Hard as Stone (Passion in Paradise: The Men of the McKinnnon Sisters)

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Hard as Stone (Passion in Paradise: The Men of the McKinnnon Sisters) Page 28

by Sarah O'Rourke

  Of course, Tanner, being Tanner, was slippery as a fish. By the time the first person came running through the door – Harmony thought it was Abel, but she’d never be sure – her ex-husband was in the wind. Vanished. Fucking gone!


  “What the fuck happened?” she heard Zeke shout as she turned, reaching for Heaven with one arm and snatching the squalling child against her in a grip she knew was too tight, but she couldn’t help. Every protective instinct she had screamed at her to hold her baby as close as possible. Turning, she saw the sheriff kneeling on the floor in front of a pale and shaking Honor, his hands reaching toward her as she cowered. “Zeke, don’t!” Harmony bit out, knowing the last thing he, or any man for that matter, should do was touch her sister right now. “You need to back off,” she warned softly, holding Heaven close as she crossed the room to Honor.

  “It was Tanner! He took off out the back. He has a gun, but I stabbed him,” Harmony explained quickly when her sister turned wide beseeching eyes on her. She knew that look; Honor wanted her to keep her mouth shut about what had been said. And for now, she would. She could give her sister that. “That’s his blood.” She nodded toward the pool of sticky blood on the floor. “He’s hurt.”

  “Fuck!” Zeke cursed, reaching for the radio at his side as he climbed back to his feet. “Abel, Cain, stay with the women,” he growled, giving Honor a long, worried look. “I’ll get my deputies on it.”

  Harmony tried to catch her breath as Heaven wrapped her in a strangle hold, her arms and legs winding around Harmony’s neck and waist like a spider monkey. “It’s okay, baby. It’s all over,” she crooned, rubbing her hand up and down her sobbing daughter’s back as her eyes went to Faith and Patience, both sisters crowded around her, Heaven and Honor.

  “Honor?” Patience murmured, reaching out to touch Honor’s hand. Her gaze going to Harmony, Patience winced. “Jesus, Harmony…your face,” she whispered, lifting a hand to gingerly probe her big sister’s bruised face, shifting her body so that Cain could kneel beside them to check Harmony’s injuries.

  “I think it’s just bruised, sweetheart,” Cain murmured after a few seconds of gentle probing. “I’ll find some ice.”

  “Yeah,” Harmony grunted when Cain rose back to his feet. “Tanner is still a mean bastard. I wish I’d plunged that knife in his heart. Unfortunately I’m pretty sure I only hit his shoulder.”

  “Harmony,” Faith whispered, staring at Honor’s vacant eyes. “I can see what he did to you, but why is Honor…”

  Shaking her head quickly as Honor moaned, burrowing against her side, Harmony cut Faith off. “That’s for later. Alone and in private when it’s just us. We’ll talk about it then,” she told her sisters firmly as Honor squeezed her arm.

  Both sisters seemed to suddenly understand, their eyes dilating and faces filling with rage. They all knew that only one thing could send Honor spiraling into the darkness, and they didn’t need the words to know what it was.

  “Zeke can’t know,” Honor babbled suddenly, her words high and hysterical as she twisted her hands. “He can never know! Nobody can tell. Nobody!”

  “Fuckin’ hell,” Harmony heard Abel whisper behind them, his eyes tortured as he stared down at them all.

  “Honor…” Patience began, keeping her voice gentle.

  “No, I’m fine,” her youngest sister insisted, shaking her head as she pulled herself away from Harmony and got control of herself. Taking a deep breath, she stared down at the floor for a long minute. Finally turning, Honor rested a hand against Heaven’s back. “Is she okay? He didn’t…”

  “He just scared her. He never touched her,” Harmony whispered, holding her daughter close as she tried to get control of her emotions. It had been a close call… too fucking close. But, both Heaven and Honor were sitting beside her, alive and breathing. They’d survived.

  “We need cookies!” Heaven wailed, lifting her little head from Harmony’s shoulder.

  All the women laughed brokenly at that pronouncement.

  “And ice cream” Honor sniffed, wiping her wet cheeks as she rested her head against the wall behind her.

  “And cupcakes,” Faith added, wrapping her arm around Honor and pulling their baby sister close.

  “And fuckin’ tequila,” Patience agreed, dropping her hand over Harmony’s leg and squeezing. “Two bottles,” she decreed, jabbing two fingers in the air as the swinging kitchen door crashed against the wall one last time.

  Chapter Thirty-four

  Harmony felt Jake’s raw, angry energy hit the room before she ever turned to look at him. When she did turn, her eyes connected with his and the already dangerous vibe filling the atmosphere skyrocketed to a whole new level.

  That was fine; her fury matched his in a big, bad way – only hers was directed solely at him. Her own eyes narrowed as she tightened her arms protectively around her daughter and glared at the man who’d lied to her. “Get out. You do not belong here,” she hissed. Using the wall behind her for leverage, she got to her feet, feeling Honor do the same beside her.

  Ignoring her demand, he took an angry step toward her. “I’m gonna fucking kill him,” Jacob Stone breathed, his gaze cataloguing every angry red mark on Harmony’s face. “I’m gonna make him hurt in ways he never imagined.”

  “Get out!” Harmony barked, Heaven shifting in her arms as her little head came up and looked around in alarm, trembling in fear. She watched as Cain tagged Jake’s arm, stopping him in his tracks.

  “Man, this is not a good time,” Cain warned Jake in a low, serious voice. “Shit’s gone down. Bad shit.”

  “You think I can’t see that,” Jacob spat, shrugging off Cain’s hand as he stared at his girls. “Zeke called. He’s on the hunt. I’m joining him as soon as I see to my girls.”

  “We are not yours,” Harmony snarled, tightening her grip as Heaven seemed to finally recognize Jake’s deep voice. “You stay the hell away from us!”

  “Did he touch our girl, too?” Jacob growled, again ignoring her demand as his eyes went to Heaven. “Are you alright, Princess?” he asked the little girl instead, softening and gentling his tone as he met the terrified eyes of the frightened four-year-old.

  “Jake!” she whimpered, holding out her arms to him. “My Jake! I want my Jake!” the little girl demanded, struggling against her mother’s arms.

  Holding her daughter closer, Harmony shook her head and bumped into Honor as she moved a few steps away. “Don’t you dare touch us!” she screamed at him when he moved to follow her. Snatching the knife she’d used on Tanner from the counter, she heard Patience hiss in a breath beside her as she pointed the weapon still wet with her ex-husband’s blood at Jake. “You come near us and I swear, Jake, I swear, I’ll make you sorry!”

  “Harmony,” Jake growled softly as he went still. “Put down the knife, darlin’. You know I’m not gonna hurt either of you.”

  “I don’t know that,” Harmony denied shrilly. “I don’t know that because I don’t know you! I have no idea who you are,” she accused, her whole body beginning to shake as she held her daughter against her. She no longer knew who she could trust outside of her sisters, and she’d be damned if she’d make one more stupid decision.

  “Dat’s Jake, Momma. I want my Jake,” Heaven argued, still leaning toward the man facing them. “Down, Momma. I want down!” she ordered, kicking her legs.

  “You know me, baby,” Jacob assured Harmony steadily, his warm eyes never wavering from her face. “You knew me last night. You know me now. I’m the same man. Now, put the knife down, darlin’. You’re scarin’ our girl.”

  “Did you bring him back here to us?” she asked, her breath coming fast as she felt a wave of dizziness creep over her. “Are you the one that’s been watching me? Is that how he knew about my baby? Did you tell him?” she asked, firing questions at him in quick succession. “Did you?” she screamed, shaking the knife at him. “Did you, Jake? Was it you?” she screamed.

His answer was simple and firm. “And I’ll answer every question you have, but first, you need to put down that knife and let me hold Heaven. Trust your heart and do as I say. Now, Harmony,” he ordered, hardening his voice as he stared into her confused blue eyes.

  Stepping between them, Honor faced her oldest sister. “I believe him, Harmony,” she supported Jake. “I don’t know why, but I do.”

  Taking a long, hard look at Jake with assessing eyes, Patience frowned. “Fuck,” she muttered. “For what it’s worth, so do I.”

  Jacob felt Faith’s eyes on him as well and he watched her nod out of the corner of his eye, adding her sisterly consensus to Patience and Honor’s opinions. “Please, baby,” he whispered, willing to beg if it meant he could hold at least one of his girls in his arms. “I know you got doubts and good reasons to have them, but I swear to Christ, I’d never hurt you or that little girl.”

  “Mommmmmaaaa, down,” Heaven whined. “I wanna go Jake NOW!”

  Harmony’s eyes drifted over each one of her sister’s concerned faces before falling to her daughter. Slowly, she bent and carefully placed her baby’s feet on the floor and watched as Heaven flew toward Jake. Seeing the big man sweep her little girl into his arms and how Heaven’s arms closed trustingly around his neck as her little face buried in his throat sent Harmony sinking to her own knees and sagging into Patience’s arms.

  “Da bad man tried get us, Jake,” she heard Heaven sobbing into Jake’s neck. “He hitted my Momma and made my Auntie Honor cry. He telled me he was my daddy, but I telled him he wasn’t ‘cause he not! I telled him you’s gonna be my daddy ‘cause I pick you, and he called me a brat! I not a brat. I a princess. You beat up da bad man, ‘kay? He won’t hurt Momma ‘gain if you beat him up,” she babbled into the skin at his neck. Hearing everything through Heaven’s lips just made Harmony cry harder and she leaned heavily against Patience’s hip.

  Jake’s arms contracted around Heaven and he buried his face in her soft hair, inhaling deeply as he reminded himself not to lose it. It wouldn’t do Harmony or Heaven any good to watch him lose his mind. He could do that later. Now, he had to focus on his girls and give them what they needed. Everything else could wait.

  Jake’s heart clenched at her words and he squeezed his eyes closed for a moment as he felt his throat tighten with emotion. Christ, he wished he was her father. It didn’t matter that she wasn’t, though, he loved her like a daughter. And one day, after he’d overcome Harmony’s doubts and fears, he’d make that a reality. “Nobody’s gonna hurt you or Momma ever again, Princess,” he promised against Heaven’s temple. “I’m not gonna let that happen.” Jake saw Harmony open her mouth to argue, but he quelled her with a hard look. “I’ve got you, sugar,” he murmured, rocking the trembling child against his chest.

  “He mean, Jake,” Heaven whispered in his ear, her arms clutching him harder.

  “I know, baby, but I’m here now, and I’m not going anywhere again.” He could feel Harmony’s glare burning his flesh, but damn it, she’d just have to deal. “You were a brave girl, but nobody is ever gonna hurt you. You’re safe, you hear me? I’ll take care of the bad man. You don’t worry about him.”

  “He not gonna be my daddy,” she insisted, rubbing her nose sleepily against his neck. “He’s not.”

  “No, he’s not,” Jake agreed softly. A sperm donor didn’t make a man a daddy, and that bastard wasn’t getting anywhere near this precious girl again. He didn’t care if he had to put a bullet in Tanner Suarez brain to insure it.

  “I love you, Jake,” Heaven whispered, her hand curling around his neck as her eyelids fluttered.

  “Love you, too, Princess,” Jake murmured as her body got heavier against his. Shuffling her against his chest, he whispered, “Look at me, sugar.” Waiting until he met Heaven’s tired eyes, he pressed another kiss to her forehead. “Right now, I need you to go with your Uncle Cain and Aunt Faith, okay? They’re gonna take you home.”

  “N-no!” Heaven’s eyes widened with alarm as her arms and legs went back around Jake. “I stay wif you!”

  “I’m gonna be there soon, Sweetness. I need to take care of Momma first,” Jake explained gently even as Harmony started to rise back to her feet, shaking her head the entire time.

  “No, I’ll go with her,” Harmony said quickly, holding out her arms for her daughter. “I’ve got nothing to say, Jake. This is over.”

  “This is far from over,” Jake countered softly, holding Heaven against him as he pinned Harmony with his eyes. “And I’ve got plenty I need to say.”

  “Yeah, to all of us,” Patience growled, her lips tight as she stepped in front of Harmony.

  “Look,” Jake replied carefully, “I’m happy to face a McKinnon Family Inquisition when Harmony and I get back to the house. For now, though, I owe her an explanation. Alone.”

  The room was quiet as Harmony met Jacob’s eyes for a long, electrically charged moment before she finally nodded slightly. Releasing the breath he held, Jake tipped his head down to brush his lips against Heaven’s temple one last time. “Momma and I will be there shortly, Princess. Be good for us now, alright?”

  Heaven nodded before Jake shifted the little girl into Cain’s strong arms.

  “Cain,” Harmony called worriedly as Faith joined her husband at the door. She bit her lip uncertainly as she stared at her daughter. Her baby had been through so much already. She didn’t need to witness her mother having a showdown with the only father figure she’d had in her young life, but still, she was reluctant to allow her out of sight.

  “I’ll guard her with my life, Harmony,” Cain vowed, meeting Harmony’s eyes with a seriousness that she knew she could trust. “I’m armed and alert.”

  “And I’ve got deputies following them home,” Zeke added, moving toward Honor.

  Surprised to hear his voice, Harmony turned toward the sheriff. She’d never noticed him rejoining the group. “Did you find him?” she asked quickly.

  “No, he’s in the wind,” he said quietly. “We will catch him, Harmony. I’ve got roadblocks up at every major exchange, and we’ve contacted the hospital in case he tries to have his wound looked at.”

  “He won’t. I don’t think I did more than slice him,” Harmony muttered, running a hand down her face.

  Clearing her throat as she took a half step toward Patience away from Zeke, Honor looked around the room. “I suggest everyone meet back at the house in an hour. I’ll help Patience and Abel close up the front of the café. I think it goes without saying that we’ll be closed tonight,” she pronounced, exchanging a look with her sisters.

  “You’re going home, too,” Zeke interrupted, his attention focused on Honor. “Patience and Abel are capable of turning out the lights.”

  “I’ll take her home, Honor. Don’t worry,” Abel assured the youngest sister, ignoring Patience’s eye roll.

  “I’ve got deputies on everybody and I’ve called in some reinforcements. Zach and Slade will be at the house in a couple of hours,” Zeke informed the group in a deep voice.

  “Who?” Jacob questioned, propping one hand on his hip as he stared at the Sheriff.

  It was Harmony that answered the question. “Zach is Zachariah Monroe, Zeke’s brother. People around here call him Ice. He’s a retired Green Beret. Slade is Slade Carter and he’s one of our cousins. He owns a construction business in town, but he’s a former Navy Seal.” Directing a worried look at the Sheriff, she whispered, “You think we’ll need their help?”

  “I think it’s all hands on deck when you girls are involved, and I think the men here would all agree that we’re all done taking chances. That bastard got to you and Honor right underneath our noses. That shit is not happening again,” Zeke replied harshly. Turning to Jake, he added, “They’re both good men that know how to keep their heads down and their mouths shut. It’s done.”

  Jake simply nodded as he watched Harmony cross the room to her daughter and press a kiss against the child’s cheek.

; “I’ll see you at home, baby,” she whispered, brushing Heavens hair behind her ear.

  “We’ll be there,” Faith said, squeezing Harmony’s hand before she followed Cain and Heaven out the door.

  “That new waitress y’all hired got rid of all the customers earlier when all hell broke loose. I sent her home after that. I didn’t figure you’d want everyone to know what was going on. There’s still some cleaning up to do. Patience and I will start tackling that,” Abel offered, capturing Patience’s wrist and tugging her toward the door.

  Patience was reluctant, but she went with him, giving each of her sisters a brief, but tight hug on the way out. That left Honor, Zeke, Harmony and Jake standing in the kitchen staring at each other...or rather, Zeke staring at Honor and Jake staring at Harmony. Honor and Harmony mostly kept their eyes on each other rather than look at the men.

  Finally shifting his eyes from Harmony to Honor, Jake silently noted that each woman looked shell-shocked. Too much drama in too short a time had taken a heavy toll on them both. The truth was they both looked like they could drop anytime. “Honor,” he said quietly, “I’d like to speak to Harmony alone.”

  “He’s right, Honor.” Zeke supported the other man with a nod. “They need to talk privately. We should go, honey.”

  Honor stared at Jake for a long, deafening minute before she slowly swung her gaze toward a grim faced Ezekiel. “Give Harmony the gun you wear strapped around your ankle,” she ordered the sheriff on a whisper.

  “What?” Zeke asked, blinking.

  “If you want me to move a single step from this spot, you’ll give my sister the gun you wear strapped to your ankle. I’m not leaving her here, alone and unarmed, with him.” She jerked her head toward Jacob. “No offense. I might believe what you said earlier to Harmony and Heaven, but I don’t entirely trust you yet. Until I do…”


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