Wild Lust [Werewolves of Forever, Texas 6]

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Wild Lust [Werewolves of Forever, Texas 6] Page 13

by Jane Jamison

  “Reese. Blane.”

  In the instant the werewolves looked at her, the bear lumbered away and into the dark. One werewolf started to go after it, but the other one blocked its way. Hanging their heads low, they turned their amber gazes toward her. She knelt on the ground, ignoring the rocks digging into her knees.

  “It’s you, isn’t it? But you’re hurt. Let me help you.” She reached out for them, but they stayed where they were. “Tell me how to help you.”

  The amber gazes locked onto her, their tails swishing back and forth. Each had bloody wounds where the bear had dug into their skin, but the injuries were already starting to heal. Soon only splattered blood remained on their fur.

  “Show me that it’s you.”

  At first she wasn’t sure they’d understood her. But when their bodies blurred, she rubbed her eyes to clear her vision. Her vision was fine. What was happening before her was real. The two golden werewolves were changing into men.

  Their bodies blurred even more, and terrible cracking sounds had her holding her breath. Did transforming hurt that much?

  They kept changing, their front legs morphing into arms while their hind legs grew longer, straightening until they stood on two feet. Claws disappeared into fingertips, and ears shortened. Their faces blurred again as their muzzles withdrew into the faces of the men she loved. Growling, they opened their mouths as their fangs shortened and became eye teeth. Skin flowed over their bodies, pushing the fur away. Soon, Reese and Blane stood before her.

  Blane came to her first. He took her arms and looked her over then gazed into her eyes. Only a few amber flecks remained in the bright blue eyes she adored.

  “Did he hurt you?” His voice was rasping as though the transition hadn’t made it to his vocal chords yet.

  “I’m fine. You came to my rescue just in time.” She touched his cheek and wondered how she could’ve ever doubted staying with her men. “Wait. Did you call it a ‘he’?”

  “That was a werebear.”

  “A werebear? You mean like a werewolf, except as a bear?” How many more paranormal beings existed in the world?

  “Yeah. They’ve gotten riled up lately after one of them got caught slaughtering cattle. But we thought that business was over.” Reese added a growl. “We need to tell Jackson about this.”

  “We will, but I doubt that bear’s going to bother anyone anytime soon. Still, let’s get Charlie back home first.”

  Reese snarled at her. “You’re an idiot, Charlie.”

  “Reese, this can’t be easy for her,” warned Blane, but it didn’t do anything to stop the large man from stalking over to her.

  He grabbed her by the arms, his fingers digging into her flesh. “Reese, you’re hurting me.”

  “I should do a lot more than just grip your arms. I should put you over my lap and spank you until you can’t sit down for two days.”

  She couldn’t help it. She had to smile.

  His scowl deepened. “I was wrong. You’re not an idiot. You’re just plain crazy. Why the hell are you smiling?”

  She got onto the tips of her toes and pressed her lips to his. At first he didn’t respond, but then he answered, pulling her to him. His tongue swept through her mouth, teasing her in a playful game of chase. Yet when she tried to push her tongue into his mouth, he pushed her away. Although his scowl was gone, confusion had taken its place.

  “No. I can’t. Not until we know.”

  Reese backed away, leaving her feeling alone. “Until you know what?”

  “We have to know if you still want us, Charlie. Now that you know what we are.” Blane came close to her but didn’t try to touch her. “Not just as men, but as werewolves. We’re a package deal, too. If you accept one of us, you accept the other as your mate.”

  She bit her lower lip and started to answer, but Blane held up his hand, quieting her voice.

  “I know you liked what Shannon and her men have. I saw it in your face as you watched them today. But then you took off once you found out that she was a werewolf. If you can’t accept your sister, then what hope do we have that you’ll love us for who and what we are?”


  “No buts, Charlie. We’re werewolves. We can change whenever we like and for as long as we like. We have just one woman who fate has intended to be our mate. That’s you and only you. If you don’t think you can join us, if you don’t want to change into what we are, then we need to know right now. If you want to leave, we’ll take you back to your rental home and you’ll never see us again.”

  “He’s right, Charlie. I can’t have you again until I know you’re ours.” Reese dragged a hand through his hair.

  Their hopeful yet sad expressions tore at her heart. Everything she’d worried about, every horror she’d imagined was for nothing.

  “We want to spend our lives with you and only you. We want to do everything we can to make your life fulfilled and happy. If you want to keep working, then you can. If you want to go back to Boston, then you can. We’ll die inside, but we’ll never force you to do anything you don’t want to do.” Blane’s eyes blazed with yearning.

  Blane stalked away then pivoted to face her again. “Maybe we’ve been stupid for not saying this clearer or enough times, but we love you, Charlie Newman. You’re our mate, and we’re yours forever.”

  “Blane, please understand—” She wanted to take him into her arms but didn’t think he’d let her.

  “No. I won’t understand. If you turn us down, I’ll let it drop and never bother you again.” His face contorted into a mask of pain. “But I’ll never understand it. You can’t ask us to do that.”

  “Please, Reese, make him listen—”

  “Tell us, Charlie. Give us your answer.” Blane’s tone had dropped lower, his voice a whisper. “Come on, Charlie, tell—”

  Reese grabbed his brother by the hair and yanked hard. Blane yelped then whirled into a fighting stance. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

  Reese ignored his brother’s snarl. “Bro, you talk too much. Will you shut the hell up and let her say what she’s been trying to say?”

  The men, her men turned to her for her answer. “My answer is”—she darted her gaze between the two large and very naked men—“yes.”

  Had they heard her? She giggled, more out of nerves than the strange looks on their faces. “Guys?”

  “She said yes.” Blane glanced at his brother. “She said yes.”

  Reese’s mouth spread wide to give her one of his rare grins. “Yeah. I heard.”

  Both men started toward her but came to a stop when she held up one finger. “I say yes on one condition.”

  Reese’s grin died, but Blane still held his. “What’s with you and your conditions?”

  Blane whacked his brother’s chest. “Who cares? What’s the condition?”

  “My condition is this.” Her gaze slid lower, taking in their large yet flaccid cocks. “I want you to make love to me under the night sky. Then after we finish, I want you to do whatever you have to do to change me.”

  Reese and Blane looked at each other and answered as one voice. “Deal.”

  She was dragged upward and was hanging over Reese’s shoulder before her brain could register the fact that he’d started moving toward her. She laughed as Blane followed his brother.

  “Where are we going?” Hanging over Reese’s shoulder didn’t give her a way to see where they were headed.

  “We’re getting off the path and over to a place that’s softer to lie on. Are you sure you don’t want to go back to our ranch?”


  “Yeah, bro?”

  “Shut the fuck up.”

  She grinned at Blane and reached out for him as she bounced against Reese’s back. Their fingertips touched and, as always, the electric sizzle erupted between them. As if having to stand and look at their muscular physiques and long cocks hadn’t already started her pussy juices flowing, the connection she felt with each man sent h
er lust soaring.

  Reese lowered her feet to the ground. “Strip. Now.”

  She took her shirt and pulled it slowly over her torso, giving them a show. But they were too hungry to wait. Reese tore her shirt away while Blane lifted her feet and tugged her shoes off. Together they rid her of every stitch of clothing, leaving her naked and vulnerable. But her vulnerability vanished when she gazed into their eyes and saw the love they had for her.

  She sank to her knees in front of them and licked the palms of her hands. Reese stiffened while Blane arched his pelvis forward, but both men’s focus was on her. Wrapping her fingers around each cock, she slid her hands down to the curly bases. At once, their cocks sprang to life, growing fuller and thicker with each stroke.

  She pumped them harder and flicked her tongue over the tip of each mushroomed head. They were silent except for their heavy breathing. Each time she leaned toward one of them, he’d run his fingers through her hair and try to keep her with him. But the other brother wanted his share, too, and would draw her back to his side.

  “Easy, guys. I have enough mouth for both of you.”

  Their chuckles warmed her almost as much as the sight of the blue-veined dicks pointing right at her. She dragged Reese’s cock into her mouth first and closed her eyes. Circling her tongue around him, she brought in his unique taste, committing it to memory. He growled when she withdrew his cock and traded it for Blane’s. They tasted similar, but each man’s flavor was different enough to be distinct. Reese’s had a tangy flavor while Blane’s was spicier.

  She urged them to move closer together and kept gliding her hand along Reese’s cock as she dragged Blane’s dick in and out of her mouth. Both men had a hand entwined in her hair, caressing her as they held her to them.

  She released Blane’s cock with a loud pop then cast a glance at the men. Giving them a mischievous smile, she moved back and forth between them, nibbling on Reese’s cock then switching to Blane’s. She tasted pre-cum and swirled her tongue over the tip of Blane’s cock.

  “Damn, woman, you’re wilder than I’d hoped.”

  She sucked in Reese’s cock then dragged her teeth over the flexible skin as she cupped his balls with one hand and stroked Blane’s cock with her other hand. She’d show him wild tonight and every night after.

  “Charlie, I need more than a hand job.” Blane’s voice was filled with yearning as he closed his hand over hers and eased her hand off his cock.

  “Speak for yourself, bro.” Reese thrust his hips toward her, driving his cock deeper into her mouth.

  “Fine. That just leaves more pussy for me.” Blane edged to her side and fell to his knees. He fondled her breast and slid his other hand over her bottom and into the crease between her butt cheeks. “Her pussy and her ass.”

  Reese snarled and pulled his cock away from her. “Not a chance, bro. Not a chance.”

  “Hey. How about what I want?” Her complaint held no real grumble to it. As long as they made love to her any way they wanted, she’d love it.

  Reese’s eyes were flecked with amber. “You know what? I think our girl needs a lesson.”

  “A lesson about what? Making love?” She laughed at the ridiculousness of his statement. “I don’t think so.”

  “Not about love. You’re very good at that. I’m talking about listening to your mates.”

  “Reese is right. That’s the way it is in our world. The men call the shots and the woman obeys. You need to learn that.” Blane moved his hand to dip a finger into her butt hole. “Plus, I think you need a consequence for running off like that.”

  “I didn’t run off. I just needed time to think.”

  Reese shook his head. “Doesn’t matter what you wanted. You could’ve gotten killed or worse.”

  “What’s worse than killed?” A tickle of nervousness tightened her body.

  “What if he’d bitten you? He could’ve changed you into a werebear.” Blane bent over to slide his tongue along her shoulder.

  She drew in a quick breath, suddenly aware of how close she’d come to losing it all. Nervous, she glanced at the darkness around them. “Are you sure we’re safe here? Do you think he’ll come back?”

  “Naw. He’s probably still licking his wounds.” Blane took a good hard look around them. “We’re safe.”

  “You still deserve a punishment.” Reese sank to the ground. “Get on your hands and knees.”

  She did as he asked. Blane moved to one side of her while Reese scooted to the other side. Each man laid his hand on a butt cheek.

  “Don’t ever leave us again.”

  The whack of Reese’s hand against her bare bottom jolted her. She yelped as tiny spirals of pain spread into her butt cheek.

  “Never go out at night by yourself.”

  She readied herself for the next slap, but it didn’t help. She cried out again as Blane struck her butt with a sound slap.

  “If you ever leave us, we’ll track you down and make you pay.”

  She wanted to ask Reese what he meant but didn’t have time before she was crying out again. If having them punish her like they were doing now was how they’d make her pay, then she wanted to run away tomorrow.

  Her buttocks tingled where they’d struck her, but she couldn’t deny that she loved it. Her juices had already started flowing down her legs. She wiggled her butt, enticing them to slap it again.

  Reese answered her wiggle with another slap then reached under and took a breast. Catching her nipple between two fingers, he twisted it, sending delightful zings of pain into her breast.

  “You’re ours from now until we all die. Do you understand that, Charlie?”

  Her yes morphed into a yelp as Blane whacked her butt again and cupped a hand over her mons. She dipped her head to watch him slide a finger between her pussy lips. He massaged the slickened skin around her clit, teasing her by not rubbing against the tender bundle of nerves.

  Another slap from each man sent her to her elbows. Blane moaned and drove his finger into her dark hole. She mewled but didn’t try to get away. Instead, she wanted him to replace his finger with his cock.

  Reese pulled her hair to make her lift her head. He’d moved back in front of her and his cock was an inch from her face. “Suck on it, babe. Make it sound like you’re loving it.”

  She drew in his cock and whipped her tongue around the broad expanse. Moaning her pleasure, she rocked back and forth. Reese gripped her hair with both hands and kept her mouth on him.

  “That’s it. Suck on him.” Blane’s voice was coated with lust. “You can go wild with your lust now. Drag your teeth on his cock then tell us to fuck you.”

  She held Reese’s cock between her teeth and eased him out of her mouth, taking care not to bite down too hard. “Fuck me. I need you to fuck me.”

  “We will, I promise. But don’t you dare come until we tell you to.”

  She opened her mouth for Reese to put his cock back into her mouth. Moaning, she tried to hold onto him, entrapping him with the muscles of her mouth like her cunt muscles would do to his cock.

  She’d never had even one man who wanted her as much as they did. The realization thrilled her. Sensations she’d never experienced before made her body tremble with need. She’d do whatever her men wanted her to do and love every moment of it.

  Another slap to her bottom sent a fresh flood of her juices between her legs. She growled low in her throat.

  “Listen to her. She already sounds like one of us.” Reese eased away from her. “I can see your handprint on her sweet, pretty ass.”

  At last, Blane dragged his finger over her clit, rubbing hard until she was squirming to come. She cried out and bent her head again to watch his hand move in and out of her pussy.

  “Tell me what you want me to do, babe.” Reese was panting, his tone low and needy.

  “Fuck me. I want both of you to fuck my brains out.”

  Blane laughed and shoved a finger deep into her pussy and began pumping her with quick hard thrusts.
Her arms shook as a small orgasm ripped free.

  “Didn’t we tell you not to come until we told you?”

  She squealed as Reese picked her up and brought her to her feet with her back to him. Wrapping his arm underneath, he cupped her breasts with his other hand and rubbed his callused fingertip over her taut nipple. “Better get a taste of her cream, bro.”

  Blane pushed her legs apart and pressed his face against her pussy. He inhaled first then slid his tongue between her folds and dragged it along her slit in a long, slow lick.

  The heat in her abdomen roared to a fire only they could stop. Reaching behind her, she took hold of Reese’s hair and held on. Pain-filled stabs of pleasure spread outward from her pussy and her breast to meet in the middle of her stomach.

  She’d never been handled so roughly before, but she loved it. Yet if they didn’t give her their cocks soon, she’d break apart into a million aching pieces.

  Blane lapped at her juices and sucked on her clit. She squirmed and spread her legs wider. Reese’s cock pressed against her ass as she pushed against him, urging him to take her from behind.

  Blane pulled away and stood in front of her. Even in the dim light from the moon she could see the evidence of her essence around his mouth. She parted her lips as he crushed his mouth to hers. Pulling his tongue into her mouth, she wrapped her arms around Blane’s neck as Reese let go of her. She fell against him, rubbing her tits against his hard chest. He gripped her hair at the nape of her neck and held the kiss.

  “Hey, no hogging.”

  Blane broke the kiss and planted a quick peck on her cheek. “Fair’s fair, babe.” He turned her around, easing his arms under hers then putting his hands over her breasts.

  Reese grinned and grabbed her legs to lift her off the ground. Blane held on to her as Reese wrapped her legs around his waist.

  “It’s a good thing we have a lifetime to share, because I can’t last much longer tonight.” Reese’s face was tight with his effort to control his climax.


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