Verdria's Heart [Lush Valley, Tennessee] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Verdria's Heart [Lush Valley, Tennessee] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 5

by Robyn Reigns

  Ryker couldn’t believe how amazing this woman was. He watched her as his brother pulled her onto his lap and cradled her in his arms. Owen gently wiped the tears from her cheeks. Then he cupped her face in his large, rough hand and gently kissed her lips. They fixed her clothes then carried her to her room and gently laid her on the full-sized bed. She was already nearly asleep. “We’re going to let you rest now, Verd,” Ryker said. “We’re going to pick you up and bring you to our house for dinner tomorrow night. Be ready by six. Our conversation from today is not finished yet.” Each brother placed a kiss on her cheek as they quickly departed.

  Chapter 4

  The next day Verdria found herself being dragged into the local women’s boutique by Robin. Her friend decided that simple jeans and a T-shirt just won’t do for dinner with the Crawford twins. Sighing, Verdria knew she could talk herself blue trying to get out of this shopping trip. Once Robin made up her mind, she was worse than Verdria and probably twice as stubborn to boot. So, gritting her teeth, she followed behind her friend as they started looking through the clothes racks. Seriously, if she had never promised to stay here and visit with her friend, she would have hightailed it out of town that morning to escape those overbearing brutes. Verdria was kicking herself for not wanting to upset her friend by breaking her promise.

  Just thinking about what they did to her had her blushing in the middle of the clothes store. She couldn’t help thinking how Owen’s body surrounding hers made her feel safe and protected. The way Ryker dominated her had her breathless. The thing that scared her the most was that she wanted them to stay with her. When they had closed the door behind them as they left, she’d felt so lost and alone. She wanted to feel their hard firm bodies keep her warm and protect her through the night. For the first time in quite a while, she wanted to have sex. What scared her the most was that she wanted not one but two men. She just couldn’t imagine choosing one over the other. They made it obvious they both wanted her. A relationship with two men would be very overwhelming. But could it even work?

  She needed to learn to trust in a relationship again. She knew that could never happen until Monty was out of her life for good. He needed to realize that there was nothing between them. He was starting to act more psychotic recently and Verdria feared he would continue hurting people to get to her. She was afraid he was developing a new insane need. It now worried her that he would want to hurt her physically and no longer just emotionally. At least he was off her trail for now, but what if he found her out here? Verdria knew he was not one to give up.

  Robin pulled her from her thoughts as she came barreling toward her loaded down with a handful of dresses. “Here, girl,” Robin said, “try these on. This blue one is really nice. It matches your eyes. But, this red one would look killer on you as well.” Pushing her toward the dressing rooms, Robin made her try on several dresses. As she stepped out of her cubical to show Robin the red one, she bumped into a petite redheaded woman giggling uncontrollably with Robin.

  “You should have seen those poor Marks brothers, Robin.” The redhead was laughing. “Ethan and Frank had a look of horror when Daddy threatened them with that old rifle. They probably thought he’d have us in front of Judge Hurly this morning repeating wedding vows.”

  “You guys really need to stop all this teasing. Someone’s bound to get hurt, Charlene.” Robin tried to respond seriously but couldn’t help giggling as well. “I can’t believe they were naked. Poor Ms. Bell.” Robin quieted for a second as she spotted Verdria. “Well, Verdria I think that has to be the one. It looks sensational on you. I’m so jealous. I wish I had that body. Oh, where are my manners. Verdria, this is Charlene Cross. She grew up here in Lush Valley.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Verdria,” Charlene replied. “I heard you have a date with the Crawford brothers. You do know they’re the catch of the town, right?”

  “I’m just having dinner with them. I wouldn’t exactly call it a date,” Verdria replied.

  “Well, when those men set their sights on something, just watch out. They would ride rough shod through a herd of trampling bulls to get it,” Charlene said, looking her square in the eye. “You’ve been here barely two days and already you and those brothers are the talk of the town.”

  “Well, thanks for the input,” Verdria said. “I’ll be sure to bear that in mind. I only plan on staying a few more weeks then I’ll be heading back east.” She continued as she went to change back into her street clothes.

  On her way to the register, Charlene stopped her. “Just so you know. Those men may seem tough and overprotective, but they have hearts of gold. They would never knowingly hurt you. In fact, they would sell their souls or give their life to protect the woman they love. You would be very lucky to have them.”

  “I’ll remember that. Thank you, Charlene, but it would be in everyone’s best interest if I leave here when my vacation is over,” she stated with resignation.

  Just before she turned to leave, Charlene had to have the last word. “Everyone’s best interest or yours? Maybe you should get to know the town and everyone in it before you make a hasty decision.”

  * * * *

  Libby’s Diner was packed as Verdria and Robin made their way to the back of the establishment. They were lucky enough to get a booth with windows. The diner, like the rest of the town, was old and quaint. It even had an old soda fountain bar with the red round stools. An old-fashioned jukebox stood quietly next to a couple of vintage pinball machines against the back wall.

  When Verdria looked out through the window, she could see all the old-fashioned brick buildings along Main Street. She noticed the cutest little flower shop across the street. Hanging flower baskets graced the front windows. It even had fresh-cut flowers sitting out in the sun waiting to be chosen for bouquets. Right near the entrance she spotted two men holding hands. Just when she went to turn her face back to Robin, she watched the two men openly embrace. The embrace turned into a sensual kiss. Their love for each other shown through their eyes as they departed, one man going into the flower shop and the other toward a car. “The blond one that went into the flower shop is Sean Smith. He owns it. The other guy was Mark Todd. He’s a lawyer over at the local firm. They’ve been partners for quite a few years now. Look out the window and keep watching the people,” Robin said with a smile and contentment in her voice.

  Verdria continued watching people walk by the diner. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. There were many people walking in pairs. The strange thing was that every so often she caught groups in threes or fours walking and talking together, some even holding hands. A few were acting serious, while others were laughing, but otherwise there was nothing too strange to focus on. Verdria and Robin both placed their lunch orders and sipped drinks while waiting for the food to arrive.

  Before Verdria could start a conversation with her friend, a woman’s voice started getting louder as she walked past the diner window. She was an older woman with neatly styled graying hair, and she walked with her head held high and determination in her eyes as she continued with her loud tirade. What got Verdria’s attention was that she was followed by two men flanking her on both sides, smiling over her head. They both had eyes sparkling with laughter and amusement as they listened to her complain. “I knew trying for a girl was stupid. I should have kept my legs crossed back then and said no. You guys better get your sons straightened out,” she said while shaking her head side to side in annoyance.

  Verdria couldn’t help but smile. The older woman was quite amusing. “No way. That’s not possible, is it? Is that woman in a relationship with both of those men?”

  “That woman is Judith Marks. And, she’s actually married to three men, not just those two.”

  “But it’s illegal. I can’t believe people openly allow ménage relationships here.”

  Robin’s voice took on a defensive quality. “People can’t help who they love. The majority of the relationships in this town are everlasting. I haven’t even heard
of a single divorce since moving here over five years ago. Boyfriends and girlfriends breaking up, yes, but marriages, no. Considering how worldly you are I thought you would be more open to this kind of thing.”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to offend. I’m just shocked. I probably would have been less dramatic if I wasn’t dealing with the twins as well as thoughts of Monty.”

  “There are many things to love here in Lush Valley,” Robin started saying as Judith finished walking by the diner with two of her husbands. “For one thing, it may have been built on an old-fashioned foundation, but it learned to change with the times. Everyone loves thy neighbor and will help each other no questions asked. But this town was also built on tolerance. As long as you’re not hurting anyone, you can live your life as you see fit. Judith has been married to her three husbands for over thirty years. She may get angry and rant and rave. Mostly because of her youngest sons, the guys Charlene was talking about this morning Ethan and Frank, but she loves her husbands with all her heart. In return, her men would do anything to keep her happy and would willingly give their lives to keep her safe.”

  “What are you trying to say to me?” Verdria quietly asked.

  “Look, honey, I know you’ve been really hurt in the past, but please keep an open mind. This is a very special and unique place. The men here are nothing like the ones we’ve met in the past. They were all raised to treat their partners like gold, whether it is a man loving a man or a man loving a woman. Just try opening yourself up to the Crawford brothers, at least give them a chance.” Her voice was soft and pleading. “I could see you living here and fitting in very well.”

  Verdria’s response was short and gruff. “I’ll think about it, Robin. That’s all I can offer for now.”

  “Fix this thing with Monty, then put the past in the past, Verdria. Let these men into your heart. I know you can trust them.”

  “I’ll consider spending time with them and getting to know them. That has to be enough for now. With my messed up history and bad luck with men, I shouldn’t even consider a relationship with either of the Crawford brothers.”

  She smiled sadly as she took in her friend’s defensive body language. “Well, I hate to break the news to you, but if those men have designs on you, then you’re in major trouble. Though in my opinion a good kind of trouble.” She reached out to pat and rub her friend’s hand in comfort. “Please try to be open about what they can offer. They’re not like the foster families or some of the men you’ve met in the past. These men are probably the most unselfish people you will ever come across. There is no guarantee to any relationship, but I think the twins would be perfect for you. Please, Verd, I can’t stand seeing you so alone anymore. I know the loneliness hurts. Besides, I wouldn’t tell you to take a chance with just anyone.”

  Verdria could feel her resolve starting to break. Before she completely gave in and told her friend yes, she would jump right into a relationship with the identical twin Gods, she held back and rebuilt her defenses. “Like I already said, I’ll think about it. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Just give me time.”

  “I’ll give you all the time in the world you need.” She smiled showing her devil-may-care attitude. “But, take it from me, those men are going to be double the trouble for you. Like everyone keeps telling you, they get what they want and don’t let anyone or anything stand in their way. If those men were building Rome, it would have been built in a month. Think on that, my girl.”

  * * * *

  Patiently, Ryker tried to wait for someone to open the door after knocking. When it swung open Robin invited him and Owen in. The sweet petite woman greeted them with opened arms and was soon followed by her husband. “Verdria is just finishing her hair. She should be down any minute.” She said. “Would you guys like to take a seat in the living room while you wait?”

  “No thanks. I think we’ll just stand here since you said it shouldn’t be too long.”

  His brother seemed just as excited and impatient as him. They couldn’t wait to get to know their woman. Not sure how much time passed by, he almost started to worry she somehow found a way to stand them up. Relief washed over him only when he heard her make her way downstairs. When she reached the entrance to greet him and Owen, a beeping noise sounded. The next thing he knew, Robin was placing a cell phone in her hand. “That thing wouldn’t stop making noise, Verd. You must have like fifteen or twenty messages on there.” Robin sighed deeply before continuing. “It better not be your Monty. Matt told me he overheard a phone conversation and learned he was stalking you. In my mind that means he’s getting closer and closer to hurting you in some way. You didn’t just have a bad break up with him did you? There is more going on, isn’t there?”

  “I know, Robin. I know you’re here to help me and you want the best for me.” Her discomfiture was easily noticeable. Ryker could tell she wanted to make a hurried escape and avoid everyone’s scrutiny. Verdria walked to the door. Before exiting the house she looked back as if to make sure he and his brother were following her. “I promised you I would stay for a few weeks, but maybe it would be best for everyone if I just left.” After voicing her opinion, she left the house with Owen one step behind.

  Ryker turned to Robin, seeing the hurt and anger in her eyes. He gently hugged her. “Owen and I will take care of this. Don’t worry, Robin. We may not fully know what’s going on yet, but we won’t let anyone hurt her. We’ll talk about this with you and Matt later. Just let that husband of yours love and spoil you tonight and don’t worry about Verdria.”

  He saw defeat in her eyes. “She’s a very special person, Ry. She has the gentlest heart I know. I promised her I wouldn’t say anything, but I’d rather her be angry at me than hurt in some way. All I know is her ex keeps stalking her. Every time I try and find out what’s going on, she changes the subject or shuts down. Someone needs to get her to open up, and she needs to let someone help her. She is way too stubborn and independent.”

  Wiping a tear off her cheek with his thumb, Ryker looked straight into her eyes with confidence and an unwavering determination. “Like I said, Owen and I will take care of this, and we won’t let her leave.” He quietly walked out of the house, following his brother and their woman.

  The three of them silently sat in the pickup as Ryker drove them toward the twins’ house. He tried to keep his temper in check. At least until he obtained the complete story from his woman as to what’s going on with this Monty creep. His brother could probably feel the anger and tension emanating off the two of them. Owen was once again proving he was the calm and quiet one.

  Thankfully, he was giving him and Verdria time to simmer down. Owen was always so much more level-headed than him. It’s one of the reasons he made a good peacekeeper. He on the other hand was the complete opposite. It took a large amount of control for him to remain silent and not punch something. If not careful his temper could be a downfall, and the last thing he wanted to do was scare this woman away.

  He looked over to Verdria. Tonight she was wearing a simple red dress with her hair swept up behind her by a simple bow. This woman could wear a burlap sack and still look glamorous. The dress material clung to every curve of her body and pushed her large full breasts up and together. She sat between the brothers with her head held high, eyes staring straight forward, jaw clenched. It probably hurt Owen’s heart to see her upset. He could tell she was trying to shut down her feelings and close herself off from him and his brother. She tried to be so independent. Ryker silently moaned to himself. She was glorious in her anger, and he not only wanted her, but he needed her. His cock began to harden as he thought about how he needed to feel his dick move in and out of her warm wet heat. It was very difficult to keep his hands to himself, but he knew touching her now would push her further back into her shell. He and Owen needed to bide their time tonight. They needed to get her to talk and open up. Hopefully build a small amount of trust. Looking over to his brother, they silently communicated. It was almost as if they could
read each other’s mind sometimes, they assumed it was a twin thing. He knew after talking with their woman they had to completely have her and claim her as theirs.

  Owen jumped when the vehicle came to a stop. He must have been lost in thought. Ryker slammed his door closed. He quietly pocketed her cell phone and then helped Verdria out of the pickup. She probably didn’t realize the loss of the cell, because her anger was still simmering. Silently, she followed them into the main entrance of the house. They walked into a living room, and Owen motioned for her to take a seat.

  * * * *

  Verdria was still smoldering with anger on her way to the house. Who did these men think they were? Why couldn’t she get this attraction for them under control? She was so angry at everyone and everything right now. It felt like her life was hurtling away from her. Verdria’s life was supposed to be orderly. Everything was supposed to have its own little box and shelf. Feelings were supposed to be contained and neutral. Between dealing with the Monty situation and now the pull toward these men, she felt like she was walking a tight rope without a net. Taking a seat, she slowly drew in a deep breath to regain some control. Looking up at the vast ceiling and the interior of the house helped distract her from her worries for a few minutes. She did her best to sit back and relax, but it was near impossible as the brothers sat on either side of her. Ryker sat on her right and Owen on her left. Each brother held one of her hands between both their palms. It was like they were trying to silently offer her some of their strength while comforting her at the same time.

  Owen was the first to break the silence. “We’re going to be honest and straight forward with you, Verd. Ryker and I both feel drawn to you. The two of us have never felt such intense emotions toward the same woman. We would like to give us a chance,”


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