A Sultry Love Song

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A Sultry Love Song Page 5

by Kianna Alexander

  “That’s true, it’s not my business.”

  She stared at him, wondering what he was playing at. “Then why did you ask? And what does that have to do with anything?”

  He ran his fingertips over his chin. “I’m trying to establish trust. But I don’t know if we can ever have that as long as you refuse to talk about Ernesto.”

  She closed her eyes, so he wouldn’t see her rolling them. “This again? I already told you, I don’t want to address it.”

  He leaned back in his chair, and kept his gaze steady. “Eventually, you’ll have to tell me why you ran, Joi.”

  She folded her arms over her chest. “Well, today isn’t the day.”

  She knew that if she remained in his office, they might end up arguing. As she’d told Joanne, she had her entire staff to think about, and Citadel needed the Royal Bank contract. So to avoid getting into a conflict with him that might jeopardize her company’s future, she turned and strode out of the office.

  As she made her way through the corridor toward the lobby, she wondered how she could possibly be attracted to a man who was so contentious and stubborn.

  Darkly handsome or not, Marco Alvarez was trouble, and Joi knew she had to keep things strictly professional between them, no matter how hard that might be.

  * * *

  The last customer of the day left the bank around fifteen minutes before closing time. Once he knew the closing duties had been completed, Marco let Roosevelt and his three tellers go home for the day. Citadel’s guards departed right after the bank staff.

  As he made his rounds of the bank’s interior in preparation to leave, his thoughts swung to Joi. He hadn’t seen her since she’d stalked out of his office earlier, and he assumed she might have left for the day. She’d made it clear she hadn’t liked his line of questioning, and had spent the rest of the day avoiding him.

  From what he gathered, Joi would be present at the bank for at least the first two weeks, to get her guards adjusted to their new position. Joi’s partner, who was apparently the tech guru, had yet to make an appearance. He had no indication she ever would.

  As he turned the corner of the corridor near the vault and his office, he spotted Joi. She was seated in one of the chairs in the waiting area, with a pair of earbud headphones in her ears. She didn’t seem to notice him, as her full attention was on writing something on the metal clipboard that lay across her lap.

  He took a step back and watched her for a moment. Despite her stubborn streak and her outer bravado, Joi Lewis was a stunning woman. Her uniform, crisply pressed and professional in every way, still did little to hide the womanly curves of her body. He observed her demure posture, with one of her legs crossed over the other, and the graceful way her hand moved the pen over the surface of the paper. Her brow furrowed ever so slightly. Her pouty lips were pursed. She appeared to be in deep concentration, and he didn’t want to intrude on whatever she was working on. So he leaned his shoulder against the wall, content to enjoy the view for as long as he could.

  She stopped writing and inclined her head. “Mr. Alvarez?”

  Knowing he was caught, Marco stepped into the lobby and walked closer to where she sat. “We’re the only two people left in the building. Are you ready to go?”

  She popped out one of her earbuds. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

  He repeated, “Are you ready to go?”

  “Yes. Just finished up the day’s reports.” She shuffled through her papers, then opened the lid of her clipboard and slipped them inside.

  The familiar sound of the music flowing from her headphones caught Marco’s attention. He listened for a couple of seconds, then began to hum along. “You’re listening to Coltrane?”

  She nodded. “Lush Life. It’s my favorite Coltrane album.”

  Grooving to the sounds of the third track, “Trane’s Slo Blues,” Marco tapped his foot in time. “That’s a sign of great taste. If you’re a Coltrane fan, I think we can get along just fine.”

  She offered him a slight smile. “I think we can get along great, as long as you stay out of my personal business.”

  He grimaced, as if stung. “Wow. I walked right into that one, didn’t I?”

  “You sure did.” She chuckled, removing the other earbud. After taking a few moments to turn off the music program on her phone, she tucked it and the headphones away in her purse.

  When she stood, his eyes swept over her form again, lingering at the round lines of her hips.

  “Mr. Alvarez, my face is up here.” Her censuring tone grabbed his attention.

  Swinging his gaze back toward her face, he smiled. “Forgive my lack of manners, Ms. Lewis.”

  She said nothing, but her expression seemed to convey disapproval. She gathered her purse and clipboard, went to stand by the main entrance. As he approached, keys in hand, he reached out to push the door open.

  Joi reached out at the same moment, and his hand landed atop hers on the pressure bar.

  The moment their fingers touched, he felt a tingle run through his body. She must’ve felt it as well, because she startled and drew her hand back within a few seconds. The door, which had only just separated from the seal, clicked back into a closed position.

  When he turned to look at her, he could see the heat in her cheeks.

  In that moment, he knew he had to address the attraction crackling between them. If he didn’t speak up, there was no way they’d be able to work together every day. Before he could get his speech off the ground though, she spoke.

  “Mr. Alvarez, I think it’s better if we address this now.”

  His brow hitched. “You mean the attraction between us?”

  She nodded, her gaze drifting up to meet his. “You’re a handsome man, and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t attracted to you.”

  He couldn’t stop the smile curling his lips. “I won’t deny how I feel about you, either.”

  “And how is that?”

  “Like a schoolboy with a crush.” It was an honest answer, and the best way he could think of to describe the way he felt whenever she entered his space.

  She moved in, closing the space between them. A sly smile graced her full lips. “Oh, really?”

  “Really.” He raised his hand, letting his knuckle graze the soft skin of her jaw. She trembled, but didn’t back away or reject his touch.

  A moment later he dipped his head and placed a pensive kiss on her jaw. She quickly turned her head, and their lips met.

  He let the kiss deepen naturally, reveling in the softness of her lips. She laid one hand on his shoulder, and let the other cup his jaw, as the tip of her tongue grazed against his.

  He felt himself leaning backward as she pressed her body closer to his. Their combined weight depressed the pressure bar, and the door swung open, letting a blast of cold air into the space.

  She broke the kiss, and he grabbed the door frame to steady them both as the door opened fully. When he looked at her again, he could see the conflicted expression playing across her features.

  Her brown eyes filled with something unreadable. She then whispered, “What the hell did we just do?”

  Now that she’d put her doubts into words, he searched for the right thing to say, something to put her at ease again. “You’re a beautiful woman, Joi Lewis. And I see no reason why we can’t enjoy each other’s company.”

  She shook her head. “I do. I want to win this contract on merit, not because we’re involved. That isn’t the way I do business.” She edged past him and started to walk away.

  He let the door swing shut and went after her, laying his hand on her arm just as she stepped off the curb. “Wait. Let’s talk about this.”

  “There’s nothing to talk about.” She glanced at the silver wristwatch she wore. “I’m late for an appointment with anoth
er client. I really have to go.”

  He released her, and she strode across the parking lot to her pickup truck.

  He cursed under his breath as he watched her climb into the truck and drive away into the night. By giving in to his inexplicable desire for her, he’d succeeded in making things even more awkward between them. Lamenting how royally he’d screwed up by kissing her, he went back to secure the bank.

  Chapter 6

  Joi angrily swiped her finger across the screen of her smartphone Wednesday morning, to cease the shrill ringing of her alarm. Once the sound stopped, she yawned and rubbed her bleary eyes. She sat up and scooted to the edge of the bed and swung her legs over the side, seeking the furry warmth of her slippers. After sliding her feet into them, she shuffled across her room to the bathroom, all the while wondering how she was supposed to face this day on so little sleep.

  After she’d gone through the rigors of her morning grooming ritual, she slipped into a clean uniform. The hot shower had left her feeling refreshed and a bit more awake, but coffee would have to finish the job.

  While her cup of joe brewed, she thought back on the previous day and her encounter with Marco. Her fingertips grazed over her lips as she remembered the wicked warmth of his kiss, and the way he’d made her melt into her shoes like butter in a hot skillet. She shook her head at the memory. Thinking about his skillful lips was the very reason she’d lain awake most of the night.

  He’d kissed her, and she hadn’t stopped him. She hadn’t even hesitated, and if she were honest with herself, she had to admit that she’d enjoyed it. Kissing Marco hadn’t felt like any other kiss she’d ever shared with a man, and as far as she was concerned, that spelled trouble. She’d shown up late for her appointment last night at Le Petit Chien, a ritzy midtown boutique where Carol, one of her guards, was assigned. She’d had to fix her hair and makeup in the car before going in, to keep Penny, the chatty spa owner, from seeing her looking disheveled and out of sorts.

  The smell of the freshly brewed French roast filled her kitchen, drawing her out of her thoughts. She went to retrieve the travel mug she’d placed beneath the dispenser and lifted it to her nose, deeply inhaling the earthy fragrance. After doctoring the coffee up with a hint of cream and sugar, she grabbed a protein bar, her purse and her clipboard, and headed outside to her truck.

  All the way to the bank, she continued to entertain thoughts of Marco while she sipped from the mug of life-giving brew. She anticipated things being very weird between the two of them today, and she didn’t want to complicate things any further than their bad judgment already had. So by the time she parked her truck in the bank’s lot, she’d made up her mind to go straight to him and tell him that their first kiss would also be their last.

  She arrived a few minutes after the bank’s opening time, so the doors were open and she was sure staff members were already inside. She walked into the bank, resolute in her decision. As she strode through the lobby toward Marco’s office, she offered greetings to the two tellers, to Roosevelt and to Yolanda. When she reached the office, she saw the door standing partially open. Despite that, she erred on the side of caution and gave the surface of the door a few light raps.

  He appeared in the doorway. “Come on in, Ms. Lewis.”

  She did as he asked, easing into the office and closing the door behind her. He’d taken a few steps back to allow her entry.

  Unfortunately, he didn’t step back far enough, because her chest briefly made contact with his. She jerked her body to the right, in an effort to put space between them. She succeeded, but nearly toppled over in the process.

  His strong arm swung out in a flash, steadying her moments before she went crashing to the floor.

  “Are you all right?” His voice and his eyes both held concern.

  She straightened, tugged the strap of her purse to bring it back up on her shoulder. Knowing better than to tell him how his touch made her feel, she said, “Yes, I’m fine. Thank you.”

  Apparently he sensed her discomfort, because he moved his arm and stepped back. “No problem.”

  Taking a deep breath, she wished she could hit Rewind and repeat her entrance. Since that wasn’t an option, she put on her most pleasant expression. “Good morning, Mr. Alvarez.”

  Casually perching on the edge of the desktop near where she stood, he offered her a slight smile. “Good morning, Ms. Lewis. I see we’re still being formal with each other.”

  She closed her eyes momentarily, hoping that if she couldn’t see his dark handsomeness, it might be easier for her to say what she’d come to say. “Yes. I won’t take up too much of your time...”

  “I’m in no hurry.” His deep voice filled her ears, and he didn’t bother masking the invitation in his tone.

  She opened her eyes and cleared her throat. Avoiding looking directly at him, she stated, “I just wanted to apologize for letting myself get carried away yesterday evening.”

  “I assume you’re referring to our kiss?” One of his thick brows lifted, as if he were amused.

  She nodded, her gaze lowering. She busied herself studying the pattern on the carpet, because she couldn’t bring herself to look into his eyes.

  He emitted a light chuckle. “There’s nothing to apologize for. I enjoyed it, and I’m pretty sure you did, too.”

  “That’s not the point.”

  Another deep chuckle. “So you admit that you enjoyed it.”

  She sighed. It’s too early in the morning for this. “Mr. Alvarez, please. I just wanted to make sure we’re on the same page, and that we’re not going to let it happen again.”

  A few moments passed in silence and she entertained herself by counting floor tiles. She couldn’t remember ever feeling this conflicted before.

  “Look at me, Joi. I want to talk to you, not the top of your head.”

  She slowly looked up, and as their eyes met she instantly regretted it. In his eyes, she saw the same unmasked attraction she’d seen the previous day, in the moment before their lips met.

  “It’s obvious there’s something between us, but you seem bent on denying it. Why can’t we just enjoy each other, with no strings and no commitments?”

  She blinked twice. “I don’t do that, Mr. Alvarez. I’m not into random hookups. And as I said, I’m not interested in clouding your judgment when the time comes to decide whether Citadel earns this contract on a permanent basis.”

  He drew in a deep breath, accompanied by a slow bob of his head. “Very well. I’ll respect your wishes to keep things professional.”

  “I would really appreciate that.”

  “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, so I won’t make any teasing remarks, or kiss you again, unless you ask me to.”

  She blew out a breath, filled with a modicum of relief. “Thank you.”

  “All I ask is that you call me Marco. This ‘Mr. Alvarez’ stuff is more appropriate for my father. Deal?”


  She was glad they’d come to an agreement, and she was determined to hold up her end. If he really planned to wait until she asked him to kiss her, then the problem was solved. At least that’s what the logical parts of her wanted to believe.

  She turned and headed out of the office, knowing that if she stayed, she only ran the risk of saying or doing something she had no business saying or doing.

  “I’m better at keeping my word than you are, by the way.”

  There was an accusatory edge to his tone that she didn’t appreciate. It raised her hackles, and she wanted to turn around and tell him about himself. But the day had to start at some point, and she’d already been in the room with him long enough.

  With her back still turned to him, she said, “We’ll see.”

  Without so much as a glance in his direction, she made her way down the corridor.

sp; * * *

  After Joi stalked out of his office, Marco shook his head. She was determined to deny what was going on between them, no matter how impossible that task might be.

  When he thought about it, she was probably doing the right thing. After all, he knew very little about her, and what he did know was old information. Six years ago, he’d watched her walk down the aisle to marry his college roommate. Less than fifteen minutes later, he’d watched her turn and sprint back down that very same aisle, leaving behind her bouquet, one hundred confused guests and a shocked and embarrassed would-be groom. From that incident, he’d drawn two conclusions about her. One, she didn’t do well with commitment, and two, she excelled at keeping secrets and playing a role.

  Considering those events, he wondered why he was even attracted to her. His mind knew better than to trust her, but his body had betrayed him by giving in to the inexplicable fascination he had with her. He stood from his spot on the edge of his desk, taking a few steps toward his bookcase. On the wall next to the five-shelf unit hung his degrees; his bachelor’s degree in economic sciences from the University of Costa Rica at San Pedro, and his MBA from the Stern School of Business at New York University. He thought back on his college days, a welcome distraction from pondering over the dilemma presented by his new security contractor. Those days had been filled with all-nighters in the library, and while he’d been a good student, he’d rarely been alone during those late-night study sessions. Women had seemed to fall into his arms on command back then, a trend that had continued into the present. Before Joi came along, no woman had ever turned him down quite so flatly.

  Pushing those thoughts away, he reached to the second shelf and took down the volume he wanted. With the binder containing the quarterly reports from the previous year in hand, he went back to his desk and pulled his chair out.

  Before he could sit, though, Roosevelt swung his office door open and came inside. “Marco, we’ve got a situation out here.”

  Sensing the urgency in Roosevelt’s tone, Marco stood up straight. “What’s going on?”


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