REVEAL - Scorpio & Harlan (Fettered Book 2)

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REVEAL - Scorpio & Harlan (Fettered Book 2) Page 14

by Lilia Moon

  And promises are kept.

  A cold breeze sneaks in to brush against my nipples, the slinky gold dress no barrier at all, and Harlan’s hands aren’t far behind. “Cold?”

  His body is pressing into me from behind, and sometime in the last minute he’s lost his jacket and his shirt. I lean back into his warmth. “No.”

  His fingers are doing devilish things to my nipples. “I want to take you over to that big bed and make love to you until neither of us can move anymore. But first I’m going to bend you over against that railing and take you fast and hard where everyone can hear. I need to be inside you.”

  I have no idea if we’re in a scene or not and I don’t care. I push my ass back against his erection, begging. “Please.”

  He’s already moving, taking us both to where he wants us, putting my hands down on the cold metal rail of the rooftop that overlooks all of Seattle. “Hold on here.” He runs his hands down my arms, down my back, sliding my dress up over my head and my panties down my legs. I feel the cool wind blow over my exposed parts and then his fingers dive into my dripping pussy. The sound he makes is profane, and totally sacred.

  He bends down behind me, licking me as he slides my feet out of my shoes and up onto some kind of blocks. Stepping stones. Raising me up to exactly the height he needs.

  The man came seriously prepared.

  I can hear myself keening, whimpering, letting him know with every sound how badly I need him inside me. Letting all of Seattle hear. This magic can’t be anything but goodness in the world.

  He gives my pussy a light swat, and then he’s licking me from behind again, drinking me up, and it’s all I can do to stay on my feet. His hands move up my thighs, holding me, spreading me further open to his tongue. “You taste like heaven, beautiful.”

  I have no words left. I just moan and lean back into his face. Slow can come later.

  His hands have no mercy. They demand that I stay right where he’s put me and let his tongue ravage me and careen myself into the screaming orgasm he’s driving my way.

  If anyone in Seattle is listening, I hope they have a sexy friend nearby.

  I nearly bang my head on the railing I come so hard, and then he’s up behind me, and I’m reaching back for the beautiful slide of his cock into me, crying out from the epic rightness of it. He pulls my chest up, kissing my neck and ravishing my breasts and holding my hips as he rocks inside me.

  I take one timeless moment to breathe in what it is to be filled by this man—and then I lean forward, grab the rails with everything I’ve got, and tilt my hips in desperate demand.

  His hands land on me, and then all that exists is the wet, slapping music of his body driving into mine, his hips melding with my ass, his cock moving fast and fierce and deep inside me.

  I hear the savage noises that must be his, and then realize they’re mine. His hands grip my hips even harder, and the sounds that rise out of his throat to meet mine are all I need. I let go, launching the million pieces of me into the sky and pleading with him to come with me.

  Together we rise, we rage, we explode into each other.

  I don’t let go of the railing, knowing that it and his still-pulsing cock are all that are keeping me on my feet. And then even that isn’t enough, and I’m liquid, human goo who’s only standing because he’s being all my bones. His arm cradles me into his chest, holding tighter. I arch my hips, rocking backward, because he’s still hard inside me and I’m not nearly done with feeling that.

  “Shh.” His other hand plays in the dripping folds around my clit as he rocks with me, tiny thrusts that feel like they reach all the way to my heart. “Easy. Just hold still and let me send you over again while I’m inside you like this.”

  I want to protest, to tell him I can’t stand any more, that there’s no blood left to feed my brain. Instead, I can feel my body responding to his fingers. Readying for him—a slow, quivering tide of molten fire this time.

  “That’s it, beautiful. Let me hear you.”

  Even my whimpers are soft now. Begging sighs and breathy whispers and need so huge and so tender and so open that all I can do is drape myself over this man and give everything I am to his fingers.

  His breathing in my ear is choppy, desperate, reverent.

  When I come, rippling around his hardness, it feels like a prayer.

  Chapter Fifty


  I don’t know how I get both of us to the bed, but somehow I do.

  I don’t bother with covers. The hotel manager wasn’t wrong—his heaters are magic. There’s just enough sharpness in the air to keep us from combusting.

  I lay Scorpio down long enough to switch out one condom for another one, and then I give her pussy a lick and a promise and slide my way back up her silky body. “I swear I’ll find some finesse later. Right now I just need to be back inside you.”

  She’s already tipping her hips to meet me and this time I can see her eyes as I enter her. Liquid pools of desire and welcome and everything I had no idea I wanted.

  I slide in, balls deep, and then I stop, because I want to be in exactly this moment and cherish it. Cherish her.

  She breathes into it with me and her eyes never leave mine. They just glisten.

  She’s everything—and she’s mine.

  I start to move, the cool air of the night on my back and the spiraling heat of what we’re making between us everywhere else. I pull her knees up, shifting the angles so I can slide in deeper. Her eyes haze as I hit exactly the right spot inside her.

  I take it slow until she whimpers in protest, and then I do what I’ve wanted to do since the first time she brought me cookies. I thrust deep into her, over and over and over again, and watch her eyes as she shatters.

  Mine. It’s the last thought I have before I go with her.

  I don’t know how long it takes to breathe again, or to work out where my sweaty, satisfied body ends and hers begins. I shift a little, testing to see what body parts still work, and chuckle as she lets out a squawk of protest and locks her ankles behind my back.

  Feisty sub.

  I pull out, leaving my fingers in her pussy just long enough to do the condom-switching thing again, and shake my head. At this rate, I’m going to have to sneak out for a middle-of-the-night resupply—and I packed like an optimistic teenager.

  I slide back in before my cock can get too sad about his missing playmate. I watch her face, looking for any signs she’s getting tender. She squeezes her inner muscles around me, her nipples hardening under her cami in the cool night air.

  I want those too, and tonight I don’t plan to deny myself anything at all. I hold on and roll us over, keeping my hands on her hips just long enough for her to figure out gravity has moved, and then I have the cami off and her breasts in my hands.

  She grinds on top of me, gorgeous and needy and clearly still seeking the same thing I am.


  She slides her hands up my chest and then pauses, looking down and grinning. “How did I not know you have a nipple ring?”

  I pull her down and kiss her nose. “Because it’s mostly been you getting naked.”

  She raises an eyebrow. “I’ve seen your naked chest and it totally wasn’t there.”

  “I haven’t worn it for a while. Got all dolled up for you tonight.”

  She’s laughing, but she’s also squiggling down to lap it with her tongue.

  My cock isn’t happy about his lost playmate, so I take advantage of the distraction to slide a finger in her ass.

  She squeaks and tries to bat me away.

  I growl. “You’re mine, beautiful. Anywhere, anyhow, anytime.” We might be having some pretty damn vanilla sex and I might be ridiculously enjoying myself, but my Dom wants in on this too and her ass is right at the top of his list of pleasures. I tug a pillow under my head, because this I’m definitely going to want to watch. “Turn around and straddle me with your ass this way so that I can put my fingers and my cock into you at the same ti

  She points a pouty look at my nipple ring, but she’s already shifting her legs around. I keep sliding my finger in and out of her ass, and I love how she’s fumbling as she turns.

  Hell, there’s nothing about this I don’t love.

  Chapter Fifty-One


  I slide down on Harlan’s cock and waiting fingers, and shake my head as he takes me into yet another new land. One where I feel full and exposed and watched and entirely wanton.

  I hope the whole city is catching a ride on whatever this is, because it feels that big.

  I rock my ass back on his fingers, needing more. He growls and slaps his other hand down on my hip. “Slow down, woman, because this is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen and I want it to last more than three seconds.”

  I have way more faith in his self-control than that, but I tilt my ass back like he’s guiding me to do, and hold as still as I can while he slides two fingers in and out of my ass. It lights up nerves I don’t even know I have, and makes it so I can feel every inch of his cock, even though I’m barely moving.

  His free hand moves to rub circles on my ass cheek, his thumb pressing close to where his other fingers are moving in and out. “Tell me what you want, beautiful.”

  I want too many things. I want to see his face and I want it to last forever and I want the orgasm that is coming for me as badly as I want my next breath. “Tell me what you see.”

  I can hear his quick intake of air. I’ve surprised him.

  I’ve surprised me, but I want to be every kind of intimate with this man, and that includes knowing more of what lives inside his head.

  His fingers keep up their deadly work riling up my ass. “I see your wet pussy wrapped around my cock, and it’s reminding me how good you taste and how long I waited to be with you this way. You’re redder than you were half an hour ago, and swollen, and it makes me feel like a caveman in the best way to know I did that to you. Your ass cheeks are rocking as my fingers slide inside you, and knowing that you’re letting me watch you like this is pretty much the hottest thing ever.” He stops, chuckling as I gush wetter on his cock. “I was lying here feeling all embarrassed about my clunky words and then you go and do that and I feel pretty much like a god.”

  I want, so badly, to see his face, but the picture he’s painting is so freaking erotic and gorgeous that I can’t move.

  “I’m going to make you come now, beautiful. I want to feel you fucking explode all over me.”

  I have just long enough for my insides to gush again and then he’s thrusting his cock up into me in time with his fingers and I can’t form coherent thoughts anymore. I can only fly, shooting up on the track he’s laying for me.

  I tilt back my head and howl at the sky. And then I detonate.

  When I come back to planet Earth, I’m tucked under warm covers with Harlan’s arm under my head and his thighs under one of mine and a very happy throbbing between my legs.

  He trails his fingers lightly over me, leaving light trails of flame everywhere.

  I curl closer, inarticulately happy.

  He holds some small nibble up to my mouth and I open obediently. It tastes like breakfast in a tiny little bite—eggs and bacon and everything good. I shimmy over to the tray with the food and pick up one that looks the same and feed it to him, grinning. “This is not the kind of food you feed your lover when you plan to roll over and go to sleep.”

  He kisses my cheek and feeds me another nibble. “Nope. Keep your strength up.”

  It’s not strength fueling this night. This time I roll over to get at the food and his hand slides between my thighs like it lives there. “Sore?”

  Yes. No. I roll back and pop more food in his mouth. “I’ll tell you if I need us to shift gears any.”

  He’s still stroking, and it makes me feel like a happily demented kitten. “I’m going to carry you downstairs soon.”

  I can see that the magic heaters are starting to gutter. “Thank you. This was amazing.”

  He kisses me, and there’s more demand this time. “This is just getting started, beautiful. Eat up—you’re going to need it.”

  Chapter Fifty-Two


  It’s warmer inside, and it smells like rose petals.

  I make it to the bottom of the winding staircase without landing either of us on our asses, and breathe a sigh of relief. I plan to spend the rest of this night happily horizontal.

  I toss the woman in my arms onto the bed just to hear her squeak at me again. She sprawls exactly where she’s landed, wide open to me and eyes full of laughing desire.

  I dive for her, landing tickling fingers on her ribs as I dip my head between her legs.

  She screams, and her legs slam together around my ears.

  I grin and flick her clit with my tongue. “It’s going to take way more than that to keep me out of your pussy. Open up.”

  She glares down at me. “I want more kisses first. And no tickling.”

  Bossy sub. I slide up her body, tasting as I go. She sucks in a choked breath as I close my teeth over one of her nipples, and I decide she can have her kisses in a bit. I torment her nipples until she’s practically hissing, and then I lick my way up her collarbone to the soft skin of her neck and the hopelessly ticklish region just below her ear.

  When she’s a mess of helpless, laughing desire, I slide into her pussy again. And then I just lie still, because something about her warmth wrapped around me is so good that it’s all I need.

  She rocks ever so gently, stretching her legs out along mine. I pick up the rhythm of her rocking, some kind of primal, soft dance that has nothing to do with sex and everything to do with joining to her and all of who she is. She kisses me, feather light touches on my face, my neck, my shoulders, as her fingers trail down my back, drawing lazy circles on my ass cheeks.

  We could do this forever and never come and it would be perfect.

  I breathe into this new experience and this new life I’ve suddenly found and I hear her breath moving with mine. Our ribs, floating on the same lazy ocean of sensory pleasure and something far deeper. I feel the smile rising all the way up from my toes.

  Being her guy is going to be the best thing I’ve ever done.

  Chapter Fifty-Three


  I feel his heartbeat, the slow, steady pulse of it. The lake of calm, satisfied, beautiful man draped over me.

  And then I feel him quicken.

  I grin at him and at the sudden playful lust in his eyes. “Are we going to sleep at all tonight?”

  He’s doing something wicked to my nipples with his fingers. “For the foreseeable future, plan to nap on the couch or under your desk at work. If you’re in the same bed I am, you’re not going to be sleeping much.”

  That sounds impossible. And holy. “We’ll break something.”

  He rolls to the side and cups me, gently rocking his fingers. “My fingers will never get tired of playing with your pussy.”

  I am absolutely certain there are no more orgasms in me. There isn’t even a decent squirm. “I’m done, sexy man. You’ve wrung me totally dry.”

  His chuckle beside me is low and amused. “Bets?”

  The rocking is already stirring things up, but I have a rep to maintain. “Totally. What do I get if I win?”

  “Hmmm. There’s a really big spa bathtub around the corner. I think I’ll lay you down over the edge on some soft towels with your legs in a tub full of hot bubbles. And then I’ll climb in and lick you until the water goes cold.”

  I groan. I’ve already made plans to have a hot, steamy affair with his tongue. “That’s some really excellent motivation. What do you get if you win?” Because he’s already making it really obvious he’s going to.

  He nips my earlobe. “The bathtub thing, except I get to fuck you after I lick you.”

  I spread my legs and let my hips move against the slow, insistent, stupidly effective rocking of his hand. “I hope your plans for tom
orrow don’t involve me being able to walk.”

  He grins. “Nope. Or the next day either.” He slides two fingers inside me and strokes the spot that has apparently risen from the dead. Chasing what he wants with infinite patience—and infinite demand.

  But it’s not his fingers that have me now. It’s his eyes, looking deep into me and offering everything he has. He stays that way as his fingers carry me right to where he wants me to be. And then he leans down and kisses my cheek, feather light. “Come for me now, love.”

  I smile as I go over the edge he’s brought me to, the glistening, glorious one that will never make me bleed. The one where he’ll be waiting on the other side.

  The one where he will be my guy—and I will be his love.

  Chapter Fifty-Four

  Epilogue - Harlan

  I put down what’s left of my slice of pizza. One hunger taken care of.

  The other one is apparently bottomless.

  I run my slightly greasy, very appreciative fingers over the lusciously naked woman who’s cuddled up next to me on the couch, watching the movie we’ve been trying to watch for three days. I wait until the scene mostly finishes and then I nuzzle into her neck. It’s become one of my favorite addictions. “So there’s this guy I know at the club.”

  She laughs and pauses the movie. “Threesomes are a hard limit.”

  I growl. “They better be.” I’ve never shared well, but this woman takes that to a whole new level. “He’s a drummer. And Quint plays some guitar. They’ve been talking.”

  She’s eyeing me now, in that suspicious way I hope she never loses, because someone needs to keep me on my toes—and because I never want to stop surprising her.

  I grin and fondle her naked ass. “Ari wants to do some nights at the club with live music. Which means we need a band who won’t freak out if there are screams from the dungeon.”

  She’s catching up now. “You want me to join a BDSM band?”

  I shrug, surprised I’m having trouble reading her. “I’m busy working the floor most nights, so I thought it might give you something to do.”


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