Verdria's Heart [Lush Valley, Tennessee] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Verdria's Heart [Lush Valley, Tennessee] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 8

by Robyn Reigns

Verdria sat quietly, doing her best not to become angry as their voices droned on in the background. All she could think about was the fact that they were trying to take over her life. She barely knew these men, and already they invaded her privacy. It felt like they were taking away her control. She needed to get some space from them. It was like Monty all over again. Feeling cornered, Verdria stood up and moved away from the men to gain some distance. Owen reached a hand out toward, her, trying to prevent her from moving, and she pushed it way. She needed to get away before she broke down in front of them. She could feel tears from anger starting to run down her cheeks. “How could you go through my phone and rearrange my life behind my back? I didn’t ask for your help, and I didn’t want you involved. Don’t you understand? It feels like your taking away my control and trying to run my life. Not only am I dealing with Monty, but now I’ll have to worry about both of you behind my back. Why couldn’t you just let things be?”

  Owen walked over to Verdria. Before she could move away he pulled her tense body against his chest. He pulled her closer and held her more firmly as she tried to twist away. “Hush, Verd. It’s going to be okay. Calm down and listen to us. We’re not trying to hurt you in any way, sweetheart.”

  Ryker moved to stand next to the couple as he gave his opinion. “You can fight us all you want, Verdria, but Owen and I are going to win in the end. You already belong to us. You just need to admit it to yourself. Now I can understand being upset over invading your privacy, but we care about you and need to protect you. We will do whatever we deem necessary to keep you safe, baby. Even if it means we have to take control of your life or completely piss you off.”

  Gently patting her back, Owen tried to comfort her. “Ryker’s right, Verd. You belong to us. We need to keep you safe. It’s time for you to stop trying to run from him. Monty needs to be brought to some kind of justice so that you can truly put him in the past and start living your life. Ryker and I want to be a major part of your life, but even if you won’t let us in, we wouldn’t turn our backs on you in the situation you’re in.”

  Before anyone else could say anything, the phone in the house began to ring. Ryker went to answer it as Owen continued to hold and comfort Verdria. “Please, Verdria, let us do this for you. Ryker and I are tougher than we look. We can take care of ourselves, and we have plenty of friends in high places that owe us favors. We did a major stint in the military and made numerous contacts. Most of them have turned mercenary and will be more than willing to help. God only knows we’ve done plenty for them. It’s time for them to lend us a hand for a change.”

  “We need to head over to Matt’s place,” Ryker said as he moved closer to her and his brother. Concern laced his voice. “It appears someone left a gift for Verdria. He wouldn’t tell me what it was over the phone. He said we needed to see it for ourselves. It doesn’t sound good, especially since Matt told me he was worried about Robin’s safety, maybe we should see if they want to stay with us here for a little while. We needed to pack up Verd’s stuff anyway.”

  “I’m so sorry, guys. I shouldn’t have come out here. I should have known better. If anyone gets hurt, it will be my fault.” She was so upset she was fidgeting with her hands. “I don’t know what he could have left me. It’s only been harmless stuff so far.”

  “Well, we won’t know until we get there. Owen, I’m going to go bring the pickup around front. I’ll meet the two of you out there in a few minutes.”

  As Verdria prepared to follow the brothers, thoughts of their recent conflict completely left her mind. She knew she had to stop running from Monty, and she knew in her heart she wouldn’t be able to run from the two oversized, overprotective goons. She didn’t know how much longer she’d be able to fight against their magnetism.

  Chapter 6

  The trio pulled up in front of the small white house. Matt was comforting a distraught Robin on the porch. He held her in his arms close to his chest, her head tucked in under his chin. Between shushing her and telling her everything would be all right, he pointed in the direction to his left. Near the edge of the porch rested a sheet-covered bundle. With quiet anger tingeing his voice, Matt started explaining the situation. “I had to cover it. The only thing I did was place a sheet over it because it was upsetting Robin so badly. Why would someone do something like this?”

  Verdria watched Owen follow behind his brother as he walked over to the white bundle. She was afraid to see what was underneath. But, she still made sure she was right on their heels, not wanting to miss anything, especially since the “gift” was supposed to be for her. Lifting the edge of the sheet slowly, Ryker revealed the body of a mutilated dog. As Verdria drew in closer, she got a better look. Gasping in anger and rage at what happened to the poor thing, a piece of her heart shattered as soon as she realized it was her own friend. With tears running down her cheeks and the pain of her loss riding her emotions, she turned to run into the open arms of her lovers. Owen’s arms as always were the first to grab her when comforting was needed, but Ryker was sure to encircle both of them as if he were trying to keep everyone safe.

  “I need to get a better look at what that fucking asshole did.” Bitter anger and hatred seeped into her voice as she pulled away from the hard masculine bodies comforting and protecting her. As she got closer, sadness ran through her at the loss of her sweet innocent friend. “This was Mongie.” She sobbed and her voice cracked. Her dog’s large body was laid out on his side, his thick, gray, wiry fur stained with dried blood. “I used to tease him and call him Mongie the mongrel. He was a stray that adopted me in the countryside in Hatfield, England. It happened very close to the veterinary college I was attending. I was in my last year of school at the time. He was an awesome companion, and he always tried to protect me.” She stared down at the still body covered in blood. There were precise incisions made all over his body. But what upset her most was seeing his heart lying torn from his chest right next to him. “I didn’t think he would stoop this low. I left Mongie in a kennel boarding until I could get back. He must have lied to the owners to get him out.”

  “This was left, too, Verd.” Owen quietly handed over a small note covered in blood. Boldly written in black ink was his message.

  Your heart will be mine. We will be together soon. With all my love, Monty.

  “Matt has already called the sheriff,” Ryker said. “He should be here soon.”

  “Is there anything you guys need me to do?” Matt asked.

  “Nah. But thanks. Robin, how about you go and help Verdria pack her things. She is going to stay at the main house with us. When Sheriff Tucker and his men are done here, just send them on over to our house and we’ll make a statement and answer his questions.” Verdria and Robin walked into the house as they listened to the rest of the conversation between the men. “Please, Matt, would you reconsider staying down at the main house? Security will be tight over there. We don’t want to see you or Robin get hurt.”

  “Thanks for the offer. But I can keep Robin safe here. I think he has his sights on Verdria and the two of you now. You’re the ones that need to take care. I hope you called in the cavalry.”

  “Yeah. Owen and I have Sully and Mack coming in with their teams. Outside of Micah and Kai, his men are the only ones I know we can fully trust. I’ll have them put a couple extra men on your place to help watch your back and cover Robin.”

  “Thanks, boss. I’d appreciate that. We better go check on our women, and make sure they’re okay.”

  * * * *

  “Thanks, Robin. I can get the rest in my bags. Are you sure you’re going to be okay?”

  “I’ll be fine, Verd. I’m just really worried about you. I didn’t realize how much worse things had gotten with Monty.”

  “I’m so sorry you had to see that.” Sadness and anger still raged through her body as her tears dried up. “I can’t believe someone could be that sick and stoop so low. He was just an innocent animal.” She continued, her heart aching as she pictured her pet.
“I just thought if I stayed away from a relationship, he would leave everyone else in my world alone. God, I was so stupid. If he’s found out about Owen and Ryker, I’m afraid he’s going to try to get to them next. What should I do? I don’t want them hurt.” Now also filled with guilt and worry, she finished packing her bags. “What about you and Matt? Oh my God, Robin, what have I done by coming here?”

  “I think coming here was your salvation. Things always happen for a reason.” Robin patted her back soothingly as she continued. “Matt and I will be just fine. I have a feeling that crazy man doesn’t want anything to do with us anyway. Come on. Let’s go.” Robin directed her out of the bedroom and back downstairs. “The men will grab your bags. We can sit in the kitchen until you all are ready to leave.”

  Setting a glass of hot, sweetened tea in front of Verdria, Robin settled herself next to her friend. “As far as Ryker and Owen are concerned, don’t worry too much. From what I’ve heard, they can handle themselves.” A minute or two passed by as the women sipped their tea and quiet filled the room. Verdria heard her friend take a deep breath before voicing what was on her mind. “I need to say something, Verd. Don’t get all angry at me for speaking my mind again. I know you’re very hurt and angry right now and your emotions are running all over the place. But just listen to me and think about what I say when you’re ready.” Her friend patted and rubbed her hand, and took in a deep resigned breath before continuing. “You have to understand something. Those two men have practically claimed you as theirs. In their mind you belong to them now, and they will do everything in their power to keep you safe. You can deny your feelings for them all you want. I’ve seen you watch other men before. But your eyes are different while you watch the brothers. When you look at them, it’s like you glow with an inner peacefulness. When you’re not fighting them, you look calm and content. It’s as if you look like you’ve finally come home.”

  Verdria gripped her friend’s hand and held it like a lifeline. She needed to be anchored when she thought about the Crawford brothers on an emotional level. “I think I’m already starting to more than care for them, Robin. Right now everything about those men seems to scare me. Whenever I’m around either of them, I’m not sure if I’m coming or going. I keep getting lost in them and what they do to me. I’m even more afraid that I’m going to want to give them too much of me. I don’t want to lose myself to them,” Verdria sighed, fear warring with confusion in her mind.

  “Those men have fallen fast and hard for you, too, honey. They would give to you more than they could take. If you look at it in a different way, those men will make you stronger. They will help you grow and support you. I could never see them hindering you in any way.” Her friend was hugging her close but stopped speaking when she heard someone clearing their throat. The three men stood in the doorway and brought their conversation to an abrupt end.

  “We’re not done talking about this. I’m going to hold you to finishing this conversation another time.” Verdria heard the steely determination in her friend’s voice.

  Verdria watched Matt walk into the kitchen and grab his wife up into his arms. The brothers settled behind her. Each placed a hand on her shoulder. She hoped that they didn’t overhear the conversation between her and Robin. It would be bad enough if they found out she fell for them. In her mind, it would be even worse if they knew that she was nearly in love with them. She was afraid they would become even more heavy-handed in taking over and running her life. She shivered and tensed up as Ryker bent to whisper in her ear. His voice vibrated throughout her body, traveling through her nerve endings straight to her pussy. “Time to go, baby. Are you ready?”

  “I’ll go grab her bags and meet you both out by the pickup,” Owen said as he quickly walked toward the staircase leading to her room.

  * * * *

  By the time they got back to the house, the cavalry had indeed arrived. Several SUVs lined the large driveway, and a handful of men were gathered in small groups. Some looked to be in serious conversation. Others looked like they were laughing and joking. What unnerved Verdria the most was the fact that the majority of them were all very big, muscle-bound men dressed to kill in military-type attire. As she and the brothers neared the main entrance, the two largest of the men stepped forward to greet Owen and Ryker. They weren’t as big and tall as the twins, but they were quite intimidating by their sheer presence alone. Verdria knew to get on the wrong side of these two men would be beyond scary.

  “Hey, Sully.” Ryker greeted the guy to his left with a handshake that turned into a near bear hug. “How are you doing?”

  “Not bad, and yourself? It’s been a long time, man,” Sully replied.

  “Doing good. Thanks so much for coming out here,” he said as he turned to the other man and gave the same greeting. “Hey, Mack. It’s good to see yah.”

  They were both good-looking men. Dark tanned skin made them appear hard and leathery. It added to their ruggedness. Both had dark hair and brown eyes. Where Sully’s eyes were the color of honey, Mack’s were more like warm dark chocolate. When their gazes locked, it sent a chill running down her spine that made her shiver. Their eyes were hard, cold, and always assessing. It was like nothing escaped their notice. They appeared to be very hard and staid men. If loyal, they would be the ultimate men to have at one’s back.

  Owen turned and greeted the men in a similar fashion as Ryker. Once hellos were out of the way, they turned to introduce Verdria.

  “Sully, Mack, this is Verdria,” Ryker said. “Verdria, these two men have been very close friends of ours, for how long is it now? Nearly fifteen years. Right?”

  “Yeah, man. I can’t believe it’s been that long.” Mack’s deep baritone voice was soft and quiet.

  “Outside of Micah and Kai, Owen and I have never come across such loyal and honest friends. We were in the military for nearly ten years. The four of us did basic training together. Then later we somehow ended up working in the same special ops unit. Our team was inseparable and we worked really well as a group.” Ryker stated.

  Owen interjected. “We wouldn’t trust just anyone with your life, Verdria. These men are the best at what they do.”

  “Just what is it that you guys do?” she asked.

  “All you need to know is that when they’re not paid mercenaries, they work security and are great bodyguards,” Ryker replied for the men. “I say we all go inside, grab some drinks, and discuss some strategies and plans before you and your men head out on assignments.”

  “Were you guys ever mercenaries, what kind of missions did you deal with?” Her curiosity was piqued.

  “No, sweetheart, Ry and I were never mercenaries. Most of our assignments were classified, but revolved around rescue or tactical missions.” Her question and answer session was interrupted by the Sheriff’s SUV pulling up in front of the house. Before everyone went inside, quick introductions were made as Sheriff Tucker stepped out of the car. When everyone was situated in the house, the sheriff obtained a statement from Verdria, while Owen and Ryker discussed her situation with their friends.

  Sheriff Alexander Tucker sat with Verdria while she told him the sordid Monty story. “You’re telling me that slimy maggot wasn’t even man enough to do his own dirty work?”

  He sounded like he was beyond angry at Monty, and he hadn’t even seen or met the man. All these people that Ryker and Owen brought into her life were starting to boost her confidence. She finally felt like she would be able to face the demon that’s been riding her ass for the past few years and maybe get her personal life back in order for once. “No, Sheriff, his family was so affluent he knew it would be safer for him to pay off other men to do most of his dirty work. The last incident was the worst.” She decided to confide in the sheriff. “I had been seeing a man named Sean Lawrence for a few weeks. I had still been getting the candies and flowers from Monty but started ignoring his messages. I thought his bark was worse than his bite. He had someone basically beat the hell out of Sean and
made it look like a mugging. Sean was lucky to come away breathing. He ended up with a broken collarbone and a few broken ribs. Monty told me he was the one behind the beating. He said it was my final warning. If he can’t have me, then no one can. What happened to Sean made me realize I needed to try and put distance between me and Monty. It was the reason why I quit my last job and tried to secretly come down here to get my mind sorted and maybe get some rest in. I was on the verge of getting a new identity and just trying to start a new life somewhere.”

  “So, you’re telling me there was no way to even connect him to the incident with this Sean guy?” Sheriff Tucker asked. “I tried, but no evidence was left and they only have my word against his. I’m just a vet working to pay off my student loans. Who would believe me over a man from a well-connected family that has enough money to buy their own island and political connections that were beyond my reach? I’d be lucky to talk my way out of a speeding ticket. His family probably has all the major politicians and judges in their pocket.”

  “Well, Verdria”—his hard eyes softened as they met hers—“it looks like you ended up in the right place. Your men will do beyond their best to keep you safe. And if anything happens here, this is my jurisdiction. I’m going to go talk to your men and then head on out to put the word out to my deputies to keep an eye for any new strangers in town. You take care and let those men of yours keep you safe.”

  “Thank you for your help, Sheriff. It’s more than appreciated,” Verdria said as she got up and headed out of the room.

  * * * *

  Verdria was exhausted and just wanted some time and space on her own. After poking her head into the kitchen and making sure Ryker and Owen were occupied, she decided to sneak out of the house. She wanted to go for a walk and get some fresh air, hoping it would help recharge her batteries and clear her head. This place was truly amazing, she thought as she meandered out to the horses. Ryker and Owen really must be well off considering that the Double Bar C was more like a village or an estate compared to a simple cattle or horse ranch.


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