Her Alpha Protector

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Her Alpha Protector Page 4

by Gwen Knight

  “You’ll pay for that,” he muttered darkly. “Think you can just do whatever you like? A lesson in manners, I think, in how to treat your betters.”

  Angel couldn’t help the crazed laugh that spilled from her mouth. “Maybe you should fetch me one first.” She knew the moment the words left her lips, it was a mistake. But she’d rather he kill her than drag her back to the pack.

  “I’ll not stand for this, Angel,” he growled, lips rearing back over his teeth.

  Her eyes fluttered shut at the sight of his lengthening fangs. His wolf was so close, soon it would be over. That was all she could hope for now. No more running, no more hiding, no more monsters in the shadows. Fingers wrapped around her throat and he flexed his grip, the station fogging as blackness crept along the edge of her vision.

  Through the brume, a wolf’s howl rent the suffocating silence. Angel stiffened at the sound of the symphonic baying. Somehow she knew it was Hunter and relief rushed through her; he’d kept his promise—she wasn’t alone here with Seth. A surge of strength straightened her shoulders and her gaze darted expectantly toward the door, waiting for the moment Hunter came into view.

  A shadow darted beyond the entrance, knocking into one of Seth’s wolves, and she jumped when a splash of blood sprayed the glass. Seth’s grip vanished and she sucked in a sharp breath, shuddering as she fought to control her racking cough. He stalked away from her, hardly paying her a second glance when she slid to the ground.

  The creak of the door roused her attention and she lifted her chin to watch as Seth propped it open, peering out into the darkness. A faint scent drifted through the door and Angel’s breath caught in her bruised throat—oak. She was more than familiar with that distinct fragrance. Seth’s nostrils flared as he took it in, and from the white of his eyes, it seemed he also recognized Hunter.

  The beast appeared then, phasing out of the darkness, eyes smoldering with green light. His head tilted, taking in the sight of her huddled against the wall, cradling her throat. Enraged, he bared his teeth and whipped back to Seth.

  Never had she seen such a large wolf before. At the sight of him, all slick black fur, she lowered her hands to the floor and began to creep forward, longing for a closer look. Dark as night, his coat caught the dim light of the station, shimmering bands of indigo rippling with his every step. He was more than gorgeous, he was exquisite.

  “Hunter,” Seth stated, and she heard the slight tremble in his voice.

  The wolf’s fangs snapped at the air between him and Seth. The sound was sharp enough that even Angel cringed and dragged her knees into her chest. Her eyes wandered past them to the blood-smeared doors. Was that what had kept Hunter? Had there been more than those two wolves, now nothing more than lumps of fur sprawled on the cement? Yet hardly a hair in Hunter’s coat was out of place.

  Hunter strode forward, his tail erect as he held Seth’s stare. When he didn’t immediately drop his gaze, Hunter snarled and lunged, about to attack when Seth finally skittered back, his eyes dropping to the floor. The bitter tang of fear perfumed the air and a twisted smile crooked Angel’s lips. It was nice, for once, to see him fear someone.

  Hunter pushed past him, purposely keeping his back to Seth. He was coming toward her and with wide eyes she tucked against the wall, her gaze flicking between the two of them. She didn’t fear this alpha, not in the least, and her brow knotted with that realization. In fact, with every step he took, the weight in her chest loosened, and her shoulders rounded with relief. After today, she just knew he would never hurt her, unlike the one that stood behind him.

  Hunter stalked across the lobby, his massive paws tracing a wake in the thin spread of dust coating the floor. She stared at the footprints, her keen eyes noticing that his paws were at least twice the size of hers. A common occurrence between male and females, but it made her feel insecure. The wolves she’d once called her brethren had taken nothing but joy in teaching her how pathetic she was. Too small to be anybody, too dainty to be truly fearsome—all traits she’d once thought appealing. But the human world and the other world had different standards.

  A soft muzzle brushing under her jaw snapped her thoughts back to the present. Seth still stood by the door, his eyes lowered in caution. Hunter’s stare trained on her face, watching her for any indication of what was happening behind him. A flash of pink darted from between his lips, wet heat painting up the side of her face. Strangely, laughter bloomed in her stomach, her lidded eyes dropping to his face. For the very first time, in more years than she cared to admit, she felt no fear at meeting another’s gaze, and if she wasn’t mistaken, Hunter seemed encouraged by this. His lower jaw loosened into a wolfish grin, tongue dangling from his mouth as he panted eagerly. Her own mouth crooked, sharing in this momentous occasion. Her laugh was breathy and high-pitched, but it blended well with his low huff.

  The sound seemed to awaken something in the station. Magic crept along her skin, her throat tightening. Her body was a knot of nerves, tingling and thrumming to a voiceless song that only she could hear. The drumming beat came from Hunter, a steady rhythm that called to her. When she dropped forward onto her hands and knees, there was little resistance from her, simply acceptance and an eager need to split her skin that filled her head until she could no longer think.

  “Angel,” Seth gasped, the heels of his boots clicking over the floor.

  As one, Hunter and Angel lifted their eyes, ignoring the unwelcome one. The wolf before her flicked his tail, his paws dancing in the dust, his hunger evident. The call—it was so strong, so resplendent. Even with the roof over them, she could see the heavens above, unbound and dotted with glittering diamonds, all singing their celestial songs. The blood moon waned in the velvet folds, caroling its own ancient woes to the bare, brown earth. And from her lips, a melody slipped out—her howl and hers alone, joining with the primal lullaby.

  Hunter dropped back onto his haunches, his head tipped up toward the ceiling. A serene look smoothed over his face as he swayed to the tuneless rhythm.

  Angel wanted to weep, it was so beautiful. Never had she heard such a song before and she knew without a doubt it was because of her bond with Hunter. If ten years hadn’t weakened it, neither would Seth. She felt it, as strongly as she felt the moon above. Both whispered soft promises, offering her things she’d wished for most of her life—protection, safekeeping and love.

  Tears spilled over her cheeks as she met Hunter’s gaze, his chartreuse depths watching her so calmly. Shuddering, her head fell forward, sundering their connection.

  Never had she shifted in front of another, and the shame of what was about to happen pooled inside her. They would see her at her most vulnerable, and the thought of it stung her eyes. Fresh tears welled over her cheeks and fell to the floor, washing clean the lingering dust that clung to her hands. Angel drew in a long breath. To the rest of the world, she looked like nothing more than a woman on her knees, prostrating before a wolf. But within, wild and primordial chaos erupted. Her skin rippled, her body shifting gracefully as it prepared to phase. Organs shuffled, her bones dislocating with startling cracks and snaps that dragged an aggrieved moan from her parted lips. Her breaths were shallow and uneven, her heart racing in her chest. Only at the last moment did she shut her eyes, the magic plucking her wolf from deep within and yanking it free.

  The cry that filled the chilled station was purely animalistic and she slumped to the ground, her eyes drifting open to stare up at the wolf above her. The magic was so strong she couldn’t have fought it, and she didn’t want to. The universe was offering her something, something that had only ever been whispered about. The mating call had been revered in her former pack; none of them had ever experienced it.

  Hunter’s wet nose brushed behind her ear, his teeth catching the tip for the smallest moment before releasing it. She felt the pull to rise to her feet, and finally she did. She shook out her fur, scattering the dust motes back into the air, and turned to Hunter, searching his face.
r />   “Angel!” Seth barked at her, his fingers snapping as though she was nothing more than a disobedient dog. Her hackles rose and she bared her sharp fangs, showing that she wasn’t his. Never had she so openly rebelled, but there was something about Hunter that gave her strength, whereas Seth had always stolen it.

  Her former alpha’s face thinned with anger, now burning with the fires of his rage. Not one for hearing no, he seemed unable to accept what was happening.

  Silence filled the bus station, yet the thoughts in her head were deafening. Hunter eased between them, his head lowered protectively, a low growl vibrating from his throat. A deep chorus of yips fell from his mouth, his challenge riding on the chilled air.

  Angel’s eyes darted to the man who had dogged her steps for years, hounded and harassed her, abused and debased her until the only option left was to run. Only once had she dared to call one of her pack members to learn what was happening. The news had been staggering. Seth had named her rogue, a word she’d come to loathe since then. Rogue meant beyond the jurisdiction of any other wolf. It meant she was open game, a meal for any wolf that she crossed paths with. It was why she’d been running for so long. But this one, this midnight alpha, had set her free. Hunter had put her needs above the rules, even above his own needs, something she’d never witnessed in any other wolf. The males took what they wanted, regardless of consequence.

  Now the moment she’d dreamed about for almost a decade had arrived. After nights spent in Seth’s not-so-tender care, days when she’d hardly been able to crawl away as he’d forced himself on her...yes, she was ready for this nightmare to end. Once she’d believed that people deserved redemption and forgiveness. In her human life, she’d believed murder of any sort was despicable, but since becoming a werewolf, she’d developed a whole new set of ethics. Her outlook on life was not so naive anymore. She’d spent years telling herself she was not like them, wasn’t a coldhearted monster. But things were different now. She wanted him gone—she wanted him dead.

  Seth’s opaque eyes rose from the cracked floor and stabbed through her, watching with an intensity that burned like a steady flame. Never had she seen such hate in someone, from the clenched fists and curling lip to the scrunched nose.

  “This isn’t finished,” Seth grunted as his shift began to morph his features. “See you soon, Angel,” he wheezed as he dropped to the floor, writhing until a large gray wolf stood before them.

  Hunter snarled and gathered his strength beneath him, about to strike when Seth dove out of the bus station, his nails skittering over the cement as he retreated.

  Fear ran rampant through her gut. It wasn’t finished. Angel knew Seth would keep his promise. He always did.

  Chapter Five

  The cool breeze was a relief to his nose after the stagnant air of the station. Hunter glanced back at the small wolf trailing in his wake, her ivory fur shimmering like the moon within the silken ebony threads of night. Fury and relief washed over him, the stark contrast of both shredding his insides. Her former alpha had laid hands on her; he’d seen the bruised imprint blooming over her creamy skin. How he’d longed to take chase and tear the man to pieces for what he’d done, but that would have left Angel alone and for all he knew, that was Seth’s plan—a loathed thought. He was vacillating between warring emotions, equal parts rage and gratitude. And somewhere in the middle was the blessed taste of excitement, rolling and crashing over him in an attempt to drown his rage and irritation.

  Angel was following him, and willingly. The sound of her soft footfalls padding through the grass gave his heart reason to beat. She was no longer running. He only hoped she understood that if she came to him, he would never let her go. She was meant to be his mate—they’d both felt the call. Ironic that it had happened the day he’d sat down to discuss such a thing with his second.

  As for Seth, if there was an alpha Hunter wouldn’t mind seeing taken down, it was him; he’d always been the most difficult, the most troublesome of the pack leaders. His wolves weren’t properly cared for, and all the alphas knew it. Yet he also knew that entering Seth’s territory to put an end to his reign would constitute war between the packs. Hunter was dominant enough to win, but overthrowing Seth would expand Hunter’s territory to an unstable degree. There was little hope that a wolf from Seth’s pack would challenge him—years of instilling terror and fear had taken their toll.

  It’d been the hardest thing he’d ever done to leave her in that bus stop. Soon after they’d left Angel’s apartment, Hunter had picked up the faintest whiff on the wind. Seth and a few of his minions had been following them, quietly enough that had that opportunistic breeze not drifted by, he might not have taken notice. It’d taken a bit of time to find the proper spot where he could sit in the shadows and watch for trouble. They’d stalked the station, ensured Hunter wasn’t coming back, and then Seth had slunk inside. The two he’d left outside the doors to guard were nothing, pups compared to the big bad wolf. He hadn’t liked leaving them alive, but he couldn’t have bodies littering the streets. They’d wake before the morning and likely regroup with Seth. The only question that remained was when Seth would try again.

  Forcing his thoughts back to the present, he focused on the city scents fading into the sweet summer night, leaving only the most intoxicating fragrance he’d ever tasted. Her. If he’d thought her scent had been strong this afternoon, it was nothing compared to now. She still smelled of the city, but it was an aroma that maddened his soul.

  He led her down the abandoned streets until his house finally came into view. Angel lifted her rounded nose into the air, sniffing at the silver gates before them—a deterrent for any that dared to try and infiltrate his home. He stalked over to a small box and nosed the lid open before stepping on a hidden button. The metal swung open gracefully, hardly a catch in the oiled gears. Angel passed through with little prodding, turning around once inside to watch them seal shut.

  He could hear her heart suddenly take off, thrumming like a hummingbird, her breath quickening to a shallow pant. The wolf pranced back, her startling blue eyes raking over the bars and up the walk to the entrance. Her scent vanished when a thick wall of panic rose between them, and as he watched, her muscles coiled, preparing to spring forward as she searched for any way out.

  It was Hunter’s alarm that brought his magic down on him, enabling him to shift faster than he ever had before. He had to show her she had nothing to fear from him and he couldn’t do that as a wolf. Seconds later, his shift was complete and he found himself kneeling, nude, on the pavement. Straightening from his crouch, he approached her, his fingers slowly combing through the fur of her cheeks, notching them right behind her ear. He couldn’t help but chuckle when she suddenly canted into him, her eyes fluttering shut as the softest sigh spilled into the night.

  Slowly her heartbeat steadied and her breathing evened out. The moment she was calm, her wolf melted away under his touch, leaving only the woman behind. His lips spread and his hand slid down to curl over her cheek. Her eyes flicked up to his, her face pale under the moonlight.

  She rose slowly, her arms sliding over her midsection to shield herself from him, even after all they’d shared earlier. Her eyes were cast to the ground, avoiding his gaze. Hunter’s brow snapped down at the sight of her hiding. That behavior had been taught to her. Werewolves rarely shied away from their naked forms. They took them so often, it was like second nature.

  Color stained her cheeks when her eyes suddenly climbed the length of his body. He was aroused, erect and throbbing as he watched her, but all he wanted was to chase away the terror creasing her face. She’d felt it, too—the call—earlier tonight in the bus station. It had poured from her soul, the most erotic howl he’d ever heard. He’d felt the drumming and heard the primal song echoing from the moon.

  “Angel,” he murmured. “I won’t hurt you,” he promised her. “You never have to worry about me hurting you.”

  Disbelief clouded her eyes. Hunter crossed back to her an
d cupped her cheek, his fingers smoothing the length of her jaw—so soft, so smooth.

  “We’re not all like him,” he whispered, trying not to acknowledge how her skin was like creamy silk, pale beneath the blood moon. Her hair fell in ash-blond lengths, curling over her shoulders. She was...remarkable. “And I will do whatever it takes to prove that to you. You are safe here. I’ll protect you.”

  She nibbled on her lower lip, a sheepish smile that stole his breath quirking her lips. Her scent was so tempting; he needed this. Giving in to his desire, he bent toward her and claimed her mouth, his thumb running down the length of her cheek. He’d tasted her before, yet it didn’t compare to now, after listening to the moon’s promise that she was his. It took every last bit of his restraint not to spill her down onto the cement and take her right there. More than anything, he craved to see her stretched beneath him, face flushed with want and body quivering with need. He wanted to bring her to the cusp of passion until she howled his name, over and over.

  He drew back, drinking in every little bit of her, from her reddened lips and blushing cheeks to her half-lidded eyes. For someone so shy, she appeared to want this as badly as he did. It was almost too much and he swallowed, forcing his heart to slow.

  Gentle, he cautioned himself. He just wasn’t sure he could be. After meeting her and learning that Seth had claimed her first, he’d never again given thought to finding a mate. Many of his wolves were already paired, but to him, there had always seemed to be something missing.

  Pushing those thoughts to the back of his mind, he let his eyes browse the rest of her body. The careworn clothes from earlier had given her an air of hunger, but now he could see she was all curves. His hand fell away from her face, fingers stroking down her soft side and curling around her hip.

  His mouth dried at the sight of her, and he watched as unspoken thoughts crossed her face. After what felt like an eternity, she stepped into him, her soft body pressing against his and her arms winding around his neck. Hunter’s breath caught, the feel of her bare breasts against his skin sending his blood pulsing. She rolled to the balls of her feet and stretched up to meet him, covering his mouth with hers. He couldn’t imagine how hard this was for her, to finally be a willing participant rather than being forced. Giving in to the feel of her warm lips, he poured a silent promise into her mouth that he would never be like him.


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