Ties of Blood

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by D. W. Jackson

  Ties of Blood

  Title Page























  This book is dedicated to my sister who has always been there to help me when I was in need.

  Ties of Blood

  Copyright © D.W. Jackson Smashwords edition

  Names, characters, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual event, organizations, or persons, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author.

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  Eloen had watched in horror as Thad disappeared over the side of the battlements and into the throng of Ablaians massed below. She had only turned for a second to fight off an enemy that had reached the top of the ramparts and in that short time an Ablaian had engaged Darryl in battle and in their resulting clash Thad had been knocked over the edge.

  Time stood still for her as that single moment was frozen in her mind. Ever since childhood she had spent most of her time among her aunt’s soldiers and guards. She named her best friends among the men who had served with her, but none of them had ever became more than that. In Thad she had found something different something more.

  She didn’t completely understand the feelings she had for the boy who was more than a few years younger. Nor could she pinpoint the moment when her feeling had changed from playful teasing to sincere affection.

  As time resumed around her the reality of what had just happened crushed down on her. Immense anger flared though her blood at the man who had taken him away. With her sword in hand still dripping blood from her last kill she turned in the direction of her target. Her retribution would go unanswered as she found the body of the man laying at Darryl’s feet.

  Eloen wanted to scream out. She wanted to beat Darryl for robbing her of her vengeance. Before she could act on the impulse a loud explosion reverberated throughout the canyon. A few seconds later she was knocked from her feet as a small rock slammed into her back. Eloen recovered quickly and jumped to her feet.

  She wasn’t the only one who had been knocked down almost everyone had been swept from their feet by either the force of the blast of from a piece of raining rock fragments. Carefully she walked over to the edge of the parapets and looked down on the enemy below. The two massive ladders that were being set up to help facilitate the enemy’s advancement had been torn asunder. And their forces that had once been in the tens of thousands had been decimated.

  For a brief moment her heart stopped as she looked on what she believed was Thad trying to rise from the ground. Pulling a sight glass from her pouch she examined the man closer. It was Thad but he was wounded badly. His head and arms were bleeding badly and try as he might he couldn’t regain his footing.

  Every cell in her body urged her to his aid but she knew it was hopeless. There was no way she could get them to open the gates in the middle of a siege and even if they agreed it would take hours for them to be able to take the field.

  Her stomach tied in knots and her heart beat rapidly as she watched a group of Ablaians who had regained their senses advance on Thad. He was helpless laying on the ground unmoving as they kicked him hard in the chest a few times before finally picking him up and dragging him to the rear of their formation.

  Eloen slumped to her knees and began banging the hilt of her sword on the cobblestone below her. The memory of their talk rang though her mind. He had promised to stay safe. He had promised to discuss a possible future with her, and now he was being dragged away.

  “You promised!” Eloen bellowed tears streaking down her face.

  She felt strong arms wrap around her a pick her from the ground. Looking up she saw Ballard’s serene face. He was a good man and had been her first real friend when she had been a child. He had been orphaned so her aunt had taken him in, letting him work on her estate for his living. As he aged he’d grown big and decided the army was the best place for him. It was a good choice and he was one of the best men to have at your back during a fight. While they were friends there were no romantic feelings between the two, though Ballard’s wife did get jealous of her some times.

  Even though the battle was still going on Ballard carried her back to her room in the officer’s barracks. She ordered him to put her down a few times but he simply ignored her and continued on. She thought about hitting the man but as large as he was she knew all she would accomplish would be bruising her own hand.

  Ballard sat her down on the bed with a gentleness one would have thought impossible for the hulking giant of a man. He never said anything just sat in the chair next to her bed and listened to her cry.

  “Why?” Eloen said between sobs.

  Ballard gave her a sympathetic look. “You know that anyone on a battlefield has a chance to die.”

  Ballard was right of course she had always been prepared for one of her men to die. When Callen died she had been sad and mourned him but she didn’t get emotional. Why had Thad’s capture been so different? She cared for him she knew that, but she cared for all of her soldiers. What was so special about Thad that had affected her so? She didn’t know the answer and she doubted she ever would.

  “What do you think they will do to him?” She asked in a mousey voice.

  Ballard stood and paced back and forth in the room. “I don’t really know. I have heard a lot of horror stories about the Ablaian prisons. I don’t think they will kill him, but I don’t think he will enjoy his stay.”

  Eloen let out a strangled noise as she turned on her side and pulled her pillow into her chest.

  “I am going to go check on the battle. I shall return shortly.” Ballard said before quickly walking out of the room.

  Eloen looked over her shoulder and watched the large man leave. As soon as the door was closed she rolled onto her back and started at the ceiling. She knew there was little hope of the Ablaians giving Thad back, even if the queen declared war. They had held the fort but they would be slaughtered if they ever tried to cross the border into Abla.

  What could she do? Was Thad really lost to her forever? She couldn’t let that happen, no matter what she had to do. There weren’t many paths left to her, as far as she could tell there was only one.

  Wiping the tears from her eyes Eloen sled off her bed. Her hands were shaking as she grabbed her pack from where it sat on the nightstand. Hastily she began to shove everything that she could think of inside the pack’s first section. The bag itself had been made by Thad to have different sections each able to hold the same amount as a standard travel pack. She could load down enough provisions to last a year and she could still easily carry it using only one hand.

  There wasn’t much in her room she really needed. Her spare sword
and battle harnesses, all of which had been enchanted by Thad to give added protection. Everywhere she looked around the room she saw Thad. Ever since she had met him he had done nothing but be kind and giving even when those around him abused him.

  A lot of things she just didn’t understand. Even though the queen had branded him an outlaw he had helped protect her country. He had even come to the queen’s aid during an assassination attempt. What had he been given for his bravery? No medals or accolades, not even a simple thank you, but a long stay in the palace dungeon. When he had finally been freed he didn’t turn his back on the Queendom but had come to its aid again and helped push back the Ablaians from its borders.

  If it had been her she would have told the queen to throw herself in the nearest river. While she didn’t understand why Thad had been so forgiving part of her loved that about him. She figured it was part of his training. Being raised to be a slave meant that one was to put those in power above themselves at all times. It wasn’t fair that anyone was brought up to serve others but she had to admit if others shared the same thoughts the world would be a much better place.

  With the last of her gear stored away Eloen stood and turned leave. Instead she found herself standing in front of four of the soldiers of her unit. They were all good men and loyal but they also disregarded her orders when they thought it was in the best interest. It was frustrating and more than once she had considered punishing them for it, but on every occasion to date they had been right.

  Shouldn’t all of you be manning your positions on the tower?” Eloen said trying her best to make her voice commanding when all she really wanted to do was collapse on the ground and hide from their stares of pity.

  “We would but it doesn’t really seem necessary since the Ablaians are pulling back. That last attack of Thad’s devastated their troops. In truth it did a good amount of damage on this side of the wall as well. At least fifteen dead and many more wounded.” Alden said giving Eloen a sad smile.

  “Packing to go home already? I figured we would stick around for a day or two at least.” Darryl said looking around the now empty room.

  “No, I have something I have to take care of. The rest of you will stay here. Alden is in charge while I’m gone.”

  “I don’t think so little sister.” Ballard said scowling at her.

  “Don’t try and stop me.” Eloen said anger creeping into her voice.

  “I don’t think anyone would try and stop you, not if they wanted to live a long life. Quite the opposite, we’re going with you.” Alden said flashing his disarming smile.

  Eloen sat down on her bed. She hadn’t thought twice about her plan but she couldn’t drag all her men with her. Even if they succeeded in their task most of them would die. No it was better to keep it small.

  “Ok, Darryl and Ballard can come with me. Alden I will need you to stay behind and take charge of the others.” Raising her hand she stopped him before he could start listing his objections. “I know it’s not fair, but you’re the only one among the men with any leadership abilities short of Ballard, and I know it will be useless to leave him behind now that he knows what I plan.”

  “And you think I will?” Alden said crossing his arms over his chest.

  “I know you will, for all your bluster you know the men need someone to lead them, and you’re the best choice. We have to travel light the more people we bring the more of a target we will become, otherwise I would take everyone with me.”

  Alden face fell. “I don’t like it, but I can’t argue with your logic. I hope you know your aunt is going to have me thrown in the stockades when she learns I didn’t stop you from running off on this fool of an errand.”

  Though Alden’s tone was joking there was a hint of truth in his words. Her aunt would be furious once she found out about her little foray, and Alden would be the obvious target for her rage. Luckily her aunt was rational and wouldn’t be too hard on him, she hoped.

  “Now that everything is settled we need to prepare for the journey. First we will have to go to the general and request permission to be released from our post.” Eloen said as she rose determinedly to her feet.

  They found General Forman in his office at the command center. Every time Eloen had met with the general he had been full of energy and quick with a joke. The normally spry old soldier looked as if he had lost his shine.

  As they entered Foreman looked up from his personal musings, and gave her a halfhearted smile. “Captain Calisaren, to what do I owe the pleasure of your company this evening.”

  “I wish this was a visit of pleasure General but I have come on official business. I request that now with the war for Southpass coming to an end you discharge me and my men from our duties here to that we may pursue our other duties.”

  “I see, I have no problem in releasing you. You and your men had been a great help and I see no reason that you need stay now that hostilities look to be winding down.” The general said sighing lightly.

  Eloen sucked in a quiet breath. That had been the easy part. “I also request that you open the gate to allow me and two of my men into Abla so that we may attempt to rescue the master mage who was captured.”

  Forman dropped his head into his hands and let out a muffled growl. “That I’m afraid I can’t allow.”

  “Thad needs our help.” Eloen pleaded.

  Foreman slammed his hands on his desk, forcing himself to his feet. “Don’t you think I know that?” The general yelled, and then he sat down slowly, a pained expression etched onto his wizened features. “That young man is barely old enough to hold a sword, yet without him we would have surely lost here. Don’t you think I would do everything within my power to do so? But I can’t open the gates while the Ablaian army is still sitting on our doorstep.”

  Alden started to protest but Eloen silenced him. It was clear the general was stuck between his desire to help them, and his duty to protect the land of Farlan at all costs. She couldn’t fault him for his choice. It had been the right one, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t go against it. Without another word she left the command center and headed straight for her own quarters.

  “What are we going to do now Captain?” Darryl asked his tone far more serious than she had remembered hearing it before.

  “We get those gates open. Alden round up the boys and find out who is on guard duty tonight. Test the waters, see who will be willing to bend a few rules to help us out.” Eloen said her tone cold and calculating. “Darryl I need to acquire as many of those exploding orbs as you can get your hands on. Ballard you’re with me I need some help raiding the mess hall for supplies.

  Darryl and Alden gave her a quick salute and rushed off to perform their tasks. Ballard on the other hand looked at her, his face furrowed in a deep from. “Are you sure this is what you want to do.”

  “Yes!” Eloen replied fiercely.


  Eloen and Ballard waited patiently in her room for news from the other two members of her group. She could tell Ballard was edgy, and she was sure she knew why. Unlike her Ballard had a wife waiting for him back home. She knew it wasn’t fair to drag him along with her in a misguided attempt to rescue Thad, but she knew he would refuse to stay behind.

  “Do you have a plan to get our little buddy back?” Ballard said giving her shoulder a light squeeze.

  “Honestly, I haven’t a clue how to go about it. I just know I can’t leave him with those monsters without trying something.” Eloen looked over at her childhood friend. “You don’t have to go with me. I could take Alden. You have Etta.” Eloen choked out.

  Ballard gave her a warm smile. “Eloen you know I couldn’t let you go off by yourself. It would be the same if Etta had been taken. You would be right there with me fighting to get her back.”

  He was right. If Ballard ever needed anything she would see that he got it. She had even given him a small parcel of land for him to farm close to her aunt’s estate so that she would have him close. He was one of the f
ew people in the world she felt completely comfortable around.

  The door swung open and Darryl walked in carrying a small box carefully in his hands. “There were only four of them ready, but it’s better than nothing.” He said sitting the box down on the small end table. “I made sure the box is well padded unless someone drops it, we shouldn’t have any problems.”

  “That’s good because were strapping them to your horse.” Ballard said laughing.

  Darryl looked down at the box again. “We might want to wrap it in a few blankets, just to be safe since I’m riding in front of you. Wouldn’t want it to come loose and put a bruise on those pretty muscles you’re so proud of.”

  The tension that had built over the day began to drain away as she watched the two take jabs at each other. Unable to hold it in, she began to laugh. It started slow but built fast and soon she was laughing so hard tears began to stream down her face. Her two friends stopped their playful banter and turned to her with slightly worried looks on their face.

  “What?” Eloen asked wiping the tears from her eyes with the palm of her hands.

  “Just trying to figure out if you’ve had cracked. If you have, or plan to please let us know. I would much prefer to know beforehand if you’re going to strip naked and run around, its best to be prepared for those things.” Darryl said with a deadpan look on his face.

  Eloen picked up the nearest thing to her and threw it at Darryl. The pillow hit its target but as far as weapons went it was sorely lacking and only made the man laugh. Looking around for anything else to throw she noticed the small oil lamp. As the lamp sailed through the air Darryl stopped laughing and dropped to the ground.

  “Ok, I give, I give.” Darryl said getting to his feet and holding his hands out in front of him in a placating gesture.

  A short while later Alden came into the room with a large smile on his face. Eloen waited for him to report what he had learned but he simply just stood in the center of the room failing miserably to keep his lips from curling into a smile.


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