Life in Neverland: Book 3 of The Neverland Trilogy

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Life in Neverland: Book 3 of The Neverland Trilogy Page 14

by Heather C. Myers

  “I let her question Pan,” The Magistrate said. “I gave him a truth serum, which forced him to tell the truth. She could ask him as many questions as she wanted and he had to answer her, no matter what. After that, he’s forced to work for you, James.”

  “Pan?” James asked, distracted momentarily. “Is he here? Now?”

  Remy nodded. “He was here, hours ago,” she said, looking at her empty plate. The porcelain seemed to gleam underneath the chandelier.

  James turned his fierceness to The Magistrate. “Working for himself, no doubt,” he snarled. “You know he will betray you once you’ve given him what he wants. The boy knows nothing of loyalty and lives only to serve himself.”

  “Don’t you think I know that?” The Magistrate spat back. “I’m not daft enough to trust a slippery fairy.”

  “Wait,” Magda said, her brow furrowed so low she noticed it hanging over her eyes. “Are you telling me Peter Pan is fairy?”

  The Magistrate raised a brow at Magda’s ignorance, her hands rolled into fists at her hips. “Should you not be aware of your fellow fairies?” she asked.

  “I don’t know all fairies just because I’m a fairy,” Magda said, rolling her eyes.

  “This is not about Peter,” The Creator interrupted. “This is about uniting the three realms under one ruler and completely changing how the afterlife is designed. For some reason, The Magistrate took Remy Cutler against her will and brought her here. What I want to know is why.”

  “Are you not supposed to be all-knowing?” The Magistrate said with a sneer.

  The Creator simply looked at The Magistrate, her eyes narrowed gently in a warning. The Magistrate clenched her jaw and straightened up, the sneer now completely void from her face. She looked like a child that had just been taken to task. Magda grinned in silent amusement.

  “I know, Selayna,” she said, “but I want you to tell the room.”

  The Magistrate opened her mouth, ready to argue, ready to say no, but the look on The Creator’s face – which had not changed – stopped The Magistrate from doing so. She closed her mouth and looked around the room. When her eyes found James, a wicked twinkle occupied her irises.

  “She was going to be my ferry,” The Magistrate said. “Not like Pan. Not like Magdalena. She’s going to replace Nick because the souls are drawn to her, more so than to him.”

  “And why do you think that is?” Nick growled. Magda could feel the tension radiating off of his body and without thinking, placed a hand on Nick’s thigh in the hope to calm him down.

  “Because she died,” The Creator said, her voice calm during this fervent storm. “She died and managed to leave The Neverland. The souls inherently know that she belongs here and they follow her because they hear a heartbeat radiating from a soul who should otherwise be silent.”

  Magda looked over at Remy and saw the girl pale at the idea that she should be dead but wasn’t.

  “What would have happened to Nick?” she found herself asking, turning her gaze back to The Magistrate. “And do not lie. Esper - The Creator will know.”

  The Magistrate did not hesitate. “I would have killed Nick with my bare hands and not have thought twice about it,” she said.


  “Absolutely not.”

  The words were out of James’s mouth before he could stop them. He had no idea how he happened into this position, standing erect, his fingers curled so his knuckles rested on the surface of the table, his eyes flashing at The Magistrate with nothing short of hate. He didn’t particularly care that he just revealed his hand, that he admitted his weakness. All he cared about was Remy. All he cared about was her safety. And he knew that she would not be safe with The Magistrate.

  “She already agreed,” The Magistrate said, her lips curled up into that smug smirk. He wanted nothing more than to reach inside her mouth with his hook and cut her mouth into a permanent smile before he did much worse things to her body. “In exchange for information, of course. Two adults made an agreement and I already held up my end of the bargain.”

  James flashed his eyes over at Remy, looking for an answer, praying it was not true. The desolate look on her face – the glassy green irises, the pale skin, the downward curve of her lips – told him everything he needed to know, everything he did not want to hear.

  “I’d like a moment with James alone,” Remy said, keeping her eyes fixed on the wretched excuse for a woman. James had to admit that he was impressed with Remy’s tenacity, how she had no problem going head to head with The Magistrate.

  The Magistrate’s grin made her eyes sparkled. “Of course,” she said. “He has a bedroom should you like to say your goodbyes. We don’t need you to make the announcement.”

  “And what announcement would that be?” The Creator asked. She had been quieter than James expected her to be, but it made sense. The Creator was not proactive nor was she reactive; to put it simply, she watched over all and assisted when called upon. She Created, she doesn’t interject or act or do. That was why she instilled each person on this planet with freewill, after all.

  The Magistrate swallowed, caught off-guard that she would be questioned. James allowed the corner of his lips to quirk up. He had a feeling she expected The Creator to sit back and allow everyone to argue amongst themselves until he and The Magistrate came up with some conclusion. It was how The Creator normally operated. As long as everyone was in agreement and everyone was on equal footing – no one was compelled to act one way due to one person having leverage over another – The Creator went along with decisions without asking questions. Now, however, The Creator was asking questions. The Magistrate better have a compelling answer and James sure as hell wasn’t going to agree to anything that came out of her mouth.

  “Why, our dear Remy” – The Magistrate swooped behind Remy and placed her hands on Remy’s shoulders, causing Remy to flinch – “has agreed to take Nick’s place as ferry in The Neverland. And she agreed to work for me and only me.”

  A collective gasp went out across the room. The only people who did not react thusly were Remy and The Magistrate, who were both aware of this arrangement, and The Creator. James did not like to admit being caught off-guard but there was nothing else he could say regarding how he felt about this. Why in the world would Remy agree to this? Why would she give up her world on earth – her parents, the security their finances brought them – to take over Nick’s job of ferrying souls around The Neverland – a job rumored to be some sort of penance for his time on earth? And to work for her?

  “Is that so?” James asked, feeling his lower jaw clench up. He could not help himself as his eyes found Remy beside him and seared into her profile. Surprisingly – though he should not be surprised by her any longer at this point – he found Remy holding her head up, keeping her chin firm. She did not look ashamed; she did not even believe she should feel shame for this. “And why would she do this?”

  Her eyes suddenly found his and he found himself surprised once more at the ease she possessed at keeping eye contact with him. And God, she was so damn beautiful.

  “There was a reason,” she told him in a low voice, though due to the silence, everyone could hear her.

  Of course there was a reason. He did not doubt there was a reason. That did not mean that he liked it.

  “Exactly,” The Magistrate jumped in. James threw her a cold stare; she always portrayed herself as cool, calm, collected, but when push came to shove, she was nothing more than a cannon just waiting to be lit. She reminded him of a fly, buzzing and annoying. All he wanted to do was snap his wrist and kill the fly. “Exactly. I kept my end of the bargain. Now, it’s her turn.”

  “Why would Remy agree to give up earth for The Neverland?” Magda asked from across James.

  “And what happens to me if Remy does take my position?” Nick asked. Both valid question, in James’s opinion. “As far as I’m concerned, I answer to The Creator, not either of you.”

  “Before we discuss Remy and th
e arrangement made between her and you, Selayna,” The Creator said, giving The Magistrate a warning look, “we must discuss the fact that The Neverland is divided. We have three realms; The Other World, which belongs to James; The Paradise, which belongs to me; and The Neverland, which falls under Selayna. We have had numerous problems due to this division. I suggest we unite under one entity with a common law everyone must follow and respect.”

  “And I absolutely agree,” The Magistrate said quickly, her eyes eager. James had to restrain himself so he wouldn’t roll his eyes. Of course she would agree. She wanted to be in charge of all three realms.

  The Creator turned her head to regard The Other Land’s ruler with kind eyes. “And you, James?” she asked. “What is your opinion on the matter?”

  James pressed his lips together, trying to keep his face as impassive as possible. What did he think? He wanted to be ruler of this place for the longest time. He had collected souls from Nick without Nick’s knowledge in order to build an army to overthrow The Magistrate and claim rulership over The Neverland. He did not need, nor did he want, The Paradise. He respected The Creator and had no qualms with acquiring souls from there. Those he collected were either doomed to The Other World or floating in The Neverland. Souls no one would miss.

  Now… Now, he was not sure what he wanted. He did not like being confined to one place, which was why he sought The Neverland in the first place. The Other World was grand but typical; it was easy for him to grow tired of the same environment for thousands of years. More than that, he could not socialize with anyone, nor could he extract revenge on those he deemed that needed it. Pan came to mind. A ruler was expected to remain kingly and calm no matter how badly he had been wrong. James’s Viking blood would not let him rest until he carried out his revenge and the party was justly punished.

  If they united under one law, that right could be taken from him. Not that he was allowed to do such a thing anyway, but in his realm, he created the rules, the law, and the punishment.

  He felt a bunch of contradictions regarding the matter. He was not certain why his thirst for power diminished slightly, or why he craved more freedom than he had, but he did.

  “If we united all three realms,” James asked slowly, looking at The Creator, “would I have to give up my claim to The Other Land?”

  “My dear, you have no claim to The Other World,” The Creator pointed out. “You did not inherit it; it was given to you by me. I am fully within my power to take it away from you should I feel it’s necessary. The same goes for you and The Neverland, Selayna.” Her eyes cut to The Magistrate, pinning her in place. “However, I think it’s important that the three of us come up with something we can all agree upon.” She turned her attention back to James. “To answer your question, James, yes, you would give up The Other World should we unite our realms together – unless, of course, you wish to be in charge of all three realms.”

  “Excuse me,” The Magistrate said. “Are you seriously going to hand all three realms over to James without even asking my opinion about it first?”

  “Selayna,” The Creator said in a biting tone. “Wait.”

  “I…” James pressed his lips together. He did not look unsure but he knew he sounded it. “I do not know what I want.”

  The Creator gave him a small but encouraging smile. “That is all right, James,” she said. “Perhaps that is something you might like to discuss with Ms. Cutler?”

  “And why would they need to” –

  James cut The Magistrate off with one glare. Suddenly, her eyes filled with understand and she threw her head back and started to laugh. James snarled in her direction, and he knew he looked like a beast – perhaps even a monster – but he did not care.

  “That’s rich,” she continued, her dark eyes sparkling in amusement. “You’re in love. With a girl from earth. You cannot think that that will last, do you?”

  “My business is nothing to you,” James said through gritted teeth. His fingers were twisted, his knuckles white. He did not even feel the difference in the loss of one hand.

  “No need to get nasty,” The Magistrate said, reacting a tad dramatically. “Save that for your wench.”

  Without warning, James leaped from his seat and stretched out his right arm. His mind had gone as white as his knuckles; he did not make coherent thoughts. He did not think at all. All he knew was that he wanted to hurt her. He wasn’t sure if that meant killing her or just inflicting immeasurable pain to her person. He just had to make it happen. That was it.

  Nick managed to pull James back and right him. James shrugged Nick off of him, his eyes never leaving The Magistrate. The Magistrate was still laughing – and perhaps he deserved such a reaction. He hated that he lost his control, that he made a spectacle of himself. He played right into her hand; he gave her something to ridicule him about.

  “James,” The Creator said, her voice gentle but firm. “Your temper rarely gets the best of you. I am surprised.” Her eyes flickered over to Remy. “You must really care about her.”

  “Are you to mock me as well for my feelings?” James asked, his tone nothing short of bitter.

  “Of course not.” The Creator gave him a curt warning look. “Feelings are a strength, James, whether you want to believe it or not. Now, as I was saying, I think it’s important you and Ms. Cutler decide what you both want from this. Without your discussion, we cannot resolve what we can do in The Neverland.”

  “Yes, we can,” The Magistrate insisted. All amusement vanished from her eyes and she looked like a petulant child, arguing with her mother over a rule she did not agree with. “Remy still needs to follow through with her end of the bargain. She must become Ferry.”

  “Actually,” Nick said, raising his finger to the sky, “she doesn’t. You never performed a blood oath. She does not have to do anything she doesn’t want to do.”

  “She must!” The Magistrate exclaimed. “She promised” –

  “Promises don’t mean anything,” James said. “You would know.”

  “Selayna!” The Creator said. James felt himself straighten on his own accord. He had never heard The Creator raise her voice in the entire length of his time with her.

  The entire room went silent. Even The Magistrate stopped talking and looked at The Creator with wide eyes.

  “I am telling you right now that Remy Cutler does not have to do anything she does not want to do,” she continued. “You did not engage in the blood oath. Your pride got the better of you. You wanted to make a spectacle of it. That is not Remy’s fault, that is your own. Remy will not ferry souls unless she wants to. You will not kill Nick. I am afraid that considering what you planned to do, I will strip you of your title as ruler of The Neverland.” She picked her head up and looked toward two guards James had not even noticed before, standing in front of the entranceway to the hall. “Take her to the dungeons.”

  “No!” The Magistrate shrieked as the guards descended upon her. “You cannot do this to me! I, I” –

  But one of the guards covered her mouth with his palm, silencing her. She squirmed and struggled against them but they were much more powerful than she could ever hope to be and were able – with more force than was necessary, considering how much The Magistrate struggled against them – to drag her out of the dining room.

  “What’s going to happen to her?” Magda asked in a quiet voice, her eyes locked on the retreating figure as The Magistrate disappeared from sight.

  “She will be kept securely in the prison until we can transport her to The Other World, where her penance can begin,” The Creator assured them.

  “Are you sure you can guarantee she will stay there?” Remy asked, pressing her brows together. “She’s slippery as well. It would not surprise me if she managed to get loose somehow.”

  “That will not happen,” The Creator said.

  James could tell that Remy had not been placated. He could not blame her. There were so many times The Magistrate should have died but managed to
weasel out of it. Perhaps he would go check on The Magistrate a bit later just to ensure she was still caged like the beast she was.

  The Creator turned her eyes to both James and Remy. “You must discuss what you want, James,” she insisted. “Before we can proceed, you need to know what you want or we cannot move forward.” She nodded at both of them, dismissing them.

  James and Remy both stood, and Remy took James’s right hand in hers. The gesture caught him by surprise at how natural it was. But he did not question it. Not when it felt so good.

  The minute they reached his room, he pulled her into a deep, passionate kiss.

  When they were both forced to break for air, Remy cupped his face with her palm. “James,” she managed to get out through deep breaths.


  “I do not wish to talk.”


  After Remy and James left the table, The Creator threw her honey-brown eyes at Magdalena. “I believe,” she said in her smooth voice, “that you and Nick need to speak as well.”

  Magda nodded. She was not going to argue with The Creator. Not when The Creator knew all that went on in her realms. Her eyes were back on her hands. She could see Nick stare at her profile from the corner of her eye. She pressed her lips together and picked her eyes up to lock them with The Creator’s.

  “This is a very important evening, Magdalena,” The Creator told her. “It’s important for you to think things through, not only with your head but with your heart. Only you know who you are, regardless of what you have and what you lack. When you are at your lowest, that is when who you truly are will emerge.”

  “I do not know who that is,” Magda admitted.

  “You do,” The Creator said, and her lips curled up. “I apologize for being cryptic, but if you choose not to see, then I cannot force you. It must come from within. May I give you a piece of advice?”

  “Always,” Magda choked out. She never, not in a million years, believed she would have the opportunity to speak to The Creator, let alone be in her presence. If The Creator had any sort of help to offer her, Magda would be a fool not to take it.


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