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The Sheriff and the Innocent Housekeeper

Page 5

by Lynda Chance

  Jake lifted his head. "Open your eyes." Her eyes blinked, then opened. "You're mine. Understand? From this day forward, you belong to me. All that sweetness is mine." His voice was deep, melting her insides and flowing through her veins.

  Oh, God, yes, she didn't want it any other way.

  Chapter Five

  Miranda stared at Becky in shocked silence. She looked around the empty store and back at Becky. A gentle laugh escaped her. "Yes, silly. Men use their tongues." The two girls stared at each other and flushed. "Didn't you know that? I thought I told you what happens when. . ." Her voice trailed off.

  "You told me what happens down there," Becky whispered. "You didn't tell me a man opens his mouth to kiss." Just the memory of last night was enough to make the heat rise inside of her. She could still taste Jake on her tongue, in her mouth.

  "Becky, I thought you had been kissed before. I thought Kyle had kissed you. I'm sorry, I didn't realize. I wasn't trying to keep something from you. My gosh, I told you the rest." She finished in a rush.

  "I guess I thought Kyle had kissed me. But never like that. He grabbed me a few times and put his lips on mine, but I always got away from him really quickly." Becky didn't know what she would have done without all of Miranda's insight. It was such a good thing her friend was married now.

  "Okay, well, did you like it?" Miranda waited with curiosity.

  Becky blushed again. "Oh my God, yes. It was the best feeling I've ever had in my life."

  Miranda grabbed her by the shoulders and smiled into her face. "Well, guess what? You remember when I told you that some women don't like the marriage bed, and some woman love it? I've come to the conclusion that if you like kissing with your mouth open, you're gonna love all the rest of it."

  Becky couldn't wait until tomorrow. She wanted to be Mrs. Jake Cooper more than anything she had ever wanted in her life. From the moment she met him, she had dreamed of him holding her and kissing her. And tomorrow, he would belong to her completely.

  Miranda continued, "I shouldn't have told you anything. It was probably wrong of me, but I was so mad at Sarah Williams when she wouldn't tell me. You remember she got married a few months before I did? And even when I was getting ready for my wedding and so scared and nervous, all she would say was, 'You'll find out.' Oh, I could have killed her!" She lowered her voice. "And then it was all so wonderful, there was no need to be scared at all."

  Becky envied Miranda for already having all of the marriage secrets. "And you're sure it doesn't hurt?" At this point, Becky didn't think she cared if it hurt or not. She was willing to go through anything to have Jake. She had been waiting for three years.

  Miranda was shaking her head back and forth. "At the very worst, you might feel a little pinch the very first time, but it quickly goes away. Don't worry so much, Becky. The sheriff is a kind man, he’ll be gentle. But I'm gonna tell you another secret." She looked around to double check that they were still alone. She lowered her voice to a whisper. "Johnny loves knowing that I love it, too. He told me that all men feel the same. He said that secretly, men want their wives to enjoy the marriage bed. So anything you may have heard differently, isn't true. Men get more pleasure from your pleasure. If you remember that, you should have a good marriage."

  Becky digested this new information. The thought of Jake holding her naked, and putting his tongue in her mouth again was almost more than she could bear. The excitement would surely kill her!

  "Are you coming with me to pick up my dress this afternoon?" There hadn't been time to sew a new dress for the wedding. She had bought a readymade one, and was having it altered.

  "Oh, yes. I can't wait to see it on you. My father will be here at one o'clock and then I can leave. I'll meet you at the dress shop."

  Becky left and hurried down the town square. She needed to get back to the boardinghouse. Her aunt was busy baking the cake for the reception tomorrow. She wanted to be there to help.

  As she rounded the corner on Main Street, she saw a crowd of men in the street. Several ladies were watching the commotion from the sidewalk in front of the bank. Her steps slowed as she approached. Mrs. Foster saw her and took her hand. "Oh dear, oh dear. Just don't look, dear. I'm sure everything will be all right."

  Becky had to look. Her eyes were welded to the scene. The crowd cleared somewhat, and she could see one of the saloon girls with her dress torn and her face bleeding. Shock and pity ran through Becky. A man struggled on the ground and she saw Jake in the middle of the brawl. His strong voice rang out and issued a warning to the man on the ground and all the men watching. "Nobody treats ladies that way in my town." He jerked the man to his feet and pushed him to walk in front of him.

  "She's not a lady. She's just a slut--"

  Jake swung him around and hit him in the face. "You're going to jail, Yoakum. I'd make you apologize to her, but she won't want you anywhere near her. You're going to serve your time, and then you're going to clear out of Waco."

  Becky's heart threatened to beat out of her chest and she clutched Mrs. Foster's hand as she watched the scene play out. The man Jake had in custody was bloodied and limping. His chin was bruised and cut open. Jake held him in a vicious grip and pushed him away from the crowd. The scowl on Jake's face was ferocious, and the muscles in his forearms were straining against the weight of holding up the other man. Blood dripped down his face, and antagonism radiated from him. The authority stamped across his features was implacable.

  The first person Jake saw when he pushed away from the crowd and moved toward the sidewalk was Kyle Bolton, walking out of the bank. He had on a clean white shirt and shiny new boots. Anger and jealousy ripped through him.

  The second person he saw was Becky, clutching Mrs. Foster's hands with a look of horror on her face. She was staring right at him. Goddammit! He sure as hell didn't need her seeing this.

  He stalled him movements and struggled with the dirt bag in his hands. Blood pooled in the side of his mouth where he had taken a hit to the face. He turned his head and spat out the blood. His eyes turned back to her. His voice rang out over the crowd. "Get home, Becky. Now." The order was harsh and unbending. It left no room for dispute. Tension poured from him as he waited for her to obey him. Her eyes were glued to his. He felt their provocative effect on him even now. His nostrils flared. She bit her lip, tore her hands free from the older woman, and turned and ran. He waited just long enough to make sure Kyle went in the opposite direction from Becky, then turned his attention back to his job.

  The entire day, all Jake could think about was getting the deed done tomorrow. He wanted her, all tied up and legally his, before something happened to change her mind. The scene on the street nagged at him, and he didn't want her upset by it. To his knowledge, Becky had never observed the seedier side of his job before. She was usually safely tucked away in his house, making a home for him. That she should witness an altercation like the one today, and on the day before she was supposed to marry him, sent fear slithering down his spine.

  He thought briefly of getting her alone tonight, and anticipating their wedding night, but he didn't want to dishonor her that way. She deserved better. He might not let himself compromise her entirely, but he would stick to her side like glue and give her no spare time to think about Bolton.

  Becky's day passed swiftly. The dress fitting went perfectly, and she was pleased with the way the store bought dress came out. In a deep shade of blue, it was the first time she would wear something other than a light colored pastel. The veil she would wear had been her mother's. It was simple lace, without a headpiece. It was one of the few possessions that had belonged to her mother she had left.

  The rest of the day, she worked companionably in the kitchen with her aunt. They spoke of trivial things, laughing over memories of the parents she had loved so much, and the younger sister her aunt still missed to this day. It was an afternoon spent with gentle memories of the past, and subtle anticipation for the future.

  At six o'clock, Jake
walked through and stood in the doorway of the kitchen. Both women turned to face him. "Ma'am." He tipped his hat to her aunt. His dark eyes swung to her.

  Becky felt sparks hit her. Heat crept through her veins. His face was dark, his jaw shadowed with whiskers. A bruise marked one side of his face. Becky remembered the scene in the street, and a shiver ran through her. He was so intensely masculine.

  Her aunt spoke. "Good evening, Sheriff," she looked from Becky to Jake and back again. She cleared her throat. "Well, now, I've got to get to the dining room. House guests, you know." With that, her aunt left the room.

  Jake leaned against the door jam and crossed his arms over his chest. "Hello, Becky-girl." His deep voice ignited her insides. Just like that, she started to hyperventilate. He pushed his hat back and she saw his face was strained, a tic in his cheek. Excitement screamed through her.

  She valiantly tried not to faint at his feet. "Hello." She gripped her waist. "Does your face hurt?"

  He pushed off the door and came across the room. He reached around and pulled her to him. "Will you kiss it better for me?" he growled. He spread his legs and planted his feet solidly apart. He firmly pulled her all the way into him until her pelvis was pressed to his.

  She gasped and her eyes flared into his. He held her and waited for her answer. She nodded and reached up to touch the bruise with her fingertips. She pressed too hard and he flinched. Her fingers jerked away. "I'm sorry." She tentatively held onto his shoulders and reached her lips towards his face. She brushed them lightly across the abrasion.

  Jake felt the magic of her touch and his body clenched in need. His jeans tightened as he felt himself swell. He tried to calm the desire raging inside him. He needed to possess her, and soon.

  After supper, he took her for another walk. He purposely steered her toward the retail section of town. He turned away from the saloons and gaming houses, where the many cowhands and drifters congregated and had earned the small town the name 'Six Shooter Junction.' He pulled her along, away from the bank, the courthouse, and the jail.

  The establishments were all closing up for the day, but it was only dusk, and the moon was going to be full tonight. They strolled past the dry goods store, the milliner's shop, and the dressmaker's. When they passed the drugstore on the corner, he pulled her to the side of the building, away from prying eyes.

  "Jake, where are we going?" Her voice was breathless.

  He dragged her to the back of the building, next to one of the large, cotton warehouses that dominated the town. "Just back here. Did you know you can see the river from here?" He pointed in the distance. "The moon is going to be full tonight. You'll like it." His voice was seductive. He leaned against the building and pulled her around to face him.

  She stumbled slightly at the quick movement and her hands landed on his chest. Lifting her chin with one rough, calloused hand, he put his other hand to her face. "I'm sorry you had to see that today, sweetheart."

  "Are you okay? Were you badly hurt?" Her hand smoothed his bruised cheek. "Was the girl hurt? Will she be okay?"

  "She's going to be fine. It'll take about a week before all her bruises go away, but she'll heal." He put his lips to her forehead and drank in her scent.

  "And you?" She leaned into him.

  "There's nothing wrong with me. Nothing you can't fix." He smoothed a finger over a slanted eyebrow and pushed his fingers into her hair. "You are so beautiful." He dipped his head and took her mouth with his. The kiss was fiery, intense. The only thing it had in common with the kiss from last night was the possessive thrust of his tongue into her mouth. This kiss contained heat, ownership. Opening her mouth wider for him, she reveled in his possession.

  Jake tried to restrain the passion running through him. It was almost impossible. He had been aching for her for a long, long time. He moved his mouth away and leaned his forehead against hers. A shudder went through her and she whimpered softly.

  "Do you like that Becky? Do you like me kissing you?" He ran one hand down the curve of her back and landed on her backside. He curved his hand around the softness there. She moaned. She didn't have enough sanity left to answer him.

  With their foreheads together, he took his hand from her hair and slid it along the soft curve of her cheek, to her neck. He wrapped his hand around her neck and gently squeezed. She sucked in a breath. He left her neck, and continued the slide downward. His fingers slid over her dress and stopped at the valley between her breasts. He splayed his hand wide. His thumb and the bottom of his palm rested on the curve of one breast, his fingers on the curve of the other. He lightly pressed against her. "What do you have there, sweetheart?"

  Still, she couldn’t answer him. He moved his thumb slightly and stroked it over her nipple, once, twice, then three times. A small cry came from her throat and her pelvis pushed into his. He continued the strokes that maddened them both. "Tomorrow, I'm going to strip you naked, and touch you all over." Their hips strained together. "You're going to like it, I can tell you'll like it. Are you going to let me touch you, like I've been aching to, sweetheart?"

  His breathing was labored, his lungs pulling in oxygen. He swiveled his face and caught her mouth under his. Their tongues met and tangled. He lifted his mouth and demanded an answer.

  "Yes, Jake," she panted. "Whatever you want." He reached for her mouth again. She pulled away. "And do I--do I get to touch you, too?

  A barrage of images slammed into his brain. He was going to have a damn heart attack before tomorrow got here. He was going to explode if he didn't get this under control. He whipped her around and pulled her back against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her. The moon was rising above the river. "Yes, Becky. You'll get to touch me all you want."

  Chapter Six

  The day of their wedding was dark and rainy. Jake barely noticed as he prowled back and forth like a tiger in a cage.

  She was late.

  He paced in the small antechamber next to the pulpit. The preacher and Tyler Jones, his longest-serving deputy and best man, waited with him. The small Methodist church had filled up quickly. Everybody in town wanted to see them tie the knot. The organist played in the background as they waited for the bride, the bride's aunt, and the matron of honor to arrive.

  For the last fifteen minutes, Jake had been in agony. Ever since Sam Bolton and his wife had shown up. They were good people. Good citizens. Jake wouldn't let himself dislike them. Their attendance wasn't the problem.

  There was no sign of Kyle. And Becky was late. Primal fear and anger raged through his system. He would give her exactly two more minutes, and then he was going to find her.

  Becky was horrified when Kyle stopped them outside the General Store next to the church and made a final plea for her hand. She held onto Miranda's arm and wouldn't let the other two women leave her. Her aunt had an armful of flowers and stood behind Miranda.

  Why wouldn't Kyle understand? Once again, she tried to explain. She tried to imagine how she would feel if Jake didn't want to marry her. All at once, looking at Kyle, she realized that his feelings for her ran deep. She tried to be kind and tender as she once and for all ended his pursuit.

  "Kyle. I'll always remember you as a dear friend. But I love Jake. I always have. You'll find someone else, you will. You are the dearest, sweetest man." She reached out and put her hand on his sleeve. "I know that good things are going to happen. You have so much to give. The love you have in your heart--"

  Becky stopped in a rush as Jake grabbed her hand from Kyle's sleeve and pulled her away. "You're late," he growled as he started to drag her off the porch and into the rain. She pulled away from him.

  "Jake, stop. I can't get my dress wet. It's silk. It will ruin." Her words and tone conveyed her distress.

  "I don't care. I'll buy you another one," he barked and picked her up in his arms and started toward the church.

  Aunt Beth and Miranda hurried after them.

  Jake shoved the church door open and carried Becky inside. She was damp
, but not drenched. He dropped her to her feet. She heard the organ music playing and noticed in shock that the church was full and all eyes were turned and facing them. They had seen Jake carry her inside.

  "I want to get this done," he snarled.

  Unlike the events before the wedding, the ceremony itself went off without a hitch. Jake stood solemnly beside her as they recited their vows. He slid a gold band on her finger and kissed her with possession in front of the whole town.

  The wedding was held at mid-morning and afterwards they had a traditional wedding breakfast. The rain eventually stopped and the sun began shining.

  Her aunt handed them a wicker basket afterwards and whispered that it was food for them to enjoy that day, so Becky wouldn't have to cook.


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