John Judge

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John Judge Page 43

by Michael G Franks

  Chapter 13


  Graham Johns reluctantly answered his phone; it was from an unknown number and he regularly ignored unidentified callers. On this occasion, curiosity got the better of him ‘Hello’, was all that he said.

  ‘Superintendant Johns this is Police Commissioner Slattery, I would like you to meet me tonight at 8 pm at the Queen Mary’s Gardens Containment Pen. It has just been emptied of its occupants and the warders’ offices will be available. DS Walters will join us. I want this meeting to be kept strictly between the three of us...’

  Graham interrupted ‘just a minute, how do I know who I am speaking to is who you say you are. Given what is going on these days I could be getting set up.’

  ‘I appreciate your caution Superintendant and I can give you no evidence to allay your fears, but all I can ask is that you trust your instinct. I could wait until tomorrow and call you into my office, but the nature of what I want to discuss with you and DS Walters is highly sensitive and possibly dangerous. My office would not be appropriate. I have selected you because my instinct tells me I can trust you. I hope you will reciprocate.’ The phone went dead.

  Graham felt uneasy and yet he sensed an opportunity. If this actually was the Commissioner then for him to give an expression of trust without really knowing him was a serious step and one that could be beneficial in the bigger plan. It could also be a set up; he thought but somehow believed that to be unlikely. He decided he needed to discuss it with John before he went to the meeting tonight. Graham, always mindful of being followed, circuitously entered Waterloo underground but remained near the surface entrance. A handheld radio was hidden close by for occasions like this. He switched on the transmitter and selected the pre-agreed frequency. ‘John its G, I need to meet you urgently.’ He waited some minutes for a reply.

  John responded ‘where are you?’

  ‘At the surface entrance to EV 231.’

  ‘I can be with you in 5 minutes.’

  John emerged from underground slightly breathless. ‘What is it, Graham?’

  Graham explained the phone call he had received. ‘I’m not sure John what this is about but I’m convinced it was Slattery. He mentioned that DS Walters would be there also and I do know him. He’s an honest cop who’s been around the block. What do you think, should I go tonight or not?’

  ‘Yes, you should go but not completely on your own. I will send an advance party to look at the area and we’ll get some of our Overgrounders to give us heads up on what’s going on around there. I know the Conpen where he wants to meet and we will be able to watch you go in and come out without us being seen. I’ll get it set up now, so good luck my friend and don’t worry, we won’t be too far away.’ The two men shook hands and left.

  At 7.55pm Graham edged his car into the Inner Circle of Queen Mary’s Gardens. As he approached the Conpen, he saw the warders’ office and two cars parked outside. His pulse was racing as he pulled alongside the other vehicles and he slowly got out of the car. He looked around the area nervously but knew that John’s men were not far away even though he couldn’t see them. He entered the office and saw that it was indeed Slattery that had called him today and thankfully, he recognised DS Walters. He felt significant relief as Slattery stood up and extended his hand.

  ‘I’m so glad you decided to come Superintendant I know you had every cause to doubt the call I made. It makes it doubly satisfying that I made the right decision to ask you to come here.’

  Graham shook hands with Frank Walters and asked ‘so Sir, what is this all about, the secrecy and everything?’

  Slattery started, ‘Firstly, if you don’t mind let’s make this meeting informal by using first names, mine’s Mark, this is Frank’ he said pointing to DS Walters. ‘And you are I believe Graham. Secondly I must ask for complete confidentiality because what I am about to discuss with you must not go anywhere outside us three. Because what you will be party to could put you in grave danger. So I am giving you both the opportunity to leave now and if you choose to do so, I give you my word that this meeting will never have taken place.’

  Neither man moved.

  Slattery continued. ‘Ok, Frank will confirm that when I took this job on I was, to say the least, a bit naive. I really had no idea what was going on and genuinely believed Commissioner Reynolds was indeed assassinated by terrorists. But too many things have happened that have opened my eyes. Firstly, I have information that confirms that Reynolds was assassinated by people in my force and they were directed by our secret service. I now know that kill squads are operating on the orders of our First Minister and managed by MI5. How I know this is not important, but the fact that I have directly challenged the First Minister by insisting that I am told what the officers who were killed at Southgate were doing there. What their special duties were has put me in the firing line. I believe that I may receive the same treatment that was meted out to Commissioner Reynolds.’

  ‘What makes you think that you might be assassinated Mark?’ Graham asked.

  ‘Simply by witnessing Garside’s response when I confronted him about the so-called Special Duties squad. He was enraged and I knew then that I had hit a raw nerve. I have no doubt at all that he will want me out of the way before I get any nearer the truth. The action I am also about to instigate will no doubt infuriate him further. So, gentlemen, that is why I am asking for your support. Garside has instructed the military to enter the underground system and seek out Judge and his followers and destroy them. He wants no visible over ground military activity, but small attack groups sent underground. I am to provide the over ground patrols in support, but they are to be discreet and appear no different to our normal street patrols. I have no intention of carrying out that command. Furthermore, as of tomorrow I will be issuing instructions that the Metropolitan Police Force will return to being what they should be – an organisation there to serve the public. There will be no more heavy handed treatment of civilians, no more Containment Pens. We will seek out these so called Special Duty Squads and apply the full rigour of the law against them before Mr Judge gets to them.’

  ‘So how can we help?’ Graham asked.

  ‘Obviously once Garside is aware of what I am doing he will want to get rid of me one way or another. You are my succession plan and you must seek out others that you trust and make them your successors. I cannot overthrow Garside because he still has the military behind him and I cannot announce the new direction through the State TV channels so everything that needs doing must be done internally. Section Commanders must be briefed, new rosters instituted and community policing services reintroduced. Only selected members of the force are to carry weapons and last but not least, the kill squads are to be identified and arrested before they do any more harm. The general public are going to need winning over after all the years of brutality; we have a reputation to live down. I’m hoping Mr Judge is going to give us some help in that regard that’s if he and his men survive the forthcoming confrontation with the military. Whatever happens underground between the military and Judge after this plan has got underway gentlemen, each of us will be in grave danger so we have to take extra precautions.’

  Frank Walters blew out his cheeks and made a silent whistle. ‘I can’t begin to tell you Mark, how much I have prayed that one day I would hear such words. I don’t know about you Graham, but I am with the Commissioner all the way.’

  Graham responded ‘it’s not going to be easy. We will be trying to change a culture that has been developing for over 20 years. There’ll be plenty of naysayers and many who will be reluctant to see the power they’ve wielded removed. Going back to old fashioned policing will be a tremendous challenge. I have to say that you Commissioner will be putting yourself in significant danger; I cannot imagine Garside or his cronies ignoring your earth-shattering policy changes without a reaction. There will be retribution and it will be swift. But I support what you intend to do wholeheartedly. I believe, however, it will be prudent for
us to have a get out plan.’

  ‘What are you suggesting Graham?’ Slattery asked.

  ‘Nothing specific at the moment Sir but I’d like to think we have some sort of escape route in the event that the way forward is cut off. I guess it’s a habit from my military days. If you don’t mind, I shall think about it and present some options for you to consider.’ Graham knew that John Judge and deep beneath the streets of London were the only way the three of them could escape the reach of Garside and his murderous solution to opposition. Graham doubted that Slattery would survive for too long after he started his new look, Police Force.

  Slattery thanked his co-conspirators and called for a formal meeting in his office the next day.

  John and Graham met soon after Slattery and his DS had left. John was not surprised by the news of an impending military assault. He had considered the possibility for some time and had a plan. He was surprised by Slattery’s intention to change the policy towards policing. That was a brave move, but John thought it was nevertheless foolhardy and hardly likely to succeed. ‘Graham, as soon as Slattery announces his intentions it will get back to Garside in a flash. I’m assuming he will not be announcing that you are a co-conspirator?’

  ‘No, he wants a succession in place in case anything happens to him and therefore, we agreed that my name and Frank Walters would not be mentioned. When we are briefed with the other commanders tomorrow, we will act as surprised as they. If he is “disappeared”, we are to try and encourage everyone to carry out his orders. Of course, whether that is possible will depend on who assumes command in his place. There are lots of good coppers John, but I’m afraid too many bad ones who will not allow this plan to work.’

  ‘Ok, make sure you and Jane are protected and make your way to your underground station as soon as you get a whiff that they’re on to you. As Slattery has admitted, he knows of the kill squads he should know who they are and where they’re hiding. Can you try and get that out of him? I’m hoping Adam French who has now left the hospital will lead me to Winterton, their handler and once he is out of the way, it will be more difficult for them to operate. I need to go back now and get the men ready for this military intrusion.’

  ‘But you don’t know what part of the underground they will use to get to you or when John. How are you going to plan for that?’

  ‘Don’t worry my friend we will be ready for them. I believe they will come in from both directions using the Northern line tunnels. It makes sense because they will know that’s where the deep shelters are and where we are most likely to be. We have to stop them before they get to those deep shelters otherwise a lot of innocent people will be in the firing line. My aim will be to contain them shortly after they have entered the system. I will have sections available as a contingency in tunnel entrances in the East and West. And I have an ace up my sleeve so I’ll get on with making ready. Graham, be very careful, Garside will explode when he hears what Slattery is doing. Good luck.’

  The two men parted company each unsure whether they would ever meet again.

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