A Mate for Oigr

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A Mate for Oigr Page 5

by S. J. Sanders

  Chapter 6

  THE CINEMA WAS A CONFUSING place to Oigr. A room at the corner made alarming sounds, flashing every color of the rainbow, and everywhere he looked he saw brightly lit signs. Humans milled about, few giving him more than a cursory glance as he walked in with Deena. It seemed that as long as she was by his side, people relaxed rather than staring at him as if he were a maddened beast that might attack.

  Part of him was insulted that just being with her rendered him a “safe alien,” or “tamed,” but as Nikki liked to say, he wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth. If he knew what a horse was, he was certain that saying would make more sense, but he understood the general implication after Nikki spent half a rotation trying to explain it to him. There were a few dark looks, confusion, and still some looks of anxiety or mild fear, but on the whole the reception was far calmer, which helped ease his own anxiety enough that he’d stopped glaring at anyone who stepped near them.

  The more he relaxed, the more he noticed other species mingling among them. In some cases, there were pairs or groups from a particular planet clustered together, likely trying to get the full human experience on their visitor visas. In other cases, he found various species, most often male but sometimes females, paired with humans as they wandered through. None rivaled Oigr in height or sheer size, but it was a curious thing to see how easy humanity, a species only recently aware of the existence of other sentient lifeforms, adjusted to intergalactic life.

  A Vazith, his expression inscrutable as was common for their species, raised his hand in greeting from where he stood with three others, two among them Vazith like himself and the third a Morith wearing a dark scowl as he watched everyone passing them with suspicion. Oigr nodded to acknowledge the greeting and had hoped to get by without any further exchange, but the male dropped beside him, his gaze fastened on Deena.

  “You are fortunate, Vrooduk. Perhaps share your fortunes with others and help us find our own females to pass our time with?”

  Oigr growled low in his throat, his venom glands swelling in his neck, causing frilled protrusions under his jaw that were normally flat to rise. Such a reaction was reserved for formal challenges of honor. Although not many were familiar with the Vrooduk species, the Vazith was wise to take the clear warning to heart. The male stopped mid-step and murmured his apologies before returning to his companions.

  Deena looked up at him curiously, her dark brows arching at him.

  “What was that all about?”

  “Just a male who made some very dangerous assumptions.”

  Although the sights had distracted him upon entering the cinema, it didn’t take long for him to become aware of the aroma and salty, sweet foods in the air. Despite eating considerable quantities of food at the restaurant, the smell of salt and cream drew him like a beacon. Deena laughed as he pulled her toward a rectangular container filled with pale fluff bursting from a metal container as it filled the box. Oigr pressed his hands and face against the surface, captivated by the scent.

  “I take it you want some popcorn, big guy?”

  “If popcorn is these morsels, then yes. Very much.”

  Beside him, she turned to the side and waved down a young male who looked at him somewhat nervously. The male’s expression cleared when she pointed to a round bucket.

  “We’ll take a medium popcorn. Extra butter, please.”

  His heart warmed unexpectedly. His female realized that he was a larger male and was adjusting accordingly already. Although what he’d eaten at the restaurant had been delicious, it hadn’t come close to filling his belly. That he was offered this treat was a sweet gesture to the Vrooduk, since it was considered poor manners to consume food after the female had finished. This social norm was considered important for a planet where resources were sparse—that food consumption was regulated by the appetite of the much smaller females. Many mated males knew the pinch of hunger and lauded it as preserving their resources and honoring their mates. A female offering food to a male was the kindest and rarest of gestures.

  It was in fact so rare that it was seldom done outside of courtship and among mated pairs. Whether Deena realized it or not, she had completed a step of their courtship ritual. She recognized his need and provided for him as he provided for her. She accepted his need as her own. It often took a number of cycles before a female was so willing. Oigr wanted to bellow his call of happiness through the cinema, but it seemed like a quiet place and he did not think that anyone would appreciate such a scene.

  Perhaps when he and Deena were alone he could properly show his appreciation with the warrior cries of his species. He was quite certain that she would find them something to marvel over.

  Oigr watched with fascination as the popcorn was scooped into the tub, hot butter drizzled over it, and then topped with more popcorn and butter. This the youth handed to Deena and she gave to Oigr. Holding it between his upper hands, he inhaled as Deena provided the credits before he could object. A loud, rumbling purr vibrated in his throat and he nearly blushed with mortification. He was a grown Vrooduk; he hadn’t purred since he was a youngling in his mother’s arms. A playful smile lit her face as she led him down a darker hall leading to one of the lit signs that proclaimed their viewing room.

  The room itself was dark, not so dark that he couldn’t see, but it was a strange ambiance. Even in space, he couldn’t get comfortable sleeping in complete darkness after a lifetime on a planet where the predators came out in the night. Fires were kept in every house to drive off the plummeting temperatures of the night and to keep away wild beasts. His heart hammered in his chest, but he repressed the urge to growl in agitation.

  If Deena was well with it, there was no reason for him to be alarmed.

  She led him to a seat far enough away that they wouldn’t block other people, and they sat side by side. There were some type of advertisements on the screen but then the screen went black and the room plunged into darkness. Oigr gripped the arm of his chair so tight that he heard the squeal of protesting metal. Deena glanced at him, concern in her eyes, and dropped her hand over one of his own. The small gesture helped ease the coil of tension inside of him. In the darkness, the screen flickered on.

  Deena leaned toward him and whispered, “Remember, this is just fiction. Just a scary story for the holiday. It’s meant to be fun.” She squeezed his hand and he returned the gesture in acknowledgment.

  He was near horrified at what passed as entertainment. On the screen, spirits of the dead—something his people treated with great caution—caused the sort of havoc that terrified Vrooduk young and old alike. He shuddered at the signs of possession and the ruthless, relentless way the spirits toyed with the living.

  He did not find it entertaining. It was like watching his nightmares come to life in front of his eyes.

  The only thing that made the experience worthwhile was feeling his female pressed against him. Every time she jumped in fear, her fingers tightened on his arm, reassuring him that she was nearby. He forced himself to relax and gathered her to him with one of his arms, holding her close for their mutual comfort. Although he hated every moment of the vid, he couldn’t get enough of holding his female. It was the sort of contact that males waited a long time to be permitted, the simple sharing of affection.

  At this rate, he would certainly be mated before he left Earth.

  Oigr could already feel his heart center adjusting to her energies, harmonizing to draw her spirit and his closer together. Since Deena was a compatible mate to his heart song, melding their bodies together in that final carnal act would irrevocably bond them as mates. His heart sped up with anticipation rather than fear of any gruesome thing appearing on the screen.

  When it finally ended, he reluctantly released Deena and she smiled up at him, reaching up to wipe away a smear of butter on his lower lip. They stood together in silence and stepped out of the room, walking toward the exit. One arm slipped casually around her, and to all appearances she welcomed the conta

  Her delicate lips quirked. “What did you think?”

  “It was horrifying,” he answered bluntly.

  “A seasonally appropriate, horrifying good time?” she asked, wiggling her fingers at him in odd manner.

  “No. I can appreciate the need of frightening yourself with improbable tales. We too have our share of gormfals, wemals, and ziriks that lurk in the dark amid the wild beasts that lay in wait to tear you apart, but angry spirits of the dead are something that my people take seriously. The threats of an angry soul...” He broke off and shuddered.

  Her mouth rounded and he wondered if he had committed some social blunder, but then her lips pressed together thoughtfully before she snapped her fingers.

  “No sweat. So monster movies are in—ghost movies are out. Not a problem. In fact, I have a fine collection of monster movies. I’m not sure what those creatures you spoke of are, but I have movies about vampires, immortal beings that sustain themselves on the blood of the living, and werewolves, who change their shape from man to beast under a curse, and so on. We can totally just binge movies and eat pizza.” She paused, a dull flush rushing to her cheeks. “I mean, if you have no other plans, you’re welcome to join me tomorrow. It’s nothing special. I’ll just be handing out candy to the kids coming to the door. It would be fun if you joined me. I’ll even order extra pizza.”

  Oigr smiled down at her, pleasure running through him at her offer.

  “I have no plans. Even if I did, I would cancel them without hesitation. Although I am fond of my crew, your company is far more preferable.”

  A pretty pink flush tinged her cheeks and she brought her finger to her comm device on her wrist. Understanding that she wanted to send information to his comm by her expectant look, he opened his device as well. Affirming the sync on the holographic menu, the devices connected, and she sent instructions to her abode.

  The color on her cheeks intensified. “Stop by any time. If anything comes up, that’s fine too. In fact...”

  Her uncertainty was familiar, charming... and utterly unnecessary. Nothing would keep him away now that he possessed her invitation. It was of the highest importance. Although his kin would have been displeased by the very idea of his presence in a female’s private abode unescorted, he was certain that some things were better without worrying about the rigid customs of Vrol.

  Finding a moment alone to test the strength of their growing bond was among the courtship rituals, though it was quite soon. All the same, Oigr was no young male, happy to expend cycles or revolutions on courtship. He would if Deena required it, regardless of his temporary visa, but he did not object to her preference of moving at a quick pace. His responses felt more urgent the longer he spent in her company.

  Perhaps bonds would form quicker on Vrol if males and females had more time together without interference. A thought to consider at another time.

  Oigr chuckled. “Deena, be assured that I shall be there. Not even fractious spirits could keep me from our engagement.”

  Her face lit up and a warmth settled into his chest.

  “Thank you for inviting me out, Oigr. This was truly a lot of fun, even with my misstep in selecting our movie.”

  He lowered his head and chest in an abbreviated bow.

  “It was truly my pleasure. Tonight was one of the most enjoyable evenings I’ve passed in many revolutions. I anticipate moving forward with you.”

  Her brow furrowed with confusion for a moment but just as quickly it disappeared, and she gifted him with another of her beautiful smiles.

  “All right, tomorrow then. We can Netflix and chill.”

  “Tomorrow,” he agreed. He would agree to any activity to give her tomorrow and all of his tomorrows. Although he didn’t understand the emotions that Nikki called love, to the Vrooduk, the soul harmony bond was what every male and female desired. Sometimes it happened quicker for some than others. Although it didn’t make any guarantees for a happy life together, it established the bonds that tied two beings together.

  He only prayed that the bonds he developed with Deena would be lasting ones that brought them both joy. Couples who knew the joining of their hearts as well as their spirit bodies were doubly blessed; such was the case with his parents. Perhaps this was the love concept that Nikki spoke of. Although he didn’t know what it would feel like, he certainly wished for it.

  Chapter 7

  DEENA DRIZZLED SEVERAL drops of olive oil on the love charm, feeding the little spirit that had manifested to her bidding to draw love into her life. She followed this with drops of perfumed oil. At her knees, she could feel the warm weight of Brutus lying patiently by her knees as she kneeled in front of the shrine of Turan, where she’d set her little spirit to dwell.

  She smiled and leaned in to whisper to it. “Fine job you’re doing there, my friend. Keep on the way and soon you’ll be returned to your watery home.”

  Sitting back on her heels, Deena dropped a hand to her side and scratched Brutus behind the ear. She was feeling more optimistic as the day wore on. Although Oigr tended toward a sort of stiff formality, her assumption about his lack of interest seemed misplaced on her part.

  Giving him one final pat, she stood, walked to her altar, and lit the wick of a small metal oil lamp. She supposed she could have lit a candle—she had plenty of them stored to use for various spells—but she enjoyed the tradition of lighting her flame in olive oil when it came to her household rites. Today was her birthday. Her nona had shown her how to give offerings to her personal guardian spirit, her iuno, to honor its presence with her from the moment of her birth.

  The lamp flickered merrily on the altar as she set offerings of milk and honey and intoned her prayers for continued health and happiness through the next year of her life as she fed the spirit. A bang at the door jolted her from her ceremony. She looked at the door, a small frown pulling at her brow. She hadn’t expected Oigr so early, but it was no matter. Smiling eagerly, Deena dusted her skirt off and walked to the door to let him in.

  A tall red Vrooduk indeed stood at her door, but it wasn’t Oigr. His build was still thick with muscle but wiry compared to the male she’d spent the previous day with, and his eyes were more green than yellow. A long carved-bone earring hung from his left ear, and gold ran through his mane and the numerous bands, cuffs, and chains decorating his body. The shiny black armor strapped over familiar loose clothes was entirely alien. His nose wrinkled as he looked down at her with clear disdain.

  “Where is Malefekoigr?”

  At his sharp tone, she tried to ease the door closed, but he stopped her by wedging his foot into her doorway.

  “I do not care to repeat myself. I demand that you tell me the location of Malefekoigr.”

  “He’s not here,” she said, her pace picking up in response to the hostility coming off the male in waves.

  The male narrowed his eyes and took a deep breath through his nose, sniffing her doorway. He grimaced and leaned in, repeating the action just above her head.

  “My intel was only partially correct. He was with you but has not been here.” The eerie eyes sharpened on her. “When do you expect to see him next?”

  “I don’t,” she lied, running on pure instinct now. Her entire being screamed to evade. “We enjoyed a pleasant evening but parted ways last night.”

  The Vrooduk made a scoffing sound. “Lies. A male does not abandon a female once he’s engaged in the first several stages of courtship. Our surveillance reported that these have been completed and that the initial signs of harmonizing have begun. To think that he has chosen a being such as yourself... The magved disgraces himself, but this is no surprise since he abandoned his people to foster an alien youngling.”

  Deena’s heart hammered against her chest. For whatever reason, this male was taking her presence entirely too personal and the anger coming off him worried her—not only for her own safety but Oigr’s too. He wasn’t making sense. What stages? And courtship? Not that she opposed dating him,
but the whole thing was rushing at her out of left field.

  “I... I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  A dismissive snort. “Of course you would not. You are not Vrooduk.”

  He said that as if it explained everything and somehow it was said as if it should have been a personal failing on her part. Her infamous temper leaped to the fore.

  “I may not be a Vrooduk, but I am Deena Lucia Santini, granddaughter of Stella Maria Santini, a strega of Lucca. Do not speak to me as if I’m nothing.”

  For an instant, something unknown flickered behind the male’s eyes and he regarded her speculatively. His silence was deafening. His expression reminded her of the old men who played chess in the park, scrutinizing the pieces on the board in front of them. He grunted and brusquely nodded his head as if coming to a decision. The thick bristles of his mane barely moved with the motion and yet the golden wires segmenting his hair bounced caught the light, making it seem like he vibrated on the spot.

  “Perhaps I was too hasty. Very well, Deena Lucia Santini. I may have a use for you yet.”

  Her mouth dropped open to inform him that she had no intention of being used by him, but his hand rose, and a small device shot a tiny dart into her neck. She gurgled and then fell forward onto the floor, her body numb as her mind inched toward blackness.

  The last thing she was aware of was being hefted up from the floor and carried away from the comfort of her home.

  OIGR RECOILED AND STEPPED out of the way as a small band of creatures with strange appearances passed. Some looked vaguely human, except they had strange appendages. A tiny female with floppy gold antenna and shiny wings darted past, her small voice sounding shrill as she gleefully shouted to her companions.

  The sun was just beginning to descend, and he was eager to arrive at Deena’s home. Due to the activity on the street, the cab driver had dropped him off at the end of the block with an apologetic shrug.


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