How the Lady Charmed the Marquess

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How the Lady Charmed the Marquess Page 3

by Laura A. Barnes

  Chapter Four

  Charlotte sat next to Evelyn on the settee, watching Sinclair move from one eligible lady to the next. His charm would have each of them twittering like a silly chit. Even Jacqueline and Gemma, who had known him since childhood, fell for his charm. It was the other ladies Uncle Theo had invited whom he flirted with that unsettled Charlotte. Her uncle had only invited the other debutantes to fool the gentlemen about his agenda. However, every gentleman he'd invited had his seal of approval if they won their hands. Uncle Theo left nothing to chance.

  A small gathering filled the library after dinner, since only a few of the guests had arrived. The rest would arrive tomorrow when the house party kicked into full swing. Aunt Susanna had the week filled with a variety of activities to keep the boredom away. Charlotte waited in anticipation for the ball. Then this complete farce would be over and she could return to her daily life.

  Those days were filled with spending time with family and working with the horses. She would tackle the issue of going to London for the season when it grew closer. If she pretended to make every attempt at finding a husband and failed at the end, she could prove to Uncle Theo how hopeless a season would be. The only flaw in this plan was that she didn’t want to encourage any of the gentlemen invited to the house party. So that left only Sinclair’s offer.

  If his actions were anything to go by, then he meant to make her grovel. Which she wouldn’t do. Nor would she promise Sapphire’s foal. She might lead him false that she would, but the foal would be hers once it was born. Uncle Theo had more than promised it would be. Tomorrow, during one of Aunt Susanna’s activities, Charlie would inform Sinclair that she would accept the offer of help.

  Or perhaps she could talk with him now, considering he made his way over to them?

  Charlotte smoothed her skirts and flashed Sinclair an encouraging smile. However, the smile he returned was one of polite indifference. Now, a different smile he directed toward Evelyn held the same flirtatious charm he bestowed on all the other ladies.


  “Lord Sinclair,” Evelyn said.

  Charlie refused to answer the greeting. Evelyn elbowed her in the side for the discourtesy. Instead of replying, Charlie glared at Sinclair. Usually he would make a remark toward her unruly behavior, instead this time he continued to ignore Charlotte.

  “Evelyn, would you be so kind to join me in a stroll through the gardens with Gray and Lady Selina? Your uncle and Lady Forrester will be in the walking party too.”

  “It would be my pleasure. Would you mind if Charlotte accompanied us?”

  Before Sinclair answered, Charlotte spoke. “I am sorry, Evelyn, I must beg off. I promised Lord Worthington a game of chess.”

  “Excellent, I shall have you all to myself,” Sinclair declared, helping Evelyn stand. He placed her hand in the crook of his arm and led them outside.

  Evelyn looked over her shoulder with anger at Charlie for refusing to join them, knowing that Charlie lied. Charlie dropped her eyes, ashamed that she abandoned her twin to the scoundrel. But she wouldn’t tag along only for Sinclair to ignore her.

  Once the party began their stroll through the garden, Charlotte rose and walked outside. She watched how Sinclair bent his head to listen to Evelyn. Their steps had slowed, and they were an inappropriate distance from the rest of the group. Sinclair stopped and brushed a stray curl from Evelyn’s cheek as he did earlier in the day to Charlotte. He bent and whispered something into Evelyn’s ear. Instead of Evelyn slapping him, she laughed and they resumed their walk, catching up to the others. It would appear he had charmed her sister this evening too. Which left Charlie the only lady uncharmed by the scoundrel.

  “Did I hear correctly that you promised me a game of chess?”

  Charlotte pasted on a sweet smile and twirled around, embarrassed to be caught in her lie. “I am sorry, Lord Worthington, I fear I used you for an excuse. If it would please you, we can play a game.”

  Lord Worthington leaned closer and whispered, “Do you really want to play chess?”

  Charlotte shook her head.

  “Would you rather escape this boredom and visit the stables?”

  Worthington knew Charlotte's weakness and tempted her with a stroll that would ruin her reputation if anyone caught them alone.

  “If you take a few steps to the side, you would be out of the other guest’s viewpoint. After a short time we can make our escape.” Worthington further tempted Charlotte with a devious plan.

  Charlotte scanned the room and noticed everyone’s attention focused on a card game they were playing. She could easily slip away and nobody would notice. When Evelyn came back, she would assume that Charlotte had returned to their bedroom. A walk to the stables to visit Sapphire would be the highlight of the evening. Charlotte took a few steps deeper into the darkness. When after a while no one called out her name and the party from the garden couldn’t see her, she nodded to Worthington, and he chuckled, drawing her hand to his elbow, leading them to the stables.

  “I had hoped I could convince you to leave.”

  “You played on my one weakness, my lord.”

  “Only one weakness?”

  “Of course.”

  “Mmm, I think you have at least one other weakness.”


  “Then Sinclair charming every lady this evening but you does not faze you? Or him singling out your sister for a stroll?”

  “I do not understand your point. If this is how our visit to the stable will proceed, you may leave and I will find my own way.” Charlotte pulled her hand from Worthington’s elbow and stopped walking.

  Worthington only laughed, drawing her hand back. “All right, I promise no more talk of Sinclair.”

  Once they reached the stables, Worthington led them to Sapphire’s stall. The horse snickered in enjoyment at seeing Charlotte. She tried to nudge her for a treat.

  “Sorry girl, this was a surprise visit.”

  “Perhaps she would enjoy this.” Worthington held out an apple and a knife.

  Charlotte beamed a smile at him. His thoughtfulness endeared him. While Charlotte fed Sapphire pieces of the apple Worthington peeled, she told him of her plans for the foal. He in turn told Charlotte of the horses in his stables. Their common interest erased thoughts of Sinclair from Charlie’s mind.

  Lord Reese Worthington was a schoolmate of Lucas’s and had visited the estate occasionally. He always spent his time with Lucas, and Charlotte never had the opportunity to learn more about him. Perhaps this week wouldn’t be so difficult to get through and she wouldn’t need Sinclair’s help. If she befriended Worthington, then he would be the gentleman she pretended to fall for. When the week was over, he would return home and she would have shown Uncle Theo how she'd attempted to socialize.

  When the time came to return to the house, Worthington escorted Charlotte to where she could sneak inside undetected. He acted the perfect gentlemen, not once attempting anything inappropriate. They made plans to visit the stable tomorrow with a chaperone. He wanted her opinion on a matter concerning his horse. Worthington’s company was a pleasant change from a certain other bachelor in attendance. Charlotte wished Worthington good evening and slipped inside, making her way to her bedroom. Charlotte opened the door and sighed in relief that Evelyn hadn’t returned yet. No one would know of her visit to the stables with Worthington unchaperoned.

  Charlie readied for bed without help from Polly and laid down waiting for Evelyn to return. She wanted to learn more of Evelyn’s walk with Sinclair. Charlie had to make sure that her sister didn’t fall for his wicked charm.

  SINCLAIR SMOKED HIS cigar, watching the couple walk to the rear of the house. The echoes of their animated conversation drifted in the air. When they reached the servant’s entrance, the gentleman lifted the lady’s hands and placed a kiss on her gloved fingers. Then he bent his head and whispered something in her ear. Worthington overstepped with the miss. This unsettled Sinclair. The bounder wa
s poaching on his territory. The sight of Worthington charming Charlotte shouldn’t bother him, except she was an innocent miss and Worthington was a rake. Otherwise, Charlotte meant nothing to Sinclair. Nothing at all.

  So why did Sinclair feel the need to stake his claim on Charlotte? No, he had no intention of falling into the parson’s noose. He only wanted the new foal from Sapphire. Obviously, that was Worthington’s goal too. The lord’s new stables and the breeding program he was starting was the talk in all the clubs. Sinclair needed to convince Charlie of his help so she didn’t fall victim to a false courtship. Yes, he would protect her from Worthington and any other gentleman who attempted to woo her. But not before he issued a warning to Worthington first.

  “I do not think the Duke of Colebourne would take kindly to one of his guests sneaking around with one of his wards in the dark of night.”

  “No, I do not suppose he would.” Worthington continued to stride past Sinclair.

  “Charlotte Holbrooke is not your usual conquest. What are your intentions with the chit?”

  Worthington turned and smirked at Sinclair. “My intentions are none of your concern, Sinclair.”

  “Perhaps they are.”

  “Are you declaring your intentions for the lady?”

  When Sinclair didn’t answer, Worthington laughed.

  “And you are mistaken. Charlotte Holbrooke is exactly my choice of a lady. She is fiery and feisty. The exact kind I find pleasure with between my bedsheets.”

  Sinclair scowled, dropping his cigar and smashing it under his Hessians. He intended to plant a facer on Worthington, but stopped himself. If Colebourne caught wind of an altercation, then Sinclair would be ordered home. Sinclair had finagled an invitation only through being a neighbor who spent the majority of his time at the Colebourne stables. The duke allowed him to learn the process of his breeding program so that Sinclair could start his own. With Sinclair joining their family for dinner on a weekly basis, it would have been impolite not to invite him.

  Gray had made it clear to him that under no circumstances was he to ruin any chances for his cousins to find grooms. Gray had filled him in on the duke’s plans since Sinclair caught Charlotte outside the window. He understood why the duke wanted the girls to settle. With his advancing age and health concerns over the last year, the duke worried over the ladies’ security. Sinclair made a promise not to interfere. However, that didn't mean any promises on not pursuing any of the girls for himself. And if he had to pursue Charlie to protect her, then that would be his mission.

  Anything to keep Charlotte out of Worthington’s clutches.

  Chapter Five

  Charlie rolled over, looking over at Evelyn’s bed. Her sister had already left to join everyone in Jacqueline’s room for their morning ritual. The night before, Charlie had fallen asleep before Evelyn returned. She would have to wait until when they got dressed for the day to question Evelyn.

  She walked next door to Jacqueline’s bedroom and to the excited chatter of her family. Even Abigail, who had trepidations over the house party, seemed pleased with the guests Uncle Theo invited. Abigail discussed with Gemma about the other girls invited and how they were already forming friendships. Charlie smiled, pleased that Abigail now embraced the house party. Jacqueline and Evelyn had their heads bent close together, whispering. When Charlie wandered closer, they stopped talking.

  “Good morning, Charlie,” said Jacqueline.

  “Good morning, sisters.”

  Evelyn slid over on the overstuffed chair, making room for Charlie. Charlie sat next to her, reaching for a scone. She had her mouth full of the berry delight exploding on her tongue when Jacqueline started questioning Charlotte on her absence.

  “Where did you disappear to after Evelyn joined Sinclair for a walk?”

  “I retired early due to a headache coming on.”

  “That is peculiar.”

  “What is?” Charlie asked between bites.

  “I came to check on you, and your room was empty.”

  Charlie choked and Evelyn patted her on the back. Charlotte had assumed she was in the clear, since she'd returned before Evelyn. Charlie never thought about Jacqueline checking on her. She took a sip of hot chocolate before she lied some more.

  With a calm to her voice that she didn’t hold, Charlie replied, “You must have checked while I was requesting Mrs. Oakes to make me her special tincture.”

  Jacqueline continued staring at Charlie with a motherly I know you are fibbing look. Then there was Evelyn’s why are you deceiving Jacqueline stare. Charlie’s only response was to feign innocence. She would need to find Mrs. Oakes and bribe the housekeeper with her favorite sweet—which would require a special trip to the village to buy the peppermints Mrs. Oakes so enjoyed.

  “You did not sneak off to the stables with Lord Worthington, did you?” Jacqueline whispered low enough so that Gemma and Abigail couldn’t hear.

  “No. That would be inappropriate behavior that I promised you I would not partake in. I had a simple headache, that was all.”


  Charlie hated lying to her sisters. “I promise.”

  Before Jacqueline reminded them again of the need for proper behavior, the peaceful atmosphere in the room evaporated.

  Selina was at the door.

  “How quaint that you ladies still partake in this childish ritual. I would have figured you’d outgrown the need for security. And it is so generous that you include Miss Cason, considering she should be at work below stairs. That is, unless she is the one serving you ladies, then her company explains all.”

  The shrew had arrived at the house party and came bearing her claws. Her cutting remark toward Abigail was inexcusable. Charlie swore to herself that before the house party ended, she would seek revenge against Lucas’s betrothed.

  Abigail impressed Charlie with a calm demeanor. But she saw the hurt and doubt cloud Abigail’s eyes. Selina Pemberton never missed an opportunity to remind Abigail of her place in society. But what Selina always seemed to forget was how Abigail’s family always protected her. Oh, they wouldn’t waste their time with words. No, they'd learned their lesson with Selina on the battling of wits. The miss had too much practice on being vindictive, and they were no match. Instead they would seek revenge on Selina in more practical ways. Ways that would reflect poorly on her, and always in front of others.

  “Would you care to join us?” Abigail asked.

  None of them had ever invited Selina to join their circle. When Aunt Susanna prepared them for the house party, she offered one piece of advice, saying that ladies from London were of a different variety than the friends they had made in the village who were of a sort to accept life as they knew it. The ladies in the ton were raised with one purpose and one purpose only. And that was to secure themselves with a match higher than the one they were born into. But for them not to think all the ladies were of a competitive nature, some would make excellent friends. So they weren’t to guard their feelings too closely. However, still to be aware of nefarious characters.

  Aunt Susanna said to kill them with kindness, even when they were anything but. It would seem Abigail was applying Aunt Susanna’s advice toward Selina.

  Abigail’s question seemed to take Selina aback. They waited in bated breath. The beauty narrowed her eyes, looking each girl square in the face. They each bestowed a smile of acceptance.

  “Why would I want to join this gathering when Lucas invited me to join him for breakfast on his private terrace?” Selina directed the snub directly at Abigail.

  Abigail said, “Then I hope your breakfast with Lucas is enjoyable. Please accept our invitation to join us tomorrow morning for hot chocolate and scones. We will be in the twin’s bedroom. It was remiss of us not to invite you or the other ladies while the house party was in session. Please accept our apologies for excluding you over the years.”

  Selina’s only reply was a humph before she walked away. She had intended to ruin their morning ritual
, instead it had backfired. Poor Lucas. Selina would make the breakfast miserable. Charlie held no sympathy for her cousin. Those two deserved each other. Charlie still hadn’t forgiven Lucas over his comments regarding Abigail enjoying a season. She would have loved to sneak out and watch them, but she'd made a promise of no eavesdropping during the house party. Charlie had made a lot of promises recently. They were becoming hard to keep. However, she would continue trying.

  “Kill them with kindness,” Abigail said, before anyone asked.

  They all fell into a fit of giggles at Abigail’s impression of Aunt Susanna. It did no good to discuss Selina’s spitefulness. An act they were used to, and would have to endure more after her marriage to Lucas. They'd also learned not to waste their energy trying to understand Selina.

  Soon they dispersed to their rooms to dress for the day. The rest of the guests were set to arrive later that morning and Aunt Susanna planned an afternoon of entertainment. Charlie followed Evelyn into the bedroom where Polly waited to help them dress. Her sister didn’t say anything until Polly left to help Jacqueline get ready.

  “Why did you lie to Jacqueline, and where did you sneak away to last night?”

  “Because I did accept Lord Worthington’s offer to visit the stables. It was innocent, but Jacqueline would have deemed it inappropriate.”

  “That is because it was.”

  “Nonsense. We visited Sapphire, talked about horses, and Worthington walked me to the servant’s quarters, where I snuck in unnoticed.”

  “Nothing untoward happened?”

  “Nothing. Well, except ...”

  “Except what?”

  “He kissed my hand before I slipped inside.”


  “Evelyn, it was an innocent gesture, nothing more. Now, how was your walk with Sinclair? What did you discuss? Did he mention me?”

  “It was pleasant. We discussed the events planned for the week. Why would your name come up in our discussion?”


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