Exalted Realms Online- Harbinger of Chaos

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Exalted Realms Online- Harbinger of Chaos Page 11

by Jamie O'Leary

  The water sparkled and, as Josie looked closer, she noticed that the floor of this watering hole was littered with gemstones. Never one to pass up treasure, she dove in and swam to the bottom. She collected an armful of the tiny stones and resurfaced for air. She did this several times until she had gathered an enviable pile of gems.

  She climbed out of the water and put her stones into a leather satchel. She sat near Darkwind and Nurox who were sprawled out in the tall grass.

  “We don’t have much further to go,” Josie assured them.

  “There has to be an easier way to the tower,” huffed Nurox.

  “There is, but you can’t just waltz right in. Yorub would have all of our hides for sure,” she said.

  “It’s a good thing you’re not leading this party,” Darkwind said to Nurox.

  “Shut up,” Nurox said, his face turning red.

  “Boys, if you wouldn’t mind,” pleaded Josie.

  They stopped their petty quarreling and listened to Josie.

  Josie was right. It only took a few more hours of slashing through the jungle before they came to the outer wall of the tower.

  Nurox looked up. The tower wall went up further than he could see. “I don’t think we’re going to get up this way.”

  “I’ve got this,” Josie said as she stepped up to the wall. She pulled a charm from around her neck and drew the outline of a door. She stood back. A moment later, the outline glowed blue and melted the part of the stone wall within the outline, leaving them a clear entryway. “After you, gents,” Josie gestured.

  “Bravo,” commented Nurox. “You’re just full of surprises.”

  “I have so many secrets,” she said with a twinkle in her eye.

  Nurox’s mind raced. He’d never met anyone like her before. Oh, Josie, I want to make babies with you. Nurox knew that this was his opportunity to impress her. If he defeated Yorub, she might think he’s worthy enough to be with her. He drew his sword and lit a torch as he followed Darkwind inside.

  Josie drew her dual daggers and brought up the rear.

  Inside the tower was dark and dank, and the torch’s light only gave them a few feet of visibility. From what they could tell, this was the base of the tower. It was large and open, with a continuous spiral of steps going all the way to the top, with landings every fifty feet that would branch off to the respective levels, which led to the various chambers of the tower.

  “We have to get to the top. That’s where Yorub is, but it won’t be easy. He keeps the company of the wicked. He is a demon after all. Just follow me and everything should be fine,” Josie explained.

  “I’m not afraid to fight Yorub,” Nurox said.

  “I heard this Yorub has quite the treasure stash here. You seem to know this demon pretty well. What do you know about his treasure?” Darkwind asked.

  “Don’t be foolish, Darkwind. We need to strike preemptively. We’re not here for treasure. If we defeat Yorub, then we’ll talk treasure, okay?” Josie snipped.

  The trio crept up the large, stone steps. These steps were ancient, and had been there so long that tufts of moss and lichen grew over them.

  Darkwind lit another torch as Nurox’s fizzled out. They continued to climb. Somehow, they had yet to run into any enemies, although they remained vigilant. It would be unbelievable if we didn’t run into something in this place.

  They kept moving forward, up the steps. Then, a faint light peeked from ahead.

  “Stay right here,” Darkwind whispered. “I’ll go check it out.”

  Darkwind handed Nurox the torch, which was fading fast.

  “I don’t have any more torches,” Nurox said.

  “I’ve got you covered,” Josie said, reaching in her satchel. She pulled out a small sack that contained a handful of tiny orbs. She pinched one between two fingers, holding it up to show Nurox.

  “What are they?” he asked.

  “Light bombs.”

  She tossed one into the darkness. When it landed on the floor, it lit up the room. Their light could last a couple hours, and were obviously quite handy for exploring any dungeons.

  Josie tossed another light bomb every time the path became too dark to see. Darkwind moved slowly and deliberately through the halls. You can never be too careful.

  Josie followed and Nurox covered the rear.

  “Are there any traps in this place?” Nurox asked.

  “Not that I know of. Then again, I’ve never come in this way before.”

  Nurox gulped.

  “Traps, schmaps,” said Darkwind. “You two are forgetting you have the game’s greatest swordsman with you, so relax.”

  “That makes me feel so much better,” Josie said sarcastically. “Let’s go.”


  Yorub sat in his chambers, which was more of a laboratory of sorts, as Yorub practiced alchemy as well as magic. He calmly watched the trio with his magic cauldron as they made their ascent of the tower. “So, Josie, you decided to come back to me after all. I’ll take care of those two losers and you can stay here with me.”

  He cackled at the idea of destroying Darkwind and Nurox. Yorub was almost giddy. He knew that once he disposed of her friends, he would have Josie all to himself. But how? He also knew that while Nurox would likely be easy to best in battle, Darkwind was no joke. Even as a wind demon, Yorub had to acknowledge just how fearsome Darkwind really was. One wrong step and Yorub would be kissing Helga goodnight. So he would wait for them to arrive at his chambers, and in the meantime he would dispatch some creatures to cause the party a bit of trouble while deterring them from reaching Yorub’s chambers.

  “Let’s have a little fun,” Yorub said to himself. He snapped his fingers and suddenly a whirlwind spun in the room. The wind began to take the shape of two wind behemoths, nasty creatures who were as fast as they were fierce. “Go now, my pets, and destroy these intruders.”

  The wind behemoths shot out of the chambers and made their way down to the lower levels where they would engage Darkwind and the others. Their talons scratched the stone floor and walls as they ran. These creatures could wipe out land behemoths in a one-on-one fight, not that Darkwind, Josie, or Nurox could conjure anything anyway. The torches along the walls flickered as they passed. These were magical flames that didn’t extinguish with the wind.


  The higher up the tower Darkwind and the others went, the gusts became stronger. They were cold and howling, and they could send an unsuspecting victim over the edge with ease.

  As Darkwind, Nurox, and Josie continued to climb, they heard a howling wind coming through the hall up ahead. It was the two wind behemoths and they were headed directly for them!

  All three of them got into attack positions with their weapons drawn. One wind behemoth leaped into the air from the steps above, while Josie rolled forward and sliced the beast down its center as it glided over her. It disappeared and left a pile of gemstones that Josie collected. The other wind behemoth was cornered at the entrance of the next level of the tower. It snarled at Darkwind, who approached it gingerly.

  Nurox stayed back in a feigned effort to protect Josie.

  Darkwind slinked up the steps until he was on the same level as the beast. “Josie, throw a handful of your light bombs,” he called down.

  Josie tossed a handful up over the ledge. An explosion of bright light blinded the creature and gave Darkwind enough time to kill it with a single blow. Piece of cake.

  Josie was aware of how the tower was laid out, so Darkwind and Nurox followed her lead. She tossed more light bombs and lit up the room. There was a stairway that led to the final chamber at the top—Yorub’s chamber.

  The doors to his chamber were shut. Each door had half of a scene depicting the Wind God laying waste to both land and sea. It was sculpted out of gold, and was prized by Yorub, who had an affinity for collecting obscenely expensive items.

  His chamber was littered with artwork, exquisite suits
of armor, other gold casts of former lovers, and the Wind Crest—one of the four elemental crests that were held by the demons who stole the crests from the Elementals, whose powers were locked inside the crest and available to whomever possessed the crests.

  Ever since Yorub stole the Wind Crest, he had rained destruction upon many places, including Coronus. The wind demon knew exactly why this trio was coming for him. He cared not, though. He was aware that Darkwind may be a worthy adversary, but he would quickly dispatch Nurox. He was also banking on Josie not joining in the fight, leaving him to only deal with Darkwind. Divide and conquer.

  Darkwind, Nurox, and Josie crept up the steps. Darkwind ran his hand over the sculpted doors, looking for a handle.

  “Here, let me,” Josie said, pushing him aside. She pulled out some lockpicks and wriggled them inside the barely visible lock. After a few moments, the lock popped and she pushed the door slightly. “You’re welcome.”

  They entered Yorub’s chambers, which appeared empty. The room was large with an open ceiling that looked up at the stars. Josie had watched the stars many nights with Yorub. It was a shame she’d have to kill him. That was the job. She had to put her feelings aside. She could never love a demon anyhow. They were too self-absorbed.

  Darkwind held Helga at the ready as he snuck around the room. A slight breeze began flowing through the room. Soon a mist began to develop. Nurox held his sword and shield steady.

  “Be prepared for anything,” Josie warned.

  The wind started to pick up and the mists began to take the shape of a figure. It blasted around the room, swirling in front of the trio. Then, out of the twister emerged Yorub. He stood before them. He looked to be ten feet tall and was dressed in gleaming silveryn armor, with a heavy green cloak. He wore the Wind Crest around his neck. It was in the shape of a vortex that glowed yellow.

  “You want this, eh?” Yorub taunted.

  Darkwind snarled. “Look here, demon. You better give that up now or else I’m gonna have to take everything you’ve got. So what’s it gonna be, precious?”

  Yorub laughed. “I’ve been here for five hundred years, and no one has ever bested me in battle. You will be a mere exercise for me. If you really think you can defeat me, I’ll let you have your chance, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  “Y’know, this isn’t such a bad place. Maybe I could make it my summer retreat. I mean this is some prime real estate,” Darkwind joked.

  “Enough of this childish nonsense. Prepare to die!” Yorub lunged at Darkwind and Nurox, trying to split them up.

  Yorub opened his hand and a blast of wind shot from it. The gust hammered against Nurox’s Gormenghast shield, which resisted the wind’s damage. Nurox braced himself as Darkwind leaped into action. He slashed Helga at Yorub, but the wind demon dodged the attack. Darkwind lashed out blindly around him.

  “You pathetic fools. How dare you attack me in my home!” Yorub said.

  “You killed King Maldrick of Coronus. We’ve come to exact vengeance for him and his people.”

  Yorub snickered. “You really think you can defeat me?”

  “I know we can,” replied Nurox.

  Yorub was light on his feet and seemed to dance around them, carried by the wind itself. An unfair advantage, if you were to ask Nurox. Darkwind was used to fighting dirty and expected the challenge of this boss fight. The wind demon stood back and called upon his powers of the wind. The Wind Crest glowed brightly. Yorub’s silvery hair whipped around. He floated off the floor and his eyes rolled back in his head. “Now I will show you all the true power of the wind!”

  He unleashed a torrent of gusts that struck both Nurox and Darkwind.

  Josie was still on the sidelines. Yorub was too busy with Josie’s comrades to bother with her. What was she waiting for? Nurox swung his sword but missed Yorub, who now had Darkwind pinned to a pillar.

  Darkwind gripped Helga and gritted his teeth as Yorub approached him.

  Darkwind tried to thrust Helga at Yorub, but he couldn't move. The wind was starting to burn his face. Darkwind grunted as he tried to free himself, to no avail.

  Nurox charged at Yorub and swung his blade at the wind demon. Yorub deflected the blow with his gauntlet, and sent Nurox reeling with another blast of wind. Josie watched as Yorub then turned his attention from Darkwind to Nurox. Darkwind fell from the pillar to his knees. Yorub cracked his knuckles and prepared to shoot a burst of wind at his downed opponent, which could have enough force to crush his innards. Josie knew this would happen to Nurox.

  “Bring it on, you bastard,” Nurox screamed at Yorub. He turned to Josie for a moment. “Let the people of Coronus know that I, Nurox the Hunter, tried to serve vengeance to this fiend.” Then, he faced Yorub. “You can’t defeat us, Yorub.”

  “Is that so?” Yorub condescended. “I’ll make you regret ever coming here!”

  Yorub shot a blast of air directly at Nurox, but Josie jumped in front of the blast, which sent her tumbling over the edge just like he did King Maldrick. Luckily, Josie had the wind boots that were given to them. The wind boots allowed Josie to walk on air, much to her surprise.

  “Hey!” she called out, getting Yorub’s attention.

  As Yorub turned towards Josie, unleashing a gust of wind that threw her against another pillar. She struggled to her feet. “Bastard.”

  “You’re all becoming a real pain in my neck!” Yorub bellowed.

  “Here, let me help you with that,” Darkwind chimed in. Yorub was met with Helga’s edge from behind. Before he could say anything, his head fell away from his body, and with it, the necklace that held the Wind Crest. The demon’s head screamed in pain, while his severed body reverted to his actual demonic form—a red and sinewy beast that looked like muscles without flesh. His body was contorted on the floor, writhing around in a pool of blood. His shrill screams made even Darkwind cringe. Suddenly, the wind picked up Yorub’s corpse and it disintegrated into the air, leaving only the Wind Crest.

  Darkwind picked the Wind Crest off the floor and examined it.

  “Let me see that,” Nurox pleaded.

  Darkwind reluctantly handed it to him. Josie kept her eyes on the crest the entire time. “You know what happens when all the elemental crests come together, right?” Josie said with a look of adventure in her eyes.

  “No, what?” asked Darkwind.

  “Legend has it that if all four elemental crests are put together, then it will unlock a brand new area in the game. No one has done it yet. You have the first of the four crests.”

  “Not really my thing. I have more important things to do. You have fun treasure hunting though,” Darkwind said.

  “If you don’t want to do it, fine, but we could use your help,” she said.

  “I don’t think so. I agreed to help you two because I owed the Regent a favor. I paid my debt, now I’m done. I held up my end of the bargain.”

  “Okay. Then give the crest to us so we can find the others,” Josie demanded.

  “You fulfilled your part of the bargain with the Regent, Darkwind. You helped avenge King Maldrick and the People of Coronus,” said Nurox. “I’ll be sure to tell them it was you who killed the wind demon.”

  “Just make sure you do. I don’t want you taking all the glory for this. I think I’m going to take my leave now,” Darkwind said as he tossed the Wind Crest to Josie. “I don’t need this anyway. Have fun finding the others.” He started walking away.

  “Darkwind! You think you’re so cool because you’re a loner, but the truth is, you would’ve been killed back there if it hadn’t been for me and Josie.”

  “So what, are you saying I owe you something?” Darkwind asked.

  “You don’t owe us anything,” Josie said.

  “You’re damn right I don’t.”

  “So then go on your way. If you don’t want to come with us, you don’t have to, but what if these crests are part of your quest? You won’t know if you don’t tr

  Darkwind thought about it for a moment. What if she was right? With all the people he had killed, maybe this was the missing link… Quickly, he weighed the likelihood of discovering the secret to unlocking the God of Chaos on his own versus finding the other elemental crests with Josie and Nurox. Darkwind stopped in his tracks and turned around. “If I do come with you, I don’t want either of you getting in my way. Got it?”

  “Got it,” Nurox and Josie said in unison.

  “Alright then, I’ll go,” Darkwind said. “You’re still not off the hook, Nurox. We will fight, but not today.”

  “I look forward to it,” Nurox replied. “It’s good that you’re coming with us.”

  “If this turns out to be a bust, I’m going to be angry,” Darkwind said. “You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.”

  “You know as well as we do that only a fraction of the game’s secrets have been discovered. Don’t you want to be one of the first to do this?” Josie said.


  Large plumes of steam rose up from the sulfur pools in the distance. After three days of trekking across the wilderness, Chezzy walked towards the city of Rebus on the southern continent of Juul. Chezzy was known in mercenary circles as an absolute badass, but here he was, walking back to town empty-handed for the first time since he first started hunting bounties.

  He had fallen asleep at last camp and when he awoke, he found that his prisoner—some crazy guy that killed a bunch of villagers in Dunsbane, which was still a day’s walk away—had disappeared. He now had to track the little bastard before he did any more damage and get him back into custody. He couldn’t show up without him or else the Regent in Rebus, the district capital that presided over Dunsbane, would be pissed.

  It was the Regent herself, Ayine Cordessa, who had hired Chezzy to snuff out the fiend that wantonly murdered an entire village. Chezzy took pride in his work in Half-World, and he was happy to police in-game, for a price. She was angry and pulled money from the Dunsbane coffers to hire Chezzy, despite the protests of others who sat on the regional Council. She was convinced that hiring a mercenary to find the depraved perpetrator was in the best interest of the region. Finally, the others relented and Chezzy was hired.


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