Wolfish: Fateborne

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Wolfish: Fateborne Page 3

by G. K. DeRosa

  “Agreed.” I brushed my lips against his, and a flame of desire kindled in my core. “Too bad we can’t sneak away real quick before the ceremony.”

  Hunter glared at the wolf trailing us below. “No, not in private anyway.” His teeth snapped at my earlobe, and goose bumps exploded down my arm. “But maybe at the ceremony…”

  My wolf whined her impatience as another wave of desire crashed over me, this one belonging to my mate. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Hunter.”

  “You’re right, I shouldn’t,” he groused. “We may be the center of attention once we introduce Braxton. You’re certain you’re ready for this?”

  I nodded quickly. “We wanted a public event, and nothing says big and showy like a mating ceremony. Especially one by the Royal Pack, right?”

  “True. And now that we seem to have Lucien as a new ally, the timing is perfect.”

  “Let’s do it then. It’s time to let the Mystic wolf out of the bag.”

  Chapter Five

  My pulse ramped up a few notches as I strode down the candlelit aisle with Hunter on one arm and Brax on the other. The weight of curious gazes bored into me from all sides, and it was all I could do to keep the heat from rising to the tips of my ears.

  I can’t believe she’s doing it. An unexpected voice resonated across my mind, dragging my thoughts from the males at my side to the one standing at the altar. A pair of bottomless onyx orbs seared into me, a lopsided grin tempering Ransom’s heated stare. She must be the bravest or most reckless female I’ve ever met.

  I opened our connection, careful to maintain a wall across my thoughts as Hunter taught me but probed further into his. A rush of conflicted emotions surged through the pack link—the larger pack I wasn’t a part of except through my bond with Hunter. A swell of nervous energy brought my gaze up to Ransom’s once more. The bitter taste of regret tickled my tongue as he regarded me, crimson smoldering within the dark depths of his pupils.

  Ransom stood beneath a canopy of tangled vines, roses in every shade of red wound across the white trellis. Something about it plucked at my heartstrings—the anxious groom waiting for his bride-to-be. Only I didn’t feel an ounce of love or excitement radiating from the unpredictable Royal beta.

  “You look incredible.” The rush of Hunter’s breath across the shell of my ear tore my gaze away from Ransom and to my mate. He stopped beside a row of empty seats.

  “You don’t look bad yourself,” I teased. If I was being honest, Hunter in a suit was breathtaking, devastating in the most amazing way. The tailor had cut the suit to perfection, the sleek silk hugging his broad shoulders and tapering down to his narrow waist. My heartbeat accelerated just thinking about it.

  “Ugh, please stop,” Braxton groaned. “I can scent your excitement in the air.”

  Heat blossomed across my cheeks as I slid him a glare. “It’s a mating ceremony, Brax. It’s hard not to get taken in by all of it.”

  “Not for me.”

  I regretted my words instantly as his pain and anger pummeled into me. Gods, how did Hunter handle the onrush of emotions from all sides? As supreme beta, he was directly linked to every wolf in Moon Valley. At least the other shifters in Marlwoods were far enough way that he wasn’t affected. Once I became high alpha, I’d be linked to every pack in our territory. This was only the beginning. We still hadn’t discovered why I was picking up on Hunter’s connection to the packs, but I assumed it had something to do with my mystical purple wolf and these special gifts from the goddess.

  “I’m sorry,” I blurted and wriggled free of Hunter’s hold to turn to Braxton. “I should’ve been more sensitive.”

  He rolled his eyes and scooted into the farthest chair in the row. Hunter ticked his head for me to follow, but I halted.

  “I want to talk to Ransom first.”

  My mate grunted, folding his arms across his chest. “You really think that’s a good idea right now?”

  “I have to, Hunter.”

  He eyed Ransom, who stood atop the dais, hands folded behind his back. His brother, Castor, stood next to him and whispered something, his gaze intent on me. Hunter blew out a breath, sighing. “With that look on his face, I don’t know if Ransom’s going to try to kill you or kiss you.”

  “None of the above. Not with this many people present.” De la Sangue lair was filled to the brim with attendees from all seven Lunar Packs and a good number of normal wolves as well. Even Vander had gotten the invite, which meant my bestie would be here too. Cass had been nervous about coming after walking out on the Royals after the Sonia incident. She’d been loyal to me to the point of losing her job. I only hoped Lucien didn’t blame her for it.

  “Well, you better hurry, it looks like the ceremony is about to begin.”

  I stood on my tiptoes and grazed my lips against Hunter’s cheek before turning toward the altar. Ransom’s gaze locked on mine like a homing beacon.

  Can we talk? I shot through the newly discovered link we shared.

  His eyes widened as my voice filled his mind. He likely had no idea I’d heard his wandering thoughts earlier.

  What are you doing in my head, Violet? Ransom’s smooth, teasing tone curled the corners of my lips.

  New trick I picked up.

  He cocked a dark brow, the wicked grin on his lips growing wider. Meet me through that door. He ticked his head at the far corner of the room.

  I nodded and fiddled with a curly tendril spilling over my shoulder. Cass had insisted on a new dress and makeover for the evening. The strapless gold gown reminded me of the one I’d worn at the masquerade ball all those years ago.

  I waited for a few minutes after Ransom disappeared through the door before following him. As I walked toward the far corner, I hazarded a quick glance back at Hunter. As expected, his eyes possessively trailed my form. Be right back.

  I’ll give you five minutes, if not I’m coming after you.

  I shot him a dramatic eyeroll before my hand closed around the antique knob. The door opened into a large, murky butler’s pantry filled to the brim with bottles of wine. My nostrils twitched as the scent of earthy tannins swirled in the moist air. Ransom stood at the back, his typical smirk setting off the twinkle in his dark eyes.

  “You’re not going to ask me to run away with you, are you, Violet?”

  I couldn’t help a smile from splitting my lips. I’d missed my friend. A lot. And I hadn’t even realized it until now. “Of course not, I know you’re a taken man.”

  He stepped closer, and my pulse spiked. “And if I wasn’t?” His teasing tone and the mischievous sparkle in his eye vanished.


  “I know, I know. You’re mated to the great supreme beta.” He sighed dramatically and screwed his lips into a pout.

  “Because of you,” I blurted. “If you hadn’t suggested for Hunter to complete the bond that day, I would’ve died. I wanted to make sure you knew how thankful I was for that. In spite of everything…”

  “It was one of my shining moments, Violet. I’m not going to lie, I don’t have many of them. But the thought of the light in your eyes snuffed out forever was too much for me to bear. You alive and mated to the arrogant alpha heir was the lesser of two evils.”

  “Thank you,” I muttered and reached for his hand. His cool fingers closed around my palm. “I know I said it before, but I really am sorry for what happened with your mother. I realize there’s nothing I can say to make it better, but I want you to understand how much her death weighs on me. And it’s not because of her, but because of you. You were my first friend in Moon Valley, and I’ll never forgive myself for hurting you.”

  His eyes glossed over, and he lowered his gaze for a moment before lifting it to meet mine again. “I forgave you a long time ago, Violet. I may have loved my mother, but I’m not blind. I knew she and Father were frequently up to no good. I swear I didn’t know any specifics though. I would’ve told you because of how I feel--”

  I cut him
off, pressing my finger to his lips as he neared. “I know Ransom...” I wrapped him into a hug, pressing my cheek to his fine suit. “Maybe in another lifetime.”

  “But not this one?”

  I shook my head as I released him.

  “I never had a chance, did I?”

  “You know I met Hunter years ago… It was always him. Even with Braxton showing up—” I snapped my mouth shut before I divulged all my dirty little secrets.

  “He’s a Mystic, isn’t he?”

  “Yup.” I popped the P for emphasis.

  “Incredible.” His brows furrowed as he regarded me. “What are you going to do?”

  “We’re going to out him.”

  “I’m so thrilled you chose my mating ceremony for the grand occasion.”

  “Sorry. Do you mind?” I shot him my best smile.

  He waved a nonchalant hand. “I’m hoping it’ll liven things up a bit out there.”

  “You don’t have to check with Destiny?” I had to force my lips from puckering when I said her name.

  He chuckled, his shoulders bouncing beneath the silky fabric of his suit. “This is a mating of convenience and nothing more. She comes from a powerful Royal Pack family, and we’ll strengthen the bloodline with our offspring.”

  “That’s so sad.” I couldn’t help the words from bubbling out.

  “Not everyone has the fortune of finding their fated mate, Violet.” Ransom’s expression darkened, his fingers tightening around mine. “I know it hasn’t been easy for the two of you, but it seems you’ve finally found your way to each other.”

  I nodded quickly, pressing my lips into a tight line. “Speaking of, I should probably get back out there before Hunter rips the door off its hinges to find me.”

  He jerked his arm, and I tumbled forward, smacking into his firm chest. His mouth closed over mine before I could stop him and just as quickly he pulled back. A smug smile curved his lips as he stood back regarding me. “Think of it as an early mating gift.”

  “Ransom,” I growled.

  He put his hands up and smiled innocently. “I promise it was the first and last time. I just couldn’t pass up the chance. I doubt I’ll ever have you all to myself in a closet again.”

  A laugh tumbled out unbidden. “You can be sure about that.” I turned and darted out the pantry before he got another word out. As I marched down the aisle toward a scowling Hunter, I prayed to all the gods my mental block had held. Things were finally going back to normal, and the last thing I needed was my jealous mate to murder my old friend at his mating ceremony.

  I was about to come in and get you. That was more than five minutes.

  “Barely,” I groused as I slid into the seat beside him.

  “Everything okay?”

  My head bounced up and down. “Everything is exactly as it should be.” I threaded my fingers through his and leaned into his shoulder.

  Ransom appeared at the altar, beaming in his sleek black tux. He shot me a wink, and Hunter tensed beside me. I ignored him and focused on the heavy footfalls echoing across the stone floor. The hushed chatter died around us.

  I didn’t need to turn around. By the nervous rustle of my wolf and the hair raising all over my body, I already knew who was coming.

  The supreme alpha.

  Tyrien slanted me a glare as he passed us and marched to the altar. A gaudy golden robe trailed behind him, gilded shimmery thread sewn into the silk fabric. Did he think he was the bride? I was going to have to reconsider this mating ceremony if we’d be forced to have the supreme asshole presiding over the occasion.

  Tyrien reached the dais and spun around, hands raised. “Welcome, my pack, to the mating ceremony of Ransom de la Sangue and Destiny Bloodworth. The mating bond is one of the most sacred rituals we as wolves celebrate. It is a rite not to be taken lightly, and one that should never be broken. For we are pack creatures, and without each other we are nothing.” Tyrien’s narrowed glare locked on me and my back stiffened, the hair on my nape bristling.

  My wolf was having none of this. A growl reverberated in my throat, and this time I did nothing to hide her displeasure.

  Easy, mate. Hunter’s quiet voice eased me through the turmoil. We’ll get our chance, but this is Ransom’s moment.

  I shifted in my seat, crossing my legs and heaved out a sharp exhale. We sure as hell would have our chance.

  Chapter Six

  I tried not to glare at the happy couple at the head table as I lifted my glass and took a long pull. It wasn’t Ransom or Destiny’s fault that Tyrien had me in a foul mood. Okay, maybe Destiny a little. I still couldn’t understand why he’d tie himself to the blonde wolf Barbie despite how powerful or influential her family was.

  Hunter’s hand drifted up my thigh, yanking me from my internal musings. “I can’t wait for our mating ceremony,” he whispered against my ear.

  My wolf rumbled her approval deep inside. “Me too,” I murmured. We sat at an honorary table just to the right of Ransom, his new mate and their families. Luckily, Tyrien hadn’t sat down yet, but my insides churned with unease for the inevitable encounter. I hadn’t seen him since Hunter and I had consummated the mate bond, and now we had even more news to share with the appearance of my long last packmate. I was sure he’d be thrilled.

  Everything will be fine. Hunter squeezed my knee under the table, and I nearly squealed.

  “You okay?” Brax nudged me with his shoulder, and four pairs of curious eyes whirled toward us. Two of the Royal pack betas and their wives completed the awkward group at our table. Too bad Vander and Cass had been relegated to the far corner in the non-sparkly-unicorn-pack area because I really could’ve used their support.

  Fine, just worried about how the big announcement is going to go. I shot through the pack link, flicking my gaze to the wandering eyes surrounding us.

  As if the supreme alpha had heard my thoughts, heavy footfalls slapped in our direction. My wolf sprang to life, and fur rippled across my arms. One day I’d let her have it out with our great leader, but today was not that day. Today, we had to play nice.

  The plan was simple enough. Hunter would relay the news that he’d finally completed the pack test, and Braxton was a Mystic. The backstory, too, would be simple and relatively close to the truth. He’d been raised in the human world with no knowledge of who he was then one day he shifted. That was what brought him to Moon Valley. The end.

  The last thing we wanted was Tyrien harassing the witches that had raised Braxton. If he knew he’d been hidden on purpose, he’d likely speculate there could be more in hiding. And we needed to find the others before he did.

  Grayson unfastened the supreme alpha’s extravagant cloak and laid it across his forearm. Then his faithful guard pulled out the chair on the other side of Hunter, the sharp squeal like claws on a chalkboard, and Tyrien folded his bulky frame into the seat. As his sentinel filled the glass with wine, his dark gaze settled on me. “Finally, we meet again, Ms. Wildstone.”

  Every muscle in Hunter’s body went taut as his father spoke my name. He leaned closer, and I wasn’t even sure he was aware he’d done it.

  Forcing my lips into a tight smile, I murmured, “Yes, finally.”

  His cold eyes began their scrutiny, and I could almost feel him pressing against my mental walls. My wolf stiffened, ears back and hackles raised. He poked and prodded, but my defenses held. His alpha power, like Hunter’s, still had no effect on me. Score one for the purple wolf!

  Tyrien’s thick brows slammed together, and he dropped his gaze. I wish I could get inside his head to know what he was thinking. The Royals at the table seemed to be enjoying the exchange, all eyes locked on our internal power struggle. Taking a sip of wine, Tyrien’s features relaxed, and he tried again. “I imagine you two will be wanting a ceremony of your own once the trials are over?”

  “We would,” Hunter cut in before I could reply. He must have sensed my biting response.

  “You know, Ms. Wildstone, in pairings wit
h two different packs, the female typically joins the house of her partner.”

  My gaze darted to Hunter’s. He’d definitely failed to mention that.

  “In this case, we will not be following tradition.” Hunter’s words lanced through the thickening air. “Sierra is an alpha. For her to take a lesser spot in the Dragos Pack wouldn’t make sense.”

  “An alpha without a pack—” Tyrien began, but Hunter cleared his throat, interrupting.

  “Actually, Father—”

  The sharp clinking of glass stopped him mid-sentence. All eyes spun toward the head table where Ransom and Destiny stood, each with a crystal flute in hand. “Thank you all for coming today,” Ransom began. “We are so pleased you all joined us in this happy occasion.” He continued on, the words dribbling from his mouth on autopilot.

  A pang of regret wiggled its way in. I wanted more for my friend—I wanted him to experience real love and happiness. Not just a mating of convenience. Even with Hunter’s curse and all the tragedy that followed, I was happy, happier than I’d ever been in my life. Because of my mate.

  Ransom’s words blurred in the background as I regarded Hunter. His focus was trained on the Royal’s speech, but every once in a while, his eye would dart to me as if he sensed my blatant ogling. Which likely he did.

  “…Sierra Wildstone…” My gaze shot up as Ransom said my name.

  Only I had no idea what he’d been talking about because I’d completely zoned out.

  “Sierra, will you come up here, please?”

  Hunter rose, and his hand clasped around mine.

  “Fine, you can come up to, Aristaeus.” A devious grin lit up his eyes. “You know our supreme beta, he’s quite the dedicated mate. He won’t let the lovely Sierra out of his sight for a moment. But then again, who could blame him?”

  Chuckles vibrated around us.

  My insides twisted into a double knot as I glared at Ransom. What are you doing? I shot through the new pack link I’d discovered.


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