Verdria's Heart [Lush Valley, Tennessee] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Verdria's Heart [Lush Valley, Tennessee] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 12

by Robyn Reigns

  “That was absolutely amazing, Verdria,” Owen said as he pulled her into his arms, hugging her. “Thank you.” He kissed her lips as he pulled her in closer as if never wanting to let her go. “If you ever want to be my morning wake-up call again, please feel free.” She heard the tender amusement in his voice as he nuzzled his face at the crease between her neck and shoulder.

  “I enjoyed it, too, cowboy. Glad I could be of assistance.” Verdria smiled as she basked in his soft afterglow. “I might have to make these wake-up calls a habit.” She giggled as she turned in his arms to face him and steal a quick deep kiss.

  “I’d love to continue this, sweetheart,”—Owen groaned as she let her hands explore his hard sweaty body—“but if we don’t stop now, we’ll never leave the bed.”

  “That sounds wonderful. Let’s just spend the day in bed.”

  “Sorry, sweets, but we have things to do today. Ryker is probably waiting on us for breakfast. Go shower and dress. I’ll meet you downstairs.”

  Verdria did her best to put on a pout. “Aww, but bed sounds so much nicer than running a ranch.” She received a chuckle from Owen at her efforts.

  “Yeah, it does. We’ll have plenty of sex marathons soon, sweets, but right now we need to prioritize. And, no, I’m not showering with you, because then we definitely wouldn’t make it to breakfast.” Owen left the room, her laughter echoing behind him through the doorway.

  * * * *

  After showering and getting dressed, Verdria quickly made her way downstairs to meet up with her men for breakfast. As she neared the house entrance, she heard Ryker at the front door. His voice was no-nonsense hard. She knew when he sounded like that, Ryker could be a man to be reckoned with. Her curiosity piqued, she ran over to see why his tough-guy attitude was coming to the fore. As she got closer to her man barring the front door, she thought she could hear a familiar English accent.

  “You bloody wanker. What have you done to Verdria? Where is she? If you so much as hurt a single hair on her head—”

  “I told you Verdria is busy at the moment.” Ryker’s voice was rising louder with anger as he cut into the man’s rant. He was so busy arguing with the visitor she easily sneaked up behind him. “Oh my God, Simon. Is that you?”

  “Verdria, finally. Could you tell this bloody wanker to toss off for me, love? I needed to make sure for myself that you were okay.” He pushed his way inside to greet Verdria. As Simon pulled her into a tight intimate hug, she ignored the large man practically growling behind her. Once their hug ended, Simon stepped back. He held her an arms span away from his body and looked her over from head to toe. It was as if he was appraising her for any cracks or imperfections. Meanwhile, Verdria found Ryker’s stunned silence entertaining. It was probably because Simon didn’t appear intimidated by his larger and more muscular frame. She almost laughed thinking about how Simon must have appeared in Ryker’s psyche. The man was a unique force of nature. There was no description that could do him justice. “I can’t believe you came all the way out here, Simon. You know there was no need.”

  Simon gently took her hand in his. He must have been satisfied with what he saw because he finally responded. “We both know you would do the same for me and Olivia, love. So I don’t want to hear it. I’m just glad you’re not hurt.”

  “Nope, I’m fine. As you can see. I’m fit as a fiddle. We have so much to catch up on.” Before she could get another word out, she heard Ryker make another growly sound, reminding her of his presence. “Oh, this scary, large man is Ryker. Ryker, this is Simon Batkin. We met while we were going to vet school together in England.”

  The two men shook hands as they measured each other up with their eyes.

  “I guess he’s staying for breakfast.” Ryker’s voice grated with annoyance as he walked past the pair. He pulled Verdria to walk with him, looking over his shoulder to Simon. “You can follow us to the kitchen,” he said as he lengthened his stride, practically dragging Verdria along with him.

  Owen was in the kitchen finishing up the breakfast preparations as the three of them walked in. Verdria walked over to Owen, pulling Simon along with her. “Owen, this is Simon Batkin. Simon, meet Owen Crawford.” The pair shook hands in greeting. Verdria motioned for Simon to grab a seat.

  Ryker quietly walked over to help Owen finish the breakfast preparations. Verdria spied him gritting his teeth. It was as if he was trying to keep his annoyance and anger in check. As Owen finished making the toast and setting the table, Ryker prepared four plates with eggs, home fries, sausage, and bacon. Verdria, in the meantime, grabbed two cups of coffee, one for her and the other for Simon.

  She really missed her friend. Simon had always been there for her through thick and thin since they met in vet school. He was good-looking in his own right. Dark auburn hair just touching his neckline and emerald-green eyes were his best features. An average, wiry frame hid his underlying strength. He had a natural charisma that attracted not just women, but also men in droves. Verdria couldn’t help but smile as she listened to Simon speak his mind. It really took some getting used to. Her men were in for a wild ride.

  Simon looked back and forth between the two men, finally taking the time to assess them. “Wow, Verd. Now I know why you were stunned when you saw both of them. So, which one are you shagging? I hope he’s good in bed. Please tell me one of them is gay and I have a chance.”

  Verdria couldn’t help herself and broke out laughing. It wasn’t so much from Simon’s prattling but more so from the expression on her men’s faces. She never saw them shocked into silence and unsure of how to respond to someone. Taking pity on her men, she got up and walked over to them. “Both of them are straight, Simon. Sorry to burst your bubble.” For once in her life she actually stunned her friend speechless. She walked over to Owen and gave him a deep, intimate kiss before turning to Ryker to do the same thing. “As far as which one I’m shagging, they’re both mine.” She smiled toward her friend, watching a myriad of expressions cross over his face. “This is too funny, Simon. I’ve never seen you go from stunned, to shocked, to jealous all in one sitting, and be speechless at the same time.”

  “You”—Simon pointed from her to the twins—“and them? All three of you?” Simon asked as he tried to regain his composure. Verdria nodded in confirmation and tried to hold back a giggle. Finally over his shock, Simon couldn’t keep quiet. “Wow, Verdria, shit yeah, I’m jealous. Can I get in on some of the action?” Growls of anger were heard from both men. “I’m just taking the piss, guys.”

  “Quit joking, Simon. It may just get you in trouble with my big, tough cowboys.”

  The twins came over to the table carrying the breakfast laden plates. “This looks brilliant, guys, thank you.” When Simon noticed the breakfast meats on his and Verdria’s plates he glanced up at her. Eyes sparkling with mirth flashed towards her while he desperately tried to hold back his laughter. “I guess you haven’t told them yet, huh, Verd?” He shook his head, still maintaining his composure by a thread.

  “Simon, please, you know it embarrasses me.”

  “Yeah but, love, paybacks and all that. Besides, don’t you think they deserve to know? If you plan on being a happy threesome, there should be no secrets.” Much to her annoyance, of course it was Ryker that had to be the first to chomp at Simon’s bait. The little instigator secretly enjoyed her discomfiture and loved to play things up. It was his way of learning people through their reactions and responses.

  “What’s going on? Verdria, what are you keeping from us?” Ryker’s anger and worry was heard through his hard steely voice. His expression brooked no argument. He was determined to get an answer.

  Verdria sighed in resignation. She looked over to Simon, signaling him to go ahead and explain. “Verdria, it’s not embarrassing. You need to get over it already.”

  “How would you feel if I told people you wear women’s underwear? Oh wait. Never mind. Nothing embarrasses you, Simon.”

  “Will someone please just te
ll me and Ryker what’s going on?” Verdria didn’t know whether to be shocked or annoyed at hearing the unusual impatience in Owen’s voice.

  “Fine, Verd. I’ll tell them for you, love. By the way, I really liked those red panties you sent me with the word love scripted in bright pink on the bum. They looked divine on me.”

  Verdria reached over and smacked Simon across the back of his head. “Those were for Olivia, you dunce.”

  Simon laughed at Verdria’s reaction. His wide grin noticeably made Verdria cringe and tense. Somehow his grin grew impossibly bigger. Before he started to speak again, he picked up a sausage and took a small bite. “This poor woman has an embarrassing, avid dislike for meat. Does that about cover it, love?”

  Red with embarrassment, she got up and walked to grab another cup of coffee. “I’m not a fully fledged vegetarian.” She hoped to hide her blush by keeping her back turned from her men. “I just don’t eat mammals.”

  “There’s more to it than that though, blokes.” Still trying to keep his amusement at bay, he buttered a piece of toast and sipped his coffee as he continued his explanation. “She won’t eat anything that’s been cooked near or with the mammalian meat. I bet she’ll find it difficult to eat the eggs on her plate because of the sausage and bacon near it. Poor girl is OCD about it.”

  Upset with Simon for making fun of her, she smacked him over the head again as she returned to the table. “You’re such a pain in my ass. Quit laughing at my predicament.”

  “Awww, Verd. My love. We both know I only take the piss because I care about you so much.”

  After everyone’s amusement was assuaged, Owen quickly made a new plate up of eggs, and only eggs, for Verdria. The rest of breakfast was then eaten in companionable silence. While the brothers cleaned the dishes, they let Simon and Verdria converse over coffee and catch up on life. It seemed Simon’s sister Olivia was the main topic.

  “Is Olivia doing well, Simon? I still always worry about her.”

  “She’s okay. You know our Liv. She’s still working at that horse sanctuary in Norwich. I came out here to make sure you were fine and figured if all was well I’d check out this town. You said I’d probably fit in, right?”

  “Yeah, they’re very open and accepting here, Simon. Who knows, maybe you’ll even find the man of your dreams, settle down, and get married.” Verdria couldn’t help but smile over at Simon as she imagined her friend some place, finally happy and accepted for who he was, and not alienated and mistreated because of his sexual preferences. She knew the poor man was tired of feeling the need to hide who he was. It was one of the reasons for leaving his small town in England. The other major reason was his sister. He was finally able to leave her in Norwich while he moved over to the USA to find a better place for them to live. “I think Olivia would do well out here, too, Simon. Otherwise I wouldn’t have recommended it. You should talk to Owen and Ryker. They can probably point you in the right direction and help you get started out here. I know they need cattle and horse vets.”

  “It’s not going to be easy to get Liv out here. She’s finally comfortable working at the sanctuary.”

  “We both know that she can’t hide there forever. It’s time for her to start living again, Simon. You also need to stop blaming yourself for what happened to her. No, don’t say anything, Simon. I see it in your eyes. Stop beating yourself up over what happened to her. I’d say, if you have to, then drag her out of that place kicking and screaming and force her to face life.”

  “Her emotional scars still haven’t healed. I don’t know what to do for her anymore, Verd.”

  “She still has a lot to work through. She was practically tortured and abused for years, Simon. Just get her out here and I’ll help you with the rest.”

  “Thanks, love. You know I really would be so lost without you.”

  “You and Olivia are like family. I would be just as lost without the both of you.”

  She glanced over at the twins as they finished working in companionable silence. Owen looked over at the clock. “How about we take Simon on a tour of the ranch while you and Robin head into town like you planned?”

  “If I leave the three of you alone, will everyone behave? No fighting or anything, right?”

  “Why would we fight with Simon?” Ryker asked.

  Verdria broke out into a huge smile. “You only just met the man, Ry. What you heard before breakfast was only the tip of the iceberg with this man. Maybe I should wish you good luck, if I know Simon you and Owen will need it.”

  “Just remember, Sully and/or Mack will be going into town with you. If you need anything, Owen and I have our cell phones. Make sure you program our numbers into yours if you haven’t already. Robin should be here ready to go any minute”

  All three men kissed and hugged her good-bye as the trio walked out of the house to start their day.

  * * * *

  After meeting these two men, he was worried for Verdria. Their size alone would have been enough to make him leery. Ryker’s intense but controlled anger had made him quite nervous this morning. In fact, he didn’t know where he found the courage to stand up to the man. The only thing he could think of was his worry over Verdria’s well-being kept him stayed and focused. That was probably what helped him stand his ground against the solid giant that opened the door this morning. These men made him feel puny with his five-foot-ten-inch frame.

  They were gorgeous men though, he’d give them that. Their well-sculpted bodies and sea-green eyes nearly had him drooling. He couldn’t get over the fact that the only reason he could tell the two brothers apart was because they each were wearing a different outfit. Simon sighed to himself. Too bad they were straight. It seemed Verdria was having all the luck right now. All he knew was that as long as these men treated her right, loved and protected her, then he would be more than happy for his friend.

  Simon shifted on his feet and leaned his weight against the fence. Ryker was helping Micah in the training paddock with an ornery horse. Owen and Kai stood on the sidelines observing the other two men hard at work. They said the horse’s name was Satan’s Son. Boy, was that bugger a mean son of a bitch. It really looked like he was living up to the name. Ryker was very patient and gentle with the horse. It looked like he was trying to earn the creature’s trust, and that was no easy feat. No matter how often the horse would buck and back away, Ryker still had the bollocks to meet the steed head-on. Not once did he attempt to hurt the stallion in anyway. He was trying to tame it without breaking its spirit. He knew if he was the one in that paddock, the stallion would probably be on the way to the glue factory. The only other person he’s seen this good with horses was his sister.

  “He’s amazing with him, isn’t he?” Owen softly asked as he moved to stand beside him. So intent was he on the display before him, he’d never even noticed Owen walk to his side.

  “Yeah. They’re magnificent.”

  After seeing Ryker, this hard, beautiful man that was always quick to anger, be so gentle, warm, and kind toward the cantankerous stallion, he knew his friend would be in good hands. “Is he always this good with horses?”

  “Ryker may seem hard and angry all the time, but he has a heart of gold for those he calls friends and family. When you win his trust, he’ll be there to back you and support you through thick and thin.”

  Simon looked over to Owen and caught his gaze. He studied the large confident man before him. His eyes were softer around the edges compared to his brother. Owen seemed more trusting than Ryker, but Simon could tell that when necessary he could be just as cold and hard. “I imagine you’re the same way.” He quickly continued speaking, not allowing Owen to interject. “Verdria is like a sister to me. Olivia, my birth sister, and I have no other family. She helped me pull my sister back from the edges of hell to the land of the living. For that alone I would sell my soul to keep that woman safe. I see that you and your brother are very well off and can take good care of her. Just remember all of the riches in the world wo
uldn’t be able to buy that woman’s heart. You will never meet another woman like her in this lifetime or even the next. I hope you and your brother realize what you hold in your hands. If you should ever hurt her in any way, you can be sure that I’ll feed you and your brother’s bollocks to the local wildlife.” Not waiting for a response, Simon quietly walked away from the man, knowing that Verdria was going to be in good hands when she got her head out of her ass and gave into the love and acceptance these men clearly had to offer.

  * * * *

  “Come over here, Verdria,” Robin practically shouted as they continued walking past stores near the edge of town. “Check this place out.” Verdria quickly caught up to her friend, finally getting used to the fact that she had two oversized men watching over her and shadowing her every move. By the time she was standing next to Robin, she realized the woman had practically dragged her to an old dilapidated building. The property was a nice distance from the other stores lining the edge of town. It was in a nice quiet area just set off from Main Street. The old building was surrounded by a couple acres of grassland. “Don’t you think it would be perfect for you, Verdria? Imagine converting the building into your own animal practice.”

  “It would be great for that, I love it. But, you’re getting ahead of yourself. I need to square things away with Monty before I can even think about something like this. Though, the spot is perfect.” The building sat back far enough from the road so that pet owners wouldn’t have to worry about traffic. There would be plenty of space for parking as well as a decent-sized hospital. She could probably even design the building so there could be indoor and outdoor runs for dogs. The more she looked at the property, the more she liked it. It thrilled, yet terrified her that she could see herself settling down here.


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