The Valkyrie's Princes

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The Valkyrie's Princes Page 4

by Quinn Arthurs

  “Why do you need to talk to them?” I asked, scooping the washcloth from the bottom of the tub where it had fallen. Flynn seemed to hesitate, and he looked to Neel as if asking how to answer my question.

  Neel shook his wings out, the light reflecting sapphire shadows back across the water towards me. “We wanted to get a better understanding of how you weren’t ranked. Why you were never reported to us.”

  I shrugged as I scrubbed more vigorously at my skin. I was intent on getting every iota of grime from my body before I stepped out of this tub. It’s not like I would ever have this opportunity again! “Why would they have reported me? I would only have brought more shame to the town. If you hadn’t interfered in the training exercise today, you never would have known I exist.”

  Hunter interrupted before his brother could say anything. His short, curly green hair was ruffled from him continuously running his fingers through it. “That’s just it, though. What if you aren’t the only one of your kind? What if this is something we need to know about? To study? What if our healers could do something for you?” He shook his head and continued playing with his curls, running his fingers back and forth. “There are just too many questions. It’s not up to the town elders to decide what we and the council know about our people.”

  I nodded as I considered what they said. I’d never thought of it that way, but it did make sense. The Elders weren’t a law unto themselves; they were to enact the laws written by the king. If they kept information from him, how could he create accurate and just laws? With another hedonistic moan that made the men snap their wings, I dragged my body to the edge of the pool. “Keep your backs turned, alright?” I asked as I went to step from the cover of the silky bubbles. Grunts of acknowledgment met my ears as I stepped from the tub. My skin was so clean it almost looked shiny in the light. I stepped down into the small rinsing pool that was next to the larger bathing pool. A quick dunk in the cooler water removed the last of the bubbles from my skin and hair.

  Stepping out, I reached for the large red towel that Flynn had given me. It was so soft it was almost a blanket, I thought in amazement as I lifted it to my face. I dried off, only looking longingly at the tub once or twice. Okay, three times, but really, I couldn’t help myself. That had been the most amazing experience I think I had ever had. I don’t remember baths ever feeling that good. With only the tiniest pang of regret, I pulled Flynn’s tunic over my head and savored the feel of it over my clean skin. They were definitely right. I wouldn’t have wanted to put the dirty one back on.

  I wrapped my arms around myself, enjoying the feel of the cloth as it rippled over my skin. “I’m decent. You can look.” All five heads whipped around to look at me. Blaine’s mouth dropped open as his gaze wandered from my feet to my face and back again. Hunter and Flynn were suddenly serious, their laughter gone and their gazes hot and strong. Jett’s smile was broad and warm, as much a caress to my skin as the bath had been.

  Neel whistled through his teeth. “Well, that answers one question.” His voice was deep and steady as he nodded as if something had been confirmed for him.

  I cocked my head, running my fingers through my hair to try and get it in order. It felt so soft against my fingers. They really did have amazing soap. “What question? What answer?” Why did I feel like I only got the third word when they spoke sometimes?

  Neel just smiled and shook his head. “Never mind. It’s not important. Are you ready to eat something and see the healer now?”

  I wavered a little, still unsure. This really was too much. Blaine didn’t give me a chance to speak. With a small movement of his wings, he was over the pool and scooping me into his arms. “Jett, order food for all of us to your room. Hunter and Flynn will help you carry it into mine. I don’t want the servants seeing her. Neel, call for the healer. We’ll all meet in my room.” Without waiting for their confirmation, we swept towards the doorway surrounded by citrine stones.

  Chapter Four

  As Blaine landed, I glanced around the room. It was full of books, from floor to ceiling. Every table, bench, and shelf had stacks and towers of books piled up. “Have you read all of these?” I couldn’t believe it. To have access to that many books! He cocked his head as he looked down at me, his arm still holding tight to my waist.

  “You like to read?” His voice was still rough from the steam as he folded his wings tight to his back.

  “I love to read!” I spun in a circle to take in all the books as I tried to find the right words to express myself. While I loved to read, speaking was not exactly a medium I conveyed myself well in. “To be able to feel and see so many different worlds…. to answer any question…. they’re magic.” My eyes were solemn as they met his.

  His eyes widened as he stared at me, seemingly shocked that I was so passionate about my answer. “I feel the same way.” He nodded and, with his eyes still on mine, waved a hand. “Look around all you want. Don’t hesitate to touch them. They’re meant to be handled and read. I haven’t read all of them myself, though I’ve read most of them.”

  I couldn’t keep the silly squeal from sliding out of my mouth. To have that much knowledge! No wonder he was the one his brothers looked to for answers. Blaine’s lips quirked as he shook his head. “You’re an odd little thing. I never quite know what to make of you.”

  I smiled up at him, feeling a little pleased. “Well, we’re on even ground then. I have no idea what to make of you and your brothers. I’ve never met anyone as strange as the five of you.”

  Blaine's face grew serious, his head cocked as he studied me. “I'm surprised you are so passionate about books. I would have thought you wouldn't have had much schooling before you were sold. Most young females focus on physical training to improve their chances of joining the highest Valkyries.”

  I bit my lip, running it through my teeth. “My father was a teacher.” I hadn't spoken of my parents in years and hadn't quite expected the pain in my chest to still be there. “He adored books. We would spend hours together, reading and talking.” I smiled faintly, reaching out a finger to stroke down the fragile spine of the book nearest me. “I didn't do much physical training. I had hoped for light wings, despite my mother's disapproval. I wanted to work with my father. I didn't care about status.”

  Before I could say anything more, a small knock sounded at the entrance to his bedchamber. Neel poked his head in the room, using his wings to bar the doorway. “I’ve brought Healer Jaison. Is she ready?”

  Blaine nodded and pulled me towards the bed as Neel opened the door wide and gestured someone into the room. The man was very old and stooped slightly with age. His wings were a beautiful shade of purple, one of the brightest I’d ever seen outside of the royal family. His rank would be very high indeed. I bowed deeply to him as he studied me. His eyes were warm and brown, framed by small lines showing he probably laughed often. I smiled cautiously at him as I wrung my hands, remaining in my bent posture.

  “Emberly, this is Master Healer Jaison. He’s taken care of us since we were newly born. We trust him a great deal.” Neel’s voice was soothing, as if seeking to assure me that this man wouldn’t do me any harm.

  Master Jaison’s voice was gruff and thick with age as he said, “Emberly is it? It’s nice to meet you. I was very surprised when Neel hurried me out of my study saying he had a secret mystery for me. Knowing the boys as I do, I was expecting I may end up with slugs on my head again.”

  Neel winced, and Blaine rolled his eyes to the ceiling. “Flynn and Hunter did that one time, and you’ve never let us live it down,” he murmured, seemingly exasperated.

  “Of course I haven’t,” Master Jaison replied. “Why would I ever let you forget it? Part of being old is reminding the young of all the foolish things they have done so they don’t do them again.” Turning to face me, his brown eyes sparkling, Master Jaison said, “So what is the problem, my dear? All that Neel would tell me is that it was to be kept secret for now.”

  Whipping his head aroun
d, he glared at Blaine and Neel. “She’s not carrying, is she?” They both turned brilliant shades of red and hung their heads. I couldn’t hide the smile that stole over my mouth. They looked as though they had been scolded for swiping cookies!

  “No, my lord, I’m not carrying. I was injured in training today, and though I told them I was healing, they insisted that I see a healer.”

  Master Jaison cocked his head as he studied me. “During training? Why did you not see the healer at your barracks?”

  I glanced at Blaine and Neel, unsure how much I was supposed to reveal. Neel stepped towards me and ran his fingers through my hair. “Tell him the truth. He can be trusted.”

  I sighed deeply, unable to meet Master Jaison’s eyes as I said, “I didn’t go to the barrack’s healer because I’m not a Valkyrie. I’m a maid.” I twisted my fingers madly and chewed my lip as I continued. “I am also a training subject. I have no rank.”

  Master Jaison hissed through his teeth. “No rank? I would’ve thought you well over twelve summers, my girl.”

  “Yes, my lord. I’ve seen 24 summers.” Although Neel and Blaine trusted him, I was wary of the backhand that I expected. All our town healers had evaluated me as a youngling. Cursed had been their favorite word.

  Master Jaison approached me slowly, an expression of great puzzlement on his face. “You’re quite sure of your age?” He began to circle me slowly, never touching me but cocking his head this way and that.

  “Yes, my lord. My parents were devastated when I reached my thirteenth year and my wings still hadn’t appeared.” I tried to keep track of his movements in my peripheral vision as I answered his questions.

  “Why were you never taken to the healers?” He stepped closer to me as he lifted my chin to study my face.

  “My lord, I saw all the healers in my town of Scottsdale. They all came to the conclusion that I was cursed.”

  Master Jaison snorted, and an expression of contempt flashed across his face. He began muttering to himself, and I only caught a few words as he said, “Idiots, calling themselves healers. Fools is more like it.” He whipped his head to look over his shoulder where Neel and Blaine stood behind him. “I’ll need to study her back. Turn your backs. Each of you guard an entrance to make sure your brothers don’t use this chance to wing in here like the mischief-makers they are.” I couldn’t believe the speed at which Neel and Blaine obeyed his orders. Master Jaison met my eyes, his voice surprisingly gentle, as he stated, “I’ll need you to be undressed and lay on your stomach on the bed. You can you use the sheet to cover yourself to your hips. Only your back needs to be bare.” He turned to allow me privacy.

  I couldn’t hold in my curiosity as I removed the tunic and climbed onto the bed. “Are you royal too? Your wings are so bright, and the princes listen to you.” Master Jaison chuckled as I settled into a comfortable position on the bed.

  “No, I’m not royal. Some think there may have been royal blood far back in my bloodline, but nothing now. Which, I’m grateful for. I wouldn’t be allowed to work as a Master Healer, nor would I have my two beautiful daughters if more than a trace of royal blood lingered in my veins.” His voice was warm, and he hadn’t seemed to mind my questions. Good, I had meant no offense by my curiosity.

  I had known that those with royal blood could only produce male heirs, not females, though I had never really thought of it. Women in Arden were strong and capable, warriors mostly, though some of the lightest winged women did become caretakers for the elderly and younglings. Men held various ranks depending on how bright their wings were. White wings were usually caretakers. Those with the palest wings usually worked in service of some kind – whether as cooks, servants, shop assistants, or other necessary posts. Mid-colored wings usually ran businesses, owned shops, or became teachers. While it was possible for those of mid-colored wings and higher rank to join the military, and become guards or soldiers, most chose not to as it was considered a female’s place. Bright wings were the rarest among males of our kind. They usually became healers or trained to take over as Elders of the town or council. Of course, the gemstone wings of our royal family turned heads as the brightest among us. They were responsible for law and order in Arden and learned from a young age.

  I adjusted myself carefully on the bed to ensure that I was covered. “My lord, I’m decent,” I called over my shoulder, to alert Master Jaison to begin the exam. His hands were smooth and cool as he pressed on my shoulder blades, my spine, and my rib cage. I hissed slightly as his fingers dug into a tender rib. “What’s this? A broken rib?”

  “It’s mostly healed, my lord. As I said, I was injured during training this morning.” His fingers were more careful as they explored now, though they still stroked and pressed in different areas as he murmured to himself.

  “What exactly did they do to you for training today, hmm?” His voice was quiet as soft as the fingers that were now inspecting each vertebra.

  “I was meant to be a moving target for the practice of aerial attacks. When I took a guard stance by accident, I was punished by the Head Trainee.”

  Blaine and Neel were growling, though they hadn’t left their positions by the door. Neel interrupted me, his voice hard and thick, when he stated, “When we arrived they had apparently been dropping her from mid-air. The ground was covered in blood. Her collarbone and multiple ribs were broken. Her arm and leg were both fractured in multiple places. If I hadn’t caught her, I doubt she would have survived the last drop they planned.”

  Master Jaison whirled to face the princes. “They dropped her repeatedly?” His voice was incredulous. “You’re sure?”

  Blaine spoke this time, his back rigid in his guard stance at the entry to the bathing chamber. “From the position on the ground she was in when we saw them haul her back into the air, I’d say at least twice. My guess would be more than that. They tossed her between themselves a few times before releasing her from about 200 feet. Neel caught her just before she hit the ground. We thought they’d bound and plucked her wings and that’s why she couldn’t fly.”

  Master Jaison’s voice was anxious and excited as he began again to study my back with his fingers, this time tracing over the scarring from where wounds had been done repeatedly, and I’d been prevented from fully healing. “What time was this?”

  “We flew to Scottsdale just after breakfast, so I’d say we probably arrived there around mid-morning. It didn’t look as though training had broken yet for lunch.”

  Master Jaison was mumbling under his breath now, the words so low I couldn’t catch them. “It’s almost dusk now. She’s had less than half a day of healing. Did she sleep any?”

  “She vomited all over Mistress Lynn and then passed out. She woke up a little while ago, argued with us, and had a bath. Then you arrived.”

  Master Jaison whistled quietly. “Remarkable. My Princes, I don’t yet have a full diagnosis for you.” Master Jaison patted my shoulder softly. “You may redress now, Emberly. This part is over.” He turned his back as I sat up. I wouldn’t call not having wings remarkable, so I’m not sure what had him so excited.

  Blaine and Neel whirled when they heard me stand off the bed. Noting I was dressed, they turned their full attention to Master Jaison as Blaine asked, “Sir, what’s going on? You rarely get worked up, and from the way your wings are twitching you’re in quite a tizzy.”

  Before Master Jaison could answer, the door to the bathing room swung open. In walked Flynn, Jett, and Hunter, their arms loaded with bread, fruit, meat, and cheese. Flynn and Hunter were tossing grapes to each other, trying to catch them in their mouths while they walked. They broke into broad grins as they spotted Master Jaison. Hunter dumped his load onto Blaine’s bed and jogged over to me, scooping me into his arms and spinning me in tight, fast circles. “Missed you, Emberly. I didn’t know what you eat, so I brought a little of everything.” I giggled as my world became a whirl of emerald green.

  “I eat anything, Hunter. Thank you for your kindness. Ma
ster Jaison just finished his exam.” I patted his shoulders as I tried to steady myself now that we had stopped moving.

  Hunter, Flynn, and Jett hurried to Master Jaison.

  “How is she?”

  “Is she healing correctly?”

  “What about her wings?”

  “Did you see what those Valkyries did to her?!”

  The voices of all the boys began to overlap as they peppered Master Jaison with questions. Master Jaison simply rolled his eyes and moved his fingers to his lips. Recognizing the move, I clamped my hands over my ears before he let loose a high whistle. I guess I knew where Flynn had learned that from.

  “Enough! Since when do you all act like younglings again? Now, all of you grab some food. I don’t have many answers for you, but I have some theories.” He shooed the boys and me towards the pile of food on the bed. The boys didn’t seem to care what they grabbed, just reaching behind them for handfuls of whatever was closest. I couldn’t resist the grapes I had seen Hunter and Flynn playing with. Fresh fruit – this really did have to be heaven.

  I let the taste linger on my tongue, enjoying every moment of the sweet juiciness. The boys all stared at me, and I began to worry. Oh no! The fruit must not have been meant for me! I immediately dropped the rest of the grapes and reached instead for the brown bread that was my usual meal.

  “No.” Blaine’s voice was harsh. I winced and put the bread back down. Oh well, I had enjoyed the one grape. I could still taste it in my mouth, so eating the bread would only remove the flavor faster, I tried to tell myself as my stomach growled.

  I bowed and went to turn back to Master Jaison with my hands now empty. Blaine rolled his eyes and let out an exasperated huff of breath. “Emberly, stop. That’s not what I meant. Here.” He handed me the bowl of grapes that he had originally claimed for himself. “I was going to give you mine. You seem to enjoy them so much; I’m happy to watch you eat them.” The grin he flashed me was a little wicked. Slightly unsure, I reached for the bowl in his hand. His brothers quickly dumped their share of the grapes into the bowl as well until it was nearly overflowing.


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