Wolfish: Fateborne

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by G. K. DeRosa

  Wolfish: Fateborne

  G.K. DeRosa

  Copyright © 2021 Mystic Rose Press

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  All Rights Reserved. This book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system known or hereafter invented, without written permission from the publisher, Mystic Rose Press.

  Print ISBN: 9798766208006

  Cover Designer: Sanja Gombar www.fantasybookcoverdesign.com

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  Published in 2021 by Mystic Rose Press

  Palm Beach, Florida


  Created with Vellum

  To all my amazing readers!

  ~ GK


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34


  Sneak Peek of Vampish: The Hunt

  Also by G.K. DeRosa


  About the Author

  Chapter One


  * * *

  Sierra’s anxiety bled through the bond, her restlessness making it difficult for me to sit still. As I sat across the table from the vampire queen, Carmen Rosa, I had to clench my jaw to keep from twitching. I internally cursed my father for forcing me to come to this tedious meeting. When Sierra had found Zade’s family, I’d had to beg her not to leave immediately. I could practically picture her pacing across the small den awaiting my return. Not to mention this trip had blasted my hopes of seeing the high warlock, Garrix, about the curse.

  I kept my expression complacent as the queen droned on about the troubles along the borders. The Etrian Assembly liked to pretend the vampire realm, Nocturnis, was as civilized as the others, but the truth remained that immortals were a completely different species than Fae, witches, or mermen. Trouble always seemed to abound in the vampire and demon territories, despite their rulers’ best efforts.

  The darkness that ruled vampires and demons was a difficult one to constrain. All supernaturals were inherently dangerous, given our vast powers and now with the doors between human and supernatural realms open, issues were bound to occur.

  “What about your hunters?” Deacon, one of the tiger alphas growled. “Aren’t they supposed to prevent these rogue vampires from crossing into our lands?”

  “They are, and they do,” the queen replied, her porcelain skin a mask of calm. “Believe me, if they weren’t around, you’d be collecting more than a handful of bodies in feline lands.”

  The huge tiger’s neck snapped back, his emerald eyes widening. “If these new vampires are so uncontrollable, why don’t you ban their making?”

  A wave of muttered agreements rolled across the long table.

  “I can’t hinder my race from creating more of us. As you all know, we do not procreate in the normal sense. Per Azarian law, vampires are forbidden from turning another creature against their will, but if they consent, I refuse to deny them.”

  “And what of the academies?” Lucien asked. “Isn’t that where all new vampires are to learn how to control their bloodlust?”

  “They are, and they do.” A sharp sigh expelled through her deep ruby lips. “Unfortunately, some slip past.”

  “And make their way directly into Marlwoods,” another alpha I didn’t recognize growled. “To kill and turn our kind.”

  This meeting wasn’t going anywhere. They’d been arguing over the same point for hours. I was certain Tyrien had sent me here as punishment. The only upside was that I’d finally had the chance to meet Carmen Rosa in person, well, as an adult anyway. The vampire queen had been the head of the immortals for nearly a century, but you’d never know by her perfectly preserved features. She was a striking Spanish beauty with jet black hair, sharp, high cheekbones, and cunning and intelligence only gleaned with age.

  There was a reason she sat the throne of Nocturnis for as long as she had. She glanced up at me as if reading my thoughts, her dark chocolate eyes piercing. She regarded me with less disdain than I’d seen her throw at my father. Lucien, on the other hand, she seemed to like. She was one of the few outsiders that knew about the special Lunar packs. In fact according to rumors, it was Carmen Rosa’s bloodline from which the Royal wolves drew their vampiric abilities.

  “I’ll tighten security along the borders as discussed, and I’ll double the presence of the hunters. We have a new batch joining us soon. I’ve heard there are quite a few new recruits with excellent potential. We’ll meet again next month to discuss the continuing situation.” She rose, and her two vampire guards mirrored her movements. With a subtle head nod, she dismissed us all.

  Most of the alphas grumbled their goodbyes before filing out of the great hall. Lucien turned toward the exit, but I halted him, ticking my head toward the queen. “I need a minute. I’ll meet you outside.” I eyed the doorway that led into the castle’s atrium, but Lucien stayed put. “I need to speak to the queen in private,” I hissed.

  With a nonchalant shrug, he headed toward the door. I didn’t have high hopes he wouldn’t listen into our conversation. His supernatural senses would likely extend into the chamber even if he did wait in the corridor.

  Steeling my nerves, I marched toward the ageless queen. Her two guards stepped in front of her as I approached, fangs sliding from beneath their upper lips. “Your highness, I was hoping to have a word.”

  Her keen eyes sharpened as they narrowed. Some said the queen could read minds, a very unique trait amongst only the oldest and most powerful of vampires. In case it was more than just rumor, I cleared my head of all thoughts.

  “Aristaeus, son of the supreme alpha, Tyrien Silverstalker, correct?”

  I nodded and bent slightly at the waist before meeting her gaze once more. “I only wanted to say hello and introduce myself. As supreme alpha heir, I hope to take over my father’s position in the near future.”

  “How soon?” Her dark eyes glittered in delight. “I understand the Alpha Trials have nearly reached their culmination.”

  A chuckle slid through my clenched teeth. “That is correct. I hope that with the end of the competition, new leaders will emerge.”

  “That is welcome news, Aristaeus.” She studied me, her predatory gaze moving over every inch of me. Perhaps, she could read minds. “If there is anything I can do to help the process along, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

  “Thank you and you as well. Once the trials are over, I’d be happy to send some of my wolves to the border to help. We all need to work together, after all.”

  “Rightly so, young alpha. And congratulations to you, I understand you’re newly mated. I’ve heard very interesting tales of your female counterpart.”

  Heat surged up my neck, and I fought back the urge to growl. How much did she know about Sierra? And more importantly who’d told her?

  Her cold hand closed around my forearm, an
d her lips curled into a knowing smile. “Don’t worry, Aristaeus, you have nothing to fear from me. I pose no threat to your mate. I only pride myself on being aware of all that occurs within the leading houses of the realm.”

  I forced my mouth into a tight smile. “Of course. I look forward to seeing you again soon.” With a quick dip of my head, I turned on my heel. Well, that hadn’t gone as I’d planned. I was supposed to be the one manipulating her and instead, she’d had the upper hand from the start.

  At least I’d determined one thing, she wasn’t a fan of my father and that was crucial. If I hoped to steal the supreme alpha throne right from under his nose, I’d need all the support I could get from the other heads of the Etrian Assembly. I’d be joining their ranks soon.

  As I stalked toward the door, Lucien poked his head through the entryway. “How’d it go with Carmen Rosa, Aristaeus?”

  “Just great, thanks for your concern, Lucien.”

  He moved in step with me as we traversed the old stone corridors. Royal Castle had served as the seat for the ruler of Nocturnis for centuries. You could feel its age within the cold stone walls, the secrets they kept, the hundreds of vampires that had come and gone. A chill tiptoed up my spine.

  “Carmen Rosa is a valuable ally,” the Royal whispered. “Especially if you’re planning on making a play for your father’s throne.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Lucien. I’m trying to focus on the Alpha Trials.”

  He scoffed. “We all know Sierra will come out the winner. You’ll see to it, I’m sure. From the looks of it, you have your eyes set on a bigger prize.”

  “I’m in no hurry to fill the less than desirable shoes of the supreme alpha, Lucien.”

  “That’s a shame. I feel the desire for change is near. With the resurgence of the Mystics, it’s time for Tyrien to back down, either willingly or by force.” He regarded me from the corner of his eye, but I kept my expression neutral. “Where there is one Mystic wolf, there are surely more.”

  I halted in the middle of the corridor and spun at him, throwing my shoulders back and allowing my beta power to trickle into the space between us. “You keep saying that, and now I’m wondering if you know more than what you’ve led us to believe.” I probed into his mind, but the old vampire hybrid held a firm wall around his thoughts.

  He shrugged nonchalantly. “I’m only saying if it were true, perhaps it was time to let the wolf out of the closet.”

  My pulse accelerated, and I drew in a deep breath to slow its erratic pace. With Lucien’s vampire hearing, he’d know I was hiding something. “Thank you for your unsolicited advice. I’ll be sure to keep it in mind should the issue arise. For now, Sierra is the only Mystic in Moon Valley.”

  “Perhaps you need to search beyond Moon Valley then.” He smirked and nodded at the portal just outside the walls of Royal Castle. “Shall we?”

  “You go ahead. I’m meeting a friend before my return home.”

  He dipped his head into a mock bow and turned heel. “It’ll do you well to remember to keep your friends close and your enemies closer, Aristaeus,” he called out over his shoulder before he vamp-sped away.

  Lucien knew there were more wolves, but the question was, did he know about Braxton or something more?

  Chapter Two


  * * *

  I hated the idea of bringing Braxton on the hunt for Zade’s family, maybe even more than Hunter did. But for different reasons, obviously. Waiting for my mate while he was off in vampire territory all day was killing me. We finally had a real lead on another Mystic – two even. My wolf was restless, clawing at my insides. Once she’d learned of their existence, she’d been impossible. A constant buzz surged through my veins, like spiders crawling beneath my skin. As alpha, she felt the call of her pack, and I was nothing more than a flesh and bone obstacle in her way.

  “Any word from Hunter?” Braxton paced in front of the window that overlooked Lupine Hill. His anxiety was leeching through the pack link, only intensifying my own unease.

  “He’s on his way.”

  “Good.” He swept his hand through his dirty blond hair. It had grown shaggy in the past month, along with his beard.

  I knew how desperate he was to join the land of the living again, and I hoped finding more Mystics would ease his transition. Plus, safety in numbers. Last night, after I’d found the location of Zade’s family, I’d done some research on the tiny island hiding them. And found nothing.

  No name, no sovereignty information. It didn’t belong to the U.S., U.K. or any other country I could find. Besides the infinitesimal dot on the map in the middle of the Caribbean Sea, the island didn’t exist. How had Zade’s wife and son ended up there?

  Where are you, Hunter? I growled through the bond.

  Landing now. Just walking up the hill.

  Finally. Don’t bother, we’ll meet you outside.

  I closed the connection between us and whirled at Braxton. “Let’s go.”

  “Goddess, I hope we find some hidden females. If it’s just another guy, it’s not going to help our cause much.”

  I groaned, rolling my eyes. The thought had occurred to me, but I’d purposely ignored it.

  “I wonder how Hunter would feel about an open relationship?” Brax shot me a mischievous smile as we walked through the tunnel.

  “Ew. Now you want to stud me out like some champion unipeg?”

  “I don’t see any other way to grow the pack, do you?”

  “Don’t even think about mentioning your great idea to Hunter. He’ll threaten to chop off your balls, or worse.”

  He chuckled, but the dread forming in the pit of my stomach only grew. As ridiculous as Braxton’s idea was, he had a point. Even if we did find Zade’s family, his wife, Jacinda, would likely be too old to produce offspring and his son, Connor, like Braxton, would have no one to mate with.

  As I drew the hanging ivy back at the end of the tunnel, my gaze landed on Hunter. He stood at the edge of the hill, his golden wings resplendent beneath the brilliant rays of the mid-day sun. Gods, my mate was gorgeous. He’d only been gone for half a day and already my fingers ached to touch him.

  I had to restrain myself from sprinting down the hill despite my earlier annoyance for making me wait. His eyes lifted to mine as if he’d felt my approach, and probably he had. This link between us grew stronger and more insistent by the day. I couldn’t wait for the trials to be over so we could just be together. Would that day ever come?

  “How’d it go with the vamps?” I rose to my tiptoes and laced my arms around his neck, dropping a quick kiss on his parted lips.

  “Interesting,” he responded. His eyes drifted over my shoulder at the approaching Braxton. “It’s Lucien I’m more concerned with. At first, I was certain he knew about your overbearing packmate, but now I’m wondering if he isn’t referring to other Mystics.”

  I ignored his jab at Braxton. “You think he knows about Zade’s wife and son?”

  “I don’t know, but he definitely knows something.”

  “Hey.” Brax moved beside us, his shoulder blades stiff as they often were around our alpha heir. His wolf was a feisty one, and he did not like to succumb to Hunter’s dominance.

  I wove one arm through Braxton’s and the other through my mate’s. “Let’s go find some Mystics.”

  A curtain of moist heat cocooned my body as the shimmering lights of the portal disappeared. I’d double checked and triple checked the location before leaving Moon Valley, but still unease churned in my gut when the magical doorway dropped us off in the middle of a lush jungle.

  “Sweet, I’ve always wanted to go on a tropical vacation.” Braxton scanned the canopy of green overhead.

  “Don’t get too comfortable,” Hunter warned, and a trickle of anxiety dribbled through the bond. “Where to?” He turned to me as I unfolded the small map.

  Turning it around a few times, I got my bearings and pointed to what I was ninety-nine pe
rcent sure was south. “That way.”

  Hunter took the lead, tucking me behind him and I did the same with Braxton, despite his annoyed grumblings. I was starting to understand my mate’s feverish need to protect me. I was beginning to feel it with my own wolfy underling. Apparently, my alpha-ness was starting to kick in.

  We crept along a faint path as the jungle closed in around us, towering palms and exotic trees stretching as far as I could see. I understood why Jacinda and Connor had chosen this place as their hideout. We wound through the humid maze, sweat dribbling down my spine, for what seemed like hours. After the cool, crisp forests of Moon Valley, this thick heat was sucking the life out of me.

  What worried me was that with each step we took, we seemed to be moving deeper into the tropical wilderness. Hunter halted, and I slammed into his back. I muttered an oof as I scrunched my nose where I’d rammed it into the hard planes of his back.

  “Quiet,” Hunter hissed. His entire body went rigid, and I couldn’t help mine from following suit. Braxton froze beside me, his eyes darting around the ring of trees. Hunter’s nostrils flared a second before an oddly familiar scent reached my nose.

  The rustle of crunching leaves underfoot spun my head to the right. A dark form shot through the bush and flew toward us. Hunter moved so quickly he was a blur of muscle and fury as he lunged in front of me. But before the figure pummeled into my mate, a blade whirred only inches in front of his face and plunged into our attacker’s neck.


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