Desert Born

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by Dawn Chapman

  I had no idea if what I had done would help Alex at all. By the time Shalice pulled me away from him, sheer exhaustion must have been written all over my face. I wobbled, and Roastol picked me up to take me to another room where he put me in a comfortable chair.

  Thoughts whirled about in my mind. I couldn’t process any of them. Shalice brought me some elixir. I thanked her and sipped it, the fruity flavour reminding me of other times, as my foggy brain started to come around.

  Shalice joined me a while later, with a steaming mug of tea. She offered me some, but I declined since her tea always gave me a headache. Probably because it was meant to help, and any liquids I consumed for my pain relief were meant to numb everything inside me. I knew this, because I knew her, just like she knew I was coming. I believed when I was here the last time, when she’d done her best to heal me, we had this connection. I also thought she was one of the only other sentient people on this world, though we’d never talked about it.

  She said nothing, just watched the woodland of her surrounding home and waited. I was glad for her company and the fact she kept quiet.

  “You’re struggling here,” I eventually said. “You need help.”

  Her smooth facial features took on one crinkle. “I am. I can’t hide that from you.”

  “When this is all sorted out,” I managed to lock eyes with her, “I’ll make sure to send people your way. They’ll help.”

  “This might take some time to sort out,” she spoke, softly. “Maddie, do you realise what you did in there?”

  I shrugged. I had a vague idea, but not to the true meaning of how it was possible or the why.

  “Let me tell you a story. Many years ago, there was a rumour that the Lord of the Tromoal would return, and with him would be his Lady. Originally, the Tromoal came here with the purpose of keeping their broods safe from fighting clans. They came with a powerful sorceress. Lady—”

  “Lady Mysiol. Yes, I heard some of her story a few days ago.”

  “So you understand some of the power you have in the ring.”

  I wanted to say I didn’t, but I did. I knew what it meant to Dail, though I’d no idea how he’d uncovered the ring. Another story I would love to hear.

  “The ring was said to rest with her body. Not only that but in a place protected by all the Tromoal bones of the past. The ring is sacred to them because she died to protect them against an evil Visitor.”

  “There’s evil all around the world.” I nodded.

  “Yes, this Visitor wanted control over the Tromoal. Not content to have taken one of their eggs, he came back to take control of them all. And he needed her for that. Rumours say the two of them died together in some hidden caving system. Possibly out there in the plains.”

  It would have been in the plains. I had no doubt about where it was, either. “I think Alex and I saw it earlier today when I first saw the Matriarch.”

  Shalice raised an eyebrow. Now she wanted to hear my story.

  “We were going to be attacked, and when she landed, Alex flipped the Hog, and I was almost eaten.” I laughed remembering.

  “But she didn’t eat you, did she?”

  “No.” I crossed my legs and ran a hand down my thigh, the dull pain throbbing away once more. “She didn’t after she noticed the ring.”

  “And you what? What did you do?”

  I regarded her with great thought. “You already know what I did because you’ve just seen me do the one thing you couldn’t. Bring a man back from the brink of death.”

  Shalice smiled, but there was sorrow there, tugging at the moisture in her eyes. “It seems our world is changing. The sky has a new Lady in charge… with you and Alex beside the Tromoal. I think there will be many a transformation coming.”

  I didn’t know what she meant, but her words didn’t soothe me. “The Tromoal are going to starve. If we don’t secure them enough food, they will die. The young will create the last batch of Hismaw we ever see, and the animals of the night will rule. Maybe those are the changes you see coming?”

  Shalice didn’t answer, just twirled her mug around. “I will get some food prepared for dinner. There’s a guest room I will settle you in after you’re fed and watered properly. You will sleep well tonight, my dear.”

  It was the way she said it, I understood what she meant. No doubt the food or the drinks I had would be laced with something nice and soothing.

  “May I take a shower or bath?”

  “There’s a hot spring, just out to the left of the back tree line. No one will disturb you there.”

  I watched her finish her drink, and take the mugs with her as she left. Now finally feeling a little better, and more capable of standing without falling over. I moved to exit the home. I was nearly at Alex’s room when I saw Shalice leave a bundle of my clothes, presumably from the Hog, and a towel for me at the door. I paused no more, pushing Alex’s door ajar and stepping inside.

  Memories flooded through me of the day Dail had been injured, the smell of burnt flesh as the healers worked on him. The feelings I went through then were nothing like they were now. I was worried for Dail, but it wasn’t enough. I realised now I loved him only as a friend. He would have given me anything, of course, but it wouldn’t have satisfied me. I’d always be off looking for the next big adventure, and it would have meant I would eventually leave town and him far behind. Those big adventures were calling for me. Alex included.

  I saw Roastol move to the edge of his seat, unsure what to think of me. “Just checking on him. I won’t do anything else.” He settled in his seat again and went back to reading a book.

  Approaching Alex, I noticed his matted hair had grey streaks spreading through it. Had the injuries aged him or was this magic? I picked up a stray strand and tucked it behind an ear. His stubbly chin looked pinker, not as bruised.

  Focussing in, I managed to see how he was doing.


  That was much better, but why wasn’t he awake? I didn’t understand.

  I lay a hand on his chest and felt the rise and fall as he breathed. It wasn’t laboured anymore and was a good steady pace. I leaned over and kissed the side of his cheek, whispering, “I’ll be back soon.”

  Making my way out of the house and down to the spring, I stripped and got in, the water refreshing and warm to my skin.

  I dipped under and washed my hair with the wonderful potion Shalice gave me. It was a treat as it softened my locks after the day’s antics. I needed this as much as I needed a good night’s sleep.

  Drying off, I heard a whirring of wings in the distance. Dalfol. I sensed him close by.

  Yes, he said, it is I.

  What’s wrong?

  I am here to make sure the creatures of the night do not bother you. There are many heading into the forest from deep in the woods. Do not fear. Nothing will get near you, but you need rest. The Matriarch has a lot to discuss with you tomorrow.

  What if Alex can’t travel yet?

  He will be fine to travel, though Riezella is worried his presence alters our future.

  Alex is coming with me. I felt panic rise in my throat in case they rejected him, knowing I actually needed him.

  I will speak to her, make sure she understands. She felt exactly as we all did when you performed the summoning of energy to bring him from the edge of death.

  I sighed, the cooling of the night air making me shiver. The sun was disappearing behind the mottled clouds. I dressed in clean clothes quickly.

  Thank you. Eat and sleep. I’ll make sure we’re with you and on the road again by mid-day tomorrow.

  I felt his contentment as I moved to walk away. However, I wanted to go and really say hello. After hearing in my head, I needed a face to put to his voice.

  So I approached through the tree line. Slow and sure. The fact was, even knowing what he was to me, family, I was terrified as he towered above me in his full glory.

  Dalfol was a grey Tromoal with a yellow underbelly and oran
ge sides. As the moon settled around us, he glinted with silver flashes as his scales moved. He spread his wings out, seeming to settle a little more, but when he moved them, great gushes of wind swept my damp hair around my face. I brushed it out of the way to see him all the more.

  You are very curious. I like that about you.

  You’re not curious about me? I reached out, and he hovered closer with his nose in front of me. He smelled of the river and fresh chewed grasses, not rotting meat or death like I would have thought.

  Yes, I am. As are the rest of our clan. You bring with you a new sense of adventure, but they’re worried for their unborn.

  I nodded and ran my fingers down the side of his cheek, in a kind of scratch. I laughed when he leaned into me and almost knocked me over.

  I do not know my own strength. Apologies.

  No need. I moved back to scratch him again. You’re amazing. The sheer size and intense magic energy he emitted fogged my brain. Everything about you is power, beauty, and so much more.

  As I scratched and moved further up his chin to his cheek, a low belly rumble vibrated through me. You sound like you’re purring.

  I am content to let you scratch my scales. He carried on with the belly rumble. It is something only the closest of species can do for us.

  I stopped what I was doing. I’m sorry. I don’t mean to….

  I don’t mean quite like that. His low rumble exploded around me in a laugh, and I had to cover my ears. I am here as one of the Matriarch’s guards. Now, I also protect you. That is even more of an honour for me.

  I don’t know what I’m doing. I sighed.

  Go, for now. He pushed me gently away. You need rest.

  I stumbled back to Shalice’s home where she fed me, and we talked small talk about the local animals. The fact that a Tromoal was nestled inside the tree line, keeping guard didn’t bother her, but it bothered her companion. He seemed to be on edge all night.

  By the time she brought me a mug of tea, I laughed, knowing I had needed it, but my headache would need soothing with something else tomorrow. I would have gotten under a blanket and fallen asleep anyhow, but I honoured her by drinking the tea and watching the night sky twinkle.

  Soon, my tired body was stripped and on the bed, probably snoring before I knew it.

  Pitch black greeted me when I woke sometime in the early hours of the morning.

  Alex is awake, Maddie.

  I heard the door creak. Having not really heard Dalfol’s words. Someone was in the room? My room.

  I reached under the pillow to where I would usually put my daggers, but I realised I’d been extremely tired. I had just undressed. Whoever this was, I wasn’t going down without a fight.

  As a shadow crossed the light from the window, I could only make out it was a large male. As he got nearer, I prepared to pounce, the glint of a mirror catching the silvery light, illuminating a startled face.

  “Alex!” I spat. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “I was looking for you. I had no idea where we were. I’ve been creeping around this crazy house for five minutes until I saw your boots at the door.”

  I reached up, grabbing his arm, tugging him into an awkward hug. “Thank God you’re all right.”

  I breathed in his scent, filled with sweat and blood, but I didn’t pull away. I squeezed him gently until he finally hugged me back.

  When I felt like letting him go, he chuckled. “Thanks, I needed that.”

  I patted the side of the blanket when I noticed he just hovered there. “Sit,” I commanded.

  He edged closer towards me and plopped down. His own clothes in tatters so now all he wore were slacks that Shalice had probably dressed him with. Even in the dim light, I could see the muscles etched into his physique. I ached to touch him more, restraining myself the hardest damned thing I’d ever done.

  “What happened?” I finally asked.

  “You mean apart from the fact that I almost died?”

  I nodded and moved to turn the night light on so I could see him properly.

  “It seemed the people I was taking the information to weren’t legitimate. They wanted it for the wrong reasons. They were going to use it to launch a war on the City of Trox after breeding season. I destroyed the info. I wouldn’t let them have it.”

  “You risked your life to save the city?”

  “I don’t know about save it, but I didn’t want innocent people to get hurt.”

  I leaned back into the pillows. “Do you remember coming here?”

  He shook his head, scratching the stubble on his chin. “No, nothing.”

  I let out a breath, hoping he wouldn’t recall anything of the ritual or me saving his life. “Maybe it’s best you don’t remember almost dying.”

  “Maddie, there’s stuff I want to tell you.” He sighed.

  “I already know. You’re sick.”

  I saw the sorrow in his eyes. “I joined the beta program to test Puatera Online because I was sick. It would help with mounting bills and give me some dignity in the last few months of my life.”

  I felt bile rising up the back of my throat. I didn’t want to listen, but I could see he wanted, no, needed to tell me.

  “I started off weak, but I became stronger here. Where I could barely walk back at home, I could walk and run here.”

  I hated the thought of him in some place, sick, dying.

  “Do you know how long you have?”

  He shook his head. “I could slip away at any given moment.”

  I reached for his hand and gripped it tight, leaning my head on his shoulder.

  “I didn’t want to lead you on,” he whispered. “I wanted you to know my time is short.”

  I tried to stop the tears, but I couldn’t. They were silent. It was all I allowed myself. I was sure he felt my sobs, though, as he lifted me up and wrapped an arm around me and then kissed my cheek.

  “Shh,” he whispered. His gentle kisses moving along my jawline until, eventually, his lips met mine. Everything around me blurred into just being with him, an emotion so raw, I didn’t want this to end.

  Chapter 3

  Shalice wanted to make sure we had food and fluids in us for the day, but all I wanted to do was get Alex outside and towards the grove of trees where I knew Dalfol was still hidden.

  Had Shalice known he was there? She never said anything when I finally went to leave with Alex in tow.

  I knew and alerted Dalfol to what I was doing, but Alex didn’t have a clue. I wanted him to meet the Tromoal in all his glory. To see, feel and live as he wanted to. It meant being scared as well. Knowing only the basic system mechanics he’d told me, where everything newly discovered as a player felt amazing, I hoped everything he’d see and feel now would give him the joy he needed.

  “Where are we going?” Alex complained. “Ya know my ribs still hurt.”

  I laughed but kept walking out to the tree line, the low rumbling sound vibrating the ground.

  Alex heard Dalfol’s rumble and moving around before he realised there was something large up ahead. He stopped dead in his tracks. “What is this?”

  “I want you to meet Dalfol, a friend.”

  The Tromoal moved to intercept our path, placing his giant head in the way. I couldn’t help but watch as Alex’s face fell. Clearly, his first instinct was to run for cover.

  I reached out and grabbed hold of his arm. “No, you don’t need to run. Seriously.”

  I saw the fear in his eyes, then the wonder. “What really happened out there in the desert?”

  “If I told you, I might not get to take it back. It would mean I trust you.”

  He reached for my hand. “After everything I told you last night. . . trust me, Maddie. I won’t do anyone any harm.”

  So I quickly explained the meeting with the Matriarch and the subsequent circumstances.

  He grinned and moved to get closer to Dalfol with his arm outstretched. I wasn’t sure if Dalfol would let him near, but the creature s
tarted with that infernal vibrating again. Alex placed a hand on his neck, then slid it down to his shoulders. “He’s as large as a house!”

  I moved to Alex’s side and placed my hand on the Tromoal.

  “Does this mean we get to traverse the plains without being bothered?”

  I shook my head. “I don’t know. I guess we have some immunity, but I think if a hungry Tromoal were standing in front of me, I still wouldn’t want to risk it.”

  Alex nodded but leaned in and placed his head against Dalfol.

  What is the human doing? Dalfol asked.

  I have no idea.

  “He smells like water, fresh grass, and lilies,” Alex said.

  There was something on his mind. I couldn’t work out what it was, but I could see the wonderful reaction from Alex as his grin spread from ear to ear and glistening tears moistened his eyes. Alex’s happiness then spread through me.

  I watched them for a while then rubbed water from my own eyes. Dalfol, are we safe crossing the plains?

  Dalfol’s purring stopped. There are still many dangers besides us, you know.

  Of course, bandits.

  I shall, however, be close by to make sure you aren’t in the path of any hunting Tromoal.

  That was a good thing.

  Alex moved away from Dalfol, still grinning.

  “What is it?”

  “I always wanted to get close to something so big, something that in my world is nothing but fantasy. Yet here, it all feels so real. I’m glad I had the opportunity.”

  I wanted to hug him. To tell him everything would work out, but I couldn’t. His sickness and the chance he could be whisked away from me had tears brimming once more.

  Dalfol nudged me as I was about to turn, and I fell over. “Hey,” I shouted at him. “That’s not fair.” He started to laugh, the gentle purring when he was happy turned into a ground shaking bellow of air. I laughed with them both as Alex pulled me up. Dalfol was trying to shock me back to reality.

  I mentally thanked him.

  We got out of his way, and he spread his massive wings and took to the air. The sheer energy blast from them almost had us back on the floor.


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