How the Lady Charmed the Marquess

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How the Lady Charmed the Marquess Page 18

by Laura A. Barnes

  “I only needed to breathe, there was no rush for you to dress.”

  “This was a mistake. I took advantage of you.”

  Charlie grinned cheekily at Jasper. “Mmm. Are you sure I did not take advantage of you?” Charlie jumped up, wrapping the blanket around them.

  Jasper pulled away. “Charlie, for Christ’s sake, put your clothes back on.”

  Charlie backed farther away. Jasper looked at Charlie with disgust. Only a few moments ago, his stare held desire, passion, and even love. Now he seemed repulsed by her. Charlie got dressed with as much dignity that she could muster. She now understood that while Jasper enjoyed the use of her body, it was where their relationship ended. When Charlie tried to brush past him in her hurry to leave, Jasper grabbed her arm. A shiver ran down her spine. How could something so pleasant also hold displeasure?

  “Let me go.”

  Jasper dropped his hand, “We must talk.”

  Charlie turned toward him with her chin held high. The only emotion betraying her were the tears forming in her eyes. “We have nothing more to discuss, Lord Sinclair.”

  “You may feel that way. However, I want you to understand that I will not interfere with Forrester’s pursuit.”

  Charlie gasped. “You have knowledge of Duncan’s pursuit?”

  “Yes, I held suspicion and I will get my jealousy under control.”

  “You are jealous?”

  “How else should I feel? Explain to me how I can live in this state of turbulent emotion.”

  “I never realized you held such strong emotions.”

  “Have I not bared my soul every time we have made love?”

  “But you never spoke the words.”

  “And neither have you.”

  “I love you, Jasper.”

  “You are very free with your love, Charlie. I find those words do not hold the same meaning as mine do.”

  “And what are your words, Jasper?”

  “You are the very air that fills the heart of my soul.”

  “Oh.” Charlie had never heard anything so romantic. The only flaw was her confusion. She didn’t understand if Jasper was professing his undying love or letting her go.



  “I am quite confused.”

  “I can understand with your inexperience how that would be so. This week has been very eventful for a girl who has never received attention from a gentleman before. I lay the blame at my feet for my ardent pursuit of your affections.”

  “Which I have freely given to you.”

  “Yes, but you do not understand how your actions have confused other gentlemen. When a lady gives her favors to one gentleman, she should not give them so freely to others.”

  “Yet my confusion grows even more.” Charlie stood perplexed at Jasper’s conversation.

  “I saw Forrester return you to your room last night.”

  Charlie nodded, beginning to understand how Sinclair might have misinterpreted what he witnessed.

  “Do you promise not to tell a soul of Duncan’s pursuit?”

  “Charlie, by what honor I have remaining I cannot allow you to keep this a secret from your uncle. I will stand to the side, only if Forrester makes an offer for your hand.”

  “Why would Duncan make an offer for my hand? I presumed that would be an act you would attempt.”

  “Charlie, stop with the act. I know of your affair with Forrester.”

  Now it all made sense. Jasper had no clue about Duncan’s infatuation with Selina Pemberton. Jasper thought Duncan wanted Charlie. How absurd. Charlie would have doubled over laughing at the irony, if Jasper didn’t stand before her wearing such a tortuous expression.

  “Jasper, Duncan and I are only friends. I have explained this to you already.”

  “And friends do not visit each other in the secrecy of night. Nor do they share tender expressions with one another.”

  “They do if they love each other as family. I visited Duncan’s room because he needed my advice on a lady he wishes to pursue. Nothing more.”

  “I know what I saw. He cares for you.”

  “As a sister. He loves another lady. A love that will only end badly in his case.”


  “It is not my story to share. I cannot betray Duncan’s secret.”

  “So, you might have more late-night trysts with him whenever he needs you?”



  “Exactly what, Sinclair? Exactly, you hold no trust in me. Exactly, you think I am a trollop who shares my body willingly to any man that pays me attention. Exactly the ultimate truth of the matter, you do not believe in my love. You, my lord, are exactly a fool.”

  Charlie stormed past Jasper, stomping out of the stable. The man was as infuriating as ever. Why she opened her heart to such a brute was beyond her. At every turn she'd trusted him, only for him to think the worst of her. And to think, Charlie thought he would ask her to marry him. It would appear she was the fool. A fool in love with a condescending arse.

  Jasper stood staring at the spot Charlie had just left. The accuracy of her words settled in his brain to make sense. He was a fool who ruined an amazing lady he loved with his false accusations. Now that he remembered all the times Charlie interacted with Forrester, and it was with the same regard she showed Gray. Amusement lit her eyes when Forrester flirted outrageously with her. Never love.

  When Jasper shook himself from his stupor, he tore off after Charlie. He expected to have to search through the house and cause a scene to find her. Instead, when he flew out of the stable, it was to find her waiting for him with her arms crossed and her foot tapping in agitation. He smiled. This he could handle. His spitfire raging mad. He would endure whatever tirade she spouted. In the end he would humble himself at her feet with his own apology and beg for forgiveness. Then for her love for an eternity.

  “You, Jasper Sinclair, have nothing but air in between your ears. You insult me with your idiocy. Then you reject my love because of a fool’s imagination. You have broken my heart with your insensitive heart. I shall now have to spend the rest of my life wondering how I could have fallen in love with such a buffoon. Not only that, please tell me how I am to explain to my children that their father has no common sense.”

  Jasper smiled widely, falling even more in love with Charlotte. “There is no need to be so harsh, my love. My only excuse is that I have been so blinded by your love that I could not see the truth before my eyes. We shall explain to our children that the love I hold for their mother makes me foolish with happiness.”

  “I love you, Jasper, you fool.”

  “And I love you, Charlotte, my wild hoyden.”

  “I have not forgiven you yet. I expect complete groveling over the course of the next few days.”

  “Of course, my dear.” Jasper pulled Charlie into his arms, smiling down at her.

  “You can kiss me now,” Charlie demanded.

  “With pleasure.”

  After a few kisses coaxing Charlie’s anger away, she soon sighed in his arms. Her lips grew softer under his. When her body melted against him, Jasper felt a sense of relief settle over them.

  “I am truly sorry, my love. My jealousy consumed me at all the attention paid your way. From Forrester, to Worthington, to Ralston. I allowed the complex emotion to come between us.”

  “For no need, because I did not enjoy the extra attention I received. However, it could not be helped with the offer my uncle dangled before each of you gentleman if they won my hand.”

  Jasper drew back, surprised. “You knew?”

  Charlie laughed. “Yes. Not at first, but when Aunt Susanna dropped a hint about Uncle Theo meeting with you gentlemen, it did not take long to find out what the stakes were.”

  “I am not accepting the foal.”

  “Yes, you are. You won the deal. Unless you do not plan on asking for my hand. In that case ...”

  “There is no other case.
If you would be patient, I wanted to ask you in a romantic setting.”

  “I do not need that nonsense.”

  Jasper sighed, dropping his arms. With Charlie’s impatience for everything to happen in life at once, Jasper would never grow bored. If he ever wanted to surprise Charlie, he would have to plan ahead and make it appear spontaneous. He slipped his hand inside his pocket and pulled out the ring. He lifted Charlie’s hand and slid the ring down her finger.

  “Charlie, my love, will you do me the honor of becoming my bride?”

  Charlie tilted her head and smiled, making him wait. Her smile only grew the longer she kept him waiting.

  “I am not so sure. I will get back with you.”

  Jasper growled and lifted her over his shoulder, stomping back inside the stable. He dropped her into the hay and called her everything from a minx to a siren as he discarded his clothing. Charlie slipped off her clothes, her face glowing with desire. When Jasper claimed her, Charlie sighed her answer of yes into his kiss. Her answer sealed their fate that night.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Charlotte descended the stairs, eager to join Jasper in his meeting with Uncle Theo. He'd promised to wait for her to share their news. She had hoped to tell Evelyn first when she returned to their bedroom in the early morning, but her sister wasn’t there. Also, Evelyn didn’t sleep in her bed last night. Which wasn’t unusual, since they sometimes slept with Jacqueline in her bedroom. Something they had done since they were children. Charlotte rounded the staircase railing and stopped when she saw Evelyn with her ear pressed to the study door. When Charlie drew closer, she heard the raised voices. Evelyn raised her head once she noticed Charlotte.

  “I am so sorry, Charlie.”

  “For what?”

  “I never intended ...”

  “Like hell you did.” Charlie heard Jasper roar before a scuffle broke loose.

  Charlie threw the door open to see Jasper holding Worthington by his cravat with his arm cocked back, ready to throw a punch. Another punch, from the redness already staining Worthington’s face. A sinking weight settled in the pit of Charlie’s stomach when she pieced together why Jasper wanted to kill Worthington. With a swift glance at Evelyn, she understood the layout of the puzzle. The few remaining scattered pieces would cause a mismatched picture if not properly placed.

  “Charlotte, please inform your uncle of your promise for our union,” Worthington addressed Evelyn.

  Evelyn stood in shock that Worthington stared at her, but addressed her as Charlotte. Everyone stood in the room waiting for Evelyn to speak, but no words came out. Charlotte’s heart twisted for her sister. Charlie walked to Jasper’s side, releasing his grip on Worthington and pulling him away. She slid her palm into Jasper’s and squeezed. Jasper returned the squeeze, understanding the mistake and offering her support.

  Worthington straightened his clothing, smoothing his hair back into place. He offered Evelyn a smile. Before he approached her side, the duke spoke out.

  “Evelyn, if you will please close the door. Our family needs to have a private conversation that the rest of the house party need not be privy too. I assume the gentlemen in this room also see the need for secrecy in protecting Charlotte and your reputation.”

  Still Evelyn didn’t move from her spot. She stood frozen, realizing the implications of her actions would now be revealed. Evelyn looked to her sister with fear. She had used Charlie’s name to ruin herself for what she thought was love. Only she wasn’t certain of what emotion she felt. Evelyn noticed the love shining from her sister’s eyes, and Jasper returned the same love toward Charlie. He held Charlotte’s hand in support, while the man she loved held himself aloof. Worthington only wanted Evelyn to confess to her promise because of a stupid horse. While he might look at her with desire and kiss with a passion neither of them could deny, it still didn’t take away from the fact that he didn’t realize who she was. He'd assumed she was Charlie, because that was who Evelyn duped him to believe. Evelyn was a fool to think she could change a man like Worthington’s mind. She would never excite Worthington.

  “I will close the door, Father. Evelyn and Charlotte, if you will please take a seat. Then we shall clear the confusion,” said Lucas.

  However, before Lucas reached it, Evelyn spun on her heel and shut the door quietly. Then, with her head held high, she sat on the settee. Charlie joined her and wrapped her arm around Evelyn’s shoulders. Evelyn saw Worthington’s confusion grow.

  Uncle Theo rose from behind his desk and moved in front of the fireplace. He took stock of the room, forming his opinions on how one of his nieces had two gentlemen fighting for her hand. Some would say—his son especially—that inviting the selected gentlemen to his house party would end in a scandal. While both nieces engaged in scandalous courtships, they did so out of love. However, only one of them found love and happiness. The other must fight for it. A challenge his niece needed to attempt to experience the emotion of life. She had lived in her shell long enough. And if her determination from a few moments ago was any indication, she had realized it too.

  “Very well, since Lord Worthington requested an audience first, before Lord Sinclair so crudely interrupted us, he shall speak first. Lord Worthington?”

  Lord Worthington stepped forward, addressing the duke. “As I was saying, my courtship with your niece has been unorthodox and I apologize for overstepping my bounds with her virtue. My only excuse is that I am smitten.”

  “How were you smitten?” asked the duke.

  “Why with her charm.”

  “What do you find charming about my niece?”

  “Does it matter? The deed has already been done. I am only asking for your blessing, not your permission,” Worthington said, agitated.

  All eyes were upon him with each a different expression. Not that he realized the attention. His only focus was on the Duke of Colebourne. Worthington didn’t care what anyone thought. He only cared about the duke’s reaction.

  “This deed you speak of, will there be consequences from them?”

  “There is a possibility.”

  “I demand to know when this took place.”

  Worthington winced, “After the dinner dance.”

  “Then you are pledging your honor that you will protect my niece by marrying her?”

  “Yes. That was your goal all along, was it not?” Worthington sneered.

  “It was.”

  “Then I pledge my honor. Plan the wedding. When I return to collect the foal, I will collect my bride.”

  “The foal is not yours to collect,” Jasper snarled.

  Worthington laughed. “I am afraid so, Sinclair. I warned you the other evening that I would stop at nothing to make Charlotte mine. After I took her to my bed last night, there is no longer any hope for you to hold onto.”

  “Oh no. Evelyn, what have you done?” Charlie whispered.

  Charlie’s whisper echoed in the silent room, drawing everyone’s notice their way. Through it all, Evelyn sat poised. She mouthed her apology to Charlie. The only trace of Evelyn’s despair was the sadness in her eyes. The gentleman who ruined Evelyn didn’t even know her.

  “What did you two do?” asked Lucas.

  “They have taken it upon themselves to seek happiness. While they deceived us by switching identities, they did not do so out of spite. Am I correct?” asked Uncle Theo.

  “Yes,” Charlotte and Evelyn answered.

  Uncle Theo nodded before turning toward Sinclair, “Lord Sinclair, you may speak your request now.”

  “Mine is the same as Worthington’s. Not permission, but a blessing. I asked Charlie to become my bride, and she has accepted. I, too, took your niece’s innocence. However, the love I hold for Charlotte is unexplainable. She is the sunshine to my day and the moon to my night. And I want to explore every day with her for years to come.”

  Uncle Theo’s smile beamed at Sinclair’s declaration. “Blessing given. I have waited patiently enough for you both to realize it. I can t
ell by my niece’s expression that the feeling is mutual.”

  Worthington said, “Your niece plays favor with two gentlemen and you are approving? What madness is this? I requested Charlotte’s hand first.”

  “No, Lord Worthington, you did not. You requested my niece’s hand, and you did not specify which niece. I assumed you meant Evelyn, since she is the niece you have ruined, not Charlotte.”

  “Nonsense, Charlotte wore the cream-colored gown at the ball. I could not even tell you the shade of Evelyn’s gown because I do not focus my attention on dull debutantes. I requested Charlotte’s hand for the dinner dance, and the niece I ate dinner and snuck away with was Charlotte.

  “Did you sneak away to the stables?”

  “No,” Worthington answered in disgust. “I may love horses, but I hold more respect for a lady than to ruin her in such a location.”

  “Then you are unaware of the birth of Sapphire’s foal?”


  “Last night when you were ruining my niece.”

  “I am sorry, Charlotte. I know how much you wanted to witness the birth.” Worthington once again addressed Evelyn.

  “Worthington,” Lucas growled.


  “You cannot even tell them apart. What in the hell have you done?” Lucas advanced on Worthington.

  “Enough.” Evelyn stood. “Lord Worthington, I must confess. Charlotte and I have been switching places. The blame does not lie with her, but with me. I convinced her to deceive you when I realized you were to be a guest. A deceit I now regret to have taken, because of the consequences involved. Please accept my apologies for playing you the fool. It was I who you made lo ... had sexual congress with.”

  “What?” roared Worthington. “Do you realize the implications of your treachery? You have ruined me. I needed that horse, it was the only reason I slept with you. Why I paid court to you or your sister. I do not even know any more. My pay day was to become Charlotte’s husband so I could own the foal.”


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