Ivan's Captive Submissive (Submissive's Wish)

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Ivan's Captive Submissive (Submissive's Wish) Page 21

by Mayburn, Ann

  She blinked and took a long drink of her coffee, then said, “No, no you didn’t say anything. I was thinking my own thoughts, okay?”

  The fine lines around his mouth deepened as her frowned. “What does that mean?”

  With a tired sigh she flopped back in her chair. “Tell you what. You answer one of my questions and I’ll answer yours.”

  A shrewd light came to his eyes. “I’d like to hear the question first.”

  “Uh-uh. That’s not how we play this game.”

  He suddenly lunged from his chair and she fell out of hers with a yelp as he started for her. Before she managed to crawl more than a foot, he grabbed her and flipped her over. Heat suffused her as her body remembered his touch, how blindingly good he made her feel. She hated how her wits fled around him, but adored the way he pinned her to the carpet.

  Giving him a little growl, she spread her legs and bucked her pelvis. Her legs were actually really strong, and Ivan looked surprised as she almost dislodged him. Then he growled back and slammed his body into hers. The way he distributed his weight left her helpless beneath him.

  Helpless and aroused.

  “This is not a game to me, girl. I believe I am far more serious about you than you think.”

  She twisted beneath him. “Come on, Ivan. We both know your track record with women isn’t exactly stable.”

  “Do you really want to talk about our sexual pasts? Because I’d bet you’ve done some things most people would consider perverted.”

  Flushing, she tried to ignore the way her nipples scraped against his chest. Today she wore a lovely cream silk shirt while he wore a soft grey cotton shirt that clung to his heavily muscled frame. The sensation of his warm, hard body sliding over her sent her hormones into overdrive. Still, she couldn’t make this easy for him. While her hormones might be completely at his mercy, she was still her own person with her own demands and needs.

  There was no way in hell he was going to bulldoze over her.

  “Fine. You ask your question first, then I’ll ask mine. Deal?”

  “If it is insulting I will not answer it.”

  “Don’t be such a baby. Ask your question.”

  He gazed into her eyes. “Why are you alone? Why do you not have a man in your life?”

  Swallowing hard, she looked away. “That’s two questions.”

  He didn’t move, but his weight lightened on her and he stroked her face with one hand.

  Embarrassed and vowing she was going to get him back for this, she shrugged. “I never met the right guy. My first real boyfriend turned out to be a man-whore.”

  “A what?”

  “A man-whore. He cheated on me, constantly.”

  His lips softened and he bent down and gave her lips a soft kiss. “He was a fool.”

  Melting, she nodded. “He was. Then there was just a string of guys who turned out to be losers for one reason or another. I guess that’s why I’ve been kind of playing the BDSM scene for the last two years. There is an honesty there you don’t get in most vanilla relationships. A trust. I can go in, have my needs taken care of, and leave without getting my heart butchered.”

  “I will not hurt you.”

  To her shame, tears filled her eyes. “How do I know that?”

  He stood, then scooped her up in his arms, carrying her back to the bedroom. “Because I said so.”

  Then he grinned at her and she couldn’t help but smile back. “So bossy.”

  “Take your clothes off and get on the bed. Except for your stockings. Leave those on.”

  The demanding tone in his voice made her shiver. She turned and made a long, slow production of drawing her shirt over her head and her skirt down her hips. When they were alone like this, she wanted to serve him, to bring him pleasure, to always be aware of him in everything she did. While it was true she’d been trained in how to submit, she’d never actually felt the bone deep need to actually do it before she’d met Ivan. Soon she was clad only in her nude stockings with their fringe of white lace at the top.

  Turning slowly, she sauntered over to the bed and climbed on it, sure he could see her arousal wetting her inner thighs. When she laid on her back and raised her arms overhead, stretching out, she turned to look at him and smiled. His total attention was on her and it felt like a caress as warm as the sun coming through the windows of the plane.

  “Since you are in the mood to entertain, I want you to touch yourself. Show me what you do when you are masturbating for your pleasure. I don’t want some bullshit porn show. I want your honest reaction. Give me your passion.”

  She licked her lips and cupped her breasts, tweaking her nipples with a sigh. Touching herself had never been this much fun. Having Ivan watch her, hearing his sharp inhalation as she pulled her nipple piercing, then twisted it, had her pussy throbbing with need.

  “Master, may I come?”

  “You may.”

  Closing her eyes, she smiled and slipped one hand between her legs as she continued to play with her breasts.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  “You.” She circled her clit with the tip of her finger, spreading her arousal over the tight bud.

  His pleased murmur made her body flush with need. It was almost as if his approval fed her arousal, made her burn hotter. The additional heat in her blood had Gia sliding two fingers into her pussy and bringing her other hand down to play with her clit. Strong hands spread her thighs wide and she opened her eyes to find Ivan, still dressed, staring down at her body.

  “Whose pussy is this, Gia?”

  “Yours, Master.”

  Just saying that brought her orgasm within shouting distance. She furiously worked her body, wanting to come, needing to share her pleasure with him. If she pleased him he would reward her. He always did and in ways she never imagined.

  The world spun as he pulled her around so her ass was at the edge of the bed. Sinking to his knees, he began to lick her inner thighs where they met her pussy. The feeling of his face against her fingers, his lips on her thighs, had Gia tightening in exquisite pleasure so intense it was almost pain.

  “Come for me,” he whispered against her skin and she obeyed.

  As she started to orgasm, he licked at her fingers, sucking at her pussy and sensitizing her until she was trying to push him away. With a low growl he slung her legs over his shoulders and gripped her ass, holding her captive as he devoured her sex. The more she tried to get away the more he sucked on her oversensitive nub and soon he had her shuddering and saying incoherent things.

  When he finally released her swollen clit she groaned low in her throat, fisting the sheets and writhing. Her whole body was one big, oversensitive bundle of nerves. A moment later Ivan’s naked skin moved against hers like a balm for her pain. His warmth pressed into her as he pulled her up so she was lying on her side, facing him. He lifted her leg over his hip and the tip of his erection pushed into her an inch or two, just enough to torment her.

  “Ask me your question, Gia.”

  She gripped his shoulders and tried to push him further into her with a whimper. “You want to talk now?”

  “Ask me your question so I can fuck you hard and deep.”

  “You’re insane.” She tried to fight back another moan as he began to torment her nipple. “Why do you do this to me?”

  “Because you think too much. You’re more honest when I’m inside of you. There, question answered.”

  Before she could protest that what she’d said hadn’t been her real question, Ivan slammed himself into her sheath hard enough that he hit her cervix and she winced, then moaned. He filled her so completely, and when he kissed her as he began to stroke in and out of her body, she lost herself in him.

  “I do this to you,” he whispered against her lips, “because it makes me feel joy.”

  She rubbed her cheek against his and raked her nails gently over his back. The affection she felt for him swamped her senses, spilling huge amounts of hormones and che
micals into her bloodstream until she could only scream out her pleasure. Ivan really began to fuck her then, hard thrusts like a machine that tore her apart as she orgasmed deep and hard. Feeling her sex clench around his cock as she rode each wave of pleasure was one of the best things she’d ever experienced. She could totally let go and simply feel, trusting he would take care of her, not having to worry about anything but her pleasure.

  He stiffened and shoved himself inside of her with a low grunt that vibrated through his body into hers. She swore she was so sensitive to him she could feel the hot pulse of his release deep within her. He held her closer, running his hands over her body as his hips finally stilled. They were both damp with sweat and Gia didn’t want him to leave her body yet.

  “Cuddle me, please.”

  “There is nothing I would rather do. Sleep, moya lyubov'.”

  He twitched every time her pussy gave an involuntary pulse and she let out a contented sigh.

  Gia tried to keep from noticing how people stared at them as she and Ivan walked through Moscow's Sheremetyvo Airport with his entourage in tow. Instead of his comfortable traveling clothes, he now wore a smart black suit with a blue and green tie that made his turquoise eyes stand out. Gia was similarly dressed in an elegant black skirt and shimmering pale yellow top cut to accentuate her toned arms, now adored with matching gold bracelets that resembled BDSM cuffs. When Ivan put them on her he made a little growling noise that made her laugh. She discovered that when Ivan was alone with her, he was playful and open with his affection, but when they were around others, he almost always kept his cold, commanding mask in place.

  And he was certainly doing that silent ‘You don’t want to fuck with me’ thing right now. He radiated confidence and strode through the airport like he owned it, but he was constantly sneaking glances at her. Their eyes would meet and his gaze would warm before he turned off his emotions again and looked away. She found his confidence compelling and very sexy.

  Gia smiled at a pair of cute little girls as they passed, and their mother frowned at her and gave her a suspicious look. She squeezed Ivan’s hand. “Why do people give me weird looks when I smile at them?”

  “It’s a cultural thing.” They walked past a group of Chinese tourists and Gia smiled as they parted for Ivan to pass. “The Russian people do not smile as easily as in America. Russians tend to distrust people who smile too much. They think anyone who smiles that much is fake, or what you call a phony. Like your smiling used car salesmen.”

  She stopped smiling right away and looked up anxiously at him as they took an escalator. “I don’t know if I can stop smiling at people. It’s so much a part of who I am. I mean I don’t think about smiling, I just do it.”

  “Do not worry. Give people a chance to get to know you and they will see what I already know.”

  “What’s that?”

  He looked down at her then rubbed his thumb over her hand. “That you have a beautiful soul.”

  She was surprised when she didn’t melt into a puddle of goo and ooze through the grates of the escalator.

  The rest of their trip through the airport passed by in a haze as she floated along next to him. He was so sweet and sincere, but only with her. To everyone else he was intimidating or downright scary. When a man had accidentally bumped Gia Ivan glared at him and that had the poor guy dropping his gaze and moving so quickly away from them he almost ran.

  When they reached the baggage area they met up with two big, hulking, men who silently screamed hired muscle. She wasn’t the least bit surprised when she found out they were Ivan’s bodyguards. The men spoke halting English, but they treated her with great respect and deference. After their luggage had been collected they’d gone outside and Gia found a silver Rolls Royce sedan waiting for them and another bodyguard who would sit up front with the driver. The other two would follow in the black SUV.

  All three men were huge, and she tried not to stare at them.

  She slipped her hand into Ivan’s as he spoke with his bodyguards in Russian. People were openly gawking at them now and she subtly tried to check her outfit to make sure she was appropriately covered. Everything looked in place and her kick ass black and gold wedge heels by Ruthie Davis didn’t have any toilet paper stuck to them.

  Ivan looked down at her and she motioned for him to come closer. “Why are people staring at us?”

  “Because I am well-known in Moscow.”

  She gave one of the women watching a hesitant smile and received nothing in return.

  Ivan gently tugged at her hand and escorted her into the waiting car. As she sat back in the lush interior, she looked out the window at the traffic. It was early evening in Moscow and as they left the airport, she turned to the window and eagerly looked around. In all the chaos of getting here, she hadn’t really considered how excited she was to just be here. Moscow was one of the best cities in the world and she couldn’t wait to explore it with Ivan...and his bodyguards.

  “Why do you need so many bodyguards?”

  Ivan shrugged. “Normally, I only have one, but I wanted extra security for you.”

  “I’m not sure if that’s sweet or scary.” She settled back into her seat and turned to face him. “Are people trying to hurt you?”

  He tapped his finger against the side of the door, his gaze distant. “Russia is different from the United States, and far older. We do things differently. Bribing and embezzlement are part of my culture.”

  She blinked at him. “Do you bribe people?”

  “Of course. I paid a bribe yesterday to a building official to make sure our permit gets done in a timely manner. Like I said, it is standard business.”

  “That’s…different. Anything else I should know?”

  “My people may be slow to warm to you. Do not be offended if they appear a bit cold and standoffish. Also, trust your bodyguards before you trust the police and never leave the house without them or your passport.”


  “Kidnapping is not unknown and I would be surprised if your picture with me at the airport is not already in the gossip pages on the Internet. Plus, you are required to carry your papers with you at all times or face arrest.”


  She really wasn’t sure if she liked that. She was a private person by nature and the thought of so many strangers looking at her made her skin itch. Unease clenched her stomach and she looked through the raised glass partition at the front of the car. “So they have to go everywhere with us?”

  “In public, yes. You will not always see them, but they will be there.”

  “What about in your home?”

  “My buildings are very, very secure. There is no need for them to guard me in any of my homes.” He held her closer to him. “I do not like you so far away from me. Why do you seem sad?”

  “I’m not sad, I’m just…overwhelmed. This is a lot to take in.”

  Ivan’s cell phone began to play a melody from his pocket. He pulled it out and began to speaking in Russian while cuddling her close to him on the seat. That was another thing that bugged her, she didn’t know what people were saying. Maybe she should take Ivan up on his Russian tutor offer.

  When he hung up he stroked her cheek. “Why don’t we stay in tonight? Your jet lag will be catching up with you soon and I want you to feel rested. You can nap while I go to work.”

  “You have to work today?”

  “Unfortunately, yes. I wish I didn’t but there are things I must attend to.”

  She understood, she really did, but at the same time she felt a pang of loneliness. “Okay.”

  “There is food prepared by my chef in the refrigerator if you are hungry. If you need anything I’m leaving my numbers with you. I will also secure your own phone and bring it home with me.”

  “I’ll miss you.”

  He cupped her face in one hand and kissed her. “I will miss you as well. Though I admit it is nicer than I had imagined to know you will be waiting for me when I get ho

  She kissed him back and nuzzled his neck with her nose, a warm glow filling her at the sincerity of his words. The car stopped in front of an impressive building with matching door guards out front. As they approached the car Ivan caressed her cheek. “Welcome to our home, my Gia.”

  After settling in and doing a cursory exploration of Ivan’s fabulous four bedroom six bath apartment she wandered back into his bedroom, no, their bedroom. Ivan had cleared out close to half his enormous walk in closet for her and had it stocked with more beautiful outfits than she’d ever seen in her life. He’d also bought her over a dozen pairs of shoes, including some hot pink running sneakers and a couple pairs of comfortable walking sandals and loafers.

  When she opened the lingerie drawer her whole body clenched with hot desire at the sight of all the feminine, silky garments he’d bought her. Now she dug through the drawer below it, the one filled with elegant silk nightgowns and sleep sets. She picked out a pale blue nightgown with spaghetti straps and slits up both legs. It slid over her body like a dream and she sighed at the caress of expensive silk over her skin.

  Turning to look in the mirror in Ivan’s closet, she almost didn’t recognize herself. Her eyes sparkled and her lips were still kiss swollen from Ivan’s adoration. The nightgown fit her like it had been made for her. Even though pale blue wasn’t a color she usually wore, she had to admit it looked great on her. A little bit of lace across the bodice sparkled with some kind of silver thread, and another section of lace graced the bottom of the nightgown. It was so pretty she almost hated sleeping in it.

  She left the closet moved across the hushed quiet of Ivan’s bedroom, admiring the massive Persian carpet that took up much of the room. She’d drew back the thick gold velvet curtains giving her just enough light to see by as she climbed across the broad expanse of his bed. This room smelled like him, and she wondered if this was his main home. As she pulled the embroidered burgundy comforter over her body, she sighed at the smooth feel of the sheets and the softness of her pillows. While the mattress was a little bit firmer than she was used to, it was also extremely comfortable.


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