Ivan's Captive Submissive (Submissive's Wish)

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Ivan's Captive Submissive (Submissive's Wish) Page 26

by Mayburn, Ann


  She glanced at the cupboard. “If it wouldn’t be too much trouble, could you translate some of the food packages for me? I’d like to make Ivan dinner, but I don’t know how to read Cyrillic.”

  “You’re making him dinner?”

  His surprise confused her. “Yes. Is that okay?”

  He nodded and gestured towards the stove. “Come, I want to teach you how to make a dish Ivan’s mother made for him. She was my sister and in addition to being a wonderful cook, she was also an English professor at the Moscow State University Language Center. A brilliant woman. She spoke nine languages fluently and could read ancient Greek.”

  “Nine languages?” He nodded and she blinked in surprise. “Ivan mentioned something about her teaching him English, but I had no idea.”

  Petrov shrugged. “He does not like to boast.”

  Thinking back to how amazed she’d been to realize just how powerful of a man he was in the world, she nodded. “He doesn’t need to boast.”

  “What do you mean?”

  She flushed. “Just that you can look at Ivan and know that he is a man in control of his destiny.”

  “Very well put.” His lips turned up just the slightest bit. “Now, would you like me to teach you this dish?”

  “I would really like that. I can figure out what some of the boxes and cans are by their labels, but others are a complete mystery.”

  He removed his sweater and rolled up the sleeves of his button down cream-colored dress shirt. “That is a nice outfit. I would not want it to get ruined by the cooking. Why don’t you put something else on?”

  While he said it with a straight face, she saw a twinkle in his eye that made her cheeks heat. “Okay.”

  After she returned to the kitchen in jeans and a comfy peach sweater, she found that Petrov had poured them both a glass of chilled vodka. He taught her how to sip it as he had her measure and chop up ingredients. They were making zharkoe, which looked to her like a traditional stew. They browned the potatoes, carrots, and onion in a little butter. Next came the slices of pork, which was browned a bit as well. All of this went into a crock and into the oven. Gia’s stomach was growling for food.

  While they cooked Petrov told her about Ivan’s family and she found out that Ivan had over two hundred cousins living in Moscow. From what Petrov said the family reunions were mad houses with people getting drunk, singing, and weeping over the old days. It was nice to know that, despite Ivan’s perfection, his family was as crazy as her own extended family back in the States. A soft pang of homesickness went through her, but she wasn’t looking forward to going home. At all. The thought of leaving Ivan was unbearable, so she tried to ignore it and pretend she had all the time in the world with her handsome, dashing Master.

  She was also feeling a little tipsy, not the point of slurring words or anything, and she really enjoyed talking to Petrov. He had a brilliant mind and his insight to the world was different than any she’d ever known. It wasn’t that he was a pessimist about things, but he was an unflinching realist. He didn’t try to gild anything, but at the same time, his pride in his country was obvious.

  As the time drew closer for Ivan to come home, she checked her reflection in the living room mirror to make sure she looked all right.

  Petrov caught her finger combing her hair. “Go, go fix yourself up for your man. I will take care of things down here.” He paused and took in her jeans and sweater. “I’m not sure how things work for young women in your country, but I do have three daughters, and I would like to give you the advice that I gave them. When your husband or boyfriend comes home from a hard day at work, seeing his woman looking beautiful makes all the stress and worry worth it. And, when family is visiting, it always does a man’s heart proud when his wife looks her best. It shows that he can take care of you, that he is a good provider, a responsible man. It is our job as men.”

  He said the last part so vehemently that she really didn’t want to tell him her feelings about being able to take care of herself. After all, it wasn’t like she was going to be here forever. She could play nice and respect the older man’s views.

  “Should I put on a dress? Maybe some heels and curl my hair?”

  It came out with a little more snark than she intended, but to her surprise, Petrov laughed. “And that is pretty much what my daughters tell me. But hey, what do I know? I’ve only been happily married to the same woman for over thirty-four years.”

  He winked at her and she grinned. “I’ll be right back.”

  She hurried up the stairs, thinking about Petrov’s advice. Being here with Ivan was uncharted territory for her. Aside from all the insanity of even being here, she’d never lived with a man before, and that was what she was doing. For the next week she’d be playing house with Ivan. Why not go all out and indulge her inner Donna Reed? It wasn’t like she was going to get the chance to do this again.

  Sorrow tried to sink its claws into her but she brushed the negative thoughts off. No, she wasn’t going to have a good cry in the closet right before Ivan got home. That was simply too pathetic and she wasn’t going to indulge herself in an emotional meltdown. Besides, she got all puffy when she cried.

  She’d have plenty of time for that once she was back home, alone, longing for his body against hers and his voice calling her ‘my Gia’.

  She switched her outfit, picking out a tight tan suede skirt and pairing it with a gold off the shoulder blouse. Smoothing her hand over the skirt she mused that it was kind of fun to dress up for dinner. Not that she’d ever give up her pizza and jammies suppers, but it gave the meal a sense of anticipation. And she was proud that she’d made Ivan food he’d actually like. Feeling slightly naughty, she switched out her cotton thong for a white lace and crystal studded pair of high cut panties. She liked the way it looked against her tanned skin and knew Ivan would adore it.

  She braided her hair back and added a little eyeliner and mascara then threw on some gold jewelry that she tried to tell herself was just costume, that Ivan couldn’t possibly have brought her what looked to be a king’s ransom in gold and jewels.

  Giving her lashes another coat of mascara, she had to smile at her reflection. While she had no interest in staying at home all day awaiting her man’s return from work, she had to admit she did enjoy the thought of having everything welcoming and comfortable for when Ivan came home. Who knew she had such a hidden domestic streak, and that she’d enjoy it so much.

  Making her way back to the living room and kitchen area, she found Petrov and Ivan having an intense conversation. She had no idea what was being said, but as soon as the men caught sight of her they broke apart with an almost guilty look. Then Ivan smiled in her direction and she forgot her concern in a rush of passion and pure joy. He looked so happy to see her, and he sure as hell filled out that black suit nicely. It clung to his big figure and she wanted to rip it off of him.

  “I must be going now,” Petrov said in an amused voice. “The wife gets irritated when I disappear. It was a pleasure meeting you, Gia.”

  “You as well. And thank you so much for all of the help.”

  “You are welcome.” Petrov looked over at his nephew and his expression grew stern. “Think about what I said, Ivan. Push too fast and we will lose this acquisition.”

  Ivan’s gaze narrowed. “I’ll consider it, but I’m set on my course of action.”

  Petrov sighed and shook his head. “I’m telling you, the situation is not what you think it is.”

  Muttering something in Russian, Ivan closed the door after Petrov and leaned against it. He slowly took her in, from the shoes on her feet to her hair back in a simple braid, and smiled. “I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to be home from work.”

  He stepped away from the door and held open his arms. Right away Gia cuddled close to him, loving how protected and cherished he made her feel. “I’m happy to see you too.”

  With a long, slow stroke he rubbed his hand down her
back to cup her bottom. “I cannot wait for this to heal so I can spank you again. Maybe a little bit of a cane, but only if you’re a good girl.”

  Heat raced through her and she took a step back and shook her head. “No way. Hands off. I made you dinner. You will at least try it before whisking me off.”

  He held out his arm in a formal gesture, his posture straightening and drawing her eyes to his big frame. “If you will.”

  She slipped hers through his, and while she felt silly being escorted across the living room, it was also very nice.

  Ivan let out something between a happy purr and a growl as he saw what was for dinner. “My favorite.”

  As he sat her in her chair at the dining room table she smiled at the elaborately beautiful birds his uncle had made using cloth napkins. Ivan noticed as well and raised his eyebrows. “It appears my uncle likes you.”

  “Why do you say that like it’s a surprise?”

  “He is a very…hard to get along with person.”

  “I thought he was really nice. He scared the crap out of me by sneaking up on me in the kitchen, but he was nice after that.”

  Ivan took his first bite of the meal and moaned. “So good.”

  Laughing, she shook her head. “Hey, that’s the same voice you use during sex.”

  He grinned, then tucked into his stew like nobody’s business.

  She had to admit it was good and had second helpings as well. Something about the searing beforehand really locked a lot of flavors into the stew. When Ivan finally put his spoon down, he leaned back in his chair with a contented sigh.


  “I’m glad you liked it.” She beamed at him with what was no doubt a goofy smile, pleasure and satisfaction sinking into her bones.

  They cleared their plates, and as soon as she set the last glass down, Ivan spun her around and lifted her so that her legs were wrapped around his waist and her hands around his neck. His healthy erection pressed against the softness between her legs and she gave a little wiggle.


  “Hello, my Gia.” His voice deepened. “You make me feel very…content.”

  She rubbed her nose against his, loving how he held her like it was no big deal. “Content? Is that all?”

  With a frown he turned and walked them into the living room with its view of a lovely pond and park space ten stories below. It was around seven p.m. in Moscow right now, but her body was still trying to get used to the time zone difference. It made her feel really exhausted and awake at the same time.

  Ivan sat on the long, wide hunter green couch and adjusted the yellow and green silk throw pillows behind him until he was laying on the couch with her draped over him like some kind of blanket. Belly to belly like this, she was reminded of how much smaller she was than him, of how feminine. It made her want to rub her hands all over his naked body.

  “Content…I don’t know if that is the right word,” Ivan said with a faint frown. “I want to tell you that I feel like my home has a heart when you are here. You bring my life into a new focus and I see things differently when you are with me. You are my light, Gia. My warmth.”

  She blinked at him, her playful mood vanishing beneath the weight of his stare. He was so sincere. Her heart ached and she cursed herself for coming here. She knew this would happen, that things would become emotionally more intense, but she had hoped that maybe somehow she could protect her heart.

  Stupid her.

  “Ivan, we can’t do this.”

  His brows drew down and the soft smile faded from his lips. “Do what?”

  “We can’t get serious. I’m leaving in three days.”

  His arms wound around her, pulling her closer to his chest. “Stay with me.”

  “I can’t.” She really, really wanted to but her practical mind wouldn’t let her. “I couldn’t live here. I don’t know anyone. I have a life, a job back in the United States and I love it there.”

  He shrugged. “Then I’ll come back with you.”

  The idea shocked her and she tried to picture Ivan living her ordinary, mundane life. He’d get bored to tears and leave her within a month. “No, that won’t work.”

  Suddenly he sat up and set her on the couch, away from him. “You mean you don’t want it to work.”

  His grim expression frightened her, but the sorrow and hurt in his gaze made her own pain double. “No, I mean we are from two different worlds. You will get bored with me Ivan, I know it, and then I’ll be all alone in a foreign country trying to pick up the pieces of my life. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get a job in the US right now? Especially for an architect?”

  “You have it all figured out, don’t you?”

  The chill in his voice froze the blood in her veins. Here was the dark, commanding, terrifying man who had built an empire. Being on the receiving end of his cold indifference was terrible. She pressed back into the couch and crossed her arms.

  “I can’t risk my heart with you.”

  “It wouldn’t be a risk, Gia. Don’t you understand that?” His hands clenched into fists and his whole body tensed.

  “Ivan, I’m not stupid.”

  “Yes, you are.”

  Her discomfort and fear morphed into anger and she suddenly hated him for making all these false promises, for trying to manipulate her. How dare he make her feel like the guilty party for trying to protect them both? And how dare he call her stupid.

  “You know what? I’m done with this conversation.”

  He stood as well, fury coming off of him in waves. “We are not done.”

  “Oh yes we are.” She turned to walk away and he grabbed her arm. His hold was gentle and she easily threw his hand off. “Don’t touch me.”

  “Then listen to me! Stop being such a bitch and hear what I am saying.”

  She whirled on him. “Oh, I’m a bitch now? I see how it is. You don’t get your insane way and I’m suddenly a bitch.”

  “I didn’t say you were a bitch, I said you were being one.” His eyes glittered and he lifted his chin. “I want you in my bed.”

  “You are fucking crazy if you think I’m going anywhere near your bedroom right now.”

  “Gia, you need to calm down so we can talk.”

  “So, what? You’re going to use sex to try to change my mind? Sorry, Ivan, you’re good, but you’re not that good.”

  “I said get in my bed.”

  “Damascus,” she snapped, throwing her safeword at him. Fucking asshole. Trying to manipulate her with sex. “I want my purse, now.”


  “No? Fine.” She marched over to the door and went to turn the handle, but he came up behind her and put his hand over hers.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To the American embassy. You don’t want to give me my things, I’ll go to them and get a new passport.”

  “What are you talking about? You are being very irrational.”

  “No, irrational is trying to keep me a prisoner in your home. This isn’t a sex game, this is real life, and in real life, don’t you ever fucking dare to try to trap me in your house.”

  He snatched his hand away with a grunt. “I was very wrong about you. You are a coward.”

  Hurt seared her heart and sent pain rocketing through her chest like she’d been punched. “Give me my purse and get the fuck out of the way. I am done with you. Do you hear me? Done!”

  Without another word he strode towards the bedroom. He came back quickly and gave her the purse. Her hands trembled as she shoved it beneath her arm, then removed the earrings and gold necklace she’d put on. She tried to hand it to him, but he was totally ignoring her at this point and would not even look at her. So she set them on the small table next to the door. The metallic click of the links of the chain hitting the wood seemed very loud in the tension-filled hushed of the apartment.

  An incredible pain ripped through her heart and she tried to steel herself, to remember all the reasons why this wouldn’t wo
rk. She couldn’t end up like her mother, falling so deeply in love with one man that his departure from her life basically ended it.

  “Goodbye, Ivan.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  She could actually hear his teeth grind. “Regardless of what you may think about me, I can assure you that wandering around Moscow would be a bad idea.”

  The protective note in his voice made her want to cry. “I’m going straight to the airport, okay? I just want to go home. I don’t want to be here anymore.”

  “I will take care of it.”

  Sadness crashed over her at the instant trust she felt in him. He opened his phone and had a couple of long conversations. During the entire time, he kept his back to her and her soul hurt from being frozen out.

  “My uncle will be here to take help you get the documents you need to leave.”


  The silence stretched between them and she wanted desperately to stay but couldn’t think of any logical reason. It was better to end this now before either of them got hurt anymore than they already were. “I’ll miss you.”

  He turned on her, his gaze fierce. “Do not say those things if you do not mean them.”

  “But I will miss you.” To her horror her voice broke on the last word and tears filled her eyes.

  “Then stay.”

  The blatant agony in his tone added a new level of pain to her already overburdened heart.

  “Ivan, this is all going too fast for me. I barely know you. Even if we lived in the same town I would want to take things slow, get to know you first before we discussed living together.”

  Ivan’s cell phone range and he answered it with a frown, speaking Russian. After a few minutes he handed the phone to her, his jaw clenched in anger. “It is my uncle. He wishes to speak with you.”

  She took the phone, the brush of his fingertips burning her skin. “Hello?”

  “Hello, Gia,” Petrov said in a kind voice. “I understand my nephew was an idiot and did exactly what I told him not to do. He scared you off, didn’t he?”

  Clearing her throat, she wandered away from Ivan, all too aware of the way he watched her. “Yes.”


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