Two Sighted

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Two Sighted Page 8

by Annmarie McKenna

  He returned her heated look with one of his own, as if he knew what she was thinking about.

  A log shifted, crackling in the fire and drawing her attention, breaking the connection between them.

  “So, do you really think TJ and Jonathan share women?”

  “What?” Aislinn laughed out loud. “Where did that come from?”

  “Well, I’m just saying, you know, after what you said yesterday.”

  Yesterday? Sheesh, she couldn’t remember this morning, let alone yesterday. “You’ll have to enlighten me, Chris, my mind’s a little cloudy from puking so much,” she groaned, covering her stomach with her hand.

  “You know, about them being in cahoots.”

  “I was kidding, Chris.” Was she? Hadn’t Kyle mentioned something about his buddies? Had she discounted whispered rumors because she couldn’t imagine having sex with two men?


  “Well don’t sound so deflated, Chris.”

  “I’m not deflated,” she screeched.

  Aislinn snorted. “Now you’re offended.”


  Aislinn turned in her chair and faced the only true friend she’d allowed herself to have since going on the run. “You want them both,” she claimed.

  She had her answer in the way Chris’s cheeks turned pink. “I do n-not,” she stuttered.

  “You’re a liar.”

  “Oh my God, do you think this makes me a sex fiend or something?”


  “Don’t you dare say a word to them,” Chris begged.

  “Me? What would I say to them?”

  “I don’t know, but—”

  An evil cackle filled the air and they both turned toward it. A man in a gorilla costume—must have been hotter than hell inside all that fur—ran after two small boys, alternately waving his arms and beating his chest. The kids screamed in delight as they scrambled away.

  A heartbeat later one of them tripped, which sent him sprawling toward the bonfire. Chris gasped and grabbed hold of Aislinn’s forearm. They watched Kyle lunge from his seat and wrap his arms around the boy. Their combined momentum took them too close to the fire. Kyle’s elbow clipped the outer edge of the pyramid of stacked wood. He rolled, shielding the child with his bigger body, and came to a stop not three feet from the collapsing fire.

  Ash and hot sparks spit into the dark night, landing on and around the bare skin of Kyle’s back and legs. A woman screamed, then sobbed, her frantic voice muffled by the hand she held over her mouth.

  Aislinn was frozen in place. People rushed around her, aiding in stamping out the small fires igniting in the dry grassy patches surrounding them, and helping Kyle to his feet. He cradled the crying boy against his chest and tucked his head under his chin. With a big hand, Kyle soothed the boy by rubbing circles on his back.

  Fighting to catch her breath, Aislinn willed her heartbeat back to normal and wondered if her vision had somehow been all wrong. Maybe this is the struggle she’d seen. She quickly shook off the notion. Her dreams had never been wrong before, they wouldn’t be wrong this time.

  Deep inside, Aislinn had a strong suspicion the night wasn’t over yet. Kyle still had another battle to overcome.

  Kyle handed the shaking-like-a-leaf boy over to his mother, Turner Industries’ Human Resource Manager.

  “Thank you, Mr. Turner, thank you so much,” she sobbed, swiping at the twin tracks of tears running down her cheeks.

  “You’re welcome, Barb. I think he’s fine, just shook up a bit.” He ruffled the kid’s hair.

  A tingly ache spread across his back. He knew he’d been burned. Not bad enough to need a doctor, but a couple of spots might blister. It needed to be cleaned. And he needed to find out who the monkey was. He hadn’t hired entertainment involving gorilla costumes and he sure hoped some fun-loving dad hadn’t been stupidly chasing kids around a massive fire. Kyle turned in a circle but monkey man had disappeared.

  Searching the crowd for Aislinn, Kyle signaled one of the security team who was helping put out tiny fires. He’d had one eye on her the entire night, making sure for one, she stayed where he’d put her, and two, that her ex didn’t show his weaselly face.

  “Locate the furbutt and find out who the hell he is,” he told the guard.

  “Yes, sir.”

  The ass hadn’t necessarily caused the kid to trip but he’d unknowingly given David the perfect opportunity to make an appearance. It would have been easy for him to slip past the guards with all of them focused on the main event. Unless David was the furb—

  Fuck! Kyle swung around, only releasing an anxious breath when he saw Aislinn walking toward him. There wasn’t anyone around he didn’t recognize but there was also no brown fur in sight. He waited until Aislinn was within reach before turning back to the boy. “If he needs a doctor, give me the bill, Barb.”

  “Oh no, Mr. Turner. I couldn’t do that. I think he’s fine, just a few scrapes.”

  Kyle nodded. “Do you have any idea who the gorilla was?”

  “No, sir.” She shook her head and carried her son away.

  “Mr. Turner, fabulous catch. You saved his life.” Joe Archer, one of his computer experts stepped up and slapped Kyle on the back, unaware of the burns.

  Kyle gritted his teeth against the flare of pain and took the good-natured pat on the back with stoic resolve. Aislinn did not.

  “Stupid moron, can’t you see he’s hurt?” she hissed.

  “Sorry, Mr. Turner.” Joe hung his head, his face red with embarrassment.

  “It’s fine, Joe. Go, enjoy the party.”

  “If you’re sure,” Joe confirmed, looking more and more contrite.

  Kyle turned and faced Aislinn. “I knew you cared,” he murmured sensually.

  She glared at him and curled her hands into fists. “I’ll show you care.”

  He smiled. “You plan on using those?”

  “You really want to find out?”

  “Not right now, swee…air to God, my back is killing me,” he dodged. Shit. He’d almost called her sweetheart in front of his entire staff. Wouldn’t that go over well? He didn’t give a shit how many people knew, but Aislinn would. He grasped her elbow and tugged her along. “If you’ll excuse us, I’m going to steal my PA and have her look at the damage.”

  “Nice recovery, stud,” she mumbled under her breath.

  “Stud, huh? I think I like you calling me stud.”

  Aislinn snorted. “Don’t get any ideas.”

  “Christ, Kyle, you’re fried crispy.” TJ joined them on their march up the hill.

  “Oh my God, are you okay, Mr. Turner? Can I help with anything?” Chris practically ran alongside to keep up too. They were attracting people like flies.

  The way Chris was already out of breath made him realize Aislinn had to jog too. He slowed his strides for the ladies.

  “I know what you can help with,” TJ’s baritone voice growled.

  “Eew. Do you mind, Mr. McFee?” Chris snapped.

  Kyle noticed Aislinn purse her lips, trying to hold back a smile.

  “Oh, I mind all right,” TJ injected smoothly. “I mind a whole lot.” He moved closer to Chris, trapping her between himself and Aislinn.

  It was the first time Kyle had seen TJ or Jon make a move on the woman he knew they both wanted. They’d been biding their time, waiting for the right moment to introduce her to their lifestyle of sharing a woman. Apparently they were done waiting.

  “Move over, brute,” Chris grunted, shoving TJ in the ribs with an elbow.

  “Children,” Aislinn chided as they walked along, “I believe there are more important things to do right now. Like clean your boss’s burns.”

  “Boss?” Kyle and TJ echoed.

  TJ pretended to choke. “Boss? Never has been, never will be. Doesn’t look like he’s Aislinn’s boss anymore either.”

  “What?” Chris stammered. “Are you leaving Turner, Ais? Please, please tell me you’re not leaving. I can’
t go back there without anyone to talk to,” she gritted out, her gaze cutting to TJ.

  “You can talk to me, doll,” TJ crowed.

  She elbowed him again, hard enough the big ex-Special Forces team leader doubled over with an oof.

  “I’m not your doll, Neanderthal.”

  “Yet,” TJ croaked.

  “Never,” she retorted.

  “Mark my words, brown eyes, you will be.” When he raised from his bent-at-the-waist position, his eyes glowed with heat and promise. There was no way Christina missed it.

  “Good Lord, I feel like I’m back in high school.” Aislinn shook her head and looped her arm through Kyle’s. “Let’s leave the lovers to quarrel on their own and put some cream on these burns, shall we?”

  Chris gasped. “We are not lovers, Aislinn Campbell.” She practically stamped her feet and Kyle had to smile.

  You will be soon, he thought. Jonathan met them as they hit the door. He pulled Kyle aside and spoke in a low voice so no one else would hear. “Couldn’t find anything out about Gorilla Guy, Kyle. I’ve got people questioning witnesses but no one seems to know anything. Teej and I are gonna stay on the property tonight. We’re two minutes if you need anything.”

  Kyle nodded. His buddies wouldn’t let him down and he welcomed the extra protection. Especially when he might get a tad preoccupied in just a little while.

  Jonathan sucked in an exaggerated breath to dispel their conversation. “Jesus, Kyle, didn’t we teach you anything on the team? Like maybe how to roll?”

  “I did roll. If I hadn’t, it’d be my face Aislinn’s about to cream up right now, not my back.”

  “Hot damn. It isn’t every day you get to tell a pretty lady to cream up your face.”

  “Jon, for you, it probably is every day.”

  The man’s grin said it all. He and TJ were rumored to have pleasured at least one woman into unconsciousness. There was no doubt in Kyle’s mind that both his friends’ faces got creamed more than most men.

  “I am so glad you guys don’t talk like this at the office.” Aislinn’s face flushed.

  She was turned on. Kyle’s cock came to life, hardening and pressing uncomfortably against his zipper. If anything could take his mind off the throbbing of his back it would be picturing Aislinn’s pussy lips hugging his cock, holding on for dear life as he thrust between her legs.

  He moved closer and whispered in her ear. “Why? Would it make you want me more, Aislinn?” Kyle wanted to rub his hands together. But first he had to get the burns cleaned up.

  Then he’d make love to her.

  He was through waiting for his woman too.

  Chapter Eight

  Aislinn followed Kyle into the stunning two-story log cabin—who was she kidding, the place was a freaking log mansion, for crying out loud—and cringed at the angry red marks marring the tanned skin of his back and shoulders. The embers had done a number on him. Thankfully it didn’t look as bad as it could have. Maybe a blister here or there.

  Replaying the scene in her head, she shivered.

  The least little bit more momentum and they would have landed smack dab in the middle of the fire. If he’d been one second later, the same result. She wondered if what she’d seen tonight paled in comparison to some of the things he’d done as a SEAL. Had it seemed like child’s play to him, being a hero? Did he see himself the same way?

  They moved through the mudroom where Kyle gingerly leaned against the washing machine and kicked off his shoes before trudging on. She hadn’t had much time earlier to see the monstrosity of his house. Most of the day she’d been asleep, and the rest of the time she’d been ordered to stay in bed.

  After the notorious bath, the one time she’d gotten up to use the toilet Kyle had barged in looking ready to swat her butt as if she were a kid who’d broken a neighbor’s window. Not even her argument that she’d had to go to the bathroom had eased his demeanor.

  “When I didn’t see you in bed, I thought something had happened to you,” he’d barked, breathing heavily.

  It should have pissed her off. How many times had David treated her like an object he owned? She was over being treated like dirt.

  But something about the wild look in Kyle’s eyes told her his hysteria was different. Laced with actual fear, not anger. Kyle had been afraid something had happened to her. He’d said so, it had just taken a few seconds to realize she wasn’t still in the past and that he hadn’t been angry with her for defying his order.

  Instead he’d requested. He’d asked her to stay in bed for the day so she wouldn’t be too tired to attend the party. And her heart had melted over his concern for her wellbeing. She probably would have stayed curled up under his covers anyway, since even now she didn’t fully trust her tummy not to start revolting again.

  Aislinn barely glanced through the doorway to the kitchen when they passed it on their right. What she did glimpse was an oversized stainless-steel fridge and a center island complete with hanging copper pots and pans any chef would swoon to be near.

  For someone who said they didn’t cook, Kyle sure had a dream kitchen. She wouldn’t mind moving around in there herself for a minute or two.

  She came to a jerking halt three feet past the door and swallowed around the lump in her throat.

  “Where’s your med box, Kyle?” Jonathan’s question flowed around her, buzzing in her ears, and the floor threatened to rise up and slap her. She swayed, brushing the wall with her shoulder.

  One hand on his hip, Kyle arched his back and winced. “In the hall closet. Top shelf.”

  Aislinn closed her eyes and put her hand on the wall to keep from falling. She massaged her temples trying to relieve the pounding taking up residence in her head.


  Kyle’s voice called out from far away. His hand gently gripped her forearm. What had he said? What had caused this? Something she’d seen… Bile rose in her throat. She choked it back and bolted for the bathroom. Thank God she remembered there being one off this hallway.

  “Christ, baby. What the hell happened?”

  Make him go away, she prayed, hanging onto the toilet seat and begging her stomach into submission.

  “Nothing. I’m fine.” A liar, but fine. At least she knew which kitchen she’d seen in her vision. His own.

  “I’m good,” she said more convincingly. She hoped. “Residual from last night I guess.” She wasn’t about to bring it up in front of Jonathan.

  “Here you go.” Jon returned and handed the typical white box with a red cross imprint to Kyle. “You okay, Aislinn? You look a little pale.”

  She nodded. Kyle didn’t take his semi-narrowed gaze off her. “She’s fine. More of what happened last night.”

  His tone said he didn’t believe her for a second but would go along with her until they were alone.

  “Good. I’m outta here then. Teej and I gotta get Christina home.” Jon wiggled his eyebrows, dispelling the tension in the small bathroom.

  Aislinn inhaled and broke the staring contest with Kyle.

  “I don’t think she likes you. How on Earth did you get her to let you take her home?” She laughed.

  Jon feigned a wounded look. “Not like me? What’s not to like?” He lifted an arm and flexed his muscles. “Me strong,” he grunted. “Besides, she likes me.” His nostrils flared and a serious tone replaced the teasing. “She just doesn’t know it yet.”

  Aislinn sobered. “I think there’s a reason she doesn’t like men, Jonathan.”

  “And it’s my job to ferret out what the reason is and change her mind, ma’am.”

  She wrinkled her nose at his formality. “I think you could.”

  Jon nodded sharply once. “Teej and I both,” he promised.

  Unsurprised by his announcement, Aislinn returned his nod. They wouldn’t hurt her. Both of them were big, tall and a bit overpowering but in the last six months she’d seen enough of the way they treated her best friend to know the worst they could do was break her hea

  She sighed. A broken heart was something both she and Chris might be handed on a silver platter with these three men involved. Kyle must have somehow sensed her turn of thoughts. He shoved Jonathan out the door.

  “Get the hell out of here. I’m injured in case you hadn’t noticed.”

  Jon snorted. “Right.” He winked at Aislinn over Kyle’s shoulder. “Make sure you get plenty of rest tonight then.”

  Kyle growled. Jon dodged the fist thrown in his direction and jogged off.

  Aislinn cleared her throat. “Turn around.”

  He spun around, catching her upper arms to keep her from falling since they were so close. “What’d you see, sweetheart? And don’t even attempt to lie to me, I’ll see through it.”

  Of course he would.

  “The kitchen is yours.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. I saw the refrigerator as we passed. It’s the same one.”

  “All right then.”

  “That’s it? That’s all you’re gonna say?” she snapped. Damn infuriating man. They should be leaving the house. Getting away from the scene of the future crime.

  God. How lame did she sound?

  “What do you want me to say?”

  “I want you to leave, Kyle.”

  “Do you know when this is supposed to happen, sweetheart?”

  No, damn it, which made the whole damn thing shittier.

  “I didn’t think so.”

  “I haven’t said anything.” She slapped the antibiotic cream on a red spot on his back. He hissed and arched. “Shit. I’m sorry, Kyle.”

  “It’s fine.”

  The way he had to grind the words out between clenched teeth made it anything but fine, and made her feel like a big heel. She rubbed the cream softly around the slightly burned areas, enjoying the feel of taut, smooth skin beneath her fingertips. Muscles rippled, his breathing grew faster, and he bent over the sink, supporting himself with his hands on either side of the bowl.


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