Wild Lust [Werewolves of Forever, Texas 6]

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Wild Lust [Werewolves of Forever, Texas 6] Page 9

by Jane Jamison

“I’m doing what Blane suggested I do. I’m meeting my sister’s lovers.”

  “I also suggested not meeting them with a rifle in your hands.” Blane tried to take her arm, but she yanked it away. Alarm sizzled into him as his inner wolf paced, wanting to break free and take over the hostile situation. But now was no time to bring out his inner beast.

  “Relax, guys. It’s fine.” Charlie stopped and brought everyone else to a standstill.

  As far as Blane was concerned, they were all too close for comfort. Reese stood between them but off to one side. He could sense his brother’s wolf scratching to come out. Giving his brother a warning glance to keep the beast at bay, he shifted his attention to Anderson.

  “Anderson, how’s it going?”

  Anderson studied Blane, no doubt picking up on his anxiety. “I’m good.”

  Daniel, the more outgoing of the two men, put on a smile and extended his hand to Charlie. “I’m Daniel Holms. And you’re Shannon’s sister.”

  “Yes. I am. Where is she?”

  Daniel dropped the hand he’d offered when Charlie ignored it. “She’s inside. Would you like me to call her?”

  “No. She’ll come out soon enough.” Charlie stepped back, lifting the rifle as she did so.

  Daniel held up his hands, palms out. “Hey, hang on. I don’t know why you want to plug me full of holes, but can’t we talk first?”

  She laughed, but the sound held none of its usual warmth. With the rifle at her shoulder and her head tilted at the sights, she waved it from one man to the next, including Blane and Reese. “Stay out of the way, guys.”

  “Babe, don’t do anything stupid.”

  Blane snarled at his brother, letting some of his wolf side emerge. “This wouldn’t have happened if you’d stayed where you were.”

  Anderson held his hands up. “Charlie, please put the gun down. No one wants to hurt anyone.”

  “Change.” Anger washed over Charlie’s face, taking her beautiful face and making it less than perfect.

  “What?” Daniel shook his head, pretending he didn’t understand her.

  “You heard me. Change into your werewolf forms. I want Reese and Blane to see you.”

  Anderson inched closer to his cousin as Blane tried to get closer to Charlie. “We don’t know what you’re talking about. How about if I call Shannon out here?”

  “I already told you no.” She thrust her chin toward him. “Now start shifting or whatever the hell you call it and make with your werewolf side.”

  Blane and Reese exchanged a pointed look as Blane took another step closer to her. If someone didn’t get the gun away from her, things were going to go downhill real fast.

  “Do it!” Charlie put Daniel in her sights. “I’m not bluffing. I will kill you if I have to and take my sister home.”

  “Charlie!” Shannon flung the screen door wide and bolted down the front steps. “No!”

  Shannon’s shout surprised Charlie, giving Blane the opening he needed. He lunged at her in the second that she pulled the trigger. They hit the ground together, knocking the rifle out of her hands. It went off, but Blane was too preoccupied trying to wrestle her into submission to see if anyone had gotten shot. Reese rushed to snatch up the gun then shouted for him to get her out of there.

  Blane grabbed her around the waist and, holding her off the ground, whirled toward the road.

  “Let me go! Shannon, help me.”

  Even as a human, Blane was strong, but Charlie was stronger than he’d anticipated. He paused, got a better hold on her, and threw her over his shoulder. She struggled against him, beating her fists against his back.

  “Put me down. I have to save Shannon.”

  “Shannon’s fine. It’s Daniel you should be worrying about.”

  “Blane, damn it. Let me go!”

  “Charlie Newman, you stay away from me. Do you hear me? Stay the hell away from me and my mates.”

  “Shannon?” Charlie kicked harder. “Shannon, you don’t know what you’re saying!”

  “The hell I—” But the rest of Shannon’s retort was hidden behind a growl.

  He tightened his hold on her legs and kept moving as fast as he could back to his pickup. She finally quit fighting against him, but he suddenly wished that she hadn’t. Once she stopped, she used his back for leverage and lifted her head to look toward the house.

  “Oh, my God! Blane, turn around. They’re changing.”

  He didn’t need to turn around to know what was happening. If Charlie’s shot had struck Daniel as he thought it had, Daniel’s inner wolf was taking over, ready to fight, and changing his human body into his werewolf form. By now, Daniel was probably halfway through the transformation. His werewolf blood would heal him as either a human or a werewolf, but anger usually led to a quick change into the wolf form. And if anyone had a right to be angry, it was Daniel.

  Snarls and growls filled the air, letting him know that Daniel wasn’t the only one changing. Anderson and maybe even Shannon were changing. There was no telling what Reese might do.

  Would they come after Charlie? Werewolves were very protective of their mates, and if one of them was attacked, they wouldn’t hesitate to shift and go after the attacker. If Anderson and Shannon were changing along with Daniel, Charlie was in a shitload of trouble. He just hoped Reese could calm them down.

  Blane made it to the pickup, pulled the door open, and flung Charlie onto the driver’s seat. Pushing her to the passenger side of the vehicle, he turned the key, threw it in gear, and slammed the accelerator to the floor. Dirt billowed behind the truck as it sped down the road away from Moonbeam Ranch.

  * * * *

  “I told the truth. Did you see them?” Charlie squirmed into a sitting position then twisted around to look out the rear window. Although a part of her was terrified by what she’d seen, another side of her was thrilled. Blane and Reese had to believe her now.

  “I was a little busy trying to save your ass.” Blane yanked the wheel sharply in a quick left turn off the secondary road and onto the main road leading into Forever.

  “Damn and double damn. I saw those two men change. After all I did, you didn’t bother to look?” She couldn’t believe him. “How could you keep from looking? Didn’t you hear the growls? I expected a howl at any minute.”

  As if on cue, the eerie howl of a wolf split the air. She gasped and clutched the back of the seat. “Holy shit, did you hear that? Now do you believe me?”

  They’d passed The Moonstone Bar and were fast approaching the primary intersection of Forever. Making a hard left, then another right, Blane maneuvered the pickup past Deacon Slater’s Up All Night Pharmacy and out of town heading west.

  “Charlie, get your seatbelt on before we have a wreck and you go flying through the windshield.”

  She did as he wanted just to get him to listen to her. “Do you believe me now?”

  “We’ll talk after we get you back to our ranch and Reese shows up.” His hands gripped the steering wheel as he kept his attention glued to the road.

  Horror hit her. “Reese! Shit, Blane, we have to go back. We left Reese there by himself. And Shannon! Will they hurt her?” How could she have left either of them behind? She grabbed his arm, but he yanked her off.

  “Don’t grab me like that again or we really will end up in the ditch. They haven’t hurt your sister yet and they won’t now.”

  “But what about Reese? What will they do to him?” Tears sprang to her eyes. What had she done? In her need to prove that she wasn’t lying, she’d put Reese in danger. She didn’t understand Blane. How could he leave his brother behind?

  “He’ll be all right. Trust me. He knows how to handle himself when things get tough.”

  Blane whipped the vehicle down the gravel road, through the open gates with the name Moonstruck Ranch burned into the boards, and drove the pickup toward the house. He slammed on the brakes, leaving a trail of dust, gravel, and dirt to billow behind the truck.

  He was out and aroun
d to the passenger door before she could think to unbuckle her seat belt. “Hey!”

  Once again, he threw her over his shoulder as though she weighed no more than a sack of seed. She grunted as he pushed open the door, carried her inside to the big room, and dumped her on the couch.

  He pointed at her, shutting off her attempt to speak. “Stay put.”

  She started to get up. “But Blane—”

  “Charlie” —he slapped his hands on the back of the couch and put his face an inch from hers—“I swear if you don’t sit back and shut up I’m going to get a rope and tie you down. Then I’ll tan your hide until you scream for mercy.”

  An image of Blane and Reese standing over her as she took Reese’s cock in her mouth and Blane’s dick in her bound hands took her breath away. Moisture flooded her pussy, but she didn’t dare squirm in her seat against the heat of her already throbbing clit. Instead, she nodded numbly and uttered the only thing she could think to say.


  Chapter Seven

  “Where is she?”

  A lump jumped into Charlie’s throat at the sound of Reese’s angry voice. She’d stayed on the couch not only because of Blane’s threat but because she needed the time to digest everything that had happened.

  But Reese wasn’t about to give her any more time. He broke away from Blane’s hold and charged toward her. His eyes blazed as his eyebrows sunk between them. The scowl on his face seemed like it would stay there permanently.

  “Do you know what the fuck you did?”

  She leaned back from the fury rolling off him in waves. “I think I shot a werewolf, even if I didn’t mean to. Shannon barreling outside like that startled me and when he jumped at me, the gun went off.”

  Reese blinked, straightened up, and let loose a rolling laugh that came up from the bowels of his gut. She didn’t know whether to laugh with him or cry.

  “Reese, calm down and tell us what happened after we left.” Although Blane hadn’t said another word to her since his order to stay put and shut up, he didn’t look any less angry than he’d been when they’d first arrived.

  Reese ground his teeth together, working the muscle in his jaw. “I’ll tell you what happened. She shot Daniel.”

  Blane closed his eyes then opened them, giving her a grimace. “Not again.”

  “Yeah. Again.” Reese paced the floor in front of her.

  “How bad is it?” Blane propped his hands on his waist, and she had to wonder if he stayed where he was to keep Reese from tearing her apart.

  “Bad enough.”

  “Wait. What do you mean I shot him again?” She leaned forward, willing to brave Reese’s fury to hear the answer.

  Reese and Blane exchanged a look then Reese whirled away, putting his back to her. “Tell her.”

  “Tell me what?”

  Blane sat down on the coffee table in front of her. “You shot Daniel the last time you were here.”

  She had to force down a giggle. Something she didn’t think either one of the men would appreciate. “The only thing I shot the last time I was here was a werewolf. Blane, are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

  He took a moment before blurting it out. “Yeah. You were right. Daniel’s a werewolf.”

  “I knew it.” She felt like jumping into the air and shouting hallelujah. Instead, she had to know the rest of it. “And Anderson? You’re admitting that he’s a werewolf, too, right? You saw the two of them change, didn’t you?”

  Blane nodded, his blue eyes darkening. “Yeah, him, too.”

  The implication finally struck home to drive away her joy. “And Shannon? Please tell me my sister’s okay. Please tell me she’s not…one of them.”

  Reese spun to face her, his face a mask of rage. “Shannon’s exactly where she wants to be. But you don’t give a damn about shooting Daniel, do you?”

  “Damn it, Reese. Take it easy. This is hard for her.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Reese’s voice dipped lower in pitch. “She’s shot Daniel twice now. She’s lucky the Holms boys aren’t tracking her down to eat her alive.”

  Blane took her hand and squeezed. His angry glare was gone, replaced by an expression filled with concern. “Are you going to be okay?”

  The two men who were twins couldn’t be more different if they’d been born to different mothers and fathers in two separate countries, worlds away from each other. Yet she could see the strengths each man possessed. Blane’s virtue was his tender care and his willingness to understand her side while Reese was the powerhouse who told her like it was yet wasn’t afraid to risk his life for her.

  “What’s she smiling about?”

  Blane shrugged. “Maybe she’s in shock.”

  “No. I’m not in shock.” She pulled her hand from between Blane’s two hands then stood, daring them to lie to her again. “You knew all this time, didn’t you?”

  At least Blane had the decency to appear remorseful. Reese just crossed his arms and silently dared her to rebuke him.

  “Why did you lie to me? Why did you make me think I was crazy when you knew all along that they’re werewolves? I don’t get it. What did you have to gain by lying?”

  Blane strode over to stand next to Reese. “It’s complicated. I’m sorry I lied, but at the time, I thought it was the best way to keep you safe.”

  “Am I in danger?” She hadn’t given any thought that the werewolves might try and harm her. But it made sense. She’d tried to kill one of them, not once but twice.

  Blane dragged his hand through his hair as Reese turned his back on her and gazed out the window. “I’m not sure. Like I told you before, we tend to look out for each other. If Daniel wants to, he could take it to the pack leaders and ask for retribution.”

  “Retribution? As in…”

  “As in death.”

  Blane nodded, confirming Reese’s assessment. “Let’s hope Shannon can talk them out of going after you. It should help that you’re her sister and our—” He broke off, shutting his mouth fast.

  “Your what? What were you going to say?”

  “Our guest and our friend.” Blane paced away from her, and Reese turned back.

  “Will you two stop tag teaming me? Is there anything we can do? Shouldn’t we call the police or the highway patrol? Maybe even the National Guard? Shouldn’t the authorities know about the werewolves?”

  Her gut told her that they weren’t telling her the whole truth. But did that mean they’d protect their neighbors even if they were werewolves?

  Reese pulled his phone out of his pocket. “Sure. You make that call. Then call your sister and tell her what you’ve done. Tell her that they’re coming for the men she loves. She’ll do everything she can to protect them, but, hey, if your sister gets hurt in the ruckus, it’s no big deal, right?”

  “Crap. I didn’t think about that.” If she made the call, her sister could wind up getting killed along with her two lovers.

  Blane pushed Reese’s arm, moving the cell phone he’d offered her away. “No one’s calling anyone. I’m sorry if this is rough for you, Charlie, but Daniel and Anderson Holms are our friends. Anderson’s my partner in the bar. We’ve known about them being shifters for a long time.”

  She sat back on the couch. “You guys have kept so much from me. But why?”

  Reese snorted. “Simple. To keep you from killing or getting killed.”

  “And we have to keep doing that until we can figure out what to do next.” Blane took her hand. “We have to make sure you’ll stay safe.”

  “And not shoot anyone else,” added Reese.

  She took the hand Blane offered her. “Fine. But I’m not giving up on getting Shannon home safe and sound.”

  * * * *

  “We keep lying to her.” Reese brushed Ripcord’s neck, using his fingers to comb through the horse’s mane. Rupert would do a more thorough brush down, but just being with his horse helped relax him.

  “Yeah. I don’t like it any bett
er than you do, but until she finds out about her sister and accepts her as a werewolf, what chance have we got that she’ll accept us? Not to mention wanting her to change and be our mate?

  “I’d say about a thousand-to-one odds.”

  “What happened after we hightailed it out of there?” Blane rested on a rugged bench they’d placed next to the door of the barn.

  “Let’s just say you should’ve stayed behind and let me get her to safety. You’re the smooth talker.”

  Blane blew out a hard, short breath. “Maybe. So what’d they say?”

  “Daniel was so angry that he shifted without meaning to with Anderson shifting along with him. I had to do some fast talking to keep them from chasing after her. Shannon helped keep the men from going ballistic.”

  Reese chuckled. “I know it sucks and all, but ya gotta see the humor in it.”

  Blane nodded and smiled. “Yeah. What are the odds of Daniel getting shot by the same woman not once but twice? He’s damn lucky she’s a lousy shot.”

  Reese slid the brush down Ripcord’s flank and muttered soft words to make the horse stop dancing. “Ain’t that the truth.”

  “So, here’s what I’m thinking.”

  Reese patted Ripcord on the neck. “That’s what you do best, bro.”

  “I wonder sometimes. Anyway, I think we’re going to have to take her back to meet with Shannon and her men.”

  “No way. You want a do-over? Maybe give Charlie another chance at Daniel? Even a bad shot gets lucky eventually.” He glanced at his brother. He didn’t doubt Blane had thought his plan through several times, but it still made his spine stiffen.

  “Not this next time, because we’ll be in control and she’ll be unarmed. She doesn’t know you’ve got her gun and let’s keep it that way. All I need you to do is to check with them and make sure they can maintain their human forms around her. I don’t want them to use the chance to rip her apart.”

  “I’ll call Jackson Carr to talk to them and smooth things over. If anyone can do it, he can.”

  Jackson Carr was the unofficial leader of the pack since his ancestors were among the founding fathers of Forever. They’d brought other werewolves and even other paranormal beings to the town with the idea that all of them would be accepted and live in peace.


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