by D. J. Wilson
I drove into the Old City for an early dinner at Sweet Fanny’s Pub. To my pleasant surprise, Sweet Fanny’s was still thriving. This restaurant, I recalled was decorated with a heavy touch of WWII memorabilia, including a Luftwaffe Motorcycle. It became my favorite watering hole while working in Sioux City, which now seems like a lifetime ago. This pub reminded me of a western version of the Cheer’s sitcom where everyone there “knows your name.”
Burgers and beer were what I remembered the most. After finishing a blue cheese bacon burger and two twenty-ounce drafts, I was grateful to know they still lived up to my memories. Maybe Candi and I could make a visit here before we head west.
Not ready to call it a night, I made my way to the only game in town, a genuine floating riverboat casino docked on the Missouri River. After contributing $150 to the local tax base on the craps table and another $50 to the $5 slots, I readily called it a night. Lately, it doesn’t take much to make me wind down an evening. Besides, these small floating casinos don’t always offer much in the way of food or entertainment. Once you’ve given away all you’re willing to give, it’s best to find the door. I tried to do just that, before being stopped dead in my tracks.
Before I could make my way across the catwalk, up walked a stunning redhead I would soon come to know rather intimately — Victoria. The woman dang near accosted me. Well, accosted might be a stretch. She did grab my arm, however, while introducing herself. Then she asked me where I was headed so early. After all, she insisted, the night was still young.
To get off subject for a moment, there’s just something about a redhead that evokes pleasant childhood memories for me. The redhead of my youth was Pam. She was eighteen and a freshman in college. Me, I was fifteen with a Black Honda CB750 and a twenty-four hour erection. She loved to ride motorcycles as much as I loved to ride her. Therefore, we traded out all through her freshman year. That was a fine arrangement, until the Head Resident RA caught me leaving Pam’s all-girls dorm early one Sunday morning. Seems the little brother story had worn far too thin, and I was banned from her building for life.
The unequivocal passion evoked by Pam, my first redhead, remained forever etched into my testosterone-driven mind. Pam could and would go all night long, preferring me to sleep. At fifteen, my recovery rate was about five minutes, and she took full advantage of it. Thinking back, Pam’s breasts were always perky, her nether region always wet. With each orgasm … and there were many … I can still see and feel the beads of perspiration across her back, shoulders, and her glistening forehead. Ah, to be fifteen again, ‘nuff said, I guess.
Victoria, with her arm firmly entwined in mine had other ideas than me leaving. “Tell me your name,” she insisted.
“D,” I’m not sure what the letter D brought into her mind, but with that answer, she whispered in my ear. “Do you feel lucky tonight, D?”
“Not so far,” I confessed, “that’s why I’m leaving.”
Victoria continued her whispering, “If you’ll come back inside the casino and play with me, I believe you’ll find your luck may have totally changed for the better.”
Come to think of it I had to agree, at least for this moment. A voluptuous redhead whispering seductively in my ear — yep things could be looking up; and by the current constricted state in my jeans; they were beginning to.
“Please buy me a drink, D. You know what they say, unlucky in blackjack, lucky in love,” breathed Victoria, “… at least for tonight.”
A girl with a price tag, I mused. I continued processing her words, as she kept luring me into her web.
“Do you like to play blackjack, craps or Texas Hold ’em?” she asked, sensing my immediate apprehension and trying to change the subject.
“I guess it depends on how the cards fall on any given night.”
“Would you kindly stake me at the blackjack table, please? I promise you can have the winnings. I just like to play.”
With that, she led me to the $10 tables. Sitting down, she licked her lips and looked at me, anticipating just how generous my nature might be after her grandiose attempt at subtle seduction. I figured it was worth a couple of Franklins to see how far her ruse would go.
Surprisingly, Victoria played the game extremely well. Over the course of twenty minutes, she’d returned my investment, while tripling hers.
“Excellent, young lady, I absolutely wasn’t expecting that.”
“What do you mean, D?”
“Truthfully, I just thought you would bet fast and heavy, lose it all, and stick your hand out for more.”
“Noo … I told you; I just like to play … with other people’s money, not mine,” she continued. “When I play with my own money, I lose. However, when I play with someone else’s,” she giggled, “money that is, I’m more cautious and bet smarter and wiser. Don’t ask me why. I don’t know.”
“I didn’t see that one coming,” I quipped.
“What? Did you think I was just trying to take your money by promising you my exquisite company?”
“Something like that.”
“What kind of girl do you think I am, D?”
“Truthfully, I thought I’d already determined that, and we were just in the middle of negotiating a price.” I haven’t been slapped in the face in quite a while, so it was sobering — especially since I didn’t see it coming.
“It’s your eyes asshole; your bedroom brown eyes that initially drew me to you. Plus, you looked sad. And you have the audacity to think that just because I hit on you, I’m a hooker? Jeez!”
“Victoria, dear,” I said, rubbing my now sore face. “It crossed my mind more than once or twice. What would cause someone as bodacious as you to be in a casino late at night hitting on a man who is by no means a prize?”
“Why do you say that about yourself, D? Besides your eyes, you’re a handsome man. I like your beard. It’s distinguished. Or it would be if you were decked out in a three-piece suit, rather than your ratty old jeans and scuffed up cowboy boots.”
“Thank you for the compliments, Vic … I can call you Vic. Can’t I?”
“You may. Thank you for asking first, otherwise I might have been offended. … Just kidding.”
“Forgive my rush to judgment. Just so you understand, it’s been a while since I’ve been in the presence of a redhead as beautiful as you.
“You don’t have a significant other?”
“Maybe, possibly, I have something wonderful currently in the making. You?”
“I did for eight long years, but thankfully … hmmmm.... no more.”
“The way you said that makes me think there’s some bitterness there.”
“You don’t need to hear my life story. We just met, and I bet you still think I’m some kind of lady of the evening trying to seduce you so I can steal you blind.”
“It’s your hair, asshole,” I imitating her. “Your luxurious red hair says I want to know more about you.” Laughing, I continued. “I’m sorry, Vic. I just couldn’t resist that one.”
“You have to put on your big-boy pants if you’re going to play with me. You asked for it. Buckle your seatbelt. Here goes:
“I met the love of my life while we were in college. I was a sophomore in political science, and he was a senior in pre-med. We married. I dropped out of school and worked full time while putting him through his last year of college and then all the way through med school. The deal was, when he started his residency program and was producing an income, I would go back to school and finish my degree. At least that was the deal until he met this blond bimbo with round heels, a Hoover mouth, and bigger tits than mine. Since then, I’ve made it all the way through college and law school on my own. I had to work two jobs, but this time it was for me.
“Funny thing is, now that I’ve graduated at the top of my class and I’m licensed to practice law in Canada, as well as Mexico, I can’t find a decent paying job. Lawyers are a dime a dozen here in Iowa. I don’t have the money right now to start my own practice, so I’
m doing contract paralegal work for three different firms, hoping to get my foot in the door somewhere.”
I stared as she spoke again, “Got enough yet, D?”
“Wow, did I misjudge you, Vic. Who would’ve thought I’d mistake you for a high class working girl, sporting a Gucci price tag?”
Laughing, Victoria continued. “It’s your turn, D. Tell me about you. I must warn you, before you start blabbering B.S., I can tell you have a sullen past you’re 'Hell Bent' to keep hidden. Behind your mask, your wall or whatever it is you’re hiding behind, I sense a sincere, caring person who is extremely lonely. How am I doing so far?”
“Pretty good,” I confessed, not knowing what to say next or where this conversation was heading. “Maybe you should just tell me about me.”
“Fat chance, Mr. Secretive. I’m listening.”
“Fair enough. I’m a home designer by day and a freelance financial advisor by night. I live on a lake in Tennessee with Major, my labradoodle.”
“What about children? You can’t have come this far without a family.”
“I have three, successful, intelligent sons: one in law enforcement, one on the verge of law school, and one in college with a business on the side.”
“Do you see them often?”
“I haven’t seen them in quite a while. The divorce, as well as this mask I now wear, has kept me at a distance. I’m hoping and praying to reconnect some time soon and speak to them as emotionally mature men, rather than resentful, disappointed children of divorced parents.”
“Time heals all wounds, D. Trust me, I know. I’ve managed to forgive my ex-husband and have even developed a cordial relationship with his bimbo.”
“Yep,” I chuckled, “it sounds like all is well in your world.”
“It’s not perfect, but it’s getting better. At least I don’t call her “big tits bimbo” anymore.”
“Progress, Vic. That’s progress.”
“Do you want to get out of here?”
“Sure where do you want to go?”
“Your place?” Vic asked, lingering on the question.
“We can, I guess. I’m staying at the Crown Plaza.”
With that, Vic grasped my arm and led me up the catwalk with the same bravado I experienced during our first meeting.
In hindsight, I have no idea why I agreed to bring her back to my room. Well, that’s not entirely true. The Woo-hoo again, had moved to the forefront of my mind. She seemed to convey the essence of Pam, only older and significantly smarter. The fact that I had grossly impugned her character earlier, led me to believe all would be fine, regardless of what would happen later.
“Would you like a glass of wine, my lady?
“Yes, please. If you’re trying to get me drunk to take advantage of me, don’t worry about that. You are welcome to take advantage of me as much as you want, with or without the wine.”
“Nope. I’m trying to get me drunk so I will unwillingly take advantage of you,” I responded, not knowing just how Vic would take to the truth. I felt like as forward as she had been, so some upfront truth probably wouldn’t bother her.
“You don’t like what you see?” purred Vic as she slipped out of her dress and draped it across the chair. Her black silk teddy and matching panties contrasted nicely with her milky white, freckled skin.
“I do, young lady, far more than you could ever imagine. Thanks to Pam, my very first redhead at fifteen, I’ve been ready to fall madly in lust with you since you first accosted me by the rail.”
Pouring two glasses of wine into red solo cups, I handed one to her while lifting mine into the air. “To courage,” I exclaimed.
“To Pam,” Vic cheered.
I surely couldn’t argue that.
Taking on a more serious tone, Vic asked, “Why are you in Sioux City?”
Against my better judgment, I reluctantly shared with her my forthcoming bike trip and my soon to arrive co-rider.
“Really? You mean this girl you barely know is flying in tomorrow to go with you on a two or three-week bike trip? You’re either a really smooth operator or you’ve got something else going on, D. That’s all I can say.”
“That’s just part of it, Vic. We’ve emailed and texted every day, too I mean It’s not like we’ve just met.”
“What did you just say?” I asked her to repeat it.
“Woo-hoo, again, I’m impressed you’ve managed to keep it in your pants all this time. Just talking about her is causing your jeans to rise,” giggled Vic, as she pointed to my crotch.
“Remind me to tell you about my definition of woo-hoo, later.” I couldn’t seem to find the right words. “I’m complicated, it’s complicated, and you’re making it even more complicated,” I confided, suddenly at a complete loss for words.
Vic moved onto the king-sized bed and patted her hand on the mattress, motioning for me to join her. “I’m the real thing, I’m here, and I’m yours right now. All you have to do is make the move and I’ll be Pam, Candi, or whoever you want me to be and more for the entire night.”
“You have no idea how badly I want you, Vic. I really do. I want to breathe in the perfume on your neck. I want to kiss your beautiful lips. I want to taste you, and make you scream with pleasure. But, but,” I stammered.
Vic spoke and she raised her forefinger and pressed it to my lips. “You don’t want to potentially screw up this trip with Candi, just as it’s about to become reality.’
“That’s the crux of it,” I confessed, shamefully.
“You do have willpower, D. I’ll give you that. Sitting in an excited state of need, on this bed, with an almost naked woman who has basically thrown herself at you … with no one to be the wiser … and you still won’t succumb to my charms. What do you suggest we do?”
“I have an idea, but you’ll think it’s outrageous.”
“Try me,” Vic said, anxiously awaiting my reply.
“I’d like us to finish this bottle of wine and then I’d like to fall asleep in your arms. Could you do that with me, without sex entering the mix?”
“If you’d asked me that question five hours ago, I would unequivocally have said, ‘Hell No!’ But, now that I’m in the here and now, with you beside me, I guess my answer why the Hell not.”
And that’s how we left it. Sleep came quickly.
* * *
Reaching down to the bed, I kissed Victoria gently on the cheek. “Good Morning, Barrister, it's 6 a.m. I’ve brought you both coffee and hot tea. Pick your poison, and I’ll dress it accordingly.”
“Thank you, D. You’re sweet. Are you sure you won’t reconsider making love to me, if only for a quickie?”
“You deserve much more than a quickie, Vic. I promise if this doesn’t work out between Candi and me, you’ll be the first person I call.”
Sporting a subtle frown, Vic began, “Last night will forever be etched in my mind; I had an attractive man, in his underwear, mind you, with little next to nothing, and I mean nothing on, and his virtuous will overcame my seductive wants and wily ways, all night long. What do you think that does to a woman’s confidence? Come on let’s get real here. No guy in my lifetime has ever turned me down after sleeping in the same bed with me.”
‘They have now, huh? I promise I won’t tell anybody, if you won’t. I’d hate to soil your stellar reputation.
Vic, we’re good,” I began, “I’ve been thinking, I’d like to retain you permanently as my legal counsel, if and when the need arises.”
“And just how do you suppose we do that, D? I’m not employed full time with a firm and I sure don’t have a private practice of my own.”
Reaching into my backpack, I pulled out another medium sized, nondescript package. “With this,” I announced, placing it in her hands. “Two things … don’t ask me where it came from. You may learn soon enough anyway, and don’t open it until after you get home. Oh, and there’s a third. Whatever is left, after you become successful in your practice,
pay the rest forward. Never refuse to represent anyone, if you believe you can help them, regardless of whether they can pay or not. Everybody needs somebody to believe in him or her, to give encouragement, and a leg up when they’ve gone as far as they can go. You have an uncanny ability to see through people, like your initial read of me. If you will continue to nurture these amazing talents of yours, you’ll be able to pick and choose worthwhile clients based on your intuition. That, my dear, is a rare and priceless attribute.”
“You’re a strange one, D. I hope that Candi girl knows what she’s getting.”
Walking two steps higher than when we first met, Vic and I exchanged phone numbers and email addresses, before she left for home.
“Thank you for a most wonderful evening,” I joyfully expressed, while giving her a hug. “I hope this is just the beginning of a long and prosperous relationship.”
“I have no idea what’s in this package, D, but if it does what you say it will do, I’ll be here for you as long as you need me to be. And, lastly, this is the selfish Vic talking now, if things don’t work out between you and Candi, I’m ready, willing and able at a moment’s notice. I’ll strip completely bare this time and pick up where we left off.”
“Thank you, Vic,” I replied, hugging her one more time. “That’s one whale of an offer. I promise I will hold you to it.”
Chapter 11
Sitting in the restaurant the next morning were Billy, Frank and Dusty. They almost looked out of character without their hats and sunglasses. If it were not for Billy and Dusty’s extremely long beards, they would almost look normal, kinda like Frank. Billy extended a hand and an invite, “Join us D. Still waitin’ on that buxom girlfriend of yours?”
“Yep, she’s due to arrive about 2 p.m. Central. If you’re still hanging around here somewhere, I’ll bring her by to meet ya.”
“We’re not headed out right away. We tend to be slow-moving in the mornings,” Frank mentioned. “Kinda goes with the line of work!”
“I’d say it does, guys, we’ll try to catch you this afternoon sometime.”
I left the men to their breakfast and made my way outside. I gave myself a brisk morning walk instead of a hard run today. I figured Candi would be giving me quite the workout upon her arrival. I'd better save my strength.