Manchester Ménage 01 - Saving Samuel

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Manchester Ménage 01 - Saving Samuel Page 23

by Nicole Colville

  Finally, the car came to a stop. Samuel had no idea how long he’d been locked up, but it felt like hours and hours. When the boot opened, he was surrounded by the night sky, the stars twinkling above him seemingly normal and safe and filling Samuel with dread.

  “Welcome home, Sammy.” Kris pulled him up and Samuel saw he was back in the run down hotel they’d spent months living in. He didn’t know where it was, but it was in London. He remembered giving this location to the detective, but he could only give brief ideas of where it was. “Behave, whore, or you’ll get my boot in your stomach.”

  Samuel turned away from him and walked up the stairs into the building. It would have been lovely once but now it was all peeling paint and rotten to the core. He was led into the sitting room. The big panes of glass in the windows were all boarded up. To the outside world this looked like any other abandoned building, but inside, it was anything but. Samuel winced when he saw a new boy, barely fifteen, drugged up and laying naked on one of the sofas. He didn’t even want to think about what they’d been doing to him. He knew from experience what went on here.

  “Sammy, sit down.” Boris clicked his fingers in his face. “There's nowhere to go, you know that. You’ve tried and failed to escape this place too many times before to know it won’t work.”

  Samuel looked at Boris. His big body was encased in a black suit, cigarette hanging from his lips and a drink in his hand. He was a big, burly, heavy set, gorilla of a man. One Samuel had spent crushed under for many nights as his body was used by him.

  “Promise me my friends will be safe and I’ll stay. I’ll do whatever you want, and do it willingly, but they have to be safe.” Samuel stood tall and straight. No tears now, just the anger building inside him giving him confidence. “I’ll play your game and keep you happy, just leave them alone.”

  “Don’t order me about, fag.” Boris’s face went beetroot red, and before Samuel could stop him, he'd punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground where a sharp kick to the ribs from his powerful foot took the breath from Samuel’s lungs. “You’ve caused me enough trouble, you little cunt. Spilling your guts to the police, telling them everything. Do you know what you’ve done, huh? Do you know what's happening right now?” Boris dragged his head from the floor and slapped him so hard Samuel could taste the blood from his split lip flowing into his mouth. “I told Volkov you were dead. Now it’s me he's blaming for all this.”

  Another sharp kick to the ribs made Samuel throw up, bile and blood choking him as he laid there semi-conscious.

  “Take him upstairs and clean him up. Make him look pretty. Volkov will be here soon. Maybe seeing his pretty boy will calm him down.”

  Samuel was lifted and dragged upstairs where he was patched up and thrown on a bed wearing a long, silk negligee in dusky pink and nothing else. Nikolay liked him in pink. He liked him in women’s clothing. Ever since Samuel first met him three months after he’d been taken, he’d worn them for Nikolay.

  Nikolay considered himself straight, and he hated to be reminded of Samuel’s maleness in anyway, except when they were fucking and he couldn't keep his hands off Samuel’s cock. He would be dressed up in makeup and sexy underwear, waxed and plucked to perfection and made up like a model. Samuel had actually come to enjoy parts of the dressing up. The clothes were always pretty and expensive and they felt good on his skin. It caused him further confusion when he escaped, because Samuel felt that familiar fear of being even more different than other men.

  He lay still, holding his ribs, not moving because the pain was too much. After some time alone, he tried moving, wincing as he felt his bones ache. He sat up and took a shuddery breath. He’d been through worse. He would survive.

  Nikolay was coming. He was in the UK. It surprised Samuel. He imagined him being locked away in some remote country hiding from the police, but he was here. Samuel shut his eyes then slowly stood up and checked out his reflection. He had a swollen cheek where bruises where already forming and his lip was puffy and spilt. He dabbed it with a cold towel while he zoned out.

  Nikolay was here for Samuel. He’d told the police about Nikolay. About how Samuel was a favourite of his, that Nikolay had treated him better than the other boys. But had he told them how Nikolay would confess his love for Samuel? Had he told them how in the darkest of times Samuel tried to earn that love, begged for it? Even murmured words of love back?

  Samuel held his hand over his mouth and sobbed. He had been so weak, so desperate for love and a caring touch that when it was given to him, even by the hand of the man who had taken him, who it turns out had tortured and killed his dad, murdered his uncle, he had wanted to love Nikolay. Samuel was ashamed. Ashamed more than he could bear. How could he ever tell anyone that? They wouldn’t understand, they would see him as a boyfriend, as a lover, not as a victim.

  Even now there was the thought in the back of his mind to make himself look pretty, to comb his hair and look attractive for his monster. Samuel sat in one of the high backed chairs and stared at the door, waiting and wondering what kind of mood Nikolay would be in.

  Time drifted by and Samuel found the pain and dizziness made him drowsy, his lids dropping despite how he tried to keep them open. His body gave out and he fell asleep, hugging his legs to his chest and face pointing to the door.

  He was stiff when he woke. The dull lamp in the corner of the room was the only light and the low watt bulb gave a creepy look to the room. Samuel looked around, noticing for the first time this wasn’t just any room, it was a room they kept free for Nikolay. He was in his private bedroom.

  “Hello, Sammy.”

  Samuel didn’t need to turn around to see who was speaking. The distinct low rumble and the deep Russian accent could only come from one person. Nikolay.

  Samuel shifted slightly, looking through his hair at the man who was responsible for so many hurts in his life. Nikolay stood leaning against the door, his tall six feet four body clad in one of his smart designer dark suits, shiny shoes and expensive cologne, hair cut in his usual short business style. The five o’clock shadow which always clung to his chin seemed darker, denser, and those eyes, dark and piercing.

  “No hello? Nothing?” Nikolay moved closer in his own predatory snake-like way.

  “Nikolay.” Samuel’s quiet voice made Nikolay smile. Everything about Samuel made Nikolay react. Even when he tried hard to do the opposite of what he wanted, Nikolay always enjoyed him.

  “You slipped through my grasp, Sammy.” Nikolay was standing in front of him, hands in pockets, casually shaking his head and looking at his feet, as if pondering what coffee to order at Starbucks. “That wasn’t your fault. I know it wasn’t. Boris was… wrong to let you wander off like that. I knew you would never do it willingly. You were just lost. Unable to find your way back.” Nikolay lifted his head and held Samuel’s gaze. “I had him search everywhere for you. Then he comes to me a couple of months ago and says, ‘Nikolay, he is dead.’” Nikolay’s eyes darkened. “A lie.”

  He held his arms wide and smiled—a big, wide one full with humour and light. Like he was showing off a gift to a child and was so pleased with himself for getting it right.

  “Over a year. A year, Sammy.” Nikolay moved closer still and Samuel tensed. “Look at you now. Drug free, clean and fresh. You’ve even filled out a little.” Nikolay drifted his gaze up and down him. “I like it. I like that I can have you sober. It’s been such a long time since that happened.”

  Nikolay grabbed his chin and forced him to look directly into his dark eyes. “How could you stay away from me? ME! Me who gave you anything you wanted. Me who protected you, who took you from the paying clients and kept you here, by my side. In my bed. In my heart.” Nikolay slammed his hand over his chest. “How could you leave? I love you. I have always loved you. It’s because of that love why you are here.”

  Nikolay grabbed the back of Samuel’s neck and dragged him to his knees by his feet. “When I found out your snivelling excuse for a fath
er was lying to me, that he was trying to take what was mine, to deliver me into the hands of those who would punish me and incarcerate me, I promised him, I swore as I looked into his eyes as he took his last breath on this earth that I would find you. That his sins would become yours. I swore that. His heart broke.” Nikolay smiled. “He knew I would do it. Even tortured, broken and bleeding, what hurt him the most was knowing you would be here. That I would own you and do what I pleased with you.”

  Nikolay slapped Samuel, not as hard as Boris, but it made his head spin. Nikolay didn’t hit him. It shocked him more than anything he had said. “As soon as I saw you, I knew you would be the death of me. So many times I would watch you sleep…” Nikolay produced a blade from his pocket and flicked it open, holding it against Samuel’s throat. “I would hold this against your throat while you slept beside me, and every time I would leave you to wake another day. You were too beautiful to spoil. Too endearing to me. Too captivating. The world would be a hollow and empty place for me, my love, if you were to leave me alone in it. But…I am a fool! You betrayed me. Betrayed the one who gave you your life so many times when I could have taken it. All I ever asked from you was to lay beside me, entertain me when I visited, show me love when I craved it.”

  Samuel whimpered when the blade cut through his skin, warm blood dripping down his throat. “I'm sorry, Nikky.” Samuel swallowed heavily. “I never meant to leave. You know I didn’t. I was drunk. Boris gave me too much coke and I went for a walk. The next thing I remember I'm in some hospital hooked up to machines and being given Methadone. I was out of it for so long. And then when I came round, I thought you'd have forgotten me.” Samuel looked through his heavy lashes at the dark image of Nikolay leaning over him. “I forgot so much.” Samuel saw how cloudy Nikolay eyes were. He was high and capable of anything, but like this, Samuel had more control over things because he wasn’t thinking straight. “Boris locked me in a cell and set the building on fire. I couldn’t get out. I thought he would bring me to you, but he didn’t. That's how the police found me. It’s all his fault.”

  Nikolay nodded, the knife slipping from Samuel’s throat. “I know this. Kris has confirmed the fire and what Boris did. Come here.” Nikolay took Samuel’s hand and led him out of the room, holding him possessively by the waist, gently cooing and wiping the blood from Samuel’s neck. “You look so beautiful.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I've missed you so much, Sammy.”

  “I've missed you too, Nikky.”

  Nikolay smiled, his eyes blurring more before he leaned down and kissed Samuel. “I won't ever let anyone take you from me again. Tomorrow we’re leaving for home. Back to Russia. You’ll be my companion. One who I will keep tethered to my side if I have to.”

  Samuel grew cold all over, keeping his eyes on the red and gold swirls on the carpet and not on Nikolay. “Won’t your wife mind?” He ran his finger slowly up Nikolay’s shirt.

  “You will have you own house, one we will share our times in together. You will be the envy of every man who sees you. I have so many pretty things for you. Jewels, trinkets for your hair. Pretty dresses which I love to see you in. And shoes, I know how you love shoes. You can wear them and dance across the marble filled halls for me.” Nikolay was swaying now and Samuel helped him stand straight. “Look at what I've done for you.”

  Samuel followed to where Nikolay was pointing, his gaze falling on the pitch black of the courtyard outside the hotel. He moved closer to the window as Nikolay barked out an order and the small enclosed garden was lit up by bright lights.

  Samuel shook his head, hot tears flowing down his cheeks.

  Nikolay moved closer, holding him tightly from behind, kissing his neck. “See what I have done for you, Sammy? See what I've done to the person who took you from me?”

  Samuel’s silent tears flowed down his cheeks. Boris, or what used to be Boris, was nailed to a cross. They’d crucified him. Long nails were protruding from his wrists and ankles, barbed wire was wrapped around his head, rivers of blood were running down his face. Samuel could see his stomach bulging open, intestines hanging out, cold dead eyes staring at him.


  “See what happens to those who take things which belong to me, Sammy? See what I would do to your new friends if they tried to take you from me?”

  Samuel stopped crying, a new feeling of strength filling him. No matter what, Daniel and Milo would live. “Nikolay, even if they asked me to, I would never leave you.” Samuel turned and wrapped his arms around Nikolay’s neck, standing on his tiptoes and pressing a kiss to his lips. “I love you, remember? I’ve always loved you. You look after me. Look what you do for me. You're so good to me, Nikky.”

  Nikolay grabbed his chin in his hand and snarled. “You will love me. You're mine, Sammy. You're branded inside and out with my mark. I own you, all of you. You’ll be mine until I tire of you or until you get ugly. I suggest you don’t allow either of those to happen. Now get changed. I want you looking pretty for our first flight together.”

  Chapter 31

  Milo turned to look at one of the agents working with Interpol. He’d long since forgotten to take note of their names—they were all just faces and badges.

  “You're sure that’s where they’re heading?” Milo looked into the stern eyes of the agent and watched him nod, pointing to a digital map displayed behind him.

  “They’re stopping in Lithuania to refuel. It’s been confirmed by Air Traffic Control that’s where they’ve been tracking the plane. It’s not big enough to get from the UK to Moscow in one flight. It’s our best chance at locating them before Volkov gets back on home soil and we have to start extradition procedures. It’s not foolproof, but it’s the best we’ve got. This could all be some trick and he’s heading to a Caribbean island for all we know, but this is where the evidence is pointing, so that’s what we follow.”

  Milo stood still, looking at the flashing beacon on the screen making its way to the airport in Lithuania. The plane they were on was catching them up—despite setting off later, they had more speed. They had to get there. They had to stop the next flight from happening.

  “We’ll find him.” The guy placed his hand on Milo’s shoulder and squeezed. “We will do.”

  Milo nodded. “I know. I won't stop until I do.”

  It had been two days since Samuel was taken. When he’d heard the news, he’d been in the station. He just stood there, frozen, not being able to understand how it had happened. Too shocked to feel or do anything. He’d been driven home and had to go through it all again with Daniel.

  Daniel had been the opposite, frantic and angry, shouting and arguing with anyone and everyone, demanding they find him, begging Milo to do something, anything. But right then, all they could do was wait for information.

  All of the places Samuel had told them about were being watched, and none of them showed up anything. There were only a few places which were still safe to Volkov and everyone rushed to find them. Samuel was important to them as a witness, but to Milo and Daniel he was so much more.

  When they found the abandoned hotel, both Milo and Daniel had driven with CID, hoping they would find Samuel and be able to offer him comfort. After the place had been searched and it was confirmed Samuel had been moved again, Milo was taken to one side and he saw the evidence of what these guys could do. He saw Boris. Crucified and left to hang there as a warning to others who would dare to take what belonged to Nikolay Volkov.

  When he walked through the bedroom where Samuel had been just hours before, he knew something else too—Samuel meant more to Volkov than anyone had realised. The plush surroundings, the clothes and expensive champagne, the chocolates on the bed. It made Milo sick. He couldn't stand to think of Samuel being laid on there with Volkov. In Nikolay’s warped mind, Samuel was more than a toy. He was a lover. One which had been taken from him.

  Everyone knew. Everyone looked at him, wondering how he would cope, but he just walked out and
found Daniel, explaining Samuel was safe, wherever he was.

  “Safe? He’s not safe. God knows what’s happening to him.” Daniel had been so mad, but he didn’t understand. After seeing the other boys in that building, then seeing the room where Samuel was, Milo was sure Volkov had a soft spot for Samuel, one which, if Samuel was clever, he could use to his advantage.

  He nursed his head in his hands, praying to every god he could remember for Samuel to be returned to him.

  An hour later and they were descending. Communications from the airport in Lithuania were coming in and everyone on the ground and in the plane began to move. Milo stood back, letting them get on with their job, listening for anything which caught his attention. The plane they were looking for landed twenty minutes ago and was almost refuelled. Calls were being made to delay all takeoffs, to close the airport down and to do it quietly.

  By the time they landed, the airport wasn’t allowing any flights in or out. Some cover story had been used and everything seemed calm. Milo and a few plain clothes guys were herded into a security office full with cameras. There were army and agents all around, all looking for Volkov and Samuel. Pictures flashed up of him and Milo found himself staring at the man who had taken his heart so quickly.

  Milo began to track the cameras, searching them for Samuel. He could see everywhere inside the airport, the bars, the shops, the corridors leading to their private plane. No one was having any joy. The fear they weren’t here at all made them all worry. Maybe this was a decoy plan and they were somewhere else. Milo knew there were other guys outside searching the plane and the surrounding other private planes for Volkov, but so far nothing had turned up.

  Milo stared at the black and white grainy images of a packed waiting room on the monitor in front of him. There was a commercial flight setting off which had been delayed but it seemed now they had been checked and confirmed okay to leave. Less people around would make it easier to search and Milo watched as they began to filter from the room and down the corridor to their plane.


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