The Billionaire's Kitten: A Fake Marriage Romance

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The Billionaire's Kitten: A Fake Marriage Romance Page 55

by Cassandra Dee

  “Like I said,” I rumbled, “I got a B on the last midterm so I’m fine, thanks.”

  Ms. Smith pouted and wiggled her hips a bit.

  “I can make it an A,” she breathed, peering at me over her glasses, licking her red, lipsticked lips. “Or even an A+.”

  Shit, this was really beyond the pale. Not just coming onto a student but also offering to change his grades in return for … ? What exactly? I didn’t want to know.

  “Thanks, but no thanks,” I managed in a neutral voice. “Now if you’ll excuse me,” I said, turning to go. But I could tell it wasn’t over yet because she was still gazing at me hungrily, eyeing my muscular back, the broad shoulders and long legs like she hadn’t heard a word of my rejection. I could tell from the sassy gleam in her eyes that even a direct “no” in plain English hadn’t turned her off.

  But I wasn’t gonna hang out, no way, the sooner I got to sweeter pastures, the better. So I beat feet, crossing the classroom in two long strides and banged the door shut behind me. And once out, I stopped, shaking my head in the empty hallway. What the fuck? Had that really happened? Had my English teacher offered me an A+ in return for sex, in return for hot meat in her body? Holy shit, holy shit, this was so fucked up.

  But I guess it wasn’t that hard to believe. I’m a full-grown man now, with a hard, masculine body, no longer the stretched out Gumby figure I used to be. Now I was an alpha with a commanding presence, newfound assurance and confidence. So yeah, a lot more heads were turning, women scrambling over each other to get to know me, begging for a second of my time, to feel my hands on their bodies. But fuck, I only wanted Katy. It’s so fucked up, I know, we live together and she’s practically like my sister. But what am I supposed to do? There was no one quite like my beautiful brunette with the sassy hips and gentle smile, the breathy little laugh that made my dick so fucking hard all the time, even though it was totally wrong.

  So striding to my truck, I heaved my stuff in, trying to clear my head. I wanted her, yeah, but it was wrong, right? I mean, it’s wrong to feel this way about someone whose bedroom was literally next to yours, whose panties hung right next to your boxers on the clothesline. But I couldn’t help it, and my mind took off in perverted directions, thinking only of Katy’s shapely body, how much I wanted to have some alone time with my best girl, bask in her presence, enjoy her smiles, her words, gaze upon that sweet, curvy form without another man in the room. So with a grunt, I took off, ready to lay eyes on the little beauty.

  But once at the trailer, alarm bells started jangling in my head like fucking fire alarms. Because what the fuck, the trailer was actually rocking, bouncing up and down on its shocks. I shook my head, confused at first. Brent’s a well-to-do guy and the place we lived in was top-of-the-line, costing tens of thousands of dollars and solid as a tank. So what the fuck was happening, was this an earthquake?

  But in the next second, the mystery was dispelled. Because a long whine rang out, a breathy feminine, “Ohhhh Brent!” followed by the unmistakable sound of a deep kiss.

  And fuck, but the blood drained from my body then, I was rooted to the floor, unable to move, my heart beating like thunder in my chest, arms and legs weak. Because could it be? Could Katy and Brent be … oh shit … I shook my head, disbelief in my eyes.

  Because then there was the unmistakable sound of wet flesh slapping and Katy’s sexy little shrieks, little cries of “Oh oh oh!” punctuated by a deep growl from Brent, a hoarse rasp of “Yeah baby, come for me.”

  And I ran. Like a coward, I turned and fled, long legs pumping, chest burning, breath minty in my throat. There could be no mistaking the sounds. Brent was fucking my girl, the girl that I wanted so bad, the girl who’d been in my dreams each night since she moved in, taking over every waking thought, every lucid moment. And fuck, but Katy was eating it up. She was there of her own volition, her own free will, begging Brent for more, asking him to take her, to make her his.

  And so I threw up, hurling chunks everywhere. I was so heartsick, so shocked and broken at the realization that they were together, that another man had taken Katy’s pussy cherry, that I lost my cookies like a schoolboy, the vomit pouring brown, green and ugly from my mouth. I choked and rasped, heaving, bent over double, the surprise making me numb, unable to move, do anything except keep hurling.

  But slowly shock passed and rage seeped in to take its place. What the fuck? What the fuck had happened? I’d been ready to talk with Katy about starting something up, maybe dating, a relationship, exploring each other, getting to know one another physically, but I’d been beaten to the punch. What the fuck? He’d beaten me by how much? Two months? Two days? Two hours even? I’d thought about revealing my heart to Katy today, and the tiny margin made me tremble with rage, big body shaking with fury.

  So I kept to myself for hours, alone in the field, stomping up and down, punching trees and letting out godawful shouts that rang out in the wilderness. It was only at ten that I could handle myself, that I could possibly go back without letting on that I knew their secret. So I strode silently into the trailer and thankfully it was quiet, Katy and Brent silent in their rooms. They were definitely up, there were thin slits of light under each of their doors, but at least they were in their respective rooms and not snuggled up in Brent’s big bed. Thank god they had the courtesy to act normal for a little while longer, like they hadn’t been going at it like rugrats just a few hours before.

  And slamming my door, I got in bed, tossing and turning for hours, unable to fall sleep. I could hear Katy in the room next to mine, her breathy whispers as she dreamed, the light, moaning cries she sometimes let out in sleep. And fuck, but despite everything that had happened, I still wanted her, I wanted that curvy body wrapped around me, her pussy wet, willing and open for my dick, welcoming me inside, begging me to take her.

  So I shut my brain off, forcing myself to slumber. And it worked because the next morning when I woke, something had changed. My mind suddenly felt clear, everything lighter, more transparent because there was still a way to win, to reap my rewards. Because my gorgeous girl had given her pussy cherry to another man … but that ass cherry could still be mine.



  “Ready?” I asked Jason.

  He didn’t look at me, instead getting into the cab of the pick-up without a word, slamming the door shut behind him. Okay, someone was in a bad mood, someone had woken up on the wrong side of the bed for sure.

  So shrugging, I got into the passenger side, swinging my book bag onto the wide leather seat, turning to look at him once more, that perfect profile with its straight nose, the mobile mouth and strong, clenched jaw.

  Wait, clenched? Why? So I exhaled again as Jason started up the car and tried appealing to him once more.

  “Jase,” I said, my voice open and inviting. “It’s seven a.m. for crying out loud, what happened this morning to make you so mad? What is it?”

  The man wouldn’t even look at me, those blue eyes fixed on the road as we drove to school, through an abandoned lot before pulling onto the local road. Corn fields rolled by, the first kiss of frost on the golden stalks, a couple cows mooing here and there, aimlessly turning to look at us as we passed.

  “Jase,” I tried again. “Was it Ms. Smith? Look, I know this is really awkward, but I can tell from the way she looks at you. I know she asked you to stay after yesterday for some bullshit meeting, so seriously, tell me if she’s doing something inappropriate! Everyone knows Ms. Smith is a cougar, tell me, tell Brent, tell the administration, tell someone, don’t keep it locked up inside.”

  And Jason’s hands clenched the steering wheel even tighter, knuckles white, still refusing to look at me.

  “Seriously Jase,” I sighed again, looking out the window as my fingers drummed against my thigh. “I can’t do anything for you if you won’t tell me. If you won’t tell me, at least tell Brent,” I harrumphed, referring to our guardian.

  And Jason’s head snapped towards
me then, those blue eyes fierce, so bright that I literally jumped in my seat.

  “Tell Brent,” he snarled. “What a great idea. I can tell that you have all the answers, Miss Goody Two Shoes,” he sneered.

  I drew back, hurt. I’d only been meaning to help and Mr. Larson had been so good to both of us, what was the harm in confiding in the big man?

  “You need to be more grateful,” I said disdainfully, refusing to look at him as we zipped along the road. “Brent’s given us both a place to sleep, put food on the table, heck, even set you up with the union for a job after graduation. You know how hard that is to get? Tons of people want to join the union, you’ve got to know someone to get in and Brent put in a good word for you, pulled some strings. So yeah, what’s wrong with telling Brent?”

  Jason just shook his head disgustedly.

  “Seriously Katy, you have no idea what you’re talking about,” he ground out. “Don’t even start.”

  And that made me angry. I whirled to face him in the seat, my shoulders tight, eyes flashing with brilliance.

  “I do know what I’m talking about,” I said furiously. “Brent gave me a place when I had none, he’s helped me this last year because my mom’s in the loony bin. And I know, I know he’s done the same for you. Sure, you’ve never told me about your family situation but it can’t be good!”

  Jason turned to glare at me again.

  “Shut up, Katy,” he ground out between clenched teeth. “Just shut up.”

  And at that I lost it.

  “Shut up?” I screamed, my voice deafening inside of the truck cab. “Shut up? That’s all you have to say? After all Brent’s done for us, that’s all you have to say? Fuck you!”

  And it was then that Jason pulled off onto the shoulder of the road, the truck cab jolting up and down as we rumbled over a dirt track before stopping. And for the first time ever, I was scared. Jason had changed a lot in the past year. When I moved into the trailer a year ago, he was a gawky teen boy, ten miles tall and lanky, with arms and legs like windmills. But somehow in the last year he’d filled out with thick, solid muscle, his chest broad, those legs so long. As he glowered over me, I shrank back, aware of how wide his shoulders were, how strong his arms, those muscular thighs like tree trunks.

  “Jason,” I said, my voice wavering, eyes wide. “Please calm down.”

  And the blue eyes just turned up a notch, ice fire boring into me.

  “Katy,” he ground out. “I heard you last night,” he said accusingly.

  I was stock still, eyes wide and puzzled. Because what was he talking about? Was he referring to Brent and me in the shower? I know we’d been loud, but he couldn’t have overheard us having sex because it’d been four thirty when it happened and Jason hadn’t come back until ten last night. I’d heard the front door open myself, heard him stride into the trailer without a word, banging shut his room door and locking it too. So what was he talking about?

  “Heard what?” I asked, biting my lip tentatively. Jason was so close, so masculine, so big that my body sizzled in his presence even though I was still achy from Brent’s touch. Oh god, what was wrong with me? I’d just lost my virginity to an alpha male, a man I adored, and yet not twelve hours later, here I was, cheeks burning, pussy wetly moist in the presence of another.

  And like he could read my body’s signals, Jason chuckled harshly.

  “I heard you,” he rasped. “I heard both of you.”

  My cheeks flamed red then, hot and uncomfortable.

  “I’m not sure what you’re talking about,” I began slowly, my breasts tingling, a burning sensation deep in my groin. “You came home at ten last night, Jason, I’m not sure what you thought you heard, but I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  He banged the steering wheel then, staring off into the distance, jaw clenched

  “I heard you fucking,” he snarled, swinging around to stare at me. “I heard you going at it with that beast, with that fucker Brent!”

  And this time my blush was a full-body one, going all the way from my hairline to my toes, the pink creeping over my breasts, making them fuller, heavier, warmth seeping into my pussy, tingly and arousing.

  “Brent,” I began. “I mean Jason,” I said helplessly, shaking my head. What a time to make that mistake! Mixing up their names? Seriously Katy, I scolded myself. What are you thinking? Your timing is so fucked up, really fucked up.

  But Jason just shook his head, disgusted.

  “That fucker’s on your mind, he’s playing games with you. You’re so lost, so confused, you have no idea what you’re doing.”

  I shook my head again.

  “I didn’t mean to mix you guys up,” I began slowly. “It’s just that …”

  “It’s just what?” he asked, eyes blazing. “It’s just that you let Brent take your cherry when I was the one that wanted it?”

  I gasped then, my entire body shivery, sensitive to his nearness. And my eyes flew to how Jason’s jeans tented at the crotch, the bulge growing as I stared, so huge, hot and hungry that it brushed the bottom of the steering wheel.

  “That’s right,” Jason gestured to himself, indicating his massive boner. “I was the one that wanted you Katy, I wanted that sweet body first, and now you’ve gone and lost it … lost it … to that fucker!” he raged.

  “Please Jason,” I begged, my eyes warm and pleading. Oh god, he wanted me? This huge alpha male wanted me, in addition to the one I already had at home? This made no sense, how could I handle two?

  But first things first. I needed to take control of this situation so I took a deep breath, forcing myself to grow still, willing my heart to stop pumping a million miles an hour, summoning my inner strength. How did Jason even know that I’d let Brent pop my pussy cherry? Did he come home early? Or god forbid, did Brent tell him?

  Fortunately, no such thing had happened, that was too fucked up. Instead, Jason answered my unspoken question.

  “I heard you,” he grunted, eyes still fiery, his big form filling up the small cab, making me feel tiny and small. “I came home in the early afternoon and heard the two of you going at it in the shower stall. It was a fucking orchestra, you were screaming as he touched you,” he shot at me accusingly. “You let him take you everywhere, you let him run that big dick inside your pussy, your ass, you fucking slut!”

  I took a deep breath, fighting to stay calm.

  “I’m no slut,” I said, my voice tight. “Brent and I went with what felt right, and you know what? It’s not your business anyways.”

  “Not my business?” he roared, eyes wild with rage. “It is my business! What the fuck else could it be? I live with you in the trailer, how the fuck is this going to work, me hearing the two of you go at it day in and day out? Or are you going to stop now? Right Katy, tell me you’re going to stop,” he taunted, his eyes boring into mine.

  And I took a deep breath, summoning my deepest reserves of control. Because Brent and I weren’t going to stop, the train had left the station and was already barreling a hundred miles an hour down the tracks. No matter what steep curves came our way, what mountains we had to climb, there was no way we were going to stop tasting each other, stop loving one another. So I tried again.

  “You came home after school and heard us,” I repeated, keeping my voice calm and even.

  Jason nodded furiously.

  “I got away from Ms. Smith, don’t worry, I can handle my women,” he sneered. “I got home and what did I hear but a symphony playing in the bathroom, so many “Oh Brents!” and “Touch me here, touch me theres!” Please Katy,” he snarled again. “I heard it all, it’s burned into my fucking eardrums, I had to stay in the woods for a while to get the ringing out of my head.”

  I exhaled deeply. So that’s how it had gone down, Jason had returned early and heard us, stumbled in on our love session, and immediately beat feet, stunned with shock. But something was off. Surely he didn’t think that we’d be going at it for five hours, a five hour session would
be really long, so why didn’t he come back earlier? Why stay out in the cold, freezing woods for five hours?

  And it was like Jason could read my mind, his blue eyes filled with pain.

  “Because you loved it Katy,” he said then, his voice a hoarse rasp. “You were with Brent and you loved it. I could hear it in your cries, I could hear it in your pants, your everything, and I couldn’t take it because … I wanted to be your first,” he said brokenly.

  The admission blew all resistance out of me, the fight draining from my body. I took a deep breath before exhaling, heart pounding in my throat. Because here we were, back to square one, my “brother’s” stark admission that he wanted me, that he’d lusted after my curves, that knowing I’d been with our guardian had driven him over the edge, made him so desperate, so angry, that he’d only come back once he was sure he wouldn’t pound down the trailer walls.

  And to be honest, it was good that Jason took his time because Brent and I hadn’t finished in the shower, the big man had carried me into his bedroom, sopping wet, and we’d explored a bit more, me sitting on his face, him lapping at my folds until I came again, hard, my creaminess gushing all over his chin, streaming down his cheeks to coat the coverlet. There was no penetration that second time even though I’d begged him to put it in, positively pushed my pussy against his pole, trying to catch his dick tip in me. But Brent had chuckled deeply, slapping me on the ass, giving me a last lick on my snatch and telling me that I’d be “too sore” despite my protests.

  The memory made me cheeks flush once more, body growing hot, soft with need once again. But there was still this problem with Jason, this messed-up situation on our hands. So I shot him a quick look, my gaze gentle.

  “So what’s next?” I asked softly, my voice conciliatory. “What do we do next?”

  Jason let out a masculine harrumph, a deep-throated moan of disgust.

  “Either I move out, or I cut off my dick …” he began.


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