Hellcats, 282, 291
Hemphill, Jessie Mae, 248
Hemphill, Sid, 248
Hendrix, Jimi, 139
Herald, John, 102
Here Come the Warm Jets, 211
Herman’s Hermits, 31
Hiatt, John, 2
Hill, Clifford, 141–42, 144
Hill, Eric, 227, 228, 232
Hinton, Eddie, 51, 71
hippies, 55–57
Hitchcock, Robyn, 1, 244
Hodges, Teenie, 301
Hoehn, Tommy, 184–86, 189–91, 193–94, 216, 223, 254
Hoerburger, Rob, 2
Holder, Gene, 221
Holmes, Herbie, 12
Holsapple, Peter, 210, 217, 218, 220, 221, 241, 263–64, 267
Home Sweet Home, 105
Hooker, John Lee, 227, 291
Hopkins, Lightnin’, 227
Hoskyns, Barney, 80, 248
Hot Club, 213
House, Arthur, 92
House of Blues, 304
Houston, Cissy, 67
Howlin’ Wolf, 28
Hughes, Chris Merrick, 210–11
Hull, Robot (Robert), 229–30
Hummel, Andy, 103, 104–6, 108–9, 111–15, 117–19, 121, 126, 127–29, 131, 132, 134, 135, 138–47, 148, 161, 169, 185, 186, 190, 220, 221, 307
Hummel, Barbara Jo, 105
Hummel, John, 105
Hurricane Katrina, 307–8
Hutton, Joss, 213–14
“I Am the Cosmos,” 117–18, 296
I Am the Cosmos, 293
Icewater, 103, 104–6, 119
I Dreamed I Was a Very Clean Tramp (Hell), 196
“If I Could Only Win Your Love,” 164
Iguanas, 292, 298
I Know You Fine, but How You Doin’, 291
“I’ll Be Your Mirror,” 163
“I’m Your Puppet,” 42, 48, 59
In Crowd, 38
Interior, Lux, 204, 210–12, 234, 310, 311
I.R.S. Records, 233, 235, 278
Irving Plaza, 264, 267, 276
Isley Brothers, 123
It Came from Memphis, 21, 219
Ivy, Rick, 231–32
“I Will Always Love You,” 180
Jackson, Cordell, 231
Jackson, Wayne, 67, 69, 80, 110, 283, 284
James, Mark, 68, 81, 90
Janes, Roland, 24, 34, 272–73
Jardine, Al, 59
Jay and the Techniques, 54
jazz, 3, 10, 15, 19, 20, 22, 24, 25
Jesperson, Peter, 122, 152, 264, 268–69, 271, 272, 284, 297
“Je T’aime,” 216
Jethro Tull, 139
Jimmy’s, 245
Jobe, Edward, 35
Jobe, Paul, 25, 27, 29–35, 47–48, 74–75, 78, 83, 88, 155–57, 309
John, Elton, 181
Johnson, Robert, 102, 119, 159, 213
Johnson, Ross, 134, 200, 214, 219, 223, 227, 228, 230, 232–33, 237, 238, 239, 241, 243, 245–47, 258, 261, 262
Johnston, Ian, 210, 233
Jones, Danny, 131–33, 138, 141, 163, 277, 286
Jones, Mick, 261
Jones, Roben, 45–46, 48, 79
Jones, Steve, 213
Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, 304
Joplin, Janis, 200
Joplin, Scott, 94
Jordan, Ronnie, 37, 38
Jovanovic, Rob, 114–16, 157, 166
Joy Division, 244
Justis, Bill, 31, 181, 283
Jynx, 29, 33–34, 50, 107
Kaye, Lenny, 101, 133, 204
Keller, Keith, 298, 302
Kent, Nick, 210, 229
Kenton, Gary, 133
Kesler, Stan, 246
Kim, Andy, 78, 94
Kimbrough, Will, 284
King, Albert, 77, 175
King, Carole, 283
King, John, 125, 131, 133–36, 145–47, 157, 181
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 72, 149
Kingston Trio, 25
Kinks, 31, 33
Klein, George, 24, 34, 37, 49–50
Klitz, 220, 228, 235, 236, 243
Knitting Factory, 293, 300, 312
Knox (Ian Carnochan), 244
Knox, Nick, 208
Koda, Cub, 15, 30, 43, 47, 56, 76, 131
Konk Studio, 308
Koolkings, 291
Kooper, Al, 88
Kot, Greg, 302
Kowalski, Fran, 201–4, 206, 207, 210, 212–13
Kramer, Billy J., 31
Krenwinkel, Patricia, 77
Krieger, Robby, 153–54
Kristal, Hilly, 195, 199, 203, 208, 268
Kroha, Dan, 291
Kugel, Bernard “Bernie,” 198, 200, 205–6
KUT Radio, 221–22
Ladd, Mike, 214
Lafayette’s Music Room, 179
Big Star at, 128–29, 133, 134, 138, 139, 150
Lancaster, Jim, 214, 217, 235
Lapiana, Jim, 157
“Last Night,” 31
Late Night with Conan O’Brien, 302
Late Show, The, 298
Leake, Evan, 166–67
Led Zeppelin, 139, 153
Lee, Brenda, 41
Lee, Laura, 62
Lee, Robert E., 7
Leech, Mike, 45–46, 49, 52, 67, 70
Leffler, Louise, 25–26, 27, 28, 34–35, 40, 60–61, 111
“Left of the Dial,” 271–72
Lenderlink, Annabelle, 257, 258, 279, 285, 287, 290, 293, 310
Lennon, John, 39, 166
Let’s Active, 276
“Letter, The,” 46, 47, 52–53, 54–63, 64, 65, 68, 71, 97, 187, 198, 219, 221, 222, 241, 252, 285, 286
Big Star’s playing of, 135, 146
publicity for, 49–51
recording of, 42–44, 45–46
release of, 48–51
Lewis, Furry, 289, 306
Lewis, Jerry Lee, 24, 175, 217, 236, 249, 250
Lewis, Smiley, 138
Liberty Bowl, 286
Lightman, Alan, 150
Lightman, John, 145, 150, 153, 154, 156, 157–59, 162, 163, 165–67, 175–76, 182, 185, 186, 236
“Light My Fire,” 55, 56
“Like a Rolling Stone,” 33
Lindamood, Peter, 13, 22
Lindsay, Mark, 70–71
Linna, Miriam, 204
Live at the Bitter End, 61
Lloyd, Richard, 199, 205–6, 211
Lofgren, Nils, 189
Los Angeles Times, 2, 275, 279
Loudermilk, John D., 51
Love, Andrew, 67, 110
Love, Courtney, 2
Lower Manhattan Ocean Club, 197–98, 200–202
Lunch, Lydia, 212, 249
Lust/Unlust, 212, 242
Lynyrd Skynyrd, 181
Lyon, Randall, 216–17, 219, 225, 226, 232
Lyons, Barry, 188–89
Mabley, Moms, 28
Mache, Candace, 243
Mack, Roy, 37, 38, 41, 48–51, 53, 54–55, 59, 63, 64, 72, 84–85, 88, 91–92, 93, 95, 252, 303
Madison, James, 6
Maffei, Mike, 292
Magruder, William, 9, 10
Malone, Richard, 38, 40, 47, 50
Malverns, 214, 220
Manker, Sid, 31, 283
Mann, Dodie, 19
Manning, Carole Ruleman, 25, 26, 27–29, 34, 39–40, 104, 109, 115, 116, 120, 144, 147, 161, 177
Manning, Terry, 85–90, 93–94, 96–97, 103, 105, 106, 109–12, 120, 123, 125, 140, 142, 161–62, 177, 184, 185, 277, 307
Manson, Cha
rles, 77–78, 92
Mantas, A. J., 292
Manzarek, Ray, 56
Mapplethorpe, Robert, 194
Marge Thrasher Show, The, 232
Mar-Keys, 31
Mars, Chris, 272
Marsh, Carl, 171–74
Marshall, Bill, 167
Martin, George, 169
Mass, Steve, 241
Master Musicians of Jajouka, 242
Mathé, Patrick, 267, 273, 277, 289
Max’s Kansas City, 100, 189, 194–97, 202, 207, 210, 221
Big Star at, 145–47, 152–55, 157
Maxwell’s, 242, 250–51, 265, 293, 311
Mayersville, Miss., 8–9
MCA, 298
McCartney, Paul, 166, 181, 182
McCarty, Lee, 18–19, 22, 23, 33
McCarty, Pup, 18–19, 22, 23, 33
McClure, John, 282, 292
McClure, Tommy, 176, 289
McDonnell, Ann Chilton, 11
McDowell, Fred, 227, 274
McGaughran, Lisa, 282–85, 308
McGehee, Steve, 247
McGuinn, Roger, 103
McKenna, Kristine, 279
McLean, Greg (Glenn Morrow), 250–51, 305
McLeese, Don, 302–3
McPartland, Marian, 25
McVann’s, 233
Mean Fiddler, 277–78
Medium Cool: Imagination, 292
Melcher, Terry, 77
Melody Maker, 268, 271, 277
Meltzer, Richard, 100, 133, 134
Memphis, Tenn., 131
Beale Street, 180
East, Chiltons in, 13–17
Midtown, 179
Midtown, Chiltons in, 17, 18–26
music scene in, 15, 24, 27, 29, 34, 131
punk in, 209, 213–14, 219, 220, 222
Rock Writers Convention in, 133–36
Memphis Boys, 45, 52, 60, 67, 69
Memphis Boys (Jones), 45
Memphis Flyer, 247
Memphis Horns, 71, 80, 283, 303
Memphis in May, 219
Memphis Press-Scimitar, 19
Memphis Recording Service, 15
Memphis Strings, 45–46
Mercury Records, 184
Meredith, James, 22
Meridian, Miss., 10
Microscopic Septet, 292
Mid-America, 219
Mike Douglas Show, The, 90
Miller, Ron, 229, 230, 241, 246, 247, 292, 298
Mills, Mike, 261, 295
Minneapolis, Minn., 271
Misfits Club, 253
Miss Hutchison’s School, 25, 28, 39, 97, 104
Mistreaters, 265
Mitchell, Joni, 113
Mitchell, Willie, 49
Modifiers, 246–47
Moloch, 176, 214
Moman, Lincoln Wayne “Chips,” 31, 37, 38, 41–43, 45, 46, 48–50, 67, 79, 81, 85, 87, 88, 94, 95
Mondo Memphis (Falco), 232
Monkees, 49, 80
Moondogs, 31–32, 35–36, 37, 39
Moon Records, 231
Moore, R. Stevie, 311–12
Morrison, Jim, 56, 69, 72
Morrow, Glenn, 250–51, 305
MTV, 65, 263, 278, 297
Mud Boy and the Neutrons, 214, 219, 225
Mudd Club, 241, 242, 250
Muddy Waters, 8–9, 28, 132
Muffat, Georg, 307
Mullican, Moon, 101
Mulvihill, Mike, 295
Murphy’s, 247
Murray, Mickey, 62
Muscle Shoals, 41, 51, 52, 71, 167
Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), 144, 199
Musician, 252
Neal, Bob, 15
Nellie (maid and caretaker), 14–15
Nelson, Gus, see Falco, Tav
Nelson, Ricky, 41
New Beale Street Sheiks, 214
Newborn, Phineas, Jr., 265
Newbury, Mickey, 68–69
New Haven Rock Press, 133
Newman, Herb, 89
Newman, Jeff, 96
Newman, Jimmy, 36, 38
Newman, Jimmy C., 215
Newman, Randy, 96
New Music News, 244
New Orleans, La., 242, 245
Chilton’s life in, 2, 3, 255–64, 270
Chilton’s move to, 254, 255
Hurricane Katrina and, 307–8
New Rose, 267, 272, 289, 291
New York, N.Y., 194, 227
CBGB, 195, 198–203, 208, 219, 241, 242, 249, 265, 267–68
Central Park, 1, 251
Chilton in, 98–103, 194–208, 213, 217, 221
Max’s Kansas City, see Max’s Kansas City
New Yorker, 87
New York Post, 99
New York Rocker, 194, 212, 230, 235, 250, 263
New York Times, 197, 242, 276, 293, 302
New York Times Magazine, 2
Nico, 163, 173
Nilsson, Harry, 189
9:30 Club, 274–75
“96 Tears,” 211
Nix, Don, 29, 175
Nix, Larry, 114, 162, 181
NME, 248, 277
Nobody’s, 100
“Nowhere Is Near My Home,” 272
Norris, Jerry, 119, 159
Norton, Charles N., 6
NPR, 285
O’Brien, Michael, 32, 74, 95, 98–101, 114–15
Ocean Club, 197–98, 200–202
“Ode to Billy Joe,” 57
Oldham, Spooner, 42, 49, 52, 59, 65–69, 71
Olympic Studios, 210–11
O’Neill, Peggy, 291, 292, 305, 207
Ono, Yoko, 165
Option, 279, 312
Ork, Terry, 194–201, 203, 210–12, 219, 249
Ork Records, 194
Orpheum Theatre, 225–26, 235
Overton Park, 159–60
Pacemaker, 65
Page, Allen, 231
Paisley Underground, 249, 284
Paley, Andy, 204
Pallbearers, 41
Palmer, Robert, 242, 276
Panther Burns, see Tav Falco’s Panther Burns
Papa Joe’s, 262
“Paper Hat,” 218
Paramount Records, 12
Pareles, Jon, 302
Parnell, Chris, 24–25
Parnell, Jack, 24
Parsons, Gram, 41, 96, 312
Parton, Dolly, 180
Patrick, Bernard, 188, 189, 220
Paul, Chris, 57
Pavement, 287
Peabody Records, 214, 238
Peebles, Ann, 159
Peel, David, 99
Pekar, Ron, 115
Pendleton, Melinda, 220, 278, 297
Penn, Dan, 41–44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 51–52, 59–62, 65–70, 74–75, 79, 86, 87, 89, 95, 120, 168, 195, 283, 285, 294
Penn, Linda, 65
Peppermint Lounge, 251
Performance Center, 156
Philips, Binky, 154–55
Phillips, Bill, 120
Phillips, Sam, 15, 24, 49, 217
Phillips Recording, 214, 216, 218, 220, 233–34, 246
Philly Nuggets, 233, 244, 249
Phonogram Records, 210, 211
Phonograph Record, 133, 134, 152, 177, 200
Picasso, Pablo, 19
Pickett, Wilson, 35, 39, 41, 48, 52, 62, 94
Pickwick, 187
Planets, 154, 155
Pleased to Meet Me, 284
Polsky, Ruth, 249
Pop, Iggy, 196, 197, 229
Posey, Sandy, 46
295–96, 306
Post, 166
Powell, Jeff, 306
Power Play, 193
power pop, 200
Powers, Ann, 2
Preservation Hall Jazz Band, 25
Presley, Elvis, 15, 24, 41, 54, 59, 159, 231, 237
death of, 205, 237
Press Music, 79, 88
Prine, John, 173
Privilege, 162, 177
Procape Gardens, 187, 188, 191, 193, 195, 214, 217
Prophet, Chuck, 1–2
psychobilly, 204
punk, 195, 198, 211, 222, 223, 233, 236–37, 242, 260
in Memphis, 209, 213–14, 219, 220, 222
Punk, 135
Purify, Bobby, 48, 88, 59
Purify, James, 48, 59
Puterbaugh, Parke, 24, 202, 207, 276–77, 289
PVC, 219, 229, 279
Q-ties, 50
Quine, Robert, 203
Radio City (Eaton), 233
Raincoats, 242
Rainer, Pat, 39, 40, 171, 180, 189, 216–17, 308
Ramone, Tommy, 272
Ramones, 195, 199, 204, 272
Randy Band, 232–33, 241, 243, 246
Raspberries, 125, 130, 158–59, 189
Raspberry, Larry, 103, 133
Raul’s, 221–23
“Raunchy,” 31, 181, 283
Ray’s Lounge, 187
Reckoning, 263
Record World, 122, 130
Red Hot Chili Peppers, 247
Reed, Jimmy, 132, 227
Reed, Lou, 163, 173, 187
Reeves, Donna Rose, 230, 287
Reeves, Randy, 230, 287
Reconstruction, 7
Redd Kross, 275
Reed, Lou, 163
Regelson, Naomi, 266
Reich, Wilhelm, 192, 193, 249
Reid, Annelle, 11, 13
Reid, Emma Gertrude Knott, 10, 11
Reid, Hugh, 10
Reid, Mary, 10
Reid, Nellie, 10, 11
Reid, Philip, 10–11
Reid, Sally, 10, 12, 22
Reid, William Alexander, 10
Reid, William S., 10
Reinecke, George, 245, 255–58, 279, 283, 289
R.E.M., 1, 200, 247, 261, 263, 276, 284
Renn, Vincent, 232
Replacements, 1, 264, 267–68, 270, 271–73, 284, 286
Rex Club, 277
Rhea, Steve, 103, 105–6, 119, 121, 122–23, 147
Rhino, 292
Rich, Charlie, 265
Richards, Tommy, 120
Richards, Vernon, 143, 193, 254, 255–57
Richman, Jonathan, 195, 201, 204
Rigby, Will, 218, 221, 241, 246, 263, 264
Riley, Frank, 263, 264
Riley, Jerry, 70
Rising Tide (Barry), 9
River City Review, 159
Robbins, Ira, 292–93
Robertson, Sandy, 211
Robinson, Roland, 119, 159
Robin’s Reign, 158
Rock City, 106, 107, 110, 113
Rock Scene, 194
Rockwell, John, 197–98
Rock Writers Convention, 133–36
A Man Called Destruction: The Life and Music of Alex Chilton, From Box Tops to Big Star to Backdoor Man Page 52