Wolfish: Fateborne

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Wolfish: Fateborne Page 15

by G. K. DeRosa

  Massive onyx wings blotted out the sun’s setting rays, and I muttered a curse through clenched teeth as my father’s weighty presence loomed over the arena. His dark gaze was cast on Sierra. She didn’t even spare him a second glance as he alighted beside her.

  I raced up the steps, planting myself between them.

  “Why am I not surprised?” Tyrien hissed under his breath.

  “That we survived?” I interjected.

  He grumbled something before turning to the rapt audience. “I am beyond pleased to greet our first two competitors home. It seems I arrived just in time.”

  “No one else will be returning,” I whispered to the trial commissioner as my father blathered on.

  The male’s eyes widened as he regarded me then Sierra. “They’re dead?”

  I nodded. “Don’t make the announcement yet. I’d like to be the one to deliver the news to Lucien in person.”

  “Very well, supreme beta.” He dipped his head and diverted his attention to Tyrien’s speech.

  “As you all know, tomorrow is the final day of the Alpha Trials. It has been a historic competition, and I am proud of every single one of our competitors, but now the time nears to crown the new High Alpha with the goddess’s blessings.”

  “Alpha Sierra is blessed by the goddess!” someone cried out.

  “She is the one chosen by Luna!” another person shouted.

  The calls came out from all sides of the arena, and my father’s entire body tensed. His muscles were so strained, a flick of my fingers could’ve cracked his form into a thousand pieces.

  He cleared his throat and continued his speech, ignoring the shouts. “As I was saying, tomorrow our final two contenders will battle for the highest of honors within the wolves of Moon Valley.”

  The commissioner stepped up and raised a hand. “The final trial will be explained tomorrow. For now, I’m sure our contestants are tired and after what they’ve endured deserve a night of rest. We will resume first thing in the morning.”

  Tyrien spun at my mate, his lips curling in disgust as they ran over her glowing form. “I’d heard about this abomination but seeing it in person is an experience like no other.”

  “You heard the crowd, Father, Sierra’s no abomination, she’s blessed by the goddess Luna herself.”

  He grunted, wrapping his arms across his thick midsection. “Do you have anything to say for yourself, witch?”

  Wolf-Sierra growled, showcasing a mouthful of sharp fangs. I couldn’t help the smirk from pulling at the corners of my lips.

  “Why isn’t she shifting back?” he continued.

  “Perhaps she doesn’t feel like talking to you.”

  His eyes narrowed as they regarded her before he turned his cold gaze back on me. “Are you prepared for what you must do tomorrow?”

  “And what is that exactly?”

  “Aristaeus, you know there can only be one winner. Will you sacrifice yourself or your mate?”

  “I suppose you’ll find out tomorrow along with everyone else.”

  A snarl rent free from his lips, and his face contorted into a scowl. He prodded into my mind with his alpha power, but I raised my walls and blocked him easily. Perhaps in a way, the absence of emotions had been a blessing in disguise. It would make what I had to do tomorrow that much easier for all.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  * * *

  I padded into my den, my claws clicking on the wooden floor. Hunter followed a few steps behind as he had been since we left the arena. A number of spectators had trailed behind me when I’d made my departure, whispering about Luna and my magnificent wolf.

  It all sounded like B.S. to me. If I’d truly been blessed by the goddess, I would’ve been able to save my mate from the curse, rescue Mom from Tyrien’s clutches, bring Ransom back from the dead, and so much more.

  I growled, annoyed with myself for letting my human emotions bleed into my wolf form. I didn’t want to feel, I didn’t want to think. I wanted my beast to be in control, but I couldn’t escape the pesky thoughts from seeping in.

  Maybe it was Hunter’s constant nagging. He kept begging for me to return, and my stupid human heart was a traitorous sucker.

  The rush of running water turned my gaze to the bathroom door. Connor. With everything going on, I’d barely had any time for my new packmate. He’d been in and out of consciousness since his arrival. I’d left Braxton in charge of him while I was gone, not knowing how long it would be until I returned.

  I pawed at the bathroom door and sniffed through the crack. Yup, definitely Connor. The tightness in my chest dissipated, and I crept back into my room. The plan was for my newest packmate to bunk with Braxton down the hall. This way they’d have their privacy but remain close enough that I could keep an eye on them.

  The bathroom door whipped open and Connor filled the doorway, wet auburn hair dripping down his t-shirt. “You’re back?” He regarded my luminescent wolf curiously.

  “Sierra’s not currently in a chatty mood, Connor,” Hunter interjected. “It was a rough two days.”

  He nodded solemnly. “I’ll leave you two alone then. I’m sure Braxton will be relieved to hear you’re back.”

  I’ll be by later, I shot at Connor through the pack link.

  Sounds good. He turned on his heel and headed out the door.

  Things were always so easy with him. I really lucked out with my newest wolfy underling.

  Once he was gone, I slunk down the corridor to my room. Jumping onto my bed, I nuzzled under the covers. I was exhausted and numb. I didn’t want to think about the day’s horrible events, of the life lost and the one I’d taken. I hated who I was becoming. Everything I’d fought so hard for was finally coming to an end—the last day of the trial. But without my family, my friends and Hunter, it didn’t mean anything.


  I let out a warning growl as Hunter lingered in the doorway.

  He ignored it and stalked in anyway. “You can’t hide in fur forever. We need to talk about the plan for tomorrow, and it would be much easier if you were in human form.”

  I don’t want to talk to you. I snarled through the bond.

  “Well, at least I know you’re still in there now.” He sat at the edge of the bed, emerald eyes regarding me.

  I huffed and buried my head beneath the pillow. I knew I was being ridiculous, but I didn’t care. After all the hell I’d been through, the last thing I needed was my mate to desert me, whether he thought it was for my own good or not.

  I hate you. I shot the venomous thoughts through the bond.

  “Good. You should,” he answered. “It’ll make things easier for you.”

  Gods, Hunter, who the hell are you?

  I guess this is me without emotions. He shrugged.

  Well, I hate this version of you.

  I’m not too fond of it myself. He stabbed his fingers through his tussled hair, and my eyes followed the movement. Dried blood and dirt still coated every inch of him. Can you please shift? We need to talk, and this form of communication is not the most effective.

  I sniffed at myself and grimaced. I was pretty gross too if I was being honest, plus my muscles were cramping from being on all fours for so long. Besides the hiding thing wasn’t working out so well anymore. My mind was fully functioning again, and all the emotions I’d been desperate to block were seeping in with a vengeance.

  In the space of a heartbeat, I insta-shifted, my human body back before the violet mist covered my naked form.

  Hunter’s eyes widened, and I could’ve sworn I felt a flicker of desire through the bond. But perhaps it was only a shadow of my own. He opened his mouth to speak but I raised a hand to cut him off. “I need to shower first.”

  I stood under the warm spray for much longer than necessary, but it was necessary. Now back in my human body, it wasn’t just the blood spatter and grime that made me feel dirty, it was the memories of the life I’d taken. Again.

I kept telling myself I didn’t have a choice, but wasn’t there always another choice? I could have let him kill me or kill Hunter. No! My wolf growled her disapproval. Gods, I just wanted all of this to be over.

  Finally turning the faucet, I wrapped myself in the towel and remained in the soft, warm cocoon for a few more seconds. Even without emotions, I could sense I wouldn’t like what Hunter was about to say.

  Tyrien’s words rang out in a loop, “If a clear winner can’t be chosen, the final fight will be to the death.” A chill skittered up my spine. Nothing would make the supreme alpha happier than my permanent end. Obviously neither Hunter nor I would fight to the death which only left one other possibility: banishment. Unless my mate had some other trick up his sleeve. But with his emotions missing, I doubted it. He’d take the easy way out and make a run for it.

  Would he really kill his father before vanishing?

  Towel-drying my hair, I stared at my weary reflection in the mirror. It felt like years had passed since I’d arrived in Moon Valley. In reality, it had only been months. And now my birthday was around the corner, and I had no idea what my twentieth year would bring.

  I trudged back into my room with the towel fastened under my armpits. Hunter’s gaze latched onto mine the moment I entered. That same faint warmth of desire swirled in my core, and I narrowed my eyes at my mate. Did he feel that?

  He lowered his gaze and darted by me, his shoulder brushing mine and the pop of electricity sizzled over my flesh. “I should shower too,” he called out over his shoulder.

  Before I could respond, the door slammed behind him, and the faint sensation vanished. I must have imagined it. I rummaged through my closet for something to wear as I pondered Hunter’s quick escape to the bathroom. He’d been so adamant about us talking and now a shower was more important?

  Whatever. I resolved to accept I’d never understand my mercurial mate.

  The ding of my phone distracted me from picking a shirt and instead, I rushed to the nightstand where I’d left my cell.

  Cass: Are you okay? Vander told me what happened.

  Me: No. Don’t think I’ll ever be okay again.

  Cass: I’m so sorry. Girl’s night tonight?

  Me: Sure.

  Cass: I’ll come by as soon as I get back. Terra sent me to get some supplies in Maginaria.

  Me: Thanks, Cass.

  * * *

  I placed my phone on the bedside table as Hunter trudged back into my room with only a towel hung low on his waist. My mouth went dry as my eyes raked over the glistening droplets gliding down his ripped torso. That wolf tattooed on his upper arm looked like it would jump out of his skin with each twitch of his muscles. Luna, I hated how my traitorous body reacted to his presence.

  Hunter’s leaving you. Hunter’s leaving you. I repeated the phrase over and over again, dousing the fiery kindling in my core.

  “For your own good!” he shouted.

  “Get out of my head,” I hissed back. “If you’re relinquishing your duty as my mate, then you have no right to the perks.”

  “That’s not what I’m doing. Gods, Sierra, can’t you see that this is the only way? They’ll force us to fight to the death tomorrow. I’ll forfeit and deal with the banishment. You’ll be High Alpha, and you’ll be free to be with whoever you want. Someone who will be capable of loving you, of growing the Mystics.”

  I stomped over to him, jabbing my finger in his bare chest. “My only question is if you knew this would happen at the end, why did you lie to me all along? Before you lost your emotions, you said we’d be together forever. Why?” Emotion burned my eyes, but I had no more tears to shed.

  His teeth clenched, and the tendon in his jaw went berserk.

  “What aren’t you telling me?”

  He shook his head, teeth grinding. “It doesn’t matter anymore. This is the plan now. Please, don’t do anything to risk what you’ve fought so hard for.”

  I grunted, wrapping my hands around my middle to keep from breaking. “And Tyrien?”

  “I told you I’d handle him.”

  I spun away, disgusted. A part of me wanted to know more, demanded to know how Hunter would exact my vengeance on the supreme alpha, but I was too exhausted. I’d had enough of revenge and bloodshed to last a lifetime.

  Firm fingers wrapped around my bicep, forcing me to turn. Sharp tingles danced across our joined flesh, and my throat tightened. “Please, Sierra. I know I said I wanted you to hate me, but I don’t. You are the only way I feel anything anymore. I know it’s entirely selfish, but I beg you to forgive me. I know you think I’m wrong, but I’m only doing this for you, for the love I felt for you once long ago.”

  My heart shattered into a million pieces. The tears I was sure no longer remained spilled over. Hunter’s familiar arms came around me, drawing me into his chest. I’d never hated and loved someone so deeply as I did in that instant.

  My towel unraveled and pooled at my feet as his hands moved across my back. First comforting and then something more—something more raw, more primal. My fingers found the end of his towel a second later and in the space of a heartbeat nothing stood between our naked forms.

  His thumb and forefinger trapped my chin, and he tilted it up to meet his eyes. Brilliant gold had eclipsed the dark emerald. “One last time?” A jagged edge laced his tone.

  My lips crashed into his in response. Was it stupid? A thousand times yes. But my brain didn’t function properly around my mate, especially when his body, his scent, his very being enveloped me.

  I pushed all logical thought aside as his lips claimed mine, each demanding stroke lashing at my broken insides. I’d hate myself after, I’d cry for days remembering this one final time, but in this moment I didn’t care.

  His hands moved over my body possessively. Every touch was wicked torture. He cupped my breasts and I let out a moan, reveling in the feel of his skin on mine. There was nothing gentle about him today; it was as if his beast had taken over. His rough hands incited goose bumps over my heated flesh as he kneaded my breasts and desire pooled low in my core.

  Hunter’s arousal brushed my thigh as he pressed me tight against the hard length of him. Oh, gods. I smothered another groan as he tilted my head back and took my nipple in his mouth. He was ravenous, like nothing our physical encounters had ever been before. From beneath the murky haze of lust, I could’ve sworn I felt something through the bond. But it was too fleeting to grasp.

  He walked me back a few steps until my calves hit the bed. He splayed me out across it and got down on his knees. Oh, mother shifter…

  A wicked chuckle slid from his lips before he lowered his head to the throbbing knot of nerves at my core. I gasped as he feasted on me, each lash of his tongue propelling me closer to the edge.

  I was ready, so ready.

  “Hunter…” I panted.

  He lifted his head, eyes gleaming. “Not yet.”

  I clung on by my fingertips as he continued to ravish me, my hands fisted in his hair. Just when I couldn’t take another second of pleasure, he paused and glanced up again, his irises pure gold. He rose and crawled on top of me, and my core tightened in anticipation.

  Hunter regarded me for an endless moment, and I could almost feel the raging storm brewing behind those eyes. I felt something. I was certain.

  He plunged inside me, and all thoughts vanished once again. The feeling of fullness, of utter completeness brought hot tears to my eyes. His hips thrust against me, over and over again and I met each drive, urging him on. I needed him inside me, deeper and deeper. It was never enough.

  My fingernails clawed into his back, then raked down his spine and latched onto his firm glutes. I drove him deeper inside until I couldn’t feel where he ended and I began.

  We spent all night entwined, taking and giving each other mind-numbing pleasure. Because when the sun came up, it would all be over.

  When we had finally exhausted every ounce of strength in our bodies and we lay shattered and spent, our skin
glistening and breaths ragged, I turned to Hunter and spoke for the first time all night. “It was worth it. All of it.”

  His head dipped, eyes glossy and he tugged me into his chest. I was scared to close my eyes because I knew once I did, it would be over. When we awoke, we’d be broken again. Competitors off to fight the final battle in the Alpha Trials. Eventually my lids betrayed me, and I fell into a deep, glorious sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  My eyes snapped open, a lingering chill drawing me from the warm cocoon of sleep. I jolted up and searched the empty bed. Hunter was gone. Muffled voices caught my attention from beyond my bedroom door. Grabbing my discarded clothes from the floor, I tugged a shirt over my head and slipped into some shorts.

  Darting into the living room, I found Braxton and Connor on the couch with a box of donuts on the coffee table. I couldn’t help the disappointment that filled my chest at my missing mate.

  Braxton grabbed a mug from the table and offered it to me. “Freshly brewed with a splash of milk, just like you like it.”

  “Thanks, Brax.” A smile melted some of the hurt.

  “Hunter just left a little while ago,” said Connor. “He came and got us to keep you company until the start of the trials.”

  “The donuts were my idea.” Braxton shot me a grin.

  “Just what I need, a carb overload before a fight to the death.” I slumped down between my two packmates. For some odd reason, their presence soothed the aching void.

  “Hunter said he’d meet you at the arena. He had some last-minute things to attend to,” Connor added.

  Of course, he did.

  “Is he really going to forfeit?” My ex-arranged fiancé asked, light brows knitted.

  “Guess so.”

  “And risk banishment?”

  I didn’t miss the twinkle in Braxton’s eye. I resisted the urge to snap at him because what right did I have? He only wanted what was best for the Mystics. “Yup,” I muttered.


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