While Someone Watches

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While Someone Watches Page 16

by L A Walton

  "Tell me about it," Andrew urged her.

  She didn't need much prodding. Before she knew it, she had given the entire story to Andrew who was now pondering the situation.

  "Laci why do you think he's targeting you?"

  She shrugged, "Honestly I think he's angry with me. He doesn't seem to be obsessed in a way that would make me think he has feelings for me other than hostility. To come after my friends and now Declan makes me think he wants me to suffer. To be all alone."

  "Then the suspect list could be huge."

  "How so?"

  "What if this is someone that's upset because you caused their relationship to deteriorate?"

  "That's ridiculous! Why would someone try to kill me because I caused a relationship to fail?"

  "People have killed for less. Besides, what if this person was already mentally unstable? You might have been the last straw that broke the camel's back so to speak."

  "I don't know what to do anymore. If something happens to Declan...then I'll be all alone."

  "Not true," Andrew whispered.


  "You won't be all alone. I’m here for you Laci. And don't worry. Declan seems like he can take care of himself."

  "Are you kidding? He pretends to be tough but he's very sensitive. When we were younger, I once caught him crying because he accidentally pulled the wings off of a butterfly."

  Andrew laughed, "Why would he do that?"

  "He thought it would turn back into a caterpillar. He was so devastated when he found out. Besides, Declan works out and all...but when that guy broke into our house, he got his ass kicked."

  "Someone broke into your house? You didn't tell me that just now."

  "It feels like nothing compared to everything else that's been going on but yeah. It's one of the reasons we had the alarm installed."

  "I'm sorry you've been going through all this Laci."

  "I feel bad for my friends and their families. My friend Amber won't even speak to me anymore. She's so upset."

  Andrew was sitting next to Laci and hugged her when she began crying, "I feel like I'm slowly losing control over everything and I'm scared Andrew. What's next? What's he going to take next?"

  Andrew patted her back and tried to soothe her.

  "I wish I had an easy solution for you Laci. Instead, just know that I'm here for you. I got your back."

  Laci let herself soak in his comfort but she still dreaded what the next day had in store for her.

  "Are you sure you don't have to go anywhere?" Laci asked her brother Declan.

  "Yes, I'm sure. Are you sure you weren't a prison warden in a past life?"

  "If it'll help keep you safe, then I'm glad if I was."

  "Spare me. Laci go to work already. I have some Karate Kid to watch. I need to brush up on my fighting skills."

  Laci smiled and gave Declan a hug, "I love you brother."

  "Yeah...yeah...I love you too sis'. Now hurry up and go to work."

  Laci turned on the alarm and walked outside. She walked to her car and saw a gold note attached to her windshield. She stopped and looked around. She didn't see anyone. She walked forward and picked up the note.

  In the envelope was a picture of her, dressed in her undergarments. It was an old picture, before the baby monitor had been found in her room. She remembered the day she last wore her sports bra and she hated to admit it but some very unflattering underwear. She sighed, "So he's letting me know he has pictures of me in my underwear. Big deal Laci. Don't be bothered by this. It's the same as if you were in a swimsuit."

  She got in her car and drove to work. As she walked in, she waved at Oliver who simply nodded and blushed when he saw her.

  "That's weird," she muttered.

  Laci started to get an uneasy feeling when she noticed people around the office staring at her strangely.

  "Laci!" she turned around to see George down the hall. "In my office now!"

  Laci followed him into his office, "What's going on George?"

  "Explain this," he held his cell phone up to her and she saw it. The picture of her in her underwear.

  "Where? How? I don't...how did you get that?" Laci could feel herself getting hot with embarrassment.

  "I was going to ask you why you sent it to everyone."

  "What? I didn't send anything George!"

  "I didn't think you did Laci but almost everyone in the building got this text message of you in your underwear. Not even good underwear Laci!"

  She couldn't laugh at his attempt to joke about it. She felt like her world was caving in on her. The door suddenly opened and in walked Andrew, "Laci are you okay?"

  "Who asked you to come in here?" George slammed his hand on the desk, "I'm trying to sort this out."

  Andrew ignored George, "Laci, how are you feeling?"

  "This isn't real. It can't be real," Laci whispered to him.

  Another male voice that she recognized came from the door, "Oh it's real alright."

  George stood up, "Officer Bishop. Did you find out who the sender was?"

  Laci could hear him smirking, "It's the same phone number that's been sending messages to Dr. Cummings. The same phone number that's registered under her name."

  "This is ludicrous! She would never send compromising pictures of herself to anyone! Besides, she probably doesn't even have everyone's cell numbers," Andrew had a hand on one of her shoulders as he stood behind her.

  "A staff directory has everyone's contact information, doesn't it?" Bishop asked George who nodded.

  Officer Stewart walked in and stopped the conversation, "We're still trying to find out who the true owner of the cell phone is. Please advise your employer to advise the building employees that the message was not sent by Dr. Cummings."

  A few minutes later, the officers left.

  "This is a mess Laci. Just a mess," George was sitting behind his desk, tapping his fingers against the wood.

  "George, I didn't send that message," Laci said feeling numb.

  "I know you didn't Laci but until everything blows over, I've been given directions to put you on leave."

  "What?" Andrew looked at Laci who seemed resigned, "Then who will do the show with me?"

  "No one. You'll do it on your own. We may get guest hosts. All of this has to blow over. We don't know who but some of the workers have posted your picture on the internet already Laci. The message boards are blowing up. Everyone's making a big deal about it. Even the janitors are upset. They wanted to know why you were wearing granny panties. The big boss is asking for your resignation. I convinced him to put you on leave until we can figure things out."

  "What if I refuse to do the show without Laci?" Andrew asked.

  "You're on contract Dr. Brett. You'll only be hurting yourself."

  "No," Laci shook her head, "Andrew you have to continue. Things will get cleared up and I'll be back."


  "No! I'm so sick of this right now. I don't know why he sent those pictures. It doesn't matter. I have bigger problems to deal with so maybe this is a good thing."

  Andrew tried to stop her from walking out of the office but couldn't. She walked to the parking lot where Eric was doing his rounds.

  "Hi Dr. Cummings. How are things?" the old security guard asked.

  "They've been better." Laci wondered if Eric had also seen the picture of her in her underwear.

  "I'm sorry to hear that. Did you and your boyfriend fight?"

  Laci laughed, "No. I think I'm going to take some time off so I'll see you in a few weeks, okay?"

  "That's good Dr. Cummings. You take some time for yourself. You deserve it."

  Laci waved goodbye to Eric and got in her car. Instead of driving to her home, she found herself going to the cemetery.

  She passed what seemed like endless graves until she stopped in front of two that she hadn't visited in a long while.

  "I'm sorry I'm coming empty handed. I just wanted to stop by and say I miss you guys and I really w
ish you were here. You two were the best parents I could ever dream of and I'm so grateful that you adopted me. I love you both so much." Laci was sitting on the ground in front of the graves of her parents, bawling. "Dad, you used to always give me such good advice. Mom, you always listened to me talk about boys and work. I need you guys. I really need you guys right now. I don't know what to do. I'm sure you're watching over me and Declan but if you can...please just watch over Declan. I don't want anything to happen to him. Especially not because of me. Please."

  As Laci wept, a solitary figure in the distance watched, smiling.


  Amber was watching Robert inhale some Doritos while typing on his laptop. He said he was designing a new security system. She didn't understand how he could still be working. Amber never remembered him working like this in the past. They had dated after she broke up with Joe Bishop. Robert was fun and a few years younger than her. They fought a lot but that was probably because they were so much alike. He was handsome and successful but he was very immature. He was no Dr. Andrew Brett, that's for sure.

  "This summer’s gonna hurt like a-," Robert was chanting under his breath.

  "Robert," Amber called out to him.

  He didn't respond. Instead he kept chanting, "This summer’s gonna hurt like a-."

  "Robert!" Amber said in a sharper voice, almost yelling.

  "What's wrong, babe?" Robert pulled himself away from his laptop and glanced at Amber who was scowling.

  "I've been trying to think and I can't because you keep mumbling."

  Robert chuckled, "I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was doing it."

  "Well stop. It's annoying."

  Robert shook his head, "I know you're upset because your friend passed away but you need to watch the attitude."

  Amber frowned, "She didn't pass away Robert. She was murdered. Killed! How can you be so insensitive?"

  Robert shrugged, "I didn't know her. Besides, I offered to go with you to the funeral tomorrow but you said no. What else do you want from me?"

  "I've told you what I wanted."

  Robert rolled his eyes, "Amber, you're older than me but you need to grow up."

  "Me? I need to grow up? What's that supposed to mean?"

  Robert sighed, "I'm tired of playing these games with you."

  "What games?" Amber asked.

  "You know what games. You need to stop being such a downer all the time."

  "If I'm such a downer, why did you ask me to go out with you again? Didn't you break up with another girl to date me again? We were apart for three months. Why ask me out again?"

  Robert shut off his laptop, "Honestly, I'm asking myself the same thing."

  "What did you say?" Amber asked, shocked.

  "You heard me. I'm sick and tired of you always nagging at me. I can't even hum to myself or you get all bent out of shape. You still won't let me introduce you to my friends. You're always putting me down. I don't get it. If you're so ashamed of me then why go out with me?"

  Amber was breathing heavily, "Robert, I'm going through a tough time right now."

  "Yeah? Name someone who isn't."

  Amber took a step back, Robert had never gotten upset with her before. "Why are you being a jerk to me right now?"

  "I'm not being a jerk Amber. I just want an answer. Are you ashamed of me?"

  Amber took a second too long to answer. Robert cursed under his breath, "You know what I don't understand Amber?" He didn't wait for her to respond, "You act like I'm not good enough for you but the truth is, you're not all that."

  "Excuse me?" she said, offended.

  "Did I stutter? You're not that great a catch. You're older than me. I make more money than you. Even my friend Declan' sister, Laci, is better looking than you."

  It was a direct hit, and Robert knew it. He knew how Amber was secretly jealous of Laci Cummings.

  "I'm way prettier than her!" Amber shouted.

  Robert shrugged, "Maybe in your eyes."

  Amber was sputtering in anger.

  "I never understood why you didn't want to meet my best friend Declan. You and I dated for four months, broke up for three, and even now you still don't want to meet him. The only thing I can think of is that you're embarrassed."

  "Get out!"

  "This is my apartment too. You get out!" Robert yelled at her.

  Amber ran towards him and tried shoving him out the door. He held his ground, making it difficult for her. She wouldn't be able to open the door and push him out. Amber threw her hands up and attempted to scratch his face. Robert cursed and pushed her up against a wall, holding her arms above her head, "What the heck's the matter with you?"

  "Let go of me!"

  "You need to calm down," Robert muttered.

  "Let me go!" she shouted, trying to kick her leg up to hit him in the groin. Robert threw his weight against her and said in a deep voice, "I'll leave, but I'm getting my stuff first. If I were you, I wouldn't piss me off anymore right now."

  Amber was frozen in fear and anger. She wasn't afraid of Robert but this was the angriest she had ever seen him. She rubbed her wrists where he had held her and whispered, "Hurry up. Get your stuff and get out Robert."

  He called her a few curse words as he gathered some clothes in an overnight bag. His parting words to her were the same ones he gave to her the last time, "You'll regret this."

  Laci was making some hot cocoa and her brother Declan was standing next to her holding a bag of tiny marshmallows.

  "Remind me again why we're making hot cocoa when it's hot outside?" Declan asked.

  "Because it's delicious."

  "Does your boyfriend know what a weirdo you are?" Declan asked.

  "He's not my boyfriend," Laci said softly.

  "Really? You could've fooled me. He comes over all the time now," Declan said while eating a handful of marshmallows.

  Laci slapped his hand, "Stop or we won't have any for the cocoa!"

  "Marshmallow Nazi!" Declan cried after she took the bag away.

  "Before I was adopted, we used to make hot cocoa in my foster home. I used to love drinking it. Even in hot weather, I'd drink it," Laci smiled.

  Declan nodded, "Yeah yeah...I've heard this story before Laci."

  "So rude," she laughed.

  "You're lucky though. You had a good foster home and mom and dad adopted you."

  "They adopted you too Declan," Laci reminded him.

  He gave a thin smile, "Yeah but I still had to see some rough parts of life before they adopted me."

  Laci pulled out two mugs and placed them on the counter. She stayed quiet to let Declan continue talking. It was very rare for him to discuss his life before the adoption. Laci had only really known him as her obnoxious but lovable little brother. She couldn't imagine him suffering as a young child. The thought made her heart ache.

  When he didn't continue, she asked, "What was it like Declan?"

  He started outlining the rim of one of the mugs with a finger, "I don't know."

  "I only ask because mom and dad never really told me and you never told me. It's weird to think there's this entire chunk of your life that I don't know about. I'm your sister. I should know everything about you."

  Declan smirked, "Is that so?"

  "Yes. No secrets between siblings."

  Declan shook his head, "I don't think so Laci."

  "Declan you're an adult now. It's okay to talk to me about it."

  "I thought psychologists weren't supposed to be pushy about getting people to open up," Declan jested.

  "I'm not talking to you as a psychologist. I'm talking to you as a sister. A big sister that's tired of not knowing everything about you."

  "I think it's best that you don't know Laci."

  "Really? Do you mean that?" Laci asked, a little hurt.

  Declan sighed, "Oh and she's pulling the big sister puppy eyes card on me."

  "No I'm not. I'm just surprised. You know everything about me."

  Declan sho
ok his head, "No I don't and honestly, I find it hard to believe that you don't know everything about my biological parents."

  Laci turned away, "I know some stuff."

  "Like what?"

  Laci cleared her throat and began pouring the cocoa into one of the mugs, "That your parents were addicted to drugs."

  "True, and what else?" Declan knew his sister well enough to know that she always knew more than she let on.

  "That they were arrested and put in jail," she mumbled.

  "And what else?"

  "That there were allegations of abuse."

  She wasn't facing him, but she could hear him inhaling a gasp.

  "How did you know all that Laci?"

  "A couple of years ago, I looked into some old records of mom and dad and then followed up with police reports."

  "All that just to find out about my childhood?" Declan mocked.

  "You're my brother Declan. Of course I did that. I wanted to know more about you."


  "Why not?" she asked.

  Declan rubbed a hand over his face, "Laci, I'm an adult. I know you mean well but sometimes you treat me like a kid and it really bothers me."

  Laci knew she went overboard sometimes, "I'm sorry Declan. I shouldn't have snooped. It's nothing to be ashamed of though."

  "I know that!" Declan raised his voice more than he intended to. There was a moment of awkward silence. "I'm sorry Laci. It's just not something I ever wanted to talk about."

  "I understand Declan. It must be tough to have been exposed to that."

  "Laci, I know you're a shrink and all that but could you spare me the understanding BS. You have no idea what I went through."

  "Of course I don't. You won't tell me."

  Declan cursed, "You want to know? Fine! I was raised by the two most selfish people I know. They didn't care about me one bit. All they cared about was their next fix. If I bugged them and told them I was hungry, I'd get a whipping. And not with a hand or even a sandal Laci. They'd beat me with whatever was close to them. You ever been spanked with a bottle of beer before, Laci? It hurts like heck."

  Laci was shocked but Declan continued, "Still, being bruised by a bottle was nothing compared to when they made me get in a bath full of water and hit me Laci. I don't know if you know this, but the water makes it hurt more."


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