How the Lady Charmed the Marquess

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How the Lady Charmed the Marquess Page 8

by Laura A. Barnes

  “Charlie, my girl, are you going to join me or sit in the tree all night gawking at the house?”

  “I am not gawking.”

  “I have set out our midnight rendezvous in splendor delight and you never moved a muscle.”

  Charlie looked below to see Duncan relaxed on the blanket with the rations of treats he stole from the kitchen. He grabbed a grape and popped it into his mouth. How did she not hear him arrive? Charlie climbed down the tree, jumping off from the lowest branch. Her jump landed wrong, and she rolled onto the blanket, laughing at her mishap.

  “It must be the dress-wearing that has you off your game.”

  “Hush.” Charlie swatted at Duncan before grabbing a piece of cheese. “You know your mama forces me to wear them. Also, I will not embarrass Uncle Theo in front of his guests.”

  “Well then, I hope you do not run into any guests on your return. Some of those uptight prudes might not understand your current state of dress.”

  Charlie looked down at the trousers and loose white cotton shirt she pulled on. It was her usual attire when she visited the stables and one she always wore when she wandered the estate. It was the only way she'd climbed the tree so easily. They were the only garments that made her comfortable enough to be her true self. Plus, they were a lot less confining. She wasn’t all trussed up on display.

  Charlie dug into the treats Duncan brought. She was starving, since she didn’t eat much at dinner. Jasper’s unwavering stare had unsettled her. Her anticipation for the morning to arrive to spend time alone with him grew. Would he kiss her again? Charlie hoped so.

  “I will sneak in through the servants’ quarters. No one will know the difference, especially when I wear this.” Charlie threw her hat at Duncan.

  Duncan laughed at her disguise. They soon settled into their regular discussion. Duncan told her of the widow he'd escaped from in Edinburgh. His tale had her in stitches. When he described how the widow waited naked for him in his study, shocking his servants, Charlie’s laughter filled the night air.

  “Duncan Forrester, you are one naughty Scot.”

  “One you want to be naughty with?” He waggled his eyebrows at Charlie.

  Charlie’s laughter died away. She felt the heat of a blush covering her face. Charlie was thankful for the darkness. The light of the moon wasn’t bright enough to display her blush. If so, Duncan’s teasing would never stop. She broke the chocolate biscuits into crumbs. The awkward silence filled the night air. Duncan pulled the biscuit from her hands.

  “I stole your favorite treat for you to eat, not to destroy,” Duncan teased, handing her another biscuit.

  “Thank you,” Charlie mumbled, taking a bite. The savory chocolate exploded in her mouth. She moaned at the exquisite taste. Cook had the skill to make chocolate biscuits melt in one’s mouth.

  “Oh, to be on the end of that moan.”

  “Stop it, Duncan.”

  “Not until you tell me why you were flirting with those blokes when I arrived and what you were doing alone with Jasper Sinclair in the storage room this afternoon. Because any other time, my flirtatious attitude never bothered you. In fact, if I remember correctly, you used to flirt back to inflate my ego.”

  “That was before.”

  “Before what, my girl?”

  “Before Uncle Theo threw this maddening matchmaking house party. Before Evelyn convinced me to help her. Before Jasper Sinclair kissed me.” Charlie ended on a sigh.

  “While I would love to focus on Sinclair’s untoward behavior, we better start at the beginning.”

  “’Tis a long story.”

  Duncan leaned back, folding his arms behind his head. “I have all night. Do you have somewhere to be?”

  “Not until dawn.”

  “Should I ask where?”

  “No, it is part of my story.”

  “I wait in anticipation then.”

  Charlie laughed. “Why is life so confusing?”

  “Because if it weren’t, it would be too boring. Boring does not work for people like you and me. We thrive on adventure, complexity, curiosity.”

  “Perhaps we are just foolish.”

  “Mmm, perhaps. Now why do you believe Uncle Theo is using this house party in a matchmaking attempt?”

  “Because I overheard Lucas and him discussing the matter. He wants to see us settled before anything happens to him. Whoever does not make a match from the party will travel to London for the upcoming season.”

  “That will be mighty pricey.”

  “Yes, Lucas agrees. However, Uncle thinks the gentlemen he invited would be perfect matches. Uncle Theo and your mother have been throwing us in their clutches at every opportunity they can.”

  “I wondered why Mother was insistent on me not joining the festivities. She forbade me to come. When I questioned her, she gave me a silly excuse that Uncle Theo invited his old friends to the house party. The reason for her visit was to chaperone and to keep you girls out of their way. Imagine my delight to see a roomful of young debutantes ripe for plucking.”

  “Exactly why your mother dissuaded you from coming, my friend.”

  “All right, which explains the party. Now onto Evelyn. What does she need help with?”

  “The reason is complicated.”


  “If I do, you must promise that you will take no action against the gentleman it involves. It is pertinent that you keep your silence. Do you promise?”

  “I will only keep the promise until at any time the said gentleman we plan on discussing does not stand up to his advances.”

  Duncan would protect any of them if someone behaved wrongly against them. She would betray Evelyn on her secret, only because they were running out of time. If Worthington didn’t fall in love with Evelyn before the ball ended on Saturday night, Charlie didn’t think her sister would have another chance.

  Charlie had heard Aunt Susanna and her cronies gossiping yesterday. Worthington needed a bride, and soon. When his father passed away, he'd left his family destitute. Worthington sunk his available funds into his breeding program. The banks held the mortgages on his homes that weren’t entailed. The creditors were on the brink of closing his accounts. With a mother, three younger sisters and a brother, he needed the dowry of a bride to help dig him out of his misfortune. If he didn’t find a bride at the party, then he would return to London and seek any eligible debutante or heiress for his agenda. By the time they would reach London, he would have already secured himself a bride, and Evelyn would forever lose her chance at love and happiness. She didn’t tell Evelyn of this latest news, because it would only have discouraged her. Perhaps Duncan could help them make Worthington fall for Evelyn.

  “Evelyn has fallen in love with Worthington. At an earlier visit, they had a moment that endeared her heart to him.”

  “What kind of moment?”

  “A scandalous one.” Charlie winced.

  “My promise is slowly disappearing,” Duncan warned.

  “Please try to understand. After their time together, Evelyn came away in love. The only hitch is that Worthington thinks he seduced me. When he spoke my name, Evelyn didn’t correct him.”

  “Not only is Evelyn’s reputation in jeopardy, so is yours.”

  “Yes. Except we have been switching identities throughout the party. Each time your mother pairs me with Worthington, Evelyn takes my place. You should see her transformation. She has come out of her shell and glows. She glows, Duncan. I have not seen her this alive since Mama and Papa were alive.”

  “All right, I will keep my promise. How will Evelyn handle Worthington’s anger once he learns of her deception? Because he will be furious. His pride already suffers. Your deceit would push him to deny any involvement with Evelyn.”

  “But by that time he will have fallen in love with Evelyn. Worthington will forgive her for everything.”

  “Charlie, my girl, it does not work that way. He will be furious for being duped. Also, consider Evelyn. Doe
s she not deserve a man to love her for herself? She will always wonder who his affections lie with. You or her? In the end she could come to resent you.”

  Charlie listened to Duncan’s argument and doubted their plans. They never took into account the fallout of their deception. Evelyn assumed Worthington would fall in love with her. That their attraction would blossom into love. Were they foolish to believe that attraction led to love?

  “I have to believe that our plan will work. Why, even today, after Worthington kept trying to grab my attention, Evelyn charmed him to talk to her. Aunt Susanna paired them together for the scavenger hunt, and Evelyn has been overjoyed since.”

  “I hope for her sake that it works. Now, please tell me why I should not tell Uncle Theo about the two hours you spent alone with Sinclair while you should have been playing in the scavenger hunt?”

  “I wish I could explain. I am confused myself on why Sinclair and I have this ... this thing.”

  Duncan rolled over, leaning his head on his hand. “And what exactly is this thing?” he teased.

  Charlie moaned and lay down. She stared up at the stars in the sky, wondering how to describe the thing Sinclair and her shared without telling Duncan of their intimacy.

  “I do not understand how, but he discovered our deception on the first day. He said there were differences between Evelyn and I.”

  “He has known you girls your entire life. I am sure after the time you have spent with him at the stables, he can see the differences. Evelyn and you are as different as night and day.”


  “Will I need to protect your virtue too after this house party is over, if Sinclair does not offer for your hand in marriage?”

  Charlie didn’t answer.

  “I will take your silence as a yes.”

  “One minute we are arguing, the next we are in each other’s arms, and Jasper is kissing me, making my knees grow weak. His kisses have opened my soul to a whirlwind of emotions I want to explore. He threatened to tell on us, but I do not think he will any longer. We are meeting for a ride at dawn. Jasper wants to spend time with me.”

  “Not without a chaperone. I will meet you.”

  “No, please Duncan. Do not make me regret talking with you. I want to spend time alone with Jasper and explore these feelings we have for each other. I promise things will progress no further than what I have allowed.”

  “And what have you allowed?” Duncan scowled.

  “Nothing much. Just a few kisses.” Charlie’s face was on fire now.

  “Charlie, you must understand. While I am your friend, I am also a member of your family whose duty it is to protect your honor.”

  “I understand, but please just this one time, trust that I will use my best judgment.”

  “You know I cannot refuse you. I will only give you this one opportunity to be alone with Jasper Sinclair. After your ride, Evelyn and you must promise to drop your deception and bring these gentlemen to terms honestly. And I say gentlemen lightly. I still do not understand why Uncle Theo invited these particular gentlemen to his estate.”

  “I already told you. He is playing matchmaker.”

  “Yes, but the gentlemen he invited are rakes and scoundrels. Some of them have reputations full of scandal. Worthington himself is rumored to have at least two mistresses at a time. Sinclair is wild with his money, making obscene bets with his racehorses. And he is no innocent with women either. There is a reason all the widows flock to him. He may not bed them when their husbands are alive, but before they are buried in the ground, you will find Sinclair buried in their wives. I do not mean to be so cruel, my dear. I only want you to understand the kind of man you are risking your heart to love. Is he worth it?”


  Charlie’s answer was quick and firm. After Sinclair's first kiss, her heart made the decision. There would be no other but him.

  “Do you agree to stop your deceit after your ride with Sinclair?”

  Charlie rolled over, mimicking Duncan by propping her head on her hand. “If you will answer a couple of my questions.”

  “All right.”

  “Can you explain what sowing your wild oats means?”

  Duncan choked on the cookie he was eating, sending a few crumbs spluttering in the air.

  “Where did you hear that comment from?”

  “Aunt Susanna and her cronies when they were describing the gentlemen’s boredom.”

  “Um, the comment means when a gentleman likes to, um, you know.”

  “No, I do not. That is why I am asking you.”

  Duncan sighed. “It is when a gentleman likes to keep company with a variety of females in a sexual nature before he takes the long walk down the wedding aisle.”


  Before Charlie asked any more questions pertaining to the subject, Duncan asked, “And your second question?”

  “Why did Selina slap you?”

  Instead of answering, Duncan started cleaning up their midnight picnic. His silence intrigued Charlie more. If she didn’t know any better, she thought Duncan was blushing. Which was absurd. A grown man blushing over a mere slap. Unless it was more?

  “Well?” Charlie probed again when Duncan hadn’t answered.

  “Nothing. She was just perturbed for my standing in her way. We need to return before someone spots us.” Duncan tried pulling the blanket out from beneath Charlie while avoiding her eyes.

  It was more than nothing. What would make Duncan so uncomfortable that he would avoid the subject? Especially when they shared everything? Duncan was the closest thing she had to a brother, besides Lucas. There would be only one reason for Duncan to keep a secret. The repercussions he would meet if anyone discovered the truth would be life-defining.

  “You kissed Selina,” Charlie whispered.

  Duncan closed his eyes and hung his head. His shame at kissing his cousin’s betrothed revealed itself in his rigid form. There was no explanation for what came over him at that moment. The memory of taking Selina’s soft lips under his brought forth another wave of guilt. All he knew was one minute he tried preventing Selina from discovering Charlie and Sinclair, and the next minute he wanted to punish her vindictiveness with his kiss. He didn’t understand if he wanted to prove to Selina or himself that she held any emotion for him. And he did. He'd felt her mouth soften under his when he slid his tongue inside. She melted for the briefest of moments before she pulled away and slapped him.

  He opened his eyes and nodded at Charlie. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. Duncan would have laughed at her expression if it weren’t directed at him. He swore, dragging his hand through his hair. Now Charlie knew his secret and he would need to persuade her to keep her mouth closed. Charlie didn’t hide her hatred toward Selina. At any opportunity, Charlie tried to thwart the lass. While he agreed with Charlie that Selina wasn’t the woman for Lucas, it was out of their control. Uncle Theo had made that decision long ago. For him to cross that line that was his burden to fix, which he could manage as long as Charlie stayed silent. When Charlie burst out laughing, Duncan knew he was doomed.

  “Why on earth would you do that?” Charlie asked between her bouts of laughter.

  “Why do you think?” Duncan growled. “I was trying to protect you.”

  “And that was the only reason?”

  Another question that he couldn’t answer without telling the truth. He could lie, but Charlie would know. To be honest even with himself over the subject of Selina Pemberton, he didn’t quite understand. The lass stirred emotions in him. Selina was off limits, only meant for Lucas. But it hadn’t stopped Duncan from imagining what it would feel like to be with her. Her cloud of vulnerability drew her to him. She always portrayed herself as a snobbish debutante who always got what she wanted. But when nobody watched, Selina’s demeanor dropped, and she was an insecure, lonely chit wishing the other ladies would include her in their circle. Duncan noticed Selina watching with envy when the other girls gathered togethe
r. However, the use of her waspish tongue kept her apart.

  “No,” Duncan admitted.

  For Duncan to admit to wanting to kiss Selina of his own free will was a recipe for disaster. What Charlie didn’t understand was why? Selina was a vindictive shrew. She wasn’t good enough for Lucas, and definitely not good enough for Duncan. Even if it were possible, they were complete opposites. Selina was a pampered bitch who made life a living hell, while Duncan was a carefree bachelor always seeking the pleasures of life.

  “That explains it all now.”

  “What does, lass?”

  “All the men in this family are looney.” Charlie laughed.

  “If that is the case, it is only because the ladies in this family have made us crazy.” Duncan lunged after Charlie to tickle her.

  Charlie took off running around the tree, her laughter growing louder. Before Duncan could grab her, she scrambled up the tree, sitting on the low branch. Duncan wouldn’t follow for fear of putting too much weight on the limb. The last time he had, he ended up breaking his arm when the branch broke. Charlie had learned a few more curse words that day.

  “Come down, Charlie, my girl, before I climb after you.”

  “And risk another broken arm?”

  “It would be worth it to make you squirm.”

  “No need. Catch me,” Charlie shouted before jumping.

  Chapter Eleven

  Sinclair stepped outside for a breath of fresh air. The billiards room had grown heavy with smoke and drunken gentlemen. Every man in attendance grew bored with the house party’s confinement. The rainy weather the last two days made it more unbearable for them. Except for Sinclair. Today had the opposite effect on him. His time alone with Charlotte only made him wish for more rainy days. There were quite a few places to which he wanted to steal her away. He may have joined the other gentlemen tonight for more gentlemanly pursuits, but they weren’t what he desired. Sinclair was restless for a chit with luxurious dark tresses, lush green eyes, soft pink lips, and a body that molded to his with perfection. He couldn’t steal into her bedroom, because she shared one with Evelyn. His patience would be near the end by the time they met at dawn. Sinclair wished Charlie would have met him tonight. But he understood the risk if they were caught together alone. This afternoon had been too close of a call. He would have done right by her. It just wasn’t what he wanted for them. Not once he realized the depth of his feelings for the girl.


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