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Tempted Page 7

by K. M. Liss

  She brushed her hair of its windswept tangles, mindlessly, then wandered outside feeling very unsettled in herself.

  The lights of Hailen beckoned to her.

  She flew to the square and to the Wall of Souls. Dusk was falling and the sea swelled beautifully, shimmering with a fluorescent blue hue. It made her smile a little, which was good.

  She couldn't help but look across the space behind her. She could see the torches burning outside God's chapel. The place where Uvall lay.

  Her feet started walking toward him. She didn't want to go, or to see, but was possessed to get closer.

  She faltered at the door, where the two seraph guards stood by. They bowed to her.

  “Is he still alive?” she inquired, casually. Her small smile belied her distress.

  She was hoping, beyond all hope that he was dead and gone and his suffering was over. She couldn't bear to think of him suffering in agony and her part in it.

  “Yes, and he will be alive for a few days yet. But his change has begun.”

  Her stomach churned with nausea.

  It was to take that long? Days more suffering, dying of thirst and pain wracking his beautiful body?

  “That's excellent news. He's turning to wood, is he?” she said, as if unconcerned, swallowing the bile that had arisen in her throat.

  “Parts of him, yes. You want to go in and see? It is a peculiar thing to observe.”

  “If I can, I would be most interested, yes please. I want to look upon the face of evil and count my blessings. And I shall pray a while, for all of us, in these times of trouble.”

  “Take all the time you like, Lila. You are most deserving of watching his demise.”

  She hadn't intended to go in, or to look upon his tortured face alone, but she decided in that moment, that she should face him now. It would be better than the shock of seeing him tomorrow, in a more advanced form of decay.

  He unlocked the heavy door for her and she stepped into the gloom. There were candles lighting the aisle. The arched ceilings were flickering with shadows, eerily, as she approached the form on the altar table ahead.

  She arrived silently at his side.

  Her heart lurched and broke again at what she saw.

  A sob bubbled up in her throat and she gulped it down.

  He lay naked and chained. His neck, wrists and ankles were bloodied from where he'd been struggling to escape. A piece of dirty cloth was laid upon his loins for modesty. His hair was a mess, and lay across his face. And parts of him had deep grooves scoring his flesh. Wooden grooves, like the bark of an ancient oak.

  Her sob burst forth as she looked at him in horror. She had done this to him.

  She was no better than a murderess. A sick and disgusting murderess.

  His mouth opened a little as he sensed someone was nearby.

  “Please,” he whispered in a weak and faint voice. “Finish me.”

  Tears stung her eyes, as they poured down her face and splashed on the floor. His eyes opened. The blue had returned and they shone like sapphires, glinting in the semi darkness. She stood there, in her mental torment, looking at him suffering, in his physical one.

  She bent and kissed his lips and they moved silently forming her name.


  “Yes, Uvall, I'm here.”

  “Why did you do this?” he asked, his eyes blurry and dazed.

  His face crumpled up as another deep groove appeared on his cheek.

  “God commanded me. It was Heaven for you or Hell for me.”

  “Then I forgive you,” he murmured.

  “Oh no, please don't forgive me. I can't bear it. You should hate me.”

  “No. Now go, it'll be over soon.”

  “I don't want you to die.”

  “It's best. I wanted to take you with me to Hell. But it was...just a dream.”

  His eyes focused and fastened on hers and her heart constricted tightly with pain.

  “I wish your dream had been real, Uvall. I don't want to be here anymore.”

  “Yes you do. And Hell is no place for you, in any way, Lila.”

  “Heaven's not the place for me either.”

  “It has to be now. Goodbye angel. Please. Go.”

  “No. I want to stay. Until the end.”

  “I don't want you to see Gehove making an unholy example of me.”

  “Why is he?”

  A long and very deep groove dug into his chest and his eyes rolled in his head and his fists balled while he struggled with the pain.

  She stroked his face, touching the wooded grooves which now marred his handsome beauty.

  “Too long ago. All forgotten... don't fucking care.” he ground out through clenched teeth.

  She wondered, briefly, if this was all an act. Demons were such cunning creatures. He could be trying to earn her pity. She was the only one who would likely help him. He knew that.

  She couldn't be sure, she didn't know, and could she ever trust him?

  Demon's weren't to be trusted, were they?

  But did it matter how true he was? Her feelings were the ones she had to deal with for the reason of eternity.

  At that second, she made the biggest decision she'd ever made in her short life.

  A selfless one.

  Trust aside, she couldn't stand by and let it happen. If Uvall was to die, it wouldn't be at her hand. The Seraph would have to cut him down in a fairer fight.

  She placed her hand on his chains and shackles, and one by one she released his bonds with a short burst of lightning into the locks. She took his arms out of the cuffs, then his feet.

  But to her surprise he didn't move.

  “I'm not leaving. You'll be punished, Lila. I can't allow that. Fasten the shackles again.”

  “Take me with you. Like you said. It doesn't have to be a dream. It could be real.”

  His eyes probed hers.

  “Take you somewhere? We have nowhere to go.”

  “To Hell.”

  “I can't take you to Hell. Look what you've done to me. I don't think Bael will allow you to move in as his house guest. You have humiliated him. Don't you see?”

  “I'll speak to him. Apologize. Sweet talk him round.”

  “You really think you can sweet talk the devil? He won't be interested. Only in revenge. He has his own agenda. He'll chain you and you'll turn slowly to dust. It'll be an eye for an eye.”

  “I'll take that chance.”

  “You'd do that for me? For a demon from Hell who you don't even know? Lila, you're a fucking stupid bitch if you do.”

  She knew why he was being this way. He wanted to push her away, so she would hate him and he could die. But she wasn't going to let him.

  “Tough shit. That's my life. I shouldn't be here. I wasn't a good mortal. God only brought me here to enslave you.”

  He lifted his hands and weakly brushed his hair from his face.

  “Come close,” he said, and she bent to him. He touched her cheek, his fingertip caressing her lips. “Lila, you don't have to do this for me. I will gladly die, now I've seen your face. Don't make it harder for yourself. Just kiss me goodbye and go. Think of this as my willing release from torment.”

  She burst into tears.

  This man was for real. He was not evil. He was a kind soul. How had he come to be in Hell?

  She gathered all her fortitude about her. And made her decision.

  “If you don't take me somewhere. I shall go to Hell on my own.”

  “NO!” he exclaimed loudly, then lowered his voice, “no... you can't... please don't do that.”

  He swung his legs over the side of the altar, and forced himself up, with a low animal groan of pain.

  “Give me some water. I need to stop this goddamn shit awful desiccation. It's pure agony.”

  She passed him some holy water from the table at the side of the altar.

  He drank a big mouthful and his whole face screwed up in disgust. “Fuck...I really don't think I can drink any more
of that holy shit. I'd rather turn to wood.”

  “I can take you out, through the side door. To the river. You can drink there. And beyond that are the steps down to earth.”

  “I cannot spend much time down there. I will become mortal.”

  “As will I. Perhaps that's what we should do, Uvall? Become mortal?”

  “No, not an option, because if we do we are damned in the afterlife. Believe me, you don't want to go there.”

  “Let us hide out for a day while we think.”

  “You think we can hide out from God and the devil for crissakes? Where could we hide?”

  “There's somewhere I know we could go, one of my old friend's places.”

  “You really believe God won't know about that, about your friends? He'll hunt you down and he'll look there first. No. Xonil will help us. We will have to live rough in the wilds. He will guard us night and day. And another of my Legatus may help. Micol is a faithful legionnaire. He will stand guard too. I can call them when we arrive on the surface.”

  “Xonil can look after me alone, can't he? You can go back to Hell. You've done nothing wrong. Perhaps you could persuade Lord Bael we were tricked somehow? He may look upon me more kindly after that?”

  “Lila, listen to the facts. Women can only enter Hell as a succubus. Which would mean you'd be tied to me for eternity. I don't know if I could persuade Bael of your suitability, as you are a deceptive angel, a weapon of God, impure and have caused him some fucking grief. In fact he may not be too pleased to see me, either. I've failed in my task for Lord Bael, and he's been shamed because of what I did with you. No demon conjugates with an angel. For any reason. Mistakenly or otherwise. It's forbidden territory. I don't know what he'll do when he sees me. I could be beheaded on the spot. Or more likely fed to the souls, in small pieces. Questions will be asked of how I escaped, and of you and your whereabouts. What I think he might do, is send me back for you, to finish you off, to bring back your head, to ensure I am still his loyal subject. Or maybe I'll be asked to hand you over to him alive, so he can feed you to his hounds himself.”

  She paled at the thought of such a horrific end, as being ripped to pieces by demon dogs and devoured as the devil watched. “Then both of us hiding out really is our only option. If we're not welcome in Heaven or Hell, the surface of the earth is the only place to go.”

  “Unless I die. Which I am very prepared to do.”

  “Then I'll die with you. Let us choose the way that comes about.”

  “No, Lila, I won't let you die. In fact you can't die. You are already dead, woman. I'm an old soul. I've lived out my time in this world. And I've lived in all parts of it. Let me end it it here, I can bear the pain and it'll be a peaceful end. It'll answer our problem, won't it? And in all honesty, I don't think I have the energy to go on anymore.”

  “Well find some fucking energy, for crissakes! Uvall... please... I'm sure we can find an answer, somewhere. Wouldn't you like to be with me? Because I'd love to be with you. I know we haven't known each other long, but Uvall, you've touched my heart. I can't let you go without a fight and I won't. Don't leave me here alone, I beg you.”

  He smiled and leaned forward to kiss her.

  “You're beautiful angel, and I cannot lie, I do want to be with you, but it's fraught with danger, the path ahead is going to be so hard. It may not be possible.”

  “I don't care how hard it is. I'll be with you. And how ever hard it gets, it won't be as hard as staying here. I can't bear to be dictated to by Gehove. To be one of his seraphim. Not after this. To live here in this terrible and soulless place for all eternity is a horror I cannot face. There's nothing holy here.”

  “Anyone would think you were talking about Hell, not Heaven.” He caressed her face with his fingers. “I remember thinking something similar a long time ago. God didn't like it when I spoke the words out loud.”

  “Is that all you did to get cast down? Disagree with him?”

  “It was more than that, but this isn't the time to discuss it. My mind isn't functioning very well. I feel a little giddy...Fuck, I need a drink so badly.”

  She pulled him into her arms and ran her hands all over his hard muscled ass, feeling the deep wooden grooves running down it.

  “Is it reversible. All this damage to your body?”

  “Why, does it spoil my good looks much?” he grinned.

  “No... well maybe a little.” She smiled.

  “I think it'll fade, if I ever leave this dry Heaven.”

  His lips brushed hers, back and forth, and she melted into him like he was at one with her. Her body trembled violently in his arms with a deep desire and her heart beat fast in her chest. She felt him stir fast and hard against her thigh.

  God, how she wanted him. Always. Every moment in his presence.

  He broke away, with a look of yearning in his eyes.

  “Now, this is really dangerous territory, little angel. I want to fuck you on God's altar and that wouldn't do, because I'm too weak and stiff limbed to make a very good job of it.”

  His eyes twinkled wickedly as they locked on hers.

  Despite the seriousness of their predicament, she couldn't help but smile at him.

  There he was, leaning shamelessly, against God's altar, semi erect with a wood lined face and body, bloodied wrists and ankles, his hair everywhere.

  And, still, he was the most goddamn gorgeous thing in the whole universe.

  Desire erupted within her like volcano full of lava.

  She swallowed her threatening moan. “Come, let's go. I really need to find you something to wear,” she muttered. She was almost biting her tongue off, stifling her need of his cock inside her.

  She led him slowly to the door, the desiccation in his legs and body causing him to move stiffly. She opened the door, breaking the lock with lightning, and let him out, into the small, shadowy doorway.

  “Wait there, I will return in a moment.”

  She left by the front door, bidding the two seraph a cheerful goodnight, and adding a convincing sigh of contentment as she left them, locking and chaining the door behind her. She circled around the side of the building and into his waiting arms. They stayed a moment to kiss passionately, in the shelter of the dark, their mouths smothering the moans of their desire.

  Then they moved silently through the shadows of the compound of Hailen, to the edge of the fields. She held him tightly to her, as she flexed her wings wide, and beating them hard to carry the weight of two beings, she flew away, to the river.

  She left him to drink his fill while she collected him a full black gown from her closet. As she flew back to his side, she could see he was sat on the bank of the river, waiting her return.

  Her feet whispered the few steps across the long, lush grass and she passed him the gown.

  “It'll be tight, but it'll do for now. It'll cover the parts than need covering,” she giggled.

  “Thanks,” he said. He held his hand out. “Sit with me.”

  She sat at his side. “For a minute then, but we need to go.”

  “No we don't. We have all the time in the world. No one will be looking for us until dawn at least.”

  Then he lay her down and undressed her, her heart pounding madly in her chest, she spread her wings beneath her.

  “I have wings,” he said, softly smoothing her black feathers with the flat of his hand.

  “You do?”

  “I'm a fallen angel. Of course I do. When I'm in Hell, they emerge. But I don't suppose I'll see them again, will I?” His laugh was false and hid his true feelings.

  She appreciated he mourned the loss of his wings. It was like losing limbs. Worse than that, as they enabled her to soar high, and she loved that beyond description. Her time on the earth, after Gabriel had temporarily taken them from her, had left her feeling lost without their presence.

  “I'm sorry Uvall. You can borrow the use of mine if you need to fly anywhere.”

  “I'm a demon. I can move quickly b
y foot. I can also manipulate time, to a degree, so I can arrive somewhere far away, in seconds. That may come in useful in the next day or two.”

  “Every little helps. I have my lightning in my hand. You have time in yours. We make a formidable team.” She giggled.

  “I guess we do.”

  His breath was warm on her neck, his lips caressing her ear, nipping and sucking. His hands brushing over her body. She felt more than a little euphoric in his gently seductive embrace. But more than that, she felt wanted and needed. And she wanted and needed Uvall, more than anything.

  He turned her and placed her on all fours. Then he drove inside her, possessing her so hard and passionately, and she flew out of herself, high above. He held her close to him, his hard body covering hers, lying upon her spread wings, his hands caressing her body and her silky feathers. She loved every second they spent on the riverbank. She'd remember that forever, as the moment they became one.

  He told her things. Special things. And she answered in her head. He was learning all that was in hers and she was learning all that was in his.

  Their bond was in place. A mental bond.

  One from which the best things could grow.

  Lila wanted to know all about him.

  Because she'd put her faith and trust in him.

  All her faith and trust.


  A short time ago Uvall was preparing to die. He was desperate to die. He had given up all hope, all fight, and was willing it to end.

  But now he had so much to live for.

  His body was repairing fast. The water healing and hydrating his wooden scars.

  As his hands and body made love to his beautiful dark angel, he knew that he'd found her.

  The one he would gladly forsake all others for. The one he'd die for.

  And she'd die for him. That had been plain to see. He could not believe this perfect creature had arrived in his life. Out of nowhere.

  He felt so right in her arms. She felt so right in his.


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