Ivan's Captive Submissive (Submissive's Wish)

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Ivan's Captive Submissive (Submissive's Wish) Page 14

by Mayburn, Ann

  With Catrin on one side and a beaming Ilyena on the other, the women entered the main foyer of the home. Her heart pounded in her throat and Gia forced herself to meet Ivan’s gaze, afraid she’d see disappointment. It was an unconventional outfit, but she was an unconventional looking woman, the result of America’s great melting pot. She’d never be a classic beauty like Catrin, or a potential supermodel like Ilyena, but Gia had to admit she looked good.

  Now she could only hope Ivan approved as well.

  It disturbed her how much his approval meant to her, but with the champagne flowing through her system, she didn’t dwell on that thought.

  She met his gaze and his eyes went wide. It was actually comical, and she couldn’t help but grin at him. He looked stunned and as his gaze traveled up and down her body she could see the slow, proud smile curving the edges of his lips. Tonight he wore a deep grey suit that brought out the blue in his amazing eyes. As if he couldn’t wait to touch her, he strode across the foyer toward her. The men behind him chuckled, but he ignored them as he reached Gia.

  Cupping Gia’s cheek, Ivan whispered something rapid fire Russian. She had no idea what he said, but the way he looked at her made everything south of her belly button contract. He made a pleased sound and brushed his knuckles down the side of her throat.

  “You are exquisite. Beyond compare. I am so very proud to have you as my woman tonight.”

  Her heart lurched at the bitter reminder she wasn’t really his woman, just his for these few days. The thought of leaving him hurt, and she tried to get a grip on her emotions, disturbed that he had so much control over her feelings, and very angry at herself for giving so much of her heart to him.

  He must have sensed her mood shift because his hold on her face tightened. “My words displeased you? Didn’t we have a discussion about you talking with me when you get angry?”

  His voice was low, but the power in his words made her nipples hard. Still, he had a point. The memory of the intense series of orgasms he’d given her this afternoon ran through her mind and she shuddered. He smiled and brushed his thumb over her breast.

  “Good girl. Now talk to me.”

  “I was thinking this week seems to be going by quickly.”

  The lines around his mouth softened and something in his gaze shifted. It was almost like she could see his mood going from aggressive Dom to caring Master. She loved both sides of him, but right now, she was glad she got the caring Master. Her moods were a little fragile from being tipsy.

  “Who says it has to end?” Ivan murmured in a low voice. “I’m open to considering something more permanent after our time here is done.”

  She blinked at him, not sure what to say. “That’s…quite an offer.”

  Frowning at her, he then sighed. “You are not ready to discuss this. That is fine.”

  Nodding, she still felt like she’d somehow hurt his feelings. Not liking the guilt bringing her down, she reached up and cupped his cheek, mirroring his hand on her face. Unlike his possessive grip, her stroke was light and caressing. He gentled beneath her fingertips. She was amazed her touch meant so much to him. Stroking his face seemed to drain the anger out of him,

  She looked into his eyes and willed him to see the truth of her words. “I’m flattered, I really am, but I’ve had a bit of champagne and not in a position to discuss anything so serious right now.” She was proud of herself for sounding so mature, but couldn’t help adding, “Think we can sneak a quickie in before we leave for whatever mystery spot you’re taking me to?”

  “You are insatiable.” He grinned, all male arrogance. “I like it.”

  “Only for you, Ivan. You make me crazy.”

  Slipping her hand over his arm she caught a glimpse of them together as they passed the large mirrors in the foyer. For a moment she froze, unable to believe how good they looked together. In this outfit she hardly recognized herself, but Ivan was as fine as ever. What surprised her was how nice of a couple they made. He turned to see what she’d stopped for and followed her line of sight to their reflection.

  “Is something wrong, Gia?”

  “No, nothing is wrong.” She flushed and tried to move away.


  “I was thinking we look good together.”

  He put her arm back around his and whispered into her ear, “Yes, we do.”

  With a lighter heart she practically floated next to Ivan, then came up short at the sight before her. An army of helicopters filled the vast mowed field next to the house. Brilliant orange and deep purples streaked the clouds overhead, turning the rustic landscape into a fairytale image. Everywhere she looked, men and women in the most beautiful clothes got into the helicopters, laughing and smiling.

  There was an energy in the air that made her heart pound, and she looked up at Ivan, needing to ground herself in him. She didn’t know this world or how to act in it. He’d have to take care of her, make sure she didn’t do anything stupid or shame herself with her lack of sophistication.


  He smiled down at her. “Yes?”

  “Will you…will you make sure I don’t do anything to embarrass myself or you, please?”

  “What are you talking about? Has someone offended you? Tell me who it is and I will deal with them immediately.”

  The protective growl in his voice and change in his stance from relaxed to ready to fight made her swallow. This was a powerful and aggressive man. She had to keep that in mind when dealing with him. She swallowed hard as her heart filled with his spirit, warming with his concern until she swore their hearts beat in the same rhythm.

  “I meant, I’m not sure of the etiquette of high society. I’m asking if you’ll please make sure I behave in a way that won’t embarrass you.”

  His gaze warmed and he swept her up into his arms, carrying her towards one of the waiting helicopters. “Gia, be yourself. You are an amazing woman. Know your own worth. I don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks. To me, you are my Gia and there is nothing you could do that would bring me shame.”

  She sighed and wanted to rub her face against his chest, but her makeup had been so expertly done that it felt like a crime to mess it up. People all around them talked in excited voices, and her anticipation returned again. Ivan would take care of her and she knew he’d make sure she had a wonderful time. Happiness bubbled through her veins and she couldn’t think of anywhere she’d rather be tonight than with Ivan.

  She found herself in a familiar helicopter and grinned at Ivan as she realized it was probably the one he’d used to kidnap her. He smiled in return and carefully buckled her into the seat next to him. The delicious musk of his cologne teased her senses as she leaned against him. She placed her hand on his thigh and gave him a small squeeze, loving the flex of the muscles beneath her hand.

  Seemed like Ivan had awoken her inner nympho.

  She couldn’t touch him without wanting him, without needing his big, thick cock deep inside of her. Swallowing hard, she tried to distract herself by examining the couple across from them. The woman was a very slender brunette with her hair in cute ringlets. She wore a daring amethyst velvet dress that flattered her lean figure and exposed the sides of her small breasts. The man Gia assumed was the other woman’s Master smiled at her and ran his knuckles down the woman's cheek. His love for her was so obvious, Gia’s breath caught in her throat. The pure adoration for each other in their eyes made Gia slightly uncomfortable, like she was spying on a very private moment.

  She moved to shift away from Ivan, but he tightened his arm and whispered into her ear. “They are Margo and Olson, recently married and on their honeymoon. They are also exhibitionists and Margo asked if it was okay if they did a little bit of public play in front of us during our flight. Are you fine with this? If you aren’t, I will find a couple to switch with us.”

  Gia took in a quick breath through her nose and tried to look away from the couple, but couldn’t. At her local BDSM club she’d seen lots of crazy
, hot, kinky shit, but not a lot of love. The physical exchange between the newly married couple was secondary to the emotional one. They were each other’s world and it showed. Gia could practically feel their affection for each other, and when they began to kiss, her arousal went off the charts.

  “Hell, it’s their honeymoon. Who am I to say no?”

  He chuckled and the cabin vibrated slightly as the helicopter geared up for liftoff. “Then just stay next to me and enjoy. Holding you has become one of my favorite pleasures.”

  Biting her lower lip, Gia tried to tell herself that ripping off these lovely clothes, messing up her perfectly styled hair, and maybe losing a twenty thousand dollar dangling sapphire earing were bad ideas. Unfortunately, at this moment, her libido thought bending over and begging Ivan to fuck her was the best idea she’d had in years, especially when Margo was lowered onto her back along the bench and licked her lips while slowly sliding her dress out of the way, revealing her incredibly toned and slender body. If Gia had to guess, she’d say Margo was a dancer of some sort. Two of Gia’s cousins danced for a professional ballet company, and they had the same lean, strong build.

  Olson kept his wife’s seatbelt on, but loosened it enough so she could move. He took off his seatbelt and scooted back until he could comfortably lean over her body, a sinful smile hovering over his full lips. Margo lifted her leg and pointed her toe, wiggling her lovely silver high heels near his mouth.

  When he began to lick her shoe Margo said in a warm, utterly sensual voice, “Worship me, my handsome bastard.”

  Gia suddenly realized this wasn’t a Master and female sub couple but a Domme and male sub couple. Gia perked up and watched with renewed interest. Dommes fascinated her, and she loved to watch a hot guy get naked and aroused. Didn’t matter if this guy was a sub, he was hot. So was she. Memories of Gia’s training with Master Mark and Mistress Viola flashed through her mind, and she barely stifled a groan.

  Ivan leaned down and ran his lips over her ear. She shivered and tried to find her voice but he stole it with one bite on her neck. Even though it took a great deal of effort to keep her eyes open, she did so she could also watch Margo’s husband slowly licking his way up her leg. The man had a very big, very thick tongue. The way he moved it over Margo's skin made Gia think his Mistress was one lucky bitch.

  Ivan’s tongue was currently licking her neck, driving her out of her mind. She wiggled and shifted next to him, the need to touch and be touched making her crazy. She wanted Ivan’s face between her legs, now, but she knew that wasn’t going to happen. He liked to tease her too much. Well, other than that mind-blowing experience he’d given her in the gym. Those orgasms had been so fucking good she’d almost passed out at the end. It felt like she’d smoked a lot of really potent marijuana.

  Her after-graduation present to herself had been a brief tour of Europe with the modest amount of money left over from the sale of her childhood home and the store after paying off some of her student loans. One of the places she’d visited during her brief vacation had been Amsterdam. There was no way she was going to miss the opportunity to legally try pot and she’d ended up spending the night with a very, very nice girl from Denmark. It had been the only time she’d ever been with a woman alone, but it had been a lovely experience. Plus that girl could eat pussy like a fiend. The floaty sensation she’d had while making love to the woman after smoking a joint had been similar to this, but mellower somehow. While she was light headed, she was also restless with arousal and her senses seemed to have sharpened.

  Ivan took her hand in his and placed it over his rock solid cock. “This is what you do to me, Gia. Just tasting you makes my body want you. Keeping my hands off of you is going to be difficult. I want to stroke you until you come apart in my arms, soaking me with your arousal.”

  “You can touch me,” Gia whispered with a soft shudder in her voice.

  “Not yet. You’ll want to look good for where we’re going. There will be cameras.”

  She blinked up at him, apprehensive enough to be distracted from the sight of Margo’s submissive licking the crease between her hip and pussy. The other woman had an almost full bush, trimmed enough to shape her bikini area. It had been a long time since Gia had seen a pussy that didn’t have a fully shaved labia and she rather liked the contrast of the dark hair over the pale pink of Margo’s sex. Her husband certainly liked it, because when he rubbed his lips over the fluffy down he moaned.

  Gia gave Ivan’s cock a squeeze and he bit her neck hard enough to sting. “Behave.”

  She could only whimper for the next hour or so as she watched Margo come over and over while she had to sit next to Ivan and behave. Her body was so aroused she feared she’d soaked through her panties to her skirt. If Ivan fucked her now, he’d slide right in and she wanted him inside of her.

  Lights finally began to appear, and she smiled when she recognized the familiar skyline of Boston. Olson helped Margo up, both of them laughing as they tried to straighten each other’s clothes. Ivan leaned over and looked out the window. “We’ve rented the top two floors of this hotel as well as the ballroom. We’ll be attending an opera tomorrow night, but if it is all right with you, I’d like to spend the day exploring you in our bed.”

  She tried to keep the goofy grin off her face, but judging by Ivan’s amused look, it didn’t work. “I think I’m okay with that.”

  He laughed and gave her a very gentle kiss. The emotion behind his touch knocked her off her feet and she instantly relaxed. He gave her another soft brush of his lips, making her think of all the ways she wanted his lips on her body, and all the ways he used his mouth to bite, to lick, to suck.

  He nipped her lower lip and growled low in his throat. He pulled back and she leaned closer to him, not wanting any distance between them. She craved his touch more than she craved cheesecake, and that was saying something. After studying her gaze he cupped her cheek gently, his palm barely grazing her skin. He held her like she was precious and it melted her heart.

  “I hope you will not hate me, but I’ve made the decision that I cannot fulfill one of your fantasies.”


  “You had a fantasy of being penetrated by two men at once, but I will not share you like that. I hope you are not too disappointed.”

  She reached up and cupped his face like he was holding hers. “I don’t have that fantasy anymore, nor the one about me sharing you with another woman. I would not like that. At all. Ever.”

  “What about me sharing you with another woman? I would not touch her, all the attention would be for you.”

  “Maybe. We’d have to discuss it.”

  With a soft laugh Margo said something in Russian and Ivan chuckled. “Margo said she would be more than happy to have you service her while her husband and I watch.”

  Heat raced to her cheeks and she couldn’t believe she’d almost forgotten she and Ivan weren’t alone. That man got her so horny she literally lost her mind. She didn’t know if that was a good thing.

  “Ummm…thank you?”

  Margo giggled, the sound surprisingly girly. She said in halting English. “Only if you are comfortable. I want willing, not hesitant.” She looked at Ivan and said something in rapid fire Russian.

  “Margo says she only desires someone who wants her just as badly. She likes mutual attraction, not just for show.”

  Gia nodded and tried to slow her pulse as they joined what looked like a fleet of helicopters hovering around a tall glass building with a landing pad on the roof. With an expert touch Margo fixed her makeup and winked at Gia. Grinning back, Gia wondered what Ivan had in store for her tonight.

  Three hours later, she found herself in Ivan's arms, over the moon with happiness. While there was sexual tension in the air, the evening had been a very traditional party. They’d had a delicious seven-course dinner, followed by drinks, and a live band played at the end of the ballroom. The floor to ceiling windows revealed the glittering city lights, and Ivan danced lik
e a dream.

  He’d seen to her every need all evening, and she had never felt this loved. It sure felt like love to her. She really had no idea what Ivan’s feelings for her were, but she hoped she wasn’t alone in her adoration. He looked at her as though he was seeing who she really was and liked what he saw. It was one of the best things in the entire world. Thoughts of how soon he’d be oceans away from her tried to intrude, but she wouldn’t let them. She felt like Cinderella with the clock ticking down towards midnight, but she was not going to let it fuck up her night with her Prince Charming.

  Well, Prince Charming may not quite fit Ivan. He was more like a warlord than some spoiled prince. As attentive and caring as he’d been tonight, there was always the undercurrent of power and control, of a powerful and barely civilized male.

  Like the way he was effortlessly leading them in a waltz. She didn’t want to leave his arms, but nature was calling after her three glasses of wine with dinner. When the song ended she stepped out of his arms with a sigh.

  “I have to take a break for a moment. I’ll be right back.”

  He nodded and smiled. “I’ll wait for you over at Catrin’s table.”

  Blowing him a kiss, she hurried across the dance floor and tried to keep from grinning like a fool. When she was in Ivan’s arms, letting him lead her across the floor, she felt…cherished. He looked at her like she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

  After finishing her business she inspected her makeup and was happy to find it was relatively intact.


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