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Adore Me ~ Kelly Elliott

Page 20

by Kelly Elliott

He shook his head and laughed, but it sounded more like an evil laugh. “Blake? You can’t be serious. I’ve been waiting all this time to make you mine, and all you had to do was be a little patient. You couldn’t wait for me.”

  Taking a step back, I looked past Jarod. Surely Blake would notice it was taking me longer than normal to come back.

  “I was never going to be yours, Jarod. We’re friends.”

  “No, Morgan. Don’t you see what I did for you? Mike was using you. He didn’t love you like I did.”

  My heart started to race. Blake had been right. Oh, dear God. Blake had been right.

  “Jarod, you don’t love me.”

  “I do. The only thing that kept me going all those years were your letters.”

  “And in those letters did I ever once lead you to believe I was in love with you?”

  He paused.

  “No, I never did. Jarod, I know how hard it is to adjust to life outside of the army, and I’m someone who you can connect with. Someone who was in your life when you served and someone is a part of your life now that you’re out. That doesn’t mean we’re meant to be together.”

  He pulled his brows in tight. “I pushed Mike to Lynn though. I started to make a way for us. Then you started dating that Rich guy, but I knew what you were doing. You were trying to forget. Now I’m here. You can learn to love me like I love you, Morgan. Don’t you feel it? My love for you?”

  Jarod took a step forward, causing me to take a few away. My chest rose and fell as my breathing rate increased. I needed to get Jarod to go back to the reception with me.

  “Come away with me now, before you make the biggest mistake of your life.”

  My eyes met his.

  “Jarod, if you truly, deeply cared about me within your heart and soul, you wouldn’t ask me to do that.”

  “Why wouldn’t I?”

  I tried to keep my voice void of any hint I was scared. “Because you would see that Blake is the man I am in love with. You would be happy that I’ve finally found someone who makes me feel whole.”

  It was then I saw Blake. He was standing a few feet behind Jarod.

  “Why can’t you love me like that?” Jarod asked, his voice cracking.

  “It doesn’t work that way. We can’t force ourselves to love someone when our hearts belong to someone else.”

  Jarod took a few steps back and dropped his head into his hands. I held up my hand to keep Blake back.

  “My God. My God, what am I doing?” Jarod asked as he leaned against the wall and slowly dropped to the floor. “I feel like I’m losing my mind.”

  My heart broke, and I walked over to Jarod.

  “Jarod, have you talked to anyone since you left the army?”

  He shook his head.

  “You told me once that you had a therapist in the army.”

  “Yeah, we were forced to talk to him after each mission.”

  “Did you feel better after talking to him?” I asked.

  He looked up at me. “Sometimes.”

  “Will you do me a favor, as a friend?”

  “I’ll do anything for you, Morgan.”

  “Will you go and talk to a friend of mine? He’s a therapist, and his office is in Dripping Springs. That’s not far from where we are now. If I call him, will you go with him?”

  “I’m not going to some psych ward!” Jarod cried out.

  “I’m not asking you to. I’m asking you to go and talk to a friend of mine, that’s all.”

  Running his fingers through is hair, Jarod started to cry. Blake walked over and bent down.


  Dropping his hands, Jarod looked at Blake. “Do you love her? Do you swear on your life you will love her until the day you die?”

  Blake nodded. “Yes. To everything.”

  Jarod swung his gaze back to me. “Fine. I’ll talk to him.”

  I let out the breath I hadn’t even realized I had been holding in. Standing, I pulled out my phone and called Larry Morris. He was one of my professors at the University of Texas. It was a small miracle that I had remembered he lived only thirty minutes away. If anyone could help Jarod deal with his mental issues, it was Larry.

  Blake and I sat outside with Jarod until Larry pulled up. After talking with Jarod a few minutes alone, Larry informed he felt like Jarod was okay enough to follow him back to his office in Dripping Springs.

  “Larry, please take care of him. He’s a friend, and I hate seeing him hurt like this.”

  Taking my hands in his, he smiled. “I promise, if I can’t help him, I’ll find him someone who can.”

  “Thank you,” I said, giving Larry a quick hug.

  As we watched Larry and Jarod walk off together, I leaned into Blake.

  “I’m so sorry I didn’t trust your instinct on Jarod.”

  Turning me to face him, Blake slowly shook his head. “It’s not your fault. Do you understand that, Morgan? You didn’t know, and now that you do, you’ve gotten him the help he needs.”

  I wiped a tear away. “I know. I just needed to tell you I was sorry I didn’t listen to you.”

  Blake leaned down and kissed me. “Are you okay? Do you want to go back in?”

  Pulling in a deep long breath, I smiled. “Yes. I’m okay. For a few minutes, I was scared, but I knew Jarod would never hurt me. He’s in good hands, and I don’t want to miss out on any more of Nash and Kaelynn’s big night. Let’s go back in.”

  I wrapped my arm around Blake’s waist, and we walked back in, putting this bit of drama behind us.

  An hour later I stood with Charlie and Terri on either side of me as we watched Kaelynn and Nash drive off.

  “You’re next, Morgan,” Charlie said, wrapping her arm around me and pulling me to her.

  I was positive I hadn’t stopped smiling since Blake had asked me to marry him. Blake never did find a closet, but I wasn’t so sure I would have been able to sneak away and have sex during my best friend and brother’s wedding reception, anyway.

  “Did you ever find out what she was giving him? She was so secretive about it!” Terri said.

  Shaking my head, I replied, “She never told me.”

  Technically it wasn’t a lie. Kaelynn didn’t tell me, and I still didn’t know the sex of the baby.

  “Damn, it has to be something good if she’s keeping it so hush-hush,” Terri said.

  “Well, I guess I can focus on you and Blake then. Any idea what you want to do for a wedding?” Charlie asked as we headed back into the building.

  “Honestly, I haven’t thought about it,” I said as we stepped back into the large ballroom. I immediately saw Blake talking to Jim, Terri’s husband.

  “There’s Jim. Let me go see if he’s about ready to head on out. I’m exhausted,” Terri said.

  “Night, Terri!” Charlie and I said as we took turns hugging her.

  “Night, ladies. Let’s plan a dinner really soon. This time at our place. Jim has a new smoker he is itching to use.”

  “Sounds good,” Charlie said.

  We watched as Terri made her way over to Jim and Blake. The fact that this little group from college had all remained friends was refreshing. I hadn’t really been a part of their group since I was younger, but I had hung out with them on more than one occasion. Even after Blake left for New York City, they all had stayed in touch.

  Charlie nudged me and said, “Blake is a totally different person now that he’s with you.”

  Turning my focus to her, I smiled. “I have a feeling Blake was always this way. He just tried to make everyone think he was something else. Some kind of defense mechanism.”

  She looked back over to him thoughtfully. “He always came across as a player, ever since I first met him. He certainly had a way of making women fall at his feet. Flirted with me like nobody’s business, but I think he did it because he knew Tucker liked me.”

  I cringed inside just thinking of the women Blake had been with, even though he had told me it wasn’t that many. That
was in the past though, and it had nothing to do with our future.

  Charlie went on as she stared at Blake. “When we were in college he used to volunteer at the battered women’s shelter. Did he ever mention that?”

  “No, he hasn’t,” I said with a shake of my head.

  Charlie frowned. “He doesn’t know I know. I saw him there once when I dropped off some things my sorority had collected for them. I asked the lady in charge how long he had been volunteering there, and she said for at least four years.”

  “What year of college were y’all in?” I asked, turning my gaze toward Blake. He was still deep in a conversation with Jim.

  “Junior year.”

  “Do you think it has something to do with his mother? He doesn’t talk a lot about his past.”

  I decided to keep the conversation Blake had shared with me, about talking about his mother, to myself.

  Charlie looked at me. “Yeah, Blake never was one to really talk about his family. I’ve met his dad and of course his brother, Dustin.”

  I nodded. I’d had dinner with them a few times, and both were so kind. But I couldn’t help but let my mind wander. “I wonder if that was when he started going to the shelter?”

  My mind started spinning with every possible thought. I needed to slow down and not look at this too much. The last thing I ever wanted to do was put my therapist hat on with Blake.

  As I watched Blake laugh at something Terri had said, I wrapped my arms around myself to ward off a sudden chill.

  “I asked Tucker and Nash about it that day, and they both looked at each other and then changed the subject. I honestly didn’t think to press it. When I think back on it though, something passed between them.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  She shrugged. “I don’t know, maybe I’m not remembering it the right way, but it was almost like they didn’t want me asking questions, and that was why they changed the subject. It’s funny, I honestly never thought about it again until just now.”

  When Blake turned and looked at me, I smiled. He returned the gesture, and my lower stomach tightened with that familiar need for him.

  “I’m sure whatever reason Blake had for going, it was something close to his heart.”

  Charlie bumped my shoulder and said, “I agree. There isn’t anything Blake wouldn’t do for his friends. I know that much. I think he was lost for a really long time until you came into his life.”

  “I’ve been in his life for a while now.” I chuckled.

  “He’s headed this way. I’m going to guess he wants to celebrate the engagement.”

  I grinned like a silly school girl. “I sure hope so!”

  Charlie laughed and gave me a quick hug. “Go have fun! I know Tucker and I plan on it—that is, if Charlotte is a good girl and sleeps all night.”

  Charlie, Tucker, Terri, and Jim had rented out one of the houses on the ranch for a few days. Blake and I had thought about it but decided we would rather be in our own place. Now I wished we hadn’t been so silly.

  Blake walked up behind me, and my whole body shivered when he leaned over me and placed his mouth next to my ear. “You ready to leave?”

  I nodded. “See you later, Charlie.”

  Wiggling her fingers at me, she called out, “Bye, kids! Have fun!”

  Blake put his arm around me as we headed toward the exit.

  “You don’t want to say goodbye to everyone?” I asked.

  “Nope, I want to get you under me as quickly as possible.”

  “Well, we have a long drive home.”

  He looked down at me and smiled. “I booked us a room in the Arc de Texas next door.”

  My mouth gaped open. “When?”

  “After I asked Nash and Kaelynn if it would be okay to ask you to marry me. Luckily, they still had a room open.”

  “Wow. You’ve managed to surprise me twice today!”

  He winked at me and said, “The day isn’t over yet, princess.”

  MORGAN WAS PRACTICALLY shaking with excitement when I opened the door to the room I had booked us.

  “Blake, this is stunning!”

  I smiled as I set down the small suitcase I had packed for us and hidden in my trunk.

  “It is, isn’t it? It’s the Louis XIV suite. I’ve got us booked for just tonight, but I sort of wish I had booked it for longer. It would be nice just to stay in that bed for the next few nights, admiring that view.”

  Morgan made her way over to the windows. “Look at the stars. It’s breathtaking.”

  “I packed your swimsuit. We have access to the swimming pool on the roof, and I had the manager stock the kitchen with a few items. I wasn’t sure how hungry you would be after the reception.”

  She turned and faced me, and a single tear made a slow trail down her cheek. My breath caught in my throat, and I rushed across the room to her.

  “What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” I knew the drama with Jarod would most likely catch up with her. The moment I had seen him in the hallway with her, I’d wanted to beat the shit out of him. But when Morgan gave me the look that said to stay back, I knew I had to let her handle it. And she did handle it, like the amazing woman she was.

  “I don’t know why I’m surprised you did this. You are the most thoughtful man I’ve ever known, and the way you love me . . . sometimes, I feel like this is a dream, and I’m praying I won’t ever wake up.”

  I let out a breath and took her face in my hands, relieved that her tears had nothing to do with earlier.

  “This isn’t a dream, Morgan, and I love you more than I could have ever imagined I would love someone. Every time we’re together, I can’t stand the thought of leaving you, even for a few hours. All I want to do is show you how much you mean to me.”

  “Blake,” she whispered as she closed her eyes. When she reopened them, I saw that spark that said she loved me as much as I loved her. I didn’t doubt for one second that she loved me, but I had been waiting for this very moment. The moment she realized I wasn’t going to hurt her like Mike had. I would never hurt her. I needed to always tell her the truth, and that would start with telling her about the night my mother died.

  “From the moment you walked up to me that second night in Butch’s bar, I knew with all my heart that I would fall head over heels in love with you. I think I knew it that morning I read your note after you brought me home. No one has ever made me feel so loved before, and I hope you know I love you just as much. You are my life. My happiness. The reason I walk around with this smile on my face all the time.”

  I let out a soft laugh. Morgan raised up and kissed me softly on the lips. When I wrapped my arms around her, we deepened the kiss. Her fingers pushed into my hair where she tugged lightly, causing me to let out a soft moan.

  “Marry me, princess.”

  She giggled and pulled back to look up at me. “I already said yes.”

  “Right away. Tomorrow. Tonight. Hell, if I thought we could do it this moment I would.”

  Her eyes widened in shock. “What?”

  “I want to make you my wife. Make you mine.”

  “Blake, I am yours. Forever. That doesn’t change whether we’re married or not.”

  Placing my hand on the side of her face, I took in a deep breath, closed my eyes, and slowly exhaled.

  “Blake, do you want to tell me what is going on your head? Why all of a sudden is it so important to marry me?”

  I took a step back then dragged my hand over my face. “Shit. I’m sorry. I guess I’m worried that if you knew you’d change your mind.”

  Her eyes widened some. “If I knew what?”

  Shit. I hadn’t meant to say that. I walked back into the living room and sat down on a sofa. I tried to push away that old familiar sickness that crept up every time I thought about that night.

  Morgan sat down on the wooden sofa table and took my hands in hers.

  “Sometimes I think back to when only I knew you as Nash’s friend. You were so differen

  “That was before you.”

  She smiled. “Charlie said that exact thing earlier this evening.”

  “I played a part, mostly.”

  With a nod, she added, “As a way to put up a wall?”

  Our eyes met.

  “I’m not going to try and get you to tell me what it is you’re keeping in, but I know there’s something. I went to Butch’s place once a year for one reason: to drink away the guilt I felt about Mike killing himself. You go there for a reason, too, don’t you?”

  I felt my heart hammering in my chest while beads of sweat appeared on my forehead.

  “Blake, if this is something you’re not ready to talk about, we don’t have to.”

  Shaking my head, I looked away and out into the darkness.

  “It was on a night like tonight, unusually warm. I remember hearing my mother on the phone with my father. He was on a business trip. She was telling him about someone she had seen. This guy had frightened her, and she kept asking my dad what she should do. Next thing I knew my father was coming home early, and she told me to call my brother, Dustin, and tell him he needed to get home right away. I had no idea why she was panicking, but at the age of seventeen, I thought she was overreacting.”

  “Who was the guy?” Morgan asked.

  I swallowed hard. “I didn’t find out until later, but it was her first husband. Dustin and I never knew our mother had been married before our father.”

  Morgan pinched her brows in confusion.

  I pulled in a deep breath then slowly exhaled. “Let me start at the very beginning. My mother was in an abusive relationship with her first husband for two years. According to my father, the beatings didn’t start right away. Not until a few months after they were married. They got worse as time went on. He had beat her so badly one night she ended up in the hospital, where she lost the baby she was carrying. That’s where she met my father. He was an intern working that night in the emergency room. He stayed with her the entire night and even after his shift ended.”

  “That was so sweet of him,” Morgan said softly.

  “Yeah. When it came time for her to be discharged, she had nowhere to go. The bastard husband of hers was waiting outside the hospital for her. My father took her out another exit and right to the police station, where she filed a restraining order. Then they went to her family’s lawyer, where they petitioned to have the marriage annulled. My grandfather eventually paid off the bastard to make him go away and leave my mother alone. Since she needed a place to stay, Dad convinced her to stay with him. My mother had been in medical school before she married, and Dad talked her into going back and finishing. She chose her specialty because of the baby she lost.” I looked at Morgan. “She was an OB/GYN. At least, that was what Dad had told Dustin and me.”


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