by Bob Gale
( Back to the Future - 1 )
Bob Gale
Neil Canton
Produced by Bob Gale Neil Canton
OCTOBER 25, 1985
We see Doc Brown's lab filled with clocks over the credits. Each clock is set to exactly the same time. They are also all 25 minutes slow. A robot tin opener opens a tin of dog food and empties the contents into a dog food bowl marked Einstein. The pile is high, it is clear that Einstein has not touched this food for a few days. Suddenly the TV and radio turn on.
Radio Advert: (v.o) October is inventory time. So right now, Statler Toyota is making the best deals of the year on all 1985 model Toyotas. You won't find a better car with a better price with better service anywhere in Hill Valley...
TV Newsreader: ...the Senate is expected to vote on this today. In other news, officials at The Pacific Nuclear Research Facility have denied the rumour that the case of missing plutonium was in fact stolen from their vault two weeks ago. A Libyan terrorist group had claimed responsibility for the alleged theft, however, the officials now infer the credence to a simple clerical error. The FBI...
The front door opens, and MARTY MCFLY, 17, walks in. We don't see his face just yet though.
Marty: Hey, Doc?
He puts the key back under the mat.
Marty: Doc. Hello, anybody home? Einstein, come here, boy.
Marty whistles.
Marty: What's going on? Wha- Aw, God. Aw, Jesus. That's disgusting. Where the hell is everybody?
Marty puts down his skateboard and it rolls along the floor to hit a box under the table - marked Plutonium! Marty is unaware of this. He plus his electric guitar into Doc's amplifier. He strikes a string, and the noise causes the amplifier to break. The force from this pushes Marty backwards, and he crashes into one of Doc's bookcases, causing the books and papers on it to fall off and land on his head. Marty lifts up his sunglasses - now we finally see his whole face, and notice that he resembles Michael J Fox quite a lot! :-)
Marty: Whoa, rock and roll.
Just then a fire alarm goes off. Marty rummages through the pile of papers and finds a telephone - this is what was ringing, and the fire arm doubled as a ringtone. Marty answers the phone.
Marty: Yo.
Doc: (v.o) Marty, is that you?
Marty: Hey, hey, Doc, where are you?
Doc: (v.o) Thank god I found you. Listen, can you meet me at Twin Pines Mall tonight at 1.15? I've made a major breakthrough, I'll need your assistance.
Marty: Wait a minute, wait a minute. 1.15 in the morning?
Doc: (v.o) Yeah.
Marty: What's going on? Where have you been all week?
Doc: (v.o) Working.
Marty: Where's Einstein, is he with you?
Doc: (v.o) Yeah, he's right here.
Marty: You know, Doc, you left your equipment on all week.
Doc: (v.o) My equipment, that reminds me, Marty, you'd better not hook up to the amplifier. There's a slight possibility of overload.
Marty: Yeah, I'll keep that in mind.
Doc: (v.o) Good, I'll see you tonight. Don't forget, now, 1.15am., Twin Pines Mall.
Marty: Right.
The clocks all strike 8am.
Doc: (v.o) Are those my clocks I hear?
Marty: Yeah, it's 8 o'clock.
Doc: (v.o) They're late. My experiment worked. They're all exactly 25 minutes slow!
Marty: Wait a minute. Wait a minute, Doc. Are you telling me that it's 8.25?
Doc: (v.o) Precisely.
Marty: Damn. I'm late for school.
Marty hangs up, gets his stuff and gets on his skateboard.
Music: Power Of Love by Huey Lewis The News
He leaves Doc's lab and passes the Burger King next door, grabbing onto a tow-truck's behind and making sure he's not seen. The truck takes him into Courthouse Square, where he goes past Lou's Aerobics Studios and the Courthouse. The clock says 10.04.
Cut to outside Hill Valley High School. JENNIFER is waiting at the door.
Marty: Hello, Jennifer.
Jennifer: Marty, don't go this way. Strickland's looking for you. If you're caught it'll be 4 tardies in a row.
Cut to the corridor. Jennifer peaks her head round.
Jennifer: All right, c'mon, I think we're safe.
Marty: Y'know this time it wasn't my fault. The Doc set all of his clocks 25 minutes slow.
Mr STRICKLAND appears out of nowhere.
Strickland: Doc? Am I to understand you're still hanging around with Dr Emmett Brown, McFly? Tardy slip for you, Miss Parker. And one for you McFly, I believe that makes 4 in a row. Now let me give you a nickel's worth of advice, young man. This so called Dr Brown is dangerous, he's a real nutcase. You hang around with him you're gonna end up in big trouble.
Marty: Oh yes sir.
Strickland pushes Marty a bit.
Strickland: You got a real attitude problem, McFly. You're a slacker. You remind me of your father when he went here, he was a slacker too.
Marty: Can I go now, Mr Strickland?
Strickland: I noticed you band is on the roster for dance auditions after school today. Why even bother McFly, you haven't got a chance, you're too much like your old man. No McFly ever amounted to anything in the history of Hill Valley.
Marty: Yeah, well history is gonna change.
The school auditorium. A band has just finished and Marty's group are waiting to go on. Jennifer is nearby watching. There are 4 judges, the second one wears glasses and is the one who speaks below.
Audition Judge: Next, please.
Marty and his group get onto the stage.
Marty: All right, we're the Pinheads.
They begin to play the first bit of The Power Of Love. The judges look at each other and then the guy with glasses picks up his loudspeaker.
Audition Judge: OK, that's enough. Now stop the microphone. I'm sorry fellas. I'm afraid you're just too darn loud. Next, please. Where's the next group, please?
Courthouse Square. Marty and Jennifer are walking through it. An election van drives past.
Election Van: (v.o) Re-elect Mayor Goldie Wilson. Progress is his middle name.
Cut to Marty Jennifer.
Marty: I'm too loud. I can't believe it. I'm never gonna get a chance to play in front of anybody.
Jennifer: Marty, one rejection isn't the end of the world.
Marty: Nah, I just don't think I'm cut out for music.
Jennifer: But you're good, Marty, you're really good. And this audition tape of your is great, you gotta send it in to the record company. It's like Doc's always saying.
Marty: Yeah I know, If you put your mind to it you could accomplish anything.
A couple of girls walk past and Marty looks at them. Jennifer turns his head back towards her.
Jennifer: That's good advice, Marty.
They sit down on a bench.
Marty: All right, OK Jennifer. What if I send in the tape and they don't like it. I mean, what if they say I'm no geed. What if they say, Get out of here, kid, you got no future. I mean, I just don't think I can take that kind of rejection. Jesus, I'm beginning to sound like my old man.
Jennifer: C'mon, he's not that bad. At least he's letting you borrow the car tomorrow night.
We see a new 4x4 Toyota is being delivered at the car dealership.
Marty: Check out that 4x4. That is hot.
Man in dealership: OK, back her up.
Cut back to Marty Jennifer.
Marty: Someday, Jennifer, someday. Wouldn't it be great to take that truck up to the lake. Throw a couple of sleeping bags in the back
. Make out under the stars.
Jennifer: Stop it.
Marty: What?
Jennifer: Does your mom know about tomorrow night?
Marty: No, get out of town, my mom thinks I'm going camping with the guys. (off Jennifer's look) Well, Jennifer, my mother would freak out if she knew I was going up there with you. And I get this standard lecture about how she never did that kind of stuff when she was a kid. Now look, I think she was born a nun.
Jennifer: She's just trying to keep you respectable.
Marty: Well, she's not doing a very good job.
The CLOCK TOWER WOMAN is in the background.
Woman: Save the clock tower!
She comes over to Marty and Jennifer.
Woman: Save the clock tower! Mayor Wilson is sponsoring an initiative to replace that clock. 30 years ago, lightning struck that clock tower and the clock hasn't run since. We at the Hill Valley Preservation Society think it should be preserved exactly the way it is as part of our history and heritage.
Marty gets out a quarter.
Marty: Here you go, lady. There's a quarter.
Woman: Thank you, don't forget to take a flyer.
She gives him one.
Marty: Right.
Woman: Save the clock tower!
She walks away.
Marty: Where were we?
Jennifer: Right about here.
They're just about to kiss when a car pulls up and honks the horn. It's Jennifer's Dad, MR PARKER.
Mr Parker: (v.o, from car) Jennifer.
Jennifer: It's my dad.
Marty: Right.
Jennifer: I've gotta go.
She begins to go to the car.
Marty: I'll call you tonight.
Jennifer: I'll be at my grandma's. Here, let me give you the number.
She writes Love You!!! 555-4823 on the back of the flyer.
Jennifer: Bye.
Jennifer leaves and Marty looks at the flyer, smiling.
Music: Power Of Love by Huey Lewis The News
Marty gets on his skateboard and grabs a police car to tail behind, making sure he's not seen. The police car leaves Courthouse Square. We cut to outside the Lyons Estate signs. Marty is now behind another car. He lets go as it passes the signs and goes down the road to his house. As he enters we see a car being towed up the McFly drive.
Radio dispatcher: ...licence, California: Bravo Tango Delta 629. Tow for impoundment. Any unit, please respond...
Marty: Perfect, just perfect.
Marty enters the house to find his father GEORGE, 47, sitting down at the table. His supervisor, BIFF TANNEN, 48, is standing up talking to George.
Biff: I can't believe you loaned me your car, without telling me it had a blindspot.
George: (whispering) Blind spot?
Biff: I could've been killed!
George: Now, now, Biff, now, I never noticed any blindspot before when I were driving it. (Notices Marty) Hi, son.
Biff: But, what are you blind McFly? It's there. How else do you explain that wreck out there?
George: Now, Biff, um, can I assume that your insurance is gonna pay for the damage?
Biff: My insurance? It's your car, your insurance should pay for it. Hey, I wanna know who's gonna pay for this? (Biff shows George a stain on his coat) I spilled beer all over it when that car smashed into me. Who's gonna pay my cleaning bill?
George: Uh?
Biff: And where's my reports?
George: Uh, well, I haven't finished those up yet, but you know I figured since they weren't due till...
Biff: Hello, hello, anybody home?
Biff taps George on the head.
Biff: Think, McFly, think. I gotta have time to get them retyped. Do you realise what would happen if I hand in my reports in your handwriting? I'll get fired. You wouldn't want that to happen would you?
George doesn't say anything.
Biff: Would you?
George: Of course not, Biff, now I wouldn't want that to happen. Now, uh, I'll finish those reports up tonight, and I'll run em them on over first thing tomorrow, All right?
Biff: Hey, not too early I sleep in on Saturday. Oh, McFly, your shoe's untied.
George looks down.
Biff: Don't be so gullible, McFly.
Biff opens the fridge.
Biff: You got the place fixed up nice, McFly. I have you're car towed all the way to your house and all you've got for me is light beer.
Biff sees Marty looking at him.
Biff: (To Marty) What are you looking at, butthead? Say hi to your mom for me.
Biff leaves. Marty turns to George.
George: I know what you're gonna say, son, and you're right, you're right, But Biff just happens to be my supervisor, and I'm afraid I'm not very good at confrontations.
Marty: The car, Dad, I mean He wrecked it, totalled it. I needed that car tomorrow night, Dad, I mean do you have any idea how important this was, do you have any clue?
George: I know, and all I could say is I'm sorry.
At the dinner table. George and Marty are sitting there. Also at the table is Marty's mom LORRAINE, 47. The years have not been kind to her. Marty's brother DAVE is also present, wearing a Burger King uniform, and completing the family is his sister LINDA, who's a bit plump and not very attractive. The TV is on and The Honeymooners is showing.
George: Believe me, Marty, you're better off not having to worry about all the aggravation and headaches of playing at that dance.
Dave: He's absolutely right, Marty. the last thing you need is headaches.
Lorraine: Kids, we're gonna have to eat this cake by ourselves, Uncle Joey didn't make parole again.
She drops the cake on the table. It says Welcome Home Joey.
Lorraine: I think it would be nice, if you all dropped him a line.
Marty: Uncle Jailbird Joey?
Dave: He's your brother, Mom.
Linda: Yeah, I think it's a major embarrassment having an uncle in prison.
Lorraine: We all make mistakes in life, children.
Dave looks at his watch.
Dave: God dammit, I'm late.
Lorraine: David, watch your mouth. You come here and kiss your mother before you go, come here.
Dave: C'mon, Mom, make it fast, I'll miss my bus.
He kisses his mom and walks over to George.
Dave: Hey see you tonight, Pop. Woo, time to change that oil.
Dave leaves.
Linda: Hey Marty, I'm not your answering service, but while you were outside pouting about the car, Jennifer Parker called you twice.
Lorraine: I don't like her, Marty. Any girl who calls a boy is just asking for trouble.
Linda: Oh Mom, there's nothing wrong with calling a boy.
Lorraine: I think it's terrible. Girls chasing boys. When I was your age I never chased a boy, or called a boy, or sat in a parked car with a boy.
Linda: Then how am I supposed to ever meet anybody?
Lorraine: Well, it will just happen. (Smiles) Like the way I met your father.
Linda: That was so stupid, Grandpa hit him with the car.
Lorraine: It was meant to be. Anyway, if Grandpa hadn't hit him, then none of you would have been born.
Linda: Yeah, well, I still don't understand what Dad was doing in the middle of the street.
Lorraine: What was it, George, bird watching?
George hasn't been listening. He turns to his wife.
George: What Lorraine, what?
Lorraine: Anyway, Grandpa hit him with the car and brought him into the house. He seemed so helpless, like a little lost puppy, my heart just went out for him.
Linda: Yeah Mom, we know, you've told us this story a million times. You felt sorry for him so you decided to go with him to The Fish Under The Sea Dance.
Lorraine: No, it was The Enchantment Under The Sea Dance. Our first date. It was the night of that terrible thunderstorm, remember George?
George is still watching TV.
e: Your father kissed me for the very first time on that dance floor. It was then I realised I was going to spend the rest of my life with him.
OCTOBER 26, 1985
Music: Time Bomb Town by Lindsay Buckingham (playing on Marty's radio)
Marty's room. He's asleep. Suddenly the 'phone rings, waking Marty up. He answers it.
Marty: Hello.
Doc: (v.o) Marty, you didn't fall asleep, did you?
Marty looks at his watch.
Marty: Uh Doc, uh no. No, don't be silly.
Doc: (v.o) Listen, this is very important, I forgot my video camera, could you stop by my place and pick it up on your way to the mall?
Marty: Um, yeah, I'm on my way.
Cut to outside Twin Pines Mall. Marty skateboards down into the Mall. Inside the parking lot is a big white van, Dr E Brown Enterprises. A dog, EINSTEIN, is sitting by it. Marty goes towards him.
Marty: Einstein, hey Einstein, where's the Doc, boy, huh?
The doors of the van open, and smoke comes out. It's followed by a DeLorean sports car, reversing back out of the van and into the parking lot. The license plate reads OUTATIME. DR EMMETT L DOC BROWN then gets out of the car. He's an elderly man, aged 65, and has long, white hair. He's wearing a radiation suit and looks very much your typical wild scientist.
Marty: Doc?
Doc: Marty, you made it!
Marty: Yeah!
Doc: Welcome to my latest experiment. It's the one I've been waiting for all my life.
Marty: Um, well it's a DeLorean, right?
Doc: Bare with me, Marty, all of your questions will be answered. Roll tape...
Marty: OK.
Doc: ...and we'll proceed.
Marty: Doc, is that a de...
Doc: Never mind that now, never mind that now.
Marty: All right, I'm ready.
Marty starts filming Doc.
Doc: Good evening, I'm Dr Emmett Brown. I'm standing on the parking lot of Twin Pines Mall. It's Saturday morning, October 26th 1985, 1.18am and this is temporal experiment number one. C'mon, Einie.
During the following Einstein gets into the DeLorean. He has a clock attached to his collar.
Doc: Hey, hey boy, get in there, that a boy, in you go, sit down, put your seatbelt on, that's it!
Marty: Whoa, whoa, whoa, OK.
Doc: Please note that Einstein's clock is in complete synchronisation with my control watch. Got it?