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Sleeping With the Boss

Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  “I get it, Julian. You won’t commit to any relationship no matter what. I understand. I even respect it. You’ve been upfront with me. I’ve just got to get used to it.” She gave him a smile and pulled on her wrist. For several moments he refused to let her go. “Julian.”

  “I’m sorry,” he said.

  Heather knew he rarely used that word. “It’s okay. I need to get dressed. I’m hungry. Do you want anything?” She needed to distract him.

  “I’ll have a sandwich.”

  “I’ll make you one. Don’t come into the kitchen, okay? I’ll bring it to you.” Julian nodded his head then let her go. Taking a deep breath she moved into the bedroom to grab a robe. She wrapped her hair in the towel that had been around her body then slowly made her way to his kitchen. The tears began to fall halfway down the stairs. Ignoring all of her warning bells she picked up the phone and dialled Amber’s number. She knew all of her friends were staying together at Amber’s. Heather needed to hear their voices. She didn’t know what she was doing. The pain inside her chest was growing unbearable.

  At first the call went to the answering machine. She hung up and dialled again. Connie answered on the second ring, laughing. “Hello, welcome to the weird residence of Amber. How may I help you?”

  “Connie!” Heather gave a light laugh. “I take it you girls are having fun.”


  “Heather is on the line. Put it to speaker phone. I want to hear everything.” There was some shuffling around, and then she heard all of them talking together.

  “How is your dirty weekend?” Connie asked.

  “You’re only jealous,” Ashley said.

  “Damn right. Shut up, guys. I want to hear her talk.” The line went deathly quiet.

  “It’s going fine, guys. I just wanted to talk to you.” Her voice sounded croaked, as if she’d caught the flu.

  “Oh, no. I know the sound of this. Is the honeymoon period over all ready?” Amber asked.

  Heather looked behind her to make sure the coast was clear. “I don’t think there ever was a honeymoon period. I think I’m the only one who felt something more than sexual attraction.” The sob she’d been containing released. She knew she’d sound awful over the line, but she didn’t care. She wished she was at home with her friends. Being at home with her brother Elijah would have been better than being with a man who gave her an expiration date.

  “I thought you girls were angry with me. I haven’t been with you for over six months. Last time we really talked we were fighting,” Heather said. The tears fell, and she knew her time with Julian was coming to an end.

  “We love you, honey. We were being bitchy and missing you. Out of all of us, you’ve never let a guy into the equation. Guess what?”

  “What?” she asked, her heart feeling lighter knowing her friends didn’t hate her.

  “Wade has the karaoke thing going tomorrow night. You’ve got to come. We’ve already signed Connie up to sing. It’ll be great. Alcohol, dancing, singing, and friends,” Ashley said.

  “You’re in luck. Julian has agreed to meet you guys. I’ll tell him about the karaoke, and I’ll meet you guys there.”

  The girls on the other end screamed. Heather laughed.

  “So how are you holding up?” Connie asked, cutting through all the laughter.

  Heather paused. “I’m fine. It’s just hard to deal with. I know he’ll dump me, and I’ll end up like the other women. A piece of jewellery that means squat while I see him with a new woman by his side. I love him. It’s my fault for loving a guy who could never love me back.”

  “We’ll be here for you,” Connie said.

  “I know. That is a huge relief. I don’t know if I can handle going through this break up alone.”

  “Elijah is still living with you. He’ll take care of you,” Amber said.

  “You know, I need to talk to him. I feel like shit. For most of my life I’ve hated him. I guess it has taken being away from him while he’s been nearby has put some kind of perspective on everything.” Heather felt tears spring to her eyes.

  “He’ll look forward to talking with you.”

  “I better go. I’ve got a sandwich to make, and then I’ve got more hot sex.”

  “You go, girl. Enjoy the screwing while you can,” Ashley said.

  Heather hung up the phone then took everything she needed from the fridge. It felt good speaking to her friends again. She loved them so much.


  Julian watched her make a sandwich. His heart was in his throat. She loved him. He knew she did, but now he’d heard her say the words it became more real to him than ever before. Slowly, he eased back up the stairs with his own troubled thoughts.

  Heather loved him, but he’d not been able to end things. This put a problem in their relationship. He knew she loved him, and now he needed to let her go. Hurting her wasn’t an option. On Monday, he’d end their time together. He’ll call another company where his friend Nathan worked and ask if they’d give her a job. Once things were over between them he wouldn’t be able to cope with seeing her every day and knowing what he’d lost.

  A few minutes later Heather came into the room. She carried a tray with their food on.

  “Hi,” she said. He smiled at her. Her eyes were red from crying. He didn’t say anything.

  “Is that food for me?” he asked.

  “Yes, I talked to my friends.”

  “What did they say?” He knew what was coming, but he didn’t want to spoil it.

  “Wade has organized some karaoke. Connie is an amazing singer. You’ll love her,” she said. She sat on the bed next to him, her smile beautiful to see.

  “If she’s that good why haven’t I heard of her before?” he asked, smiling.

  “Because she tried to get noticed years ago. No one wanted her. They said her body didn’t fit the image. Anyway, she’s amazing, and you’ll love her.”

  He cupped her face in his hands. Their time was coming to a close. Until Monday he intended to enjoy everything of her. He kissed her deeply pulling at her robe as well. Tomorrow he’d meet her friends, and then on Monday at lunch he’d end things with her.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “So, you’re the son of a bitch who has been keeping Heather to yourself?” Ashley asked.

  “That’s me.”

  “And you’ve got the sexy voice that creams every woman’s panties. Typical. You’re a lucky bitch.” Ashley cuddled her as the introductions were made. Connie smiled at Julian, but her gaze kept going to the stage.

  “Are you nervous?” Heather asked.

  “A little. I didn’t think Wade would do it. Christmas came and went with no signs of the karaoke coming. Now, I’ve been booked a spot, and I can’t back out of it. I’m nervous, excited, and downright scared.” Connie reached across the table to hold her friend’s hand.

  “It’ll be great. You’ll see.”

  Connie nodded. “I better go and get ready.”

  Julian remained seated at her side as her friends talked over him. At times it was like he wasn’t there. Everything was going well. Her friends seemed to like Julian, even if they were blanking him. They weren’t as charmed by him as she was, but then she loved him. The club was full to bursting. Julian spent a great deal of time stroking her thigh. Connie was near the bar getting ready to do her number on stage. Wade kept talking to her.

  “She’s nervous,” Amber said.

  “I’m not surprised. She’s never sung in public before,” Heather said.

  “Wait, she’s never sung in public, but you guys think she’s amazing,” said Julian.

  All three women glared at him.

  “She has sung in front of us. We’re her friends, and we take care of our friends,” Ashley said.

  Heather glanced at him. He’d been different with her the night before. She knew he must have heard her phone conversation. He kept glancing down at his phone.

  “Are you expecting a call?” she asked.
r />   “Business stuff. I need an answer by Monday.” He smiled at her. There was a distance to him even as he touched her body.

  She felt when he touched her that he was getting ready to say goodbye. The audience grew silent. Heather looked at the stage.

  Connie walked up to the stage. Heather saw her hands were shaking. The fear on Connie’s face was more than Heather could bear to see.

  “We’ve got to help her,” Heather said to the girls.

  “How can we help her? I can’t sing,” Amber said.

  “And that is a bad thing? This is for Connie. Come on.” Heather kissed Julian and grabbed the other two. Wade stood at the bar looking towards the stage. Connie was too shy to get up on that stage on her own. They stopped at the DJ to change the song. The music began to fill the club. Heather followed the other two up the stage. They hugged Connie, ad then took their positions on either side with a mike in their hands.

  She gave a wave to Julian, who waved back. He was distant tonight, and she didn’t like it. Pushing her doubts to the back of her mind she allowed the music to consume her.

  Her voice was crap. Ashley and Amber weren’t much better, but Connie always covered them. Her voice stood on its own.

  The first chords began, and Heather sang along. In no time at all, Connie was in full swing without her friends’ help. Amber, Ashley, and Heather stayed back dancing in the background as their friend took to the main stage, her voice perfectly in tune with the song. When they were reaching the climax, Heather encouraged the people on the dance floor to clap their hands for her friend. Connie blossomed under the audience’s attention. She swayed her hips and pulsed to the beat. It was like she was a different person on stage. Heather glanced towards Julian. He was on the phone, his attention on work.

  “What’s wrong?” Ashley asked.

  “Nothing.” Heather smiled at her friend.

  Heather linked her arms with the other two as her friend went for a high note. Her arms erupted in goose bumps. Connie had tried to break into the music industry, but there was no room for her or her shape. Heather knew they’d made a mistake, but at least her friend didn’t seem sad by it.

  The crowd erupted into applause as the music died down.

  “Thank you,” Connie said.

  Heather saw Wade whistling. She hoped he had the courage to tell Connie how he felt. They left Connie to her audience as they walked off the stage. This was her time. No one else’s. Ashley caught her arm as Amber went to the bar.

  “You’ve gone all quiet and sad. What’s the matter?”

  She glanced back at the table. “My time with him is coming to an end. I don’t think I’ll last the week.”

  “Wait, how do you know?”

  “I just know, Ashley. He hasn’t said anything. I know. Things have gone too far. He’ll settle something, and then I’ll have the jewellery and my memories.”

  “Why aren’t you crying?” Ashley asked.

  “Because I don’t want to break apart. This was what I signed up for when I agreed to sleep with my boss. This is the price I have to pay.” Heather shrugged her shoulders. “I made the mistake of falling in love. I’ll break apart when it’s over. Not before.”

  “You’re a strong woman, Heather.”

  “No, I’m not. A stronger woman would leave with her heart intact. I’m going to leave with mine broken.” Heather hugged her friend to her. “I’ve missed you.”

  “Your relationship will be over, but at least we’ll have you back.” Ashley kissed her cheek. “I’m so sorry. I’ve been so wound up with my own feelings that I never considered how it would be for you.”

  “Don’t worry about it. This is life. I’m going to go and enjoy the last bits of my time with him.” Heather smiled at her then went over to Julian.

  She had no one to blame for herself for what was going to happen. She wished there was some way for her to stop the inevitable. It was coming. She guessed he’d end it on Monday. For some reason, it felt right to her.

  Shrugging her shoulders she put a smile on her face then went to him. Until Monday she was going to enjoy what little time they had left together.


  “Don, can you hear this?” Julian asked the man on the phone.

  “Bloody hell, who is that?”

  “I think we can do business.” He arranged a meeting as Connie came to the end of her song. Heather looked amazing, and she hadn’t been wrong about her friend. That voice could sell millions. He knew the perfect way to get her into the industry. The song ended, and the applause was unbelievable. His woman ran to him.

  “Didn’t I tell you she was great?”

  “Amazing.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, her body rubbing against his. He clenched his teeth together to try to keep control of his cock. Whenever Heather was around him, he couldn’t stop his dick from getting hard for her. He knew Monday was the perfect time to end things.

  “I’m going to get go and settle our tab. Are you ready to go?” he asked.

  “Yeah. I’m all yours.” She circled her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. He kissed her back, his hands cupping her ass.

  “I’d better go and settle.” He pulled away then made his way through the crowd to the bar. Wade was taking orders from other customers. Julian waited, not wanting to be alone with Heather just yet.

  “She knows,” Ashley said. He turned to her friend with a frown.


  Ashley moved to stand next to him. “Heather. She knows you’re going to break it off with her.”

  “Does she? Then that makes her a clever woman.”

  “And that makes you an asshole. What’s wrong with her?”

  He glared at the woman by his side. Her blonde hair cascaded around her in waves. Her full figure made her look like every teenager’s wet dream. He wasn’t interested. Heather was the woman he wanted.

  “Nothing is wrong with her. This is none of your business. Heather knew the score when we started this. Back the fuck off.”

  Ashley held her hands up. “You can swear and cuss at me all you want. I know the score. I’m the woman who knows the score, not Heather. She’s a keeper.”

  “Don’t you think I know that?” He glared at her. “I don’t like you. Go away.”

  “You’re in love with her,” said Ashley. Julian looked away. “Wait, if you’re in love with her why are you throwing her away?”

  “It’s for the best. I don’t do love.”

  Wade came over, and Julian paid his tab.

  “She’ll break apart over this.”

  “And you’ll fix her. She has friends. She doesn’t need me.”

  He turned to leave. She caught hold of his arm. “When are you breaking it off?”


  “She knows you well. I will hunt you down, Julian. You hurt her, and there will be consequences.”

  Julian pulled out of her hold. “I’m a grown man, Ashley. Threats don’t sit well with me.” He moved in close to her. “I’m not the one keeping secrets from Heather.”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “You’ve got quite a reputation for being a woman who likes to have two men.” She gasped, her eyes going wide.

  “None of them know.”

  “I won’t tell them, but don’t try to play the high and mighty card with me, princess. You’ll lose. Just be her friend. I don’t care what you do. I’ve only heard about your reputation. Nothing more.” He turned and stared at Heather. “I’ll be breaking up with her on Monday. Make sure she’s well looked after. I don’t like the thought of her suffering.”

  Ashley nodded her head.

  He walked to Heather, kissed her deeply, then escorted her out to his car. When he got her home, he made love to her for the rest of the night. Julian knew he was saying goodbye to her. He didn’t want to, and he wished he could progress to the next stage, but he couldn’t.

  All too soon it was Monday. He dropped her off at her house before
going to the jewellers he used. The owner had agreed to open the shop for him to pick an item of his choice. Nathan had agreed to find her a position in his company. A well paid one. Julian had made the fatal mistake of falling for an employee. He didn’t want Heather to suffer from him mistake.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Heather spent the whole Monday morning nervous. Julian appeared at work an hour late. He looked angry, frustrated, and in the mood to break up. She got his coffee and left his office quickly. Her heart was breaking inside. She knew he was going to end it. Heather didn’t know how she knew; she just did.

  At lunch everyone began filing out for their break. They sent her smiles and hoped she had a good lunch break. She didn’t think she would.

  Ten minutes passed, and then Julian called her in to his office. She got up and walked inside.

  “Shut the door,” he said.

  She closed the office away and approached his desk.

  He handed her a fabric box. She took the box but didn’t open it. Heather felt like she was going to throw up. There was no long speech or anything. Just handing her a box. She wouldn’t accept that. She needed an explanation.

  “What the fuck is this?” she asked.

  Keep it together, Heather. You’re stronger than this.

  She bit her lip to keep the tears at bay.

  “I told you how my relationships end, Heather. Consider it my goodbye gift.” He picked his phone up and dialled a number.

  What the hell was happening? She didn’t know what to do. This was the strangest break-up she’d ever had to live through. The pain in her heart was hard to take in.

  “I see.” She placed the jewellery case back on the desk, and then she turned and walked away. She heard him slam the phone down. He grabbed her before she got the chance to leave his office.

  He caught her elbow, dragging her back. When he turned her she was shocked by the emotion on his face. Especially when she knew her own face didn’t have any. She was numb. She felt nothing.

  “This is yours. Consider it a token of my affection.” He tried to give her the box, but she refused to take it. That box would mean she accepted being thrown away. She wouldn’t take something with so little meaning.


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