by Troy Snyder
Awakening A God
By: Troy Snyder
Awakening A God
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29:
Intro to the new United States Military:
Before the events of this book, the United States implemented a new military initiative. This drastically changed both military life and protocol. With increasing strain on spending, finding troops, and the need for creating separate everything for each branch of the military – including budgets and all else, the United States government issued the One Military act. This act effectively ended all separation of military branches and placed them under one large entity. All training, ranks, pay, and uniforms – unless deployed, were the same throughout. The only difference being the separation of Sea, Ground, Air, and support specialties.
Additionally, when a group of friends joins together, they can go through training, schooling, based, and even be deployed as a single unit, if you know someone up the chain of command.
The Demon Boys, as they become known, are ground troops that joined together as friends, and because of knowing someone in the high-end chain of command, become a single Fire Team. Fire Teams are made up of a minimum of four members with a maximum of six. Platoons are formed from ten Fire Teams acting together and Battalions are made of two or more Platoons. A Regiment is made from 25 platoons and a division is two or three Regiments. When a Corps is at full strength it is roughly 60,000 soldiers strong and an Army is made of two or more Corps. At the time of this book, the United states has six Armies made up of five Corps each.
Chapter 1:
“Troops of a defensive nature are being sent to our embassy in Mexico, and to our newest base, to bolster our defenses. I guarantee you our military operations in Mexico are strictly non-combative. We are simply sending troops to protect our assets from the rebel forces that have wreaked havoc and caused the current state of chaos within the country.
We do support our long-standing ally; however, we stand firm that we will not take a militant role unless formally requested. Therefore, monetary aid along with other supplies have been granted, but the troops we send are to defend our holdings only so the public can rest assured our boys are safe.
The newly built base, currently in an undisclosed location due to the instability in the nation, strengthens the bonds of our two nations and will act as a base of operations should we be requested to take action. We will stand by them in their current situation until it is resolved.
We have been assured by the Mexican government that the rebel leader, Manuel Valentino, will be brought to justice. The radical anti-government leader is a threat to not only Mexico, but to any nation should he succeed. We cannot allow a repeat of the European crisis that nearly dragged the world into chaos and war. So, in these trying times we will band together and come out victorious.”
Reporters stood up immediately after the general finished talking and shouted questions at him. The soldiers surrounding the TV watching General Stevens's speech seemed to sit silent for a moment, unsure about the entire situation. Another war was brewing it seemed.
“I for one hope they don’t send us. I don’t want to sit my ass in a base in the middle of nowhere getting eaten by bugs,” Nate said. “Feel sorry for whoever gets screwed over with that post.”
“You know they’ll pick us man. We all know.” Alexander said with an exhausted sigh. “Regardless of whoever else they send, they’ll send us.”
“It’s hard being famous,” Antonio replied. He was sitting at the desk in a large living space inside the house the government had forced them to stay in, like prisoners.
“Ha, we may be the most famous, but we’re still treated like shit. We're trapped in this shitty cabin AND who in the world’s idea was it to call us ‘Demon Boys’?” complained Trent, not for the first time, from the couch he was reclined on.
“The damn Greeks, plastered us all over the news as fighting like demons. I get the demon part, but not the ‘boys’ part. We’re all nineteen and with kills under our belt, so shouldn’t we be men?” Nate seemed to be pleading.
"Some of us are manlier than others," Trent said while making a derogatory gesture about Nate's male parts. The comment drew jeers and laughter from the others, except Antonio, who always seemed far away from the conversation.
"Well 'Demon Men' just isn’t as catchy, I suppose. Plus, the people that named us are probably veterans old enough to be our fathers. So, in a way it makes sense." Alexander said, ending the discussion on the topic.
Many months prior a war was raging in almost every nation in Eastern Europe to the Russian border between a rising faction of Anarchists and the smaller nations. The war was escalating and becoming extremely bloody and the larger nations surrounding the war zone were being swarmed with refugees. After three years of near constant fighting, the large and powerful nations of the world were on the edge of intervening on varying sides, which in turn would create another world war.
In an attempt to stop the war from escalating even further, the American government prepared a stealth attack on an anarchist-controlled base in Greece, who had been losing the war badly due to economic stresses. The anarchist leader, Borys, was to be present to view captured Greek soldiers and go on parade to show his strength. A strike was needed before the rest of Borys’ army arrived and made him an impossible target.
Corporal Alexander Grayson Cooper, Lance Corporal Antonio Armando Rodriguez, Private First-Class Nathaniel Bradford Codry, and Private First-Class Trent Lee Williams, soon to be known as the Demon Boys, were a team sent along with a battalion meant to air drop into the base where the Greek prisoners were being held captive, one hundred and fifty men and women. On their approach a message was intercepted from anarchist command stating they had seen American aircraft carriers off the coast of Greece launching massive numbers of aerial vehicles. The mission was meant to be a quick and stealthy move by the Americans to end the fighting without getting other nations involved, thus being seen ended all hope, it had to be scrapped.
During the flight to the base a storm hit that was not meant to until well after the operation. The sky opened up and created intense turbulence and the helicopter the Demon Boys were on was struck by lightning knocking out their communications. Rain and clouds covered the sight of the other planes and helicopters turning around, the mission was called off. Not only because they were seen too early, but because other nations were being informed by anarchist command that the US was getting involved before the others. Without knowledge of the plan being called off, Corporal Alexander gave the order for their team to jump.
Upon landing the fire team continued their mission, take out Borys, the anarchist leader, and free the captured hostages, such a heavy blow could end the war since Borys had no real leadership under him, effectively cutting the head of a snake. The facility housed near 500 enemy soldiers with support vehicles. The American force was meant to surprise and overwhelm the enemy and take out the leader in a swift action before the enemy
could properly respond.
Once on the ground it because immediately obvious to Alexander there was no one else landing and the reality dawned on him. There would be no backup or hope of evacuation. He and his men would have to carry on with the mission or choose to quit the base and attempt to march across enemy territory before being picked up by an ally. Knowing all this he informed his men and expected them to give him their opinions so he could make a decision based on their thoughts.
"We're up shit creek without a paddle," Nate said as they took cover in a hanger. Their airdrop had thankfully gone unnoticed due to the storm. “America just couldn’t keep its nose out of things.”
"Your call Alex," Antonio cut in before Nate could go off on one of his tirades about being constantly screwed over by the government.
"I'd follow you into hell, so the call is yours." Trent grinned.
Looking at Nate, Alexander asked, "Well, what do you think?"
Nate thought a moment before responding, brushing a hand through his brown curls sending excess water flying. "This is probably suicide, but we came to do a job. I say we see it through."
Alexander thought a moment longer before making a decision that would change their worlds forever. Leading his team, Corporal Alexander fought through the night without backup or hopes for retreat. Their ammo ran dry within the second hour of fighting and the team resorted to picking up fallen enemy guns and using stealth to approach enemies and use knives.
For hours the base was in a state of panic as four men killed over half their force and destroyed several vehicles. As the group rendezvoused in a garage void of vehicles, they attempted to take stock of the situation.
Alexander was breathing heavily and attempted to calm himself as he spoke. He was soaked to the bone from the rain and droplets fell off his nose in an irritating manner. "What's the count?"
"Thirty-seven." Trent said gritting his teeth. He had taken a bullet to the shoulder, luckily a through and through and was being bandaged by Nate with damp cloth and a makeshift sling.
Nate did not look up as he worked. "Seventy-six for me."
"I have seventy-one under my belt." Alexander tapped Antonio's leg, who was covering them as lookout. "How many kills?"
"Two hundred and eleven." Came Antonio's monotone reply.
Nate finished tying off the makeshift sling. "Bullshit." He said. “How did you manage that with a damn sniper?”
“Carry a lot of ammo.”
"No time to debate. That leaves somewhere over one hundred left, but no more than two. Assuming they don’t get reinforced we have the advantage."
"How the hell is that? We're vastly outnumbered still. We have no grenades, no ammo, we're exhausted, two of us are wounded, and I'm pretty sure something crawled up Nate's ass and died. I'm surprised he has not gassed the enemy out of this base already." Trent always had a knack for making jokes trying to ease the mood and it always seemed to work for the lifelong friends.
"You know rations never sat well with me." Nate said grinning.
Alexander tightened the covering on his leg over the wound he received in a knife fight. "Mine is a flesh wound, I can still walk. You are right about a lot of it though. We need to figure out the enemy's positions. Nate, please for the love of God go on the roof and give me eyes on movements, we need fresh air in here." While Nate trotted away for the roof grinning, Alexander turned to Antonio. "Anything going on out there?"
Antonio, who had moved to watch through the open garage door turned and fell in behind the crates the others were covering behind. He shook his head. "All seems pretty quiet in this area now. The storm is getting worse as time goes by, it’s no wonder the enemy has not been reinforced. The storm is probably disrupting communication."
"I thought so as well. No matter, we will know soon enough." He looked to Trent now. "How's the shoulder?"
"Feeling stiff. Can’t lift my left arm." Trent seemed to be at his limit, as all the others were, but they had the advantage of not having a bullet wound.
"Antonio pass him your pistol. How are you on ammo for that sniper?” The sniper he spoke of was a raggedy thing picked up after a one on one sniper duel in a courtyard not far off. Antonio had taken him with his last bullet and very carefully crept toward the position to pick up the enemy’s rifle. It was nowhere near his standards, but it would do.
“Not much, but enough.” Antonio said. Alexander was going to ask more, but they all needed a bit of quiet and rest.
Silence overtook them as they listened to the rain pound of the roof above before Nate returned. He did not seem to care about being caught in the open by an enemy should they come around the corner and simply walked to them. Nor was his voice kept low as he spoke. "Most of the enemy have retreated to what looks to be a concrete bunker, something heavily defensible. About ten or so are still with the prisoner cages and another twenty are at a place that looks like a radio tower." Nate shivered as he spoke. The rain had gotten even worse before his return and accumulated water was dripping heavily down his soaked form.
Alexander's face took a look of concentration while he formulated a plan. He knew his friends well, they had been together since they were children and, with the help of Nate's father, who was a very high-ranking man, had managed to stay together as military men as well. He knew their strengths, their weakness, who to send where to do what and use them as effectively as possible. Alexander was not only their leader by rank, but simply because he was the best strategist among them and the one they trusted fully.
"Nate, Trent and I are both wounded so we will not fight as effectively. We need you to cause a distraction while we release the prisoners from their cells. We need to tip the scales in our favor. We've done more than I could have imagined, but we can’t continue like this.
Antonio, you are a special breed of crazy. I need you to take out the radio tower. They are probably going to signal for help judging by their movements but to this point they haven't yet because the storm or have already and are just consolidating themselves in a heavily defensible position. We cannot allow that. The storm should buy us some time, but not much. Get it done as quick as you can. Let's move."
There was no "yes, sir" or formality between the friends. There never was unless they were around others. Instead the group just nodded at one another and prepared to leave the garage, grim determination in their faces to complete their orders.
Alexander’s limp caused the going to be slower than he wanted. It had stiffened his leg during their short respite and he silently berated himself for not staying semi-active as they waited. Now the plan, so simple to say, was becoming a nuisance from the distance they had to cover and the ever-present rain. Gritting his teeth, Alexander forced himself to move faster following Nate and Trent, he count not fall behind.
Inside the compound was large, much larger than they had imagined when they saw layouts, and much larger than the enemy force could properly defend. The latter being the reason they had been so effective to that point. When they landed they landed near an almost empty storage area with several elongated warehouses, mainly for the out of service airstrip nearby.
Towards the center were several buildings that they determined to be barracks, much of which were empty save a few. Garages, where they had met up, were between the warehouses and the radio antennae and not too far from the antennae was the concrete bunker Nate had seen in his reconnaissance. Even further along was various other buildings including a medical facility and a chow hall, all of which had been investigated by the four men before they regrouped. Many buildings, seemingly deserted, were left unchecked and only given sweeping glances as they passed by.
Now that the enemy had concentrated their forces there was no chance of them continuing their attacking isolated men or groups in ambushes. They needed more troops, and the plan was to find them in the imprisoned Greeks. All through the time they had been inside the base whenever they got near, they could hear the Greeks prisoners roaring above the storm. Yet, until th
is moment, they had been heavily guarded. The lax in guard was now to their advantage and it was time to strike.
Well over half an hour passed and the plan still had not been carried out. Antonio had the least distance to travel still and still no sign came from the direction of the tower to indicate it was taken care of. Theoretically, Antonio could have blown the power source, or found another way to shut it down, but it didn’t seem likely as the sentries around the prisoners, while alert, seemed not to be worried.
Alexander could strike now, but he had wanted to use the attack on the tower to distract the guards, and then Nate as a secondary distraction to cover their assault. Both Trent and Alexander sat in silence in an abandoned barracks building directly across from the cages the prisoners were being held in. The tarp on top of the cages strained against its retaining ropes and wiped in every direction offering no cover as rain poured in the sides. The two sitting inside the building felt for the prisoners, drenched and helpless to the elements. Six guards were in the downpour as well, but they were well clothed and would be relived from the extra guards inside a small building right near the cages.
Another half an hour passed and still no sign of the tower falling. Time was running out and the storm was lightening. Thunder still rolled in the distance and lightning lit the area in bright flashes, but it seemed to be passing as quickly as it came. If Antonio did not hurry the signal might get out that the enemy needed aide. Just as Alexander was about to give into his imagination that Antonio had fallen in the fight at the tower, he felt a tap on his shoulder. Trent was pointing toward a small group of sentries gathered in front of the makeshift prison.
"What do you suppose they're up to?" Alexander asked as his eyebrow rose in question.
"They were pointing toward the tower and they seemed to be quite animated in their motions. I think they lost contact with their group there for too long. They may be thinking about sending a few to go check it out." Trent's reply was confirmed when two broke off and started toward the tower but halted in their tracks at the sound of explosions from the same direction.