Bare Devotion

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Bare Devotion Page 7

by Thorn, Lacey

  Holy Hannah! What had she got herself into? Blake made her body burn. Yet Shep caused a similar reaction. Maybe not quite as intense but definitely there. She remembered Blake telling Shep when they first met that the first time was his and she wondered again just what he had meant by that. And if it meant what she thought and these two planned on making an Ally sandwich what would she do? She’d never been with two men at the same time before and wasn’t sure how that would work. She looked from Blake to Shep and back again and had to admit, at least to herself, that she was more than willing to give it a try.

  Ally had met so many people that she didn’t know if she could keep all the names straight. Griff had introduced her to his mother Catherine first, and Ally found that she really liked the matriarch of the Daniels family. Catherine was just about the same height as Ally with wavy brown hair that fell to her shoulders in a classic bob and big brown eyes. She must be in her late fifties but the woman looked so much younger. Ally could only hope that she would age half as well.

  Katie and Ben were there but for some reason Ben wouldn’t meet her gaze and she wondered if he knew about the night she had spent in Blake’s bed. She was twenty-six and deserved a sex life just as much as everyone else did. If that was what was bothering her cousin, than he could just get over it. Besides, he lost the right to say anything to her when he walked away and didn’t look back. She could understand him leaving his father and that ice bitch of a mother behind. Hell she could even see him leaving his older brother Pres behind, though she wondered if he was aware of the reasons Pres did what he did. But she couldn’t understand why he hadn’t contacted her or her mother. They had always been on his side and they hadn’t deserved to be abandoned.

  The ponytail guy had indeed been Chetan and although he was mostly quiet, when he did speak his rather a dry sense of humor made Ally smile. There was something about him that touched her and when they had clasped hands she knew he felt it as well. He had the power of vision just as much as she did, but for some reason he chose not to use it. She was intrigued by him and hoped to learn more.

  Next she had been introduced to Moira, Gil’s wife, and her father Jack. Moira was the owner of the gym Ally had been shown earlier in the day, Knowledge Is Power. Although she should have met the other woman there, work had kept Moira busy and Ally hadn’t had the chance. Moira had the toned body one would associate with a gym owner and a bubbly personality that would make people feel comfortable around her. She instantly put Ally at ease and had her laughing at stories of little incidents that had occurred at the gym that day.

  Jack was something else entirely. He studied her like she was a puzzle he was determined to solve. He was tall with sandy-brown hair and green eyes the same shade as his daughter’s. Something about him tugged at her memory but she couldn’t place it. She was happy when he excused himself and stepped over to speak with another man who Moira told her was Roman. Roman glanced over at them and nodded at something Jack said.

  Katie joined them and the three women chatted and laughed. Ally felt like she belonged, as if she could actually be friends with these women, which was a new feeling for her. But then again, none of them had seen her in action yet and that sight usually changed everything.

  “So, how long have your mom and Roman been together?” Ally asked Katie.

  “What?” Moira asked startled.

  Katie just nodded her head and smiled. So Roman was the mystery man in her mother’s life. Now that Ally had mentioned it, she could see the looks they sent each other’s way when they thought no one else was looking. How had she not seen it before? “For a few months now,” Katie murmured and laughed when Moira squeaked and glared at her.

  “How long have you known and why didn’t you tell me?” Moira demanded of her sister-in-law.

  “I’ve known for a while that she was seeing someone,” Katie confessed quietly. “But I didn’t realize who until Ally said something.”

  “Oh, Lord,” Ally murmured. “I’m so sorry. I just thought…well…I should have just kept my big mouth shut.”

  “No, I’m glad that you noticed,” Katie assured her. “All this time I’ve been wondering if it was Jack.”

  “My dad?” Moira laughed at that. “I can’t see your mom with my dad. Roman…yeah, I can see that.”

  “He’s a good guy?” Katie asked although she already figured what the answer would be.

  “Roman is an amazing man,” Moira assured her. “Your mom is a very lucky woman.”

  “Yep, she is,” Griff agreed, walking up and joining them just in time to hear Moira’s comment. “She married the love of her life and spent thirty-four years with him. She has four great kids who will watch over and protect her. And now she has her first grandchild on the way.” Griff grinned at them all. “What more could a mother ask for?”

  Oh, hell, Ally thought as Moira and Katie exchanged looks. Griff had no idea that his mom was seeing someone. Hell, it seemed as if he expected her to live the rest of her life as a widow and a mother. Ally didn’t think he would take too well to the idea that his mother was seeing another man, no matter how long his father had been gone. Griff, the man who loved all women, had forgotten that his mother was still a woman as well. And when he did find out, the shit would definitely hit the fan.

  “Hey, Ally,” Ben walked over and joined them. “Care to take a walk with me and talk for a few minutes?” He pulled Katie up so that her back rested against his chest and placed a kiss on the top of her head.

  Ally looked in his eyes and knew that he had found something out. Either about her mother’s death, Ally’s work with the police, or maybe even worse. She prayed he hadn’t found out the worst thing. Before she could gather her thoughts enough to answer, the door to the apartment opened and two gorgeous men walked in with a beautiful woman.

  Ally knew that this must bet the threesome Griff had told her about. She could see the love that they all shared and they definitely weren’t shy about giving and receiving small touches in front of others.

  “It’s finally official,” the brunette informed everyone. “The paperwork came in today. Damon is officially a Daniels now.”

  Congratulations rang through the room as the group was surrounded. Hugs and pats on the back were exchanged. It made Ally really sad to watch the open affection and love these people had for each other. The only people she had ever shared that with were now dead. She tried to fade into the background as those she had been talking to merged on the trio as well. Ben was laughing and joking and seemed to have forgotten about wanting to talk to her. She took another step back and collided with a hard body. A hard body that she recognized easily and instantly.

  Blake pulled her tightly to his body loving the feel of her against him. Damn, he wanted to leave and take her back to his house. He wanted to fuck her ‘til they were both screaming from pleasure. And he would soon, he promised himself. “They’re an affectionate family, Ally. I told you that at Ben’s house.”

  “Yes, you did,” Ally agreed, but truth was she wasn’t paying attention to anyone else in the room at the moment. It was too delicious to be in Blake’s arms again, to feel him against her even if it was with their clothes on. “I didn’t know that you were coming.”

  “I usually don’t,” Blake stated. “I’m not much of a people person. Never have been. But every once in a while it’s good to get out and see what I’m missing.”

  He sounded a little sad and Ally couldn’t help but wonder what secrets lay in his past that still haunted him. “And what is it that you are missing?” she asked softly. She heard him sigh behind her before he answered just as softly, his voice so close to her ear that she could feel his breath against her.

  “Life. Family. And all that those bring to a person,” Blake said. “Do you believe in second chances, Ally?”

  Ally didn’t know where this was leading, but she felt compelled to answer anyway. “I don’t know. I do believe in fate and destiny.”

  “And what about love
, Ally? Do you believe in love? Love at first sight?” His voice has gone husky and she almost jumped when he nipped her earlobe with his teeth.

  “I…I don’t know if I do or not,” Ally admitted and was surprised that she could force the words out without letting loose the moan she was trying desperately to hold in. His teeth felt so good and she was desperate to feel them on other more sensitive places on her body. Her nipples peaked beneath her tight t-shirt and she prayed that no one would look their way.

  “Come home with me again tonight?” Blake whispered in her ear before slipping his tongue in for a gentle exploration. “I need you in my bed, Ally.”

  Ally closed her eyes and took a shallow breath. When she opened them Shep was looking at her and Blake, and Ally could clearly see the lust in his eyes. “Just the two of us,” Ally said without thinking and then could have bitten her tongue off at Blake’s husky chuckle.

  “That’s up to you Ally,” he gave a soft tug on her ear again with his teeth. “The two of us or the three of us. It doesn’t matter so long as I’m with you.”

  “Do you and Shep share women often?” she asked.

  Blake sighed and turned her in his arms so that they could see each other’s faces. “I’m not going to lie to you, Ally. Shep and I are the best of friends. He has a key to my house and sometimes he comes over and spends the night. Sometimes he brings women with him and, if they’re willing, then we share. I hear that it can be the most intense sexual experience that a woman has.” He pulled her even closer so that her belly was flush against his thick erection. “Imagine the two of us worshipping your body with our mouths and hands and cocks. Two men, Ally, with you as their sole focus.”

  “Yes,” Ally whispered, though she could feel the blush on her cheeks.

  “You’ll come home with me?” Ally nodded her head, but her gaze wouldn’t meet his. Blake brushed his fingers down her cheek to her chin and urged her face up to look into his. “Just me, or both of us?” He wouldn’t let her escape his gaze as he waited for her decision.

  “Both of you,” she whispered and felt his cock jerk between them. She couldn’t believe that a man could be so turned on about sharing a woman with another man. She had always assumed that most men were possessive. But by the feel of Blake and his husky moan, he was anticipating their evening even more than she was. And she was definitely anticipating. But she was also nervous and just a tad bit worried if she would measure up to the women Blake and Shep had shared in the past. Could she handle two men at the same time? She looked up at Blake and remembered her earlier encounter with Shep. Maybe she could. Maybe she couldn’t. But she sure as hell planned to enjoy every moment with the two of them that she could.

  “Time to eat,” Catherine called from the table where she and some of the others must have set out the food while everyone else had been talking.

  Blake dropped a quick kiss on Ally’s lips and caught her hand in his, tugging her along with him as he moved toward the table of food. That big hand felt so right in hers and Ally caught her breath with a jolt of surprise at the emotions bombarding her. She had assumed that the destiny that Legacy held for her was to stop The Messenger and end his reign of fire and terror. Now she found herself wondering if Blake was part of her destiny as well.

  Chapter Seven

  Ally slipped into the kitchen, hoping that no one would notice that she was gone. She had counted fifteen people, not including herself, and discovered that the reason they all fit so well into the apartment was that none of them had any sense of personal space. Well, except for Blake, that was. Ally had found herself laughing at his attempts to keep some personal space between him and this extended family.

  She wasn’t surprised when she heard someone slip into the kitchen behind her. She was when she turned and saw Ben instead of Blake or Shep. She had noticed Blake and Shep speaking earlier and from the look of lust in Shep’s eyes, she was fairly certain that the two had discussed what was to happen later in the evening.

  “I’d like to talk to you about a few things,” Ben said bringing Ally back to the present with a jolt.

  “Like what?” Ally asked warily.

  “I have your file, Ally, a file filled with all the cases that you’ve worked on in the past with law enforcement.” Ben fought the need to hug her to him. Now wasn’t the time for that. Now was the time to figure out a few things. “How were you able to help with the cases?”

  “If you have the file then I’m sure you’ve already read about my skills Ben,” Ally spoke with a calm tone, but her rigid posture showed how unwilling she was to have this conversation. “But let me fill you in anyway. I just seem to connect with some cases. Not all, but some. Usually I know once I’ve seen and touched an object in relation to the case. Sometimes I relate to the victim and sometimes I connect with the killer, or kidnapper, or rapist. It is not a pleasant experience. Once I connect I can see things through their perception. Sometimes scenes from the crime or leading up to it, sometimes I see where they are at the moment. I’ve been able to help the police many times, but usually only as a last resort.”

  “That’s what I thought,” Ben replied. There was no way he would tell her about all the derogatory remarks in her file. He could tell that she already had an idea of how cops felt when working with someone possessed of her particular talents. Most would treat her with skepticism, but some would be harsher in both their judgment and their treatment. He had read some of that in the file Gil had gathered as well. “Why didn’t you tell me that Tory and Roni were killed in a fire?”

  “It’s not like we’ve had a chance to speak, Ben. I would have told you,” Ally assured him.

  “You had the entire day today to stop in at the station and see me,” Ben argued. “Or you could have stayed at my house last night and talked.”

  “If you’ve read my file than surely you can understand why I didn’t stop in at the station.” Ally gave him a hard look before adding, “And last night I had other plans.”

  “I don’t want to think about that,” Ben muttered, knowing that she had left with Blake and fairly certain that she had ended up in the man’s bed.

  “I’m twenty-six years old, Ben. I make my own decisions and have for a long time. Besides, you didn’t walk back into my life and probably never would have. I walked into yours.”

  “That’s not fair Ally,” Ben tried to argue.

  “You walked away, Ben. Not just from your ass of a father and bitch of a mother but from all of us. The only person you saw as worthy was your grandfather. I’m sure he appreciated that.” There was no disguising her anger as she spoke.

  “I’m sorry, Ally.” And he was. He and Ally had once been close when they were kids. Hell, there was many a time when he had been the one to step in and take Ally’s side. “I would have found you eventually.”

  “You keep telling yourself that, Ben,” Ally shook her head and walked to the fridge taking out a bottle of water. “Bottom line is that it doesn’t matter at this point.”

  Ben heaved a harsh sigh. “When you showed up here you had no idea that I was in this town, did you?”

  “No, I wasn’t looking for you either,” Ally said matter-of-factly.

  “You showed up at a crime scene, dressed like a cat burglar. That wasn’t an accident, was it, Ally?” Ben looked her in the eyes believing that she wouldn’t lie to him. “He killed Tory and Roni, didn’t he?”

  There was fire in her eyes when she finally answered him. “Yes, he did.”

  “What do you know about this case?” Ben asked her.

  “I’d like to know that as well,” Blake said as he stepped into the kitchen with Gil and Shep. He wanted to go to Ally and take her in his arms but the vibes she was sending off were definitely saying don’t touch me.

  “Not now. Not here. I’ll tell you but this is not the time.” Ally turned away from them all and faced the sink wrapping her arms around her waist as if she felt the need to hold herself together.

  “When everyone else l
eaves then,” Gil stated firmly. “You don’t leave ‘til we get some answers.”

  “Fine,” Ally snapped out, still facing away from them.

  “There’s one more thing that you’re going to have to tell us as well, Ally,” Ben murmured and something in his voice caused her to turn around. “I have to know if you killed that man.”

  Blake and Shep looked startled, but it was obvious that Gil knew exactly what Ben was referring to leading her to believe that both detectives had looked at her file. They wanted the truth. A simple yes or no to answer a question about something that was more complicated than they could ever know. Fine. She would give them just that.

  “Yes, I killed him.” Ally took the time to look all four men in the eyes before adding one more bombshell. “And my only regret is that I can’t do it all over again.”

  Cass, Doug and Damon left first and Ally was sure that everyone in the room was certain of just how the threesome would be finishing the celebration that night. The love that radiated from them was obvious and Ally couldn’t help but wonder how on earth Cass handled two such virile and dominant men. Then Ally glanced over to where Blake and Shep were talking with Griff and Chetan. She hoped that when this night finally ended she would find out that answer for herself.

  Catherine left next with another woman who Ally now knew was Michelle, Jack Madigan’s sister. They didn’t look anything alike, really, and according to Katie, Jack and Moira hadn’t even known that Michelle existed until the Asian woman had shown up in group therapy at gym Moira’s gym. Katie said that Michelle was a very nice woman and from what Ally had seen so far she would have to agree. Ally smiled to herself as she caught both Catherine and Roman throwing looks at each other. She didn’t understand exactly why they were hiding their relationship but from what she had heard Griff say earlier she had a pretty good idea.

  Once the door closed behind the two women, Gil immediately turned to Ally. “You ready to talk now?”


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