The Billionaire's Kitten: A Fake Marriage Romance

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The Billionaire's Kitten: A Fake Marriage Romance Page 59

by Cassandra Dee

  But it was the perfect opening actually. I grabbed my jacket and stood up.

  “Why don’t we grab a bite at the diner?” I rumbled smoothly. “It’s never great to think on an empty stomach, can’t get anything done.”

  Katy looked shocked.

  “But didn’t you want to talk?” she asked uncertainly, biting her lip. “Aren’t you angry … or, I dunno, confused at least?”

  And I smiled lazily at her then.

  “Sure I wanna talk, but there’s no sense in chatting when your stomach acid is churning from lack of food,” I said smoothly. “And this guy here, he’s been going at it hard, he’s got to get some fuel in himself.”

  Jason shot me a dirty look.

  “Fuck you,” he spat. “Fuck you.”

  The epithet rolled off my back and I smiled beatifically.

  “Like I said, no food makes for an asshole,” I drawled again.

  Now Jason looked positively ready to jump me, but I was too fast, my feet were already out the door and into the truck.

  “Meet you in fifteen,” I called, revving the motor before rumbling off. “Moonlight Diner over by Third and Park.”

  And as I glanced in the rearview mirror, sure enough Jason was getting into the car. I knew the call of food was too strong for a guy who’d been having sex, he needed calories stat. And Katy too, was getting into gear. She still looked stricken and unsure of herself, but with trembly steps, she too hoisted herself into the truck cab, plopping uncertainly in her seat.

  And I just chuckled to myself. I’ve been an alpha male for decades and seen a lot of people, been in a lot of weird scenarios. Sure, this was a stranger one, but you know what? I was looking forward to our chat. Because Brent Larson isn’t someone who loses … he only wins.



  The Moonlight Diner is a greasy spoon over on the edge of town known for its generous portions and late-night crowd. So at five in the afternoon, the place was deserted, one bored waitress standing by the counter reading the paper, smacking her gum.

  She barely looked up when I walked in, but when she saw the two huge alpha males behind me, her demeanor switched from night to day, the middle-aged woman was all smiles, swaying hips and suggestive glances.

  “How many?” she purred, her hand stroking the plastic menus sensuously. Gross, those menus were greasy and dirty, and yet she was making like it was a sexy rub.

  “Three,” returned Brent smoothly, an eyebrow arched with humor. He was used to getting special treatment, women melting into tiny puddles in his vicinity, swooning with lust.

  And this chick was no different.

  “Oh of course,” she gushed, grabbing the menus and seating us by the window. “I’m Tammy, your server today. And you are?”

  I stared at Brent and Jason, amazed. Since when did waitresses ask the names of their customers? But Brent just rolled with it, ignoring her question. “I’m looking for some hot coffee while we wait, thanks so much. You two?” he quirked an eyebrow at us.

  And Jason was right on the ball.

  “Coke,” he said.

  Stunned in a small voice, I added, “Diet Coke for me, please.”

  But that was the wrong thing to say because both Jason and Brent frowned at me immediately.

  “Why are you drinking a Diet Coke?” Brent growled. “Honey, diet’s no good.”

  And Jason, despite his palpable animosity towards Brent, nodded, brows drawn.

  “Katy, that diet shit’s all fake sugar, and besides, you don’t need to lose weight, you’re perfect the way you are.”

  I colored, the waitress still looking at us expectantly, eyebrows raised. I just wanted her to go away as fast as possible so I mumbled, “Coke then, thanks,” and the woman snapped her pad shut.

  “I’ll be right back with your drinks!” she trilled with a wink and a nod. And was my mind playing tricks, or did her walk have an extra swing, an extra bounce knowing that these handsome men were in her diner?

  But I sighed, relieved to see the back of her striped uniform. At least we had some privacy now, at least we could talk without nosy ears overhearing.

  But the alphas weren’t done yet.

  “Honey, you’re gorgeous,” rumbled Brent, his deep blue gaze meaningful, filled with concern. “None of that diet shit, ever again. If anything, you need to gain weight, you’re too thin.”

  And Jason nodded, agreeing.

  “Hell yeah,” he rumbled. “Put on an extra twenty and baby, you’d be Miss America.”

  I colored.

  “I don’t think Miss America looks like me,” I said wryly. “I mean, look,” I said, gesturing to my body. Most of me was hidden because we were seated, but my generous breasts stuck out, almost resting on the plastic table. “Any more weight would be sheer craziness, I wouldn’t be able to squeeze into this booth.”

  But both men shook their heads, disagreeing vehemently.

  “Honey, there’s not enough of you,” growled Jason.

  “Nowhere near enough,” chimed Brent, “I’d like to see you much bigger, there’d be more to kiss, more to touch, more everything,” he rumbled, making me gasp and look around. Oh god, where was the waitress? Could she hear us? But fortunately, the middle-aged woman was nowhere in sight, probably in back grabbing our drinks.

  And Brent shrugged, unconcerned.

  “Since we’re talking about Katy, we might as well get to it,” he rumbled. “Because there’s something both of us want and she’s sitting right here in the booth,” he said meaningfully, eyeing Jason.

  Jason looked right back at him, meeting his stare without uttering a word, jaw tight, eyes beginning to spark, and I flushed furiously. Oh my god, this was definitely taking on the feel of a two males sparring for a female, staring each other down before engaging in battle, locking horns and goring one another before going in for the kill. Holy shit, was this really happening?

  But something switched in Jason then, and he relaxed, sitting back, his big form casual.

  “That’s right,” he drawled, one arm slung across the back of the booth behind me in a possessive manner. “We’re here to talk about Katy, my favorite subject.”

  And I blushed once more because it was getting downright embarrassing. I couldn’t just let them talk about me like I was a piece of property.

  “Listen, before this gets too far, can I remind you two that I’m right here? There’s no need to chat like I can’t hear,” I scolded. “We’ve been through a lot in the last two days, and I was very much a part of it both times, so I’d appreciate it if you could address your comments to me and not each other.”

  And both men looked surprised.

  “Of course honey,” ground out Brent. “We respect you, that’s no problem.”

  “Wouldn’t have it any other way,” agreed Jason.

  And I took a deep breath, smiling at them, but not too friendly. I was in charge here and wanted to make sure they knew who was the lady boss.

  “Okay, well since we have that settled, why don’t we talk about sharing then,” I began. It sounded like we were in a kindergarten class learning the basics, but heck, you’ve got to start at step one, right? In uncharted territory, you can’t exactly go straight to Park Place without passing Go first. So I took a deep breath, collecting my thoughts, but that damned waitress came back, purring and cooing like a cat.

  “Hi again fellas,” she simpered, cocking out one hip saucily. “Ready to order?”

  And it was like I wasn’t even there, the woman didn’t acknowledge me at all. Seriously, today was fucking frustrating. I just wanted to get to the meat of the conversation but everything was getting in the way, one hurdle after another, and my ears began to steam. But fortunately the men could sense my irritation and deferred to me.

  “The lady goes first,” rumbled Jason, eyebrow quirked.

  And I turned to the older lady with a bright look on my face.

  “Grilled cheese with a side of fries please,” I s
aid, overly friendly, even a little plasticky.

  Both men nodded.

  “Grilled cheese has a lot of calories,” grunted Brent approvingly. “Make mine a grilled cheese too, but throw in an all-beef patty and some extra bacon.”

  And Jason was just as hungry.

  “Yeah, I’ll take a grilled as well,” he added. “With meat and cheese but no bread, animal-style.”

  And I just shook my head. Really, we were all getting grilled cheese sandwiches, like one happy family?

  Jason smirked at me, throwing in a kicker.

  “Plus extra fries for everyone,” he announced to the waitress, “Yeah, we’ll need some fries.”

  And I sighed as the waitress nodded and sauntered away, hips swinging.

  “Really?” I asked dryly. “Extra fries? You know they serve them by the bucket here.”

  But Jason nodded emphatically.

  “That’s right, and I want to see you eat every one,” he replied, “every single one, finger lickin’ good so that your sweet body puts on some serious poundage.”

  I rolled my eyes. Back to the weight thing again? It was so hard to have a conversation with these guys, we kept getting derailed by talk of my curves. But I wasn’t going to give up, so I ignored his comment and fixed them both with a stare.

  “Like I said,” I began, “we’re here to discuss sharing. I want to work out something with both of you guys, find a way to compromise.”

  The word “compromise” made both their brows draw, like it was the nastiest word ever. But to their credit, neither man said anything. Instead Brent said neutrally, “And what did you have in mind?”

  That gave me momentary pause because truthfully, I didn’t have a solution. Everything had happened so fast, so quickly, my pussy and ass cherries lost within twenty-four hours of each other, that there had been no time to digest the situation yet. So I fumbled, trying to cover, making something up on the fly that sounded okay.

  “Um, how about Monday, Wednesday, Fridays I’m with Brent, and Tuesdays and Thursdays I’m with Jason?” I blurted, looking between both men. That wasn’t too bad, was it? Sounded reasonable to me.

  But neither man looked happy.

  “What the fuck, I only get two days when he gets three? What the fuck?” growled Jason, glaring at Brent again.

  And Brent was just as dissatisfied.

  “Three days a week isn’t enough honey,” he stated. “I need you more than that. What am I supposed to do otherwise? Go to strip clubs? Hire someone? I need you more, no way is that enough.”

  I colored, nonplussed. Shit, I hadn’t thought the two men would be so demanding, that they’d need me the way they were making out. I hemmed and hawed a bit, my mind racing furiously.

  “Well,” I said slowly, biting my lip. “At least we agree we want to share, right? That’s the important thing, that we’re in this together.”

  And both men were silent for a moment.

  “I guess so,” grunted Jason. “I mean, what choice do I have?”

  Brent shot Jason a hard look, but pretty much felt the same way, he just tried to phrase it nicer.

  “What he’s saying, honey, is that we both want you. We’re two domineering, arrogant males who are used to getting our way, but we’re in a bind here because the woman we both love can’t choose between us, she’s not gonna pick one over the other. Isn’t that right Katy? We can’t get you to choose one of us, make a selection?”

  And my heart beat rapidly. Because I’d heard the word “love” in there and although it’d been over in half a second, the syllable rang in my ears, vibrated through body, my breathing suddenly shallow, head light.

  “I don’t want to seem selfish,” I began, trying to calm my racing heart. “I mean, I’m not totally sure what’s going on, we just started this yesterday and it’s been like a runaway train, losing my pussy and ass cherries within twenty four hours,” I said blushing, glancing between the two men. But both men nodded, encouraging me to go on.

  “So I’m not sure,” I blurted, “and if you’re asking me to pick, right here, right now, then no, I couldn’t possibly. Because I love you both,” I rushed again. “I feel like my world has opened, the world is changing colors before me, I’m seeing colors that I’ve never seen before, and you guys have done that for me. So no, I couldn’t possibly choose, I’m so sorry,” I finished softly.

  Both men reached forward then, each taking a small hand in one of theirs.

  “Katy darlin’, you couldn’t have said it better,” rumbled Brent. “The world changing colors? Heck, the entire universe is changing colors, that’s what you do to us.”

  And Jason agreed.

  “We get it, Katy, we get it,” he said roughly. “It’s just gonna be tough, you know? I mean, the three of us have lived together for the last year, sure,” he said, casting a quick look at Brent, “but things are different now. You’re a woman and with two men who love you in such close proximity, things are bound to get heated and crazy.”

  But I interrupted suddenly.

  “But heated and crazy in a good way, right?” I said slowly. “I hope there aren’t going to be fights, physical or otherwise. I don’t think I could live if I saw the two of you going at it, beating the daylights out of one another.”

  And the alphas shot glances at one another before looking away quickly. Actions speak a thousand words, and that momentary exchange was an entire dialogue. They desperately wanted to beat each other to a pulp, desperately wanted to pound in the skull of the other but were holding back because of me, knowing I’d be devastated. So instead, the men compromised.

  “No, we’re not going to fight,” Brent assured smoothly, squeezing my fingers. “So long as you’re with us, we’re not gonna fight, we’ll find a way to work things out.”

  “Yeah,” drawled Jason. “But trust me, I’m ready if you ever want to go at it,” he challenged Brent, the air pulsing with energy, with tension suddenly.

  But the older male wasn’t perturbed at all.

  “Any day, boy-o, any day,” Brent said silkily in return, not even looking at Jason.

  And I sighed deeply.

  “Well that’s something,” I murmured, suddenly exhausted. Maybe it was the two days of continuous sex, the two days of improbable events, but suddenly I felt limp, really beat. Thankfully, our sandwiches had come and we could focus on food instead of our difficult situation.

  “Mmm,” I groaned, biting into my grilled cheese, savoring the melty, salty flavor of American and Cheddar mixed together. “Mmm,” I moaned again, almost closing my eyes with ecstasy, “I’ve never tasted anything so good.”

  And I opened my eyes to see both men staring at me, hot, hungry, two pairs of blue eyes trailing every inch of my pout, my swan neck, the big breasts that almost sat on the table.

  “Honey, I’ve never seen a girl eat like you,” rasped Brent. “It’s a fucking turn-on.”

  “The way you bit into that, chewing and swallowing, shit baby,” grunted Jason, “but it’s enough to make a man fuckin’ lose it in public.”

  And I giggled then.

  “Oh both of you are so silly,” I said coyly, looking up through my lashes. “Should I do that every time we’re together then? Make a big grilled cheese sandwich and bite into it to turn you guys on, get the engines revved?”

  And the men grinned at me.

  “Couldn’t hurt,” ground out Brent.

  “Fuck yeah, sounds good,” added Jason. “While you’re at it, why don’t you coat your naked body with chocolate syrup and sprinkles too?”

  And the comment made me laugh, lilting, melodic peals ringing through the empty diner, both men puffing their chests out, happy and proud.

  “I love hearing you laugh baby,” began Brent. “It’s music to my ears.”

  Jason just nodded.

  “You’re sweet, Katy-Kat, sweet,” he growled, his eyes like lasers on me.

  And with that, I smiled, my energy restored somewhat, feeling happy, hopeful a
bout our future.

  “This has been a lot to take in,” I murmured, “a lot to digest in a short amount of time. But I feel we can make it work,” I said slowly. “It can really happen, somehow, some way. I guess the Monday, Wednesday, Friday idea wasn’t the way to go, but we’ll think of something else,” I added with a rueful smile.

  And Brent nodded, taking my small hand and squeezing it once more.

  “We will, honey, we will, because both of us,” he said, shooting Jason a meaningful glance, “want this to work. So we’ll definitely put in our best efforts, give it the old college try.”

  And I turned to Jason, eyes wide, inclusive, trying to drawn him in.

  “Will you, Jason?” I asked softly. “Will you?”

  And Jason groaned, seizing my other hand.

  “Sharing is caring,” he ground out. “I never thought this would happen to me, but shit, I want you so bad …” his voice trailed off.

  And I finished his sentence for him.

  “You want me so bad, you’ll try right?” I whispered, looking deep into his eyes. “You’ll try, won’t you?”

  And he nodded before rumbling in his throat, “Yeah, I’ll try.”

  I took a deep breath then.

  “Well, that’s settled … sort of,” I said, fingers drumming on the cheap linoleum countertop. Because nothing had been hammered out in detail, we’d agreed we were going to share, but the boundaries were unclear. When was I going to be with each man? Whose bed would I sleep in? Who could touch where, when? And so I decided to propose a waiting period, a time for things to sink in.

  “Everything’s been so crazy lately,” I began slowly, “that maybe we should give it some time. What do you guys think about a waiting period, some quiet time before we start up … um, our relationship?”

  The men were silent.

  “Naw, not necessary,” rumbled Brent.

  And Jason was the same.

  “Fuck no,” he ground out roughly. “Because shit Katy, I need to touch you ….”

  But his statement nailed it.


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