Adore Me ~ Kelly Elliott

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Adore Me ~ Kelly Elliott Page 23

by Kelly Elliott

  Nash stood there staring at me. “You were planning a wedding already?”

  “Yes. I wanted to do something special for her. This place has a special place in my heart, and it’s like someone puked Christmas all over it just for her. Then she did this for me.”

  “Are you upset?”

  The back of my eyes burned with the threat of tears. “Upset? God no. I’m stunned, actually.”


  “Nash, your sister is the most selfless person I’ve ever met. She knows how much caving means to me, why I started doing it in the first place, and she’s doing this for me.” I hit my chest as my voice shook. “She’s doing this for me. This should be her day.”

  Nash placed his hand on my shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “She’s doing it for you because she loves you, Blake.”

  My chest ached in the most beautiful way. No words would ever be able to say how much I loved Morgan. None.

  “I love her, Nash. I honestly have loved her from the first moment I saw her.”

  He smiled. “Then get that tux on, and let’s get down there.”

  “What about Canada?”

  His smile grew wider. “Make that your honeymoon and surprise her with a second ceremony. Just for the two of you.”

  I nodded. “That’s a damn good idea.”

  “Well, I tend to have those pretty often. Isn’t that why you went into business with me?”

  Laughing, I pulled him in for a hug.

  “Come on, let’s get you hitched.”

  Nash, Rick, and I made our way down to the entrance of the cave. My hands were shaking so badly I had to stop for a moment and get my emotions under control. Rick and Nash waited patiently for me before we made our way down. Rick pulled up his walkie-talkie. “ETA, one minute.”

  “You ready?” Nash asked before we came up to the entrance of the large cavern room where I would be getting married.

  “Never been more ready.”

  The moment I saw her, I felt the tears building in my eyes. Morgan smiled, and everything else faded away. All I saw was this beautiful vision in white waiting for me. Her gown hugged every curve of her body. Her hair was up with little pieces hanging down to frame her gorgeous face. I could practically see her blue eyes sparkling as she watched me approach. She was stunning, and she took my breath away. I walked to her, silently praying with each step that my legs wouldn’t give out.

  When I finally made it to her, she giggled. “Surprise!”

  Leaning in, I kissed her on the lips. “You got me, you little sneak.”

  “I owed you one.”

  “It looks beautiful down here.”

  Morgan nodded. “I thought it would be the perfect place for us to start our life together.”

  Cupping the side of her face with my hand, I replied, “I agree. Thank you.”

  Pastor Cole, whom I had met a few times when I went to church with Morgan and her family, cleared his throat. “Are we ready to begin?”

  “Yes,” Morgan and I said together.

  For the next ten minutes or so, I stood there, holding the hands of the only woman I had ever loved. The woman I knew my mother would have adored. The woman who would someday bring me my own children to love. The woman I would spend the rest of my life keeping safe and happy.

  “You may now kiss your bride,” Pastor Cole said.

  The moment was perfect.

  I cupped Morgan’s face in my hands and leaned down. Before I kissed her, I whispered, “I love you, Mrs. Greene.”

  Tears slipped free and slowly made trails down her cheeks.

  “I love you too, Mr. Greene.”

  Four months later—October

  KAELYNN PLACED HER daughter, Emma, into my arms and took a step back. I tried to understand this intense feeling that was racing through my body as I stared down at the sleeping baby.

  “What’s it like being a dad?” Blake asked Nash.

  “It’s the most amazing thing in the world. I mean, I thought I was happy when Kaelynn and I got married. Along came Emma Rose, and I honestly feel like my life is complete now. I am the happiest son of a bitch on the planet.”

  I grinned as I looked up and caught Kaelynn gazing at her husband with a look of pure love. Then I looked over to Blake, who was now watching me as I held Emma. He smiled, and my stomach jumped. It amazed me how this man could still make me feel like a lovesick girl with just his smile or a simple touch of his hand.

  “She’s so beautiful. I cannot believe I’m an aunt. It hasn’t really sunk in yet!” I said before leaning in and smelling Emma once more. She smelled like a lavender cloud.

  “Want to hold her, Blake?” Kaelynn asked.

  “I’d love to hold her. She needs to start bonding with her favorite uncle.”

  Nash laughed. “Dude, between you, Jim, and Tucker, this kid is not going to want for anything.”

  “What? I limited myself to one gift.” Blake said as Kaelynn placed Emma into his arms. The moment he started talking baby talk to Emma, my ovaries went into overdrive. A signal was sent to my brain that screamed I wanted a baby. Sooner rather than later.

  Kaelynn must have sensed it, because she whispered, “Does that make you want one?”

  I nodded. “Yes. It’s like babies let out some secret magic dust the moment you hold them. A magic that says, ‘Go now and reproduce so I have a cousin my age to play with.’”

  We giggled. Blake didn’t notice the whispering. He was to tied up in rocking Emma back and forth in his arms.

  “She’s so beautiful,” he said, running his finger over her soft cheek.

  I stared at Blake as he stood there, completely lost to a little girl who only weighed seven pounds and two ounces.

  “If she has Blake this smitten, I can’t imagine what it’s like for Nash,” I said with a wide grin.

  “Oh, she has me wrapped around her little finger already,” my brother admitted. “I swear I almost cry every time she looks up at me with those big blue eyes.”

  Blake laughed. “Pussy.”

  “Language around the baby!” Kaelynn said.

  Nash and Blake both turned to Kaelynn and stared at her.

  “Kaelynn, I seriously doubt your child understands bad words. Besides, Nash swore earlier, and you didn’t say anything.”

  She placed her hands on her hips. “Well, if you get used to saying bad words around her now, you’ll do it when she is older. So no bad words, Uncle Blake. That goes for Daddy too.”

  Emma opened her mouth and yawned, causing both Nash and Blake to gush over her. The two of them showered her with attention.

  I followed Kaelynn into the kitchen as Nash and Blake discussed what Emma’s first sport would be.

  “Wow. The power that little girl holds over those two is unbelievable.”

  Kaelynn nodded. “Tell me about it. She has no idea now, but I believe she will never be able to do wrong in Nash’s eyes. Do you know I found him standing over her bassinet the other night just staring at her? I asked him what he was doing and he said he wanted to be near her, in case she needed him.”

  I put my hand to my heart and sighed. “That is the sweetest thing ever.”

  She smiled and replied, “I know. I nearly melted into a puddle on the floor I swooned so hard. I see why people have babies back to back. I get turned on just watching him with her. I’ll be cleared for sex again in six weeks, and I am counting down.”

  Snarling, I said, “Too much information. Ugh.”

  With a shrug, she replied, “It’s true. There is something very sexy about a man loving on a baby.”

  I peeked back out into the living room. Nash was asking for Emma back, and Blake wouldn’t give her to him.

  “Or two men arguing over a baby.”

  Kaelynn turned to look at them.

  “Dear God. You better have sex with that man the moment you can.”

  I giggled. “Trust me. I intend to.”

  Kaelynn and Nash took turns giving me a kiss and hug goodb

  “We’ll be back in a few days to visit,” I said as I waved at them before slipping into Blake’s Audi.

  The moment we pulled away, I turned to him. “We need to have sex. Soon. Like, maybe you could pull over somewhere.”

  He looked at me like I had lost my mind. Then he laughed.

  “No, Blake, I’m serious. I’m horny as hell. I think the baby gives off some sort of hormone that women of childbearing age absorb. I need you. Now.”

  Still looking forward as he drove, a smirk spread across my handsome husband’s face. “So you need to be fucked?”

  “Yes. Please. Quickly.”

  “Morgan, where in the hell do you want me to go?”

  I looked around. “A side road?”

  Blake laughed. “A side road? I guess we can add that to the list of places we’ve made love.”

  Heat radiated through my chest, and I was left breathless. I loved that he had referred to all of our times together as making love. That was exactly what it was, each and every time.

  “I love you.”

  The words spilled from my lips without even a thought.

  Blake pulled over to the side of the road and put his car in park. He turned to me, taking my hand in his. When he brought it up to his mouth and kissed it, I nearly melted on the spot.

  “I love you more, Morgan. Tell me what’s on your mind.”

  I chewed on my lip and looked down at our hands. “It was just seeing you with Emma. It turned me on.”

  His finger went to my chin and lifted it so our eyes met. “And?”

  “And I think I want to start trying for a baby. Unless you think it’s too soon.”

  The way he smiled had me daring to hope he wanted that too.

  “I don’t think it’s too soon. I was going to surprise you with this, but I can’t keep it to myself anymore. It’s time we went our honeymoon. You know how I told you to keep that week in November free?”

  I nodded.

  “I’m taking you to Canada. There’s a hotel there that we used to go to every year. I loved it there, and it was one of my mother’s favorite places. I want to take you.”

  “Blake, I would love to go.”

  He winked. “Good, because I already bought the plane tickets and booked the hotel.”

  Laughing, I unbuckled and leaned over so I could kiss him.

  “Do you have any idea how happy you make me?”

  “I hope really happy.”

  “Really, really happy.”

  He winked and kissed me on the nose. “Two reallys? Damn, I’m doing something right.”

  “Yes, you are. Now let’s go home so you can make love to me.”

  “What about the starting the family thing? Should we start now? What about your practice?”

  I swallowed hard. “I’ve been thinking about how it would work with my practice. There’s a girl I went to school with who’s also a wonderful painter. She has been working for a nonprofit and is ready to leave and start building up her own practice. The thing is, she only wants to work part-time. I’m still not carrying a fulltime load, but my practice is growing. I think bringing her on and having her start would be perfect. Once the baby came, I could work the days I want to, and Natalie could work when she wants.”

  “You’ve talked to her about this?”

  I looked down sheepishly. “I wasn’t trying to plan something behind your back, I swear.”

  “I know that.”

  Glancing back up to meet his gaze, I blew out a breath. “You’re growing your business with Nash, and I truly love what I’m doing. But I also want to be there with the baby, so I think for now I would like to keep working on my practice and maybe in a few years consider pulling back even more.”

  “You wouldn’t give it up, would you?”

  “No. I don’t think so. I love it. But I see what an amazing job Charlie does balancing work and motherhood. I know I could do that too, but I’d like to leave the door open for possibly just being mommy and wife.”

  Blake placed his hand on the side of my face. His thumb swept lightly over my cheek. “You know I will support you in whatever you decide to do. Even if you want to change one of the rooms in your office to a nursery and hire a nanny so the baby can be there while you work.”

  I stared at him, letting his words sink in fully. “You would do that?”

  “Of course I would. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you, Morgan.”

  “Thank you for loving me like you do, Blake.”

  His mouth curved up into a gentle smile. “This is just the beginning, princess.”

  One month later

  MY HANDS WERE sweating as we got out of the rented SUV and headed into the hotel. My nerves had been shot the last week while I tried to plan everything and keep it from Morgan, all while acting like this was just a delayed honeymoon.

  “Blake, this is beautiful! Everything is decorated for Christmas!”

  The excitement in Morgan’s voice eased some of my nerves. I pulled out my phone and sent Kaelynn a text.

  Me: You arranged for the dress to be here, right?

  She responded almost instantly.

  Kaelynn: OMG! YES! And the shoes. Will you stop worrying! It’s going to be beautiful, Blake. She’s going to be over the moon.

  I let out a sigh of relief.

  Why in the hell am I so nervous? It isn’t like we aren’t married already.

  Me: Thank you, Kaelynn. I couldn’t have done this without you.

  Kaelynn: No, you couldn’t have! Have fun!

  As we walked up to the check in, Morgan spun around in a circle, taking everything in.

  “Hello, are you checking in?”

  “Yes, for Blake Greene.”

  The woman smiled bigger, taking a second to look at Morgan and then me.

  “Yes, Mr. Greene. Thank you so much for staying at the Fairmont. We have you booked in our Royal Suite.”

  Morgan walked up next to me. “That sounds fancy!”

  The clerk gave Morgan a polite smile. “It’s one of our grandest suites. You’ll be very comfortable there.”

  “Thank you so much,” I said, wrapping my arm around Morgan’s waist as we waited for the check-in process to finish up.

  “Here is your room key. All of your requests have been taken care of as well, Mr. Greene.”

  Smiling, I replied, “Thank you so much. And the packages that were sent?”

  I could feel Morgan looking at me.

  “They’re in your suite as requested.”

  “Thank you.”

  “It’s a pleasure seeing you again, sir.”

  As we walked toward the elevator, Morgan pulled me to a stop.

  “Do you own the hotel too?”

  I laughed. “No! Why do you think that?”

  “All your requests, your packages. Sir. I’m having a déjà vu. You’re not going to pull me into a dark corner and make out with me, are you?”

  “I believe we did a little more than make out.”

  Her cheeks flushed. “Yes, we did.”

  Although I wasn’t an owner, what Morgan didn’t know was my father owned 50 percent of the hotel. When it had gone up for sale a few years back, he and another business partner bought it.

  “Come on, let’s get up to our room and get settled. You’ll love the suite. It’s the same one my family and I always stay in when we come here.”

  As we stepped onto the elevator, she reached for my hand. “When was the last time you were here?”

  “Maybe three years or so ago. Dad has always tried to make time for the three of us to come up as much as possible. I think it’s his way of staying close to Mom. Keeping the memories alive.”

  “That’s so sweet. Does Dustin come up here on his own too?”

  “No. This is actually the first time I’ve been here without Dad and Dustin.”



  She squeezed my hand. “Thank you for bringing me.”

bsp; We got off on the top floor and made our way to the suite. When we walked in, Morgan gasped.

  “Blake! This is not a room! This is a small apartment. How big is this place?”

  Laughing, I gave the bellhop a tip and shut the door.

  “I don’t know. I’ve never asked.”

  Morgan squealed when she saw the Christmas tree.

  “Blake! They have a tree in here!”

  “Per my request.”

  She spun around and stared at me, her mouth agape. “Oh my gosh. You had them put a tree in here for me?”

  “I know how much you love Christmastime.”

  Her eyes filled with tears, but she fought to hold them back. Rushing over to me, she threw herself into my arms. Our mouths crushed together in a hot and needy kiss.

  “Make love to me.”

  “Your wish is my command.”

  It didn’t take us long to shed our layers of clothing. I grabbed the blanket from the back of the sofa and spread it out in front of the gas fireplace along with a few throw pillows. The staff had already started the fire and turned on the Christmas tree.

  Morgan laid back as I lowered myself over her warm body. Her legs wrapped around me, pulling me to her as I positioned myself at her entrance.

  “No foreplay this evening, Mrs. Greene?”

  “We have plenty of time for that over the next week, right now I need you inside me.”

  “Let me make you come first.”

  Moving my hand between us, I found her sweet spot and rubbed it while I teased her with my cock.

  “Blake,” she gasped, lifting her hips in anticipation. “Oh God. Blake. Blake!”

  She shattered into an orgasm as I pushed inside her.

  “Yes,” she cried out, wrapping her arms and legs around me, holding on to me as if she thought I might leave her.


  “Morgan, you feel so good.”

  Her hips moved with mine, and it didn’t take long before she was squeezing around me, coming again.


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