side, she found herself drawn to his cocky, confident side as well. Throughout the night he made her laugh, he made her smile, and he made her blush. And with a couple of glasses of wine in her, she felt more and more relaxed around him. Enough so that she started developing some confidence of her own.

  When Jake set down his wine glass and put his hand on her hip, she smiled and touched a finger to his lips. “Give me a minute, dear.”

  “Just a minute?” he asked, smirking.

  “Maybe two.” She set down her wine glass and got up, grabbing her bag. She headed into the bathroom and stripped down, then slipped into the nightie she had bought just for that night. It had been a long time since she had worn such a thing, and she had put on some pounds since the last time, early in her marriage. Bearing a child and the stresses of life that had come after her husband's death had rounded out her hips a bit more, though she knew she still had a good figure, extra pounds or not.

  She adjusted the silken black negligee over her thighs, admiring herself in the mirror. The nightie lifted her full breasts, making them even more eye-catching than usual.

  She took a deep breath to steady herself before she headed back out into the living room. She wasn't sure why she was so nervous. She had already had sex with Jake, and under much more vulnerable circumstances than these. She should have been confident and ready to go. Yet somehow, this was different.

  Maybe, she thought, it was because this time, it was more of a premeditated choice. This wasn't just a moment of passion, where they lost control of their urges and ended up in each other's arms. Instead, she had come to Jake's apartment tonight knowing that they would be sleeping together. Knowing that she would be offering her body to him and that it was something she had decided on her own. Somehow, that made it bigger. More important.

  Her fears and concerns were washed away when she walked into the living room and saw Jake's eyes light up at the sight of her. He smiled, taking in everything he saw. He stood up and slowly walked over towards her, his lips pursed in admiration. “Wow,” he said. “You look amazing.”

  Chanise toyed with the little ribbons on the sides of her negligee. “You mean that?” She had been a bit worried that he wouldn't like the way her body looked. That he wouldn't be attracted to her when he wasn't swept up in a vulnerable moment.

  “Really,” he said, slipping his hands around her waist. “You're beautiful.”

  He leaned down and kissed her. His fingers trailed up and down the silken material of her nightie, sending shivers through her body. She reached up and cupped his cheeks with her hands, holding his face gently as she kissed him. His kiss was slow and sensual, and at the same time, the rough touch of the slight stubble on his chin made him feel grizzled and masculine.

  Jake took her hands and led her towards the bedroom. The bed was huge, covered in silvery silken sheets. He pulled her towards the bed and he sat down on the edge, pulling her into his lap. She kept kissing him while she unbuttoned his shirt and slipped it off, and then she pushed him back onto the bed, straddling him.

  Jake scooted further up the bed, pulling her with him. She pulled down his pants and found him more than ready to go. She settled herself on top of him, taking him inside of her, and she leaned forward, grabbing his shoulders as she started to ride him. Every movement was slow, sensual, and deliberate. She didn't want to rush this time. She didn't want to worry about any interruptions. They had all night, and she wanted to take all the time they had.

  Jake massaged her breasts and toyed with her nipples, sending shivers through her body. She arched her head back, moaning in pleasure. He ground his hips up against her, moving in time with the rocking of her body. Soon they found a steady rhythm together, and she started riding him harder, driving him deep inside of her. He held her hips, his fingers digging tight into her caramel flesh, hard enough to make her moan louder and louder. The forcefulness of his touch drove her to the edge, and she felt the sensations exploding inside of her.

  She shuddered and collapsed on top of him, clinging to him. Then he rolled her over and climbed on top of her, his movements more urgent now, filled with his own need. She held him close and clung to him as he fucked her hard until he came. Then she caressed his cheeks and kissed his face, smiling and feeling a sense of pure bliss.

  She fell asleep in his arms that night, the first night she had slept in the same bed with another man since her husband died. And even though it felt good and it felt right, there was a part of her that felt guilty. She felt like this night was the sign that she was finally moving on, and she hadn't realized it until that moment. She didn't know if she was ready to move on, to let herself love again, after what she had lost.

  She stayed quiet, not wanting to ruin the mood or let Jake know that anything was wrong. He certainly hadn't done anything wrong. Yet even though she was happy to be where she was, she found herself crying softly in the night until finally she fell asleep.

  * * *

  In the morning, Chanise got up and showered. It felt a bit strange to be waking up in another person's apartment, and without her daughter there. She usually had to get up early to make Deena's breakfast, and Deena was always up at the crack of dawn. Chanise was never able to sleep in. Which was probably why she was up long before Jake woke up, even though she hadn't set an alarm.

  By the time she finished showering, Jake was still asleep, so she decided to make breakfast for them. She went into the kitchen and dug through the cabinets, searching for something fitting. Like the typical bachelor, Jake didn't have much to eat in the house, aside from cold cereal, canned soup, frozen dinners, and other quick, easy, and microwaveable goods. This just proved her suspicion that last night’s dinner had been ordered from a catering place.

  She gave up on the idea of serving Jake a fresh-cooked helping of breakfast in bed and stuck with cereal and toast. She sat in the living room, watching the morning news until Jake woke up. He came out wearing nothing but his boxers and a satisfied smile. “Morning, babe,” he said.

  “Good morning.” She smiled as he sat next to her and kissed her cheek. “Next time you’re having company over, you should stock the kitchen better.” She gestured to her empty bowl and plate.

  “Sorry about that. I usually order out.”

  “I kind of figured,” Chanise smirked, shaking her head.

  “So,” Jake said, leaning back against the couch and draping his arm over the back. “You have to run off and take care of the kid today, or do I get to keep you all day?”

  “You can keep me until after lunch,” Chanise said. She leaned over and gave him a kiss. “After that, I have to get home. Deena isn't used to being without her mother.”

  “Ahh, she'll be fine,” Jake said, waving his hand. “She seems like a tough enough kid. Besides, she's gonna have to get used to this.”

  “Is that so?” Chanise asked, arching her eyebrows.

  “Well, yeah.” Jake scooted closer and put his arm around her. “You're planning on sticking around, right? I mean, I wouldn't have invited you back here if this was going to just be a one-night thing.”

  “Is that what you usually do?” Chanise asked. “One night stands.”

  Jake shrugged, averting his eyes. “I haven't been involved with anyone seriously in a long time if that's what you mean.”

  “I just want to make sure that we're both in this for the same reasons.”

  “What reasons are those?” Jake asked.

  Chanise chewed on her lip, thinking it over. She wasn't sure how to explain her complicated thoughts and emotions when it came to getting into a relationship. “I haven't dated anyone since my husband died. And I'm not interested
in dating anyone casually. So if this is just a fling, please let me know now. I don't want to get my hopes up only to end up getting my heart crushed.”

  Jake took her hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze. “It's not just a fling. I mean, hey, when I first met you, I guess that's all I was looking for. But...I dunno...” He shrugged, looking away.

  Chanise reached up and caressed his cheek. She decided not to press him to talk about how he felt. He obviously struggled with talking about his feelings, and she didn't need him to say it out loud. Not yet, at least.

  They spent the rest of the morning together. They watched a movie, though they only saw about half of it before they started fooling around on the couch. They ended up going into the bedroom for another romp, after which Chanise had to take another shower. She didn't want to end up going home to her daughter smelling like sex.

  Over lunch, Chanise decided there was another issue she needed to bring up. One she didn't think could be avoided any longer. “Jake,” she said. “If you're serious about us continuing to see each other, then I think we need to talk about my father.”

  “I thought you said we were going to keep things quiet for a while,” Jake said. “I've only got a couple of weeks left.”

  “I know that, but I don't think I can keep my father in the dark about our relationship for that long. For one thing, he almost caught us at the office on Thursday.”

  A smug grin spread across Jake's face. “Yeah, but that was amazing.”

  She shot him a stern, annoyed look. “That is not happening again. When we're at the office, you keep your hands to yourself, mister.”

  He smirked and took her hand. “Oh, come on. You know you liked it. The thrill. The risk of getting caught.”

  Chanise pulled her hand away, her face heating up despite her annoyance. “I'm serious. I don't want to risk my job or get my father angry with me. Please.”

  Jake sighed, but he nodded. “Sure. I'll keep it in my pants when we're at the office.”

  “And I think you should talk to my father on Thursday about needing a new counselor,” Chanise said.


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