Ava's Revenge: (Salvation Series Book 2)

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Ava's Revenge: (Salvation Series Book 2) Page 5

by Jaime Whitley

  “Well your mom was right about that. If this whole FBI thing doesn’t pan out you can definitely join the circus.” I laugh as he pulls me into his arms lowering his lips onto mine. I open my mouth slightly and he slides his tongue meeting mine. What I expect to be a long kiss, comes to a sudden stop with a groan from Dante.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “That was probably one of the most sexiest things I’ve seen. I want to drag you to your bedroom right now but the things I plan to do to you will leave you screaming, and I don’t want the neighbors as an audience. I want you all to myself. Come on, Pop Tart.” Grabbing my hand and walking up the stairs. “We’re going to get you a new door, then I’m going to show you some of my special skills.”

  I pull up and park before I enter the restaurant, walking straight to the back of the room where everyone usually is seated. To my surprise, the place is empty. My eyes scan the room looking for an attack but there’s nothing as I look around. I stand wondering what’s happening until a noise from the kitchen grabs my attention. My hand hovers over my hip as I slowly approach the swinging doors. Glancing once more behind me, I opening one door slowly, cringing at the noise the damn thing makes. There goes my hope for a silent approach with all that noise. I only see Michael, who is chopping some peppers. When he looks up and sees me his hand hovers the knife over the chopping board, seeming to size me up. The silence is uncomfortable. I take another step into the kitchen, as the door swings shut behind me.

  Fuck his silence, “Is Sal here?”

  Placing the knife down, he wipes his hands on his apron. “Not yet. He usually doesn't come in for,” he checks his watch, “another twenty minutes.”

  His eyes are wide and he’s looking at me like someone just killed my cat. I don’t want or need his sympathy and I need to get the hell away from him before I do or say something I’m going to regret. “Okay, well if it's not a problem, I'll just grab the usual table and wait.” I turn my back to him before he can say anything and push the door open.

  “Ava, wait.” I turn my head looking over my shoulder. Damn, not quick enough.

  “Are you doing okay?” Again, with the look, stop giving me that fucking look.

  “I'm fine.” I answer flatly, turning my head I start to leave the kitchen again.

  “I'm really sorry about Dante.” He yells and I can tell he’s moved to the side of the table he was behind a minute ago. “If you need anything please don't hesitate to ask. After all, we are--” I stop in my tracks and whip around, scowling at him and cut him off. In less than four steps, I’m in his face pointing at him.

  “No, we're not. So don’t you dare say it!” I’m talking through my teeth. “We share a father, but that doesn't make us family. All he is to me is a sperm donor and you don't know a damn thing about me. It's better just to leave it that way.” I stand a little straighter and fold my arms across my chest, quickly unfolding them to avoid bringing attention to my swollen belly.

  “That’s not fair. You know I don’t agree with how our...” I raise an eyebrow at him, daring him to say it. “My father lives his life. He’s a criminal and deserves to be locked away.”

  “Don’t forget murderer.” I spit out. “But how can you forget? You were there and didn’t do a damn thing to stop it. Dante was helping you and you just let him die. And that alone, makes me sick that we even share the same blood. It’s because of people like you my child will grow up without a father!” My hands quickly cover my mouth as the words slip out of my mouth before I can stop them. Dropping my hands back to my side, my anger just keeps rising and rising. This isn’t good at all. The last thing I need is anyone knowing that this child is Dante’s. I need to have a clear head for my meeting with Sal. I refuse to fuck this up because of Michael. He seems to be hurt and surprised by my words but I couldn’t care less. Without another glance, I turn my back to him and storm out of the kitchen, making my way to Sal’s usual table to sit and wait for his arrival.

  Sitting here, I rub my forehead, thinking how big of a slip up that was. I don’t want a relationship with any of these people and now that Michael knows I’m pregnant, I’m going to have to make sure he keeps his mouth shut. Just one more fucking thing I don’t need right now. Before I can stew on it too long, the sound of the door opening catches my attention, causing me to sit up and put on my game face.

  Sal walks in alone, and I’m surprised and a little concerned by that. He usually has one of his idiot tagalongs with him and the fact that he has none today is worrisome. As he approaches the table, I stand to greet him. I still need to make him feel like he is inferior. As usual, I sport him my fake, happy-to-see-you smile and wait to be addressed.

  “Ava, dear, thank you for coming with such short notice.” He grabs my hands and places a kiss on each cheek. I try not to lose the contents in my stomach when his lips touch my skin. Pulling out the chair, he sits and I do the same. Michael comes out as we are sitting and greets his father. Leaving a glass of water in front of me, with a look that makes me want to growl at him, and a glass filled with amber liquid in front of his father, he excuses himself before quickly retreating back to the kitchen. I pick up the glass and take a sip of water to relieve the sudden dryness in my throat. Sal picks up his glass and it rests on his lips before he takes a sip of it as he stares at me.

  Feeling uncomfortable, I can’t let it show. I raise an eyebrow and ask, “Are you going to drink that or just stare at me all day? I know I’m a catch, but you know my rules, I don’t mix business with pleasure. Besides, you’re a bit too old for me, don’t ya think?” I make sure I say the last part with extra sarcasm. I’ve always been a smart ass with a mouth, so why change now. His lips quirk up and he takes a sip of his drink placing it down on the table. Folding his hands in front of him once again staring at me, “I know I’m a little early but where is everyone else? Shouldn’t they be here by now?” I question, knowing damn well why we are here alone.

  “Ava, I’m afraid we have some pressing matters to discuss, my dear.” Moving his hand over the utensils on the table, he arranges them so that they are perfectly aligned. The fact that he’s fidgeting with stuff alerts me he is a little uncertain about the news he heard.

  “Okay. So let’s get straight to it then.” Leaning back, I cross my legs, placing my arms on my lap. I need to look as relaxed as possible if I’m going to pull the shock factor off when he tells me what he thinks I don’t already know.

  “That’s one thing I always appreciated about you, Ava. You always are just straightforward and I never have to worry about working with you. You always come through with what we need and have never given us any issues.”

  Eyeing him questionably, “But you say that there are pressing matters to discuss? Pardon my confusion, but what could be so pressing when you’re sitting here praising me for the work I’ve done for you?” The kitchen door swinging open catches our attention as Michael comes out to get the rest of the restaurant ready.

  “Where does your loyalty lie?” Sal’s back is facing Michael so he can’t see the horrified look that’s taken over his face right now.

  “Um, I’m not sure what you mean?” I remain confident in my tone and still in my seat.

  “Well, after we had a cop crawl in right under our noses like a fucking cockroach, it leaves me questioning where each person’s loyalty stands.” Sal calling Dante a cockroach makes my blood boil. My fist tightens and as much as I want to jump across the table to kill him now, I can’t. I clench my teeth and I can feel my cheeks flush, praying they aren’t turning red as I try to hide the anger flowing through me. Before I can answer, Michael walks over placing his hand on his father’s shoulder, turning the attention from me. Sal turns to him and I quickly grab my glass of water, chugging it, hoping to calm my rapidly beating heart.

  “Dad, would you like me to make you anything to eat?” He glances at me quickly before diverting his eyes back to Sal who places his hand over Michael’s and pats it.

  “I’m good,
Son. I won’t be here too much longer.” Michael nods and Sal looks back to me and my now empty glass of water. “Thirsty?”

  “Well, I for one am hungry and since Michael here is only offering you food I might as well fill up on water.” Sal laughs and tells Michael to fix us something to eat. “I thought you weren’t going to be here much longer?” I question since he is now eating. Truth is, I’m starving and need to eat for the baby, but I would rather starve than share a meal with this asshole.

  He shrugs his shoulders bypassing the question to move on. “So we’ve been working together for a while now and I really don’t know much about you.”

  “There’s not much to know. I’m all work, no play. When you live a life like that there’s really no room for anything else. I figured you, of all people, would know that.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. I have plenty of free time.” Waving his hand he dismisses me like I’m speaking crazy.

  “That’s because you have everyone else doing all the hard work. You just show up when need be.” His face hardens and I need to change the subject before my mouth pisses him off too much, “But to answer your question from earlier, my loyalty lies with my job and my employer. I’m not sure why you are questioning that now, though.” He tries to talk but I keep going so he can’t get a word in. “So you had a mole, that seems more of a problem on your end than mine.” Leaning in forward closer to the table, I place my palm down on it. “It sounds to me that whoever is doing your hiring isn’t doing their job. I would be careful how you move forward with that particular person.” I know Angelo is the one who makes sure everyone checks out before bringing them to work for Sal and any opportunity I get to throw him under the bus, I’m taking it.

  His posture perks up and he raises his eyebrows. “Be careful how I move forward with that person?” I nod and sit back. “I’ll admit, you’ve piqued my interest on that one. Please elaborate if you will.”

  “Well for one, you’re lucky I’m still here.”

  “Is that so?”

  “I mean come on; you had a cop under your nose this whole time. If he wasn’t exposed and you were taken down, I along with all of your contacts would have been taken down right along with you. He saw everything that’s gone on and knew everyone you dealt with. Think about it, people might be a little weary to work with you now.” I shrug nonchalantly.

  “And what about you? Are you having concerns about working with me?” His voice is slow and calculated.

  It kills me to have to say the next few words, but I do. “No, you did what I would have done. You eliminated the threat, sent a message. I don’t think any law enforcement would be stupid enough to try and plant another mole.”

  “You’re a very smart business woman, Ava. Tell me, does that run in your family?” And there it is, the million dollar question. The one he’s been tiptoeing around since he’s gotten here. Michael comes out with a large bowl of salad and a platter of meats, placing them on the table and interrupting the conversation.

  “I couldn’t tell you.” Reaching forward, I load my plate and begin to cut up my salad like nothing is wrong.

  “Oh, come on. There must be someone in your family behind your savvy business skills.”

  Taking a bite of my food, I wait till I’m done chewing trying not to moan over the delicious salad that satisfies my rumbling belly. I may hate Michael, but the man does have a talent in the kitchen. “Really, I couldn’t tell you. I was adopted and when I was sixteen both my parents died in a car wreck. I sure as hell wasn’t going to go into a home so I made a home for myself. The house I lived in was paid off and left to me in my parent’s will so I continued to go to school and worked whenever I could, doing whatever I could to pay the bills.” I stop to eat some more and take a glance at Sal who is eyeing me intently.

  “So how did you end up here?” Sal hasn’t touched his food at all and I for one can’t stop eating. My pregnancy hormones are starting to show. I can feel myself growing irritated with the fifty-question game when all I want to do is enjoy this delicious meal.

  “The right opportunity presented itself.”

  “And your birth parents?” Placing my fork down with a little more force than intended, I push my plate forward.

  “Seriously? What is the sudden interest with my family? I don’t have one. It’s pretty cut and dry. Mommy and Daddy didn’t want me so they gave me up, then the family who did want me died in a car accident.” Sal’s lips are in a firm line and his eyebrows are creased in. I can see there’s an inner struggle going on in his head. Reaching into his jacket pocket, he pulls out an envelope and slides it across the table. Knowing the contents that lay in it, I put myself on guard and perfect my game face.

  Eyeing the envelope, I look to him. “What’s that?”

  “It’s the answer to your question about my sudden curiosity.” Pulling at the neck of his shirt, he adjusts his tie.

  Reaching out, I place my hand over the manila envelope and leave it there for a brief moment giving Sal a look of confusion as I slightly tilt my head to the side. He nods down at the envelope, so I pick it up and open it. I glance over the paper and if I didn’t already know what I was looking at, I would have never known what all these numbers even stand for. I study it a minute longer as Sal studies me and I place it down on the table. “Am I supposed to know what this is?”

  “It’s the results from when I had everyone tested.”

  “Okay.” I drag out the end of the word, not quite following.

  Getting up from his chair, he grabs the paper and walks around the table taking the empty seat right by my side. “You see this line here?” He points on the paper. “This is my DNA. And this line,” he moves his finger down the paper, “is your DNA.”

  “But they match?” I continue to play it off like it’s still not registering. “How is that even possible?”

  “Well there are two possibilities. Either the lab made a mistake, or.” I cut him off.

  “Or you’re my dad.” I whisper. “This has to be a mistake.” I speak louder. “Have the lab run the tests again. There’s no way that this can be right.”

  “I thought the same thing and already had it run three more times.” Well, that explains why he didn’t call right away. “It’s legit, Ava. I’m your father.”

  “Is this some kind of joke?” I stand in disbelief. “Because if it is, it’s not funny. I take what I do very seriously and if you’re just trying to fuck with me for shits and giggles, our agreement is done.” Sal stands and places his hand on my shoulder. I want to swat it off. Instead, I look down at where his hand is placed and look back at him. Damn, I could win an Academy Award for this act.

  “I assure you this is no joke. I’m just as confused as you are. Please sit so we can get to the bottom of this.” Looking to the door as an escape he continues. “Ava, please. This is no mistake and I don’t believe in coincidences.” That’s funny because that’s all this is. “Can you tell me anything about your birth mother?”

  “No.” Sitting back down, it’s time to become daddy’s little princess and throw a pity party. “I never wanted to know who my parents were. They,” I look to Sal, “you gave me up and never saw me again.”

  “I didn’t give you up. I didn’t even know about you. You can’t give up someone you know nothing about, dear.” Sal picks up his drink that’s been ignored and chugs it down.

  “Either way, no one tried. After my parents died, I never thought about trying to find my birth parents. I know it was a closed adoption and so it would have been useless anyway.”

  “When is your birthday?”

  “Why? Do you want to load up on missed birthday cards?”

  “No, I’m just trying to pinpoint when this happened.” I tell him my birthday and can see him doing the math in his head. And suddenly as if a light bulb went off in his head, his eyes widen for a moment before going back to normal. “The timing adds up. Those were my wilder days and let's be honest, even when I was married, I wasn't fa
ithful. A man of my status does not stay faithful.” His crassness is disgusting and I can’t believe I share blood with this man.

  “Quite the charmer, I see.” I deadpan, scrunching my nose in distaste.

  “I’ll admit, those weren’t my finer moments in life. But I am a man and a man of my status doesn’t follow the rules.”

  “Clearly.” Looking around for Michael, I need a drink but since I can’t have one I’ll settle for water. Not seeing him, I grab my glass and get up.

  “Ava, sit. I’ll call for Michael.”

  “No that’s okay. I need a minute to process all this.” I wave my hand in a circle at him.

  “Fair enough. I’ll be here waiting so we can further discuss this matter.”

  I walk to the direction of the kitchen and push the door open making my way through. Michael is standing there biting on his nails when I walk in.

  “Ava, what the hell is going on out there? Do I need to grab Nicole and run?” Rolling my eyes at him, I grab the bottle of water sitting on the counter and fill my cup up.

  Pointing the water bottle at him. “You Onorattos, always only worrying about yourselves.”

  Walking over to me. “I’m serious, Ava.” He whispers.

  “So am I. When shit hits the fan with you people it’s, ‘how can I save myself?’ Not ‘how can I help?’ Always me, me, me and damn the consequences for anyone else.” He lets out a sigh of defeat and lowers his head.

  “You want answers. I get that. You want justice for Dante, I get that too. I can help you but…”

  Cutting him off I laugh. “But what? You need my help in return, right? I’m done helping people. I’m officially an Onoratto now, it’s my time to only worry about myself.” I take a drink of water. I laugh at the look of shock on his face. “It’s time to go out and make a name for myself. Catch ya later, bro.” I leave the kitchen and head back to the table.


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