Biker Bait: The Lost Souls MC Series

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Biker Bait: The Lost Souls MC Series Page 9

by Ellie R. Hunter

  “Michael, our loved ones were shot at today and you want to leave them unprotected, you can’t fuckin’ expect the prospects to be enough to keep them safe when were gone next week?”

  Everyone could see Michael was losing his patience, but Oak didn’t care, he had known Michael long enough to know how far he could push him.

  “Fine, keep your families close and when we leave on Saturday all old ladies and the girls can go and stay with Alannah at the cabin. It’s off the radar and all prospects will go with them.” he compromised.

  Oak knew that was the best he was going to get out of Michael, he nodded his agreement and left the room.

  “Thank god, none of us has any children or there wouldn’t be any fuckin’ room.” Michael tried to joke, it was no good, nobody was in a good mood and a simple joke wasn’t going to help.

  Everyone left the room and went their own way, I pulled Sparky towards the bar and got us a beer each.

  “So, you and Alannah ay?” he said.

  “Yeah, we got a problem?” I asked.

  “It was bound to happen. I hope you know what you’re doin’.”

  “I do, as soon as this bull shit is finished I’ll talk to Michael, until then do you have my back?”

  Normally I wouldn’t have to ask, in any situation he always has my back, but when it comes to Alannah I had to make sure.

  He narrowed his eyes and kept me waiting for his answer.

  “I always have ya back brother, no changin’ it now. Just don’t make me regret it by hurtin’ her coz’ I’d hate to put you down.”

  “As if you could.” I laughed, “But I’m not gonna hurt her again.” I promised, more seriously.

  He nodded and then shut up. I looked behind me to see Michael walking with arrogance towards us. Something is definitely up with him and I can’t wait to find out what.

  “Sparky, I need you to let Alannah know she’s got company comin’, give her this, tell her to make sure there’s enough food and to get more blankets.” he said, handing over a bundle of cash.

  He didn’t hang around, as soon as the cash was in Sparky’s hand he was gone again.

  “As far as I know he hasn’t called Lana and he hasn’t asked about how she is. For someone who didn’t want her livin’ this lifestyle, he was pretty quick to use her for security, doesn’t that seem strange to you?” I asked, watching Michael retreat to his office.

  “Maybe he asks the prospect on his daily updates?”

  “Fuck knows, we leaving or what?”

  “You comin’ with?”

  “Of course, I’m not gonna miss a chance to see my old lady.” I grinned, careful to keep my voice low.

  “I never thought I’d hear you say those words.” he laughed, walking out in front of me.

  Neither did I.


  “How long have you been a prospect Billy?” I asked, as we ate our late dinner of spaghetti.

  “About three months, your uncle helped me out a couple of times and I decided I wanted to join.”

  “How are you finding it?”

  “It’s okay, been a lot better since I came here, I’ve never had so many home cooked meals before.” he smiled sadly.

  “What about your family, are they from around here?” I asked.

  “Nah, I’m on my own, always have been.” he said.

  I’ve never gone without anything so it always made me feel sad when I hear some people didn’t at least grow up with the necessities of food.

  “Well, you’re always welcome here for your tea, even after you’re done babysitting me.” I told him, hoping he would divulge any information about his presence.

  “Thanks Alannah.” he said, before tucking back into his food. I was happy to hear him drop the ‘miss’ before my name, it made me feel far too old for my actual age of twenty-two.

  “I know you think I know why I’m here but I honestly don’t, I wouldn’t lie to you now, I like you Alannah.” he said honestly.

  Never in my life did I think I would make friends with a prospect but like everything else that has happened in my life lately, there’s always a first time for everything.

  “And I meant I like you as a friend…er…nothin’ more.” he stuttered, blushing furiously.

  I couldn’t help burst out laughing.

  “I know what you meant Billy, I like you too…er…as a friend.” I laughed harder, mimicking him.

  After a couple of beats he joined in too. I wasn’t sure Billy would pass for a Lost Soul the first day I met him when he brought me here, but after spending time with him, I could see his loyal tendencies and when he was told to do something, he does it with everything he has.

  We heard bikes approaching and Billy was out of his chair, reaching for his gun. He disappeared down the hall and opened the front door, I heard him greet Sparky and he came back in.

  He cleared his plate and glass away before being told to leave by Sparky. I turned around to see he wasn’t alone, Cas was with him too. I forced the grin that was threatening to give our secret away and glared at Sparky.

  “Stop telling him to leave every time you show up Jason.” I said sternly.

  Sparky hated it when I used his real name, “He is my friend and if he wants to stay he can.” I told him.

  “It’s okay Alannah, really it is.” Billy said, leaving the room.

  I dumped my plate in the sink and went back to sit at the table. Sparky had already taken his usual seat at the table by the door while Cas had followed Billy out.

  “He’ll be one of your brothers one day, you will do well to remember that.” I told him as Cas came back in the room.

  I couldn’t help the flutters in my stomach, keeping our relationship a secret is going to be harder than I anticipated.

  “And you will do well to remember he is nothin’ but a fuckin’ prospect, he’ll earn our respect when he proves his loyalty to us.” he said, adding, “All this isolation is fuckin’ with ya head Barbie, I haven’t forgotten the hell we used to put them through when we were younger.” he smirked, reminding me of our hell raising days.

  “Yeah well, he’s the one I have been stuck here with for days now, so forgive me if I want to make friends.” I said, bitterly.

  “Well, we come with news you’ll like then.”

  “What?” I asked, with a feeling I wasn’t going to like what had he to offer.

  “This Saturday you’ve got guests…about twenty of them.”



  “We’re all leavin’ on club business and we need a place for all the old ladies to stay.” Cas said, speaking for the first time since he arrived.

  I know better to ask what they’re going to be doing but whatever they’re planning, it must be serious to uproot the women to somewhere other than the clubhouse. I slowly decided I didn’t want to know, the less the better. Anyway, it will be good to see everyone again, especially Aunt Kitty.

  “You cool with that?” Sparky asked, clicking his fingers in my face, bringing me back to reality.

  “Of course, just come home in one piece please, both of you.” I murmured, remembering Micky’s torturous demise.

  “Always.” he promised, knowing what I was thinking.

  I couldn’t keep thinking along these lines. I didn’t bother to ask if they had already eaten, I had to keep myself busy so I got up and made them a plate up of spaghetti. I served their dinner in silence and took my seat back at the table.

  Sparky was focused on shovelling food into his mouth so I took advantage to sneak a flirting smile at Cas. His casual wink and returning smile had me feeling warm and wishing we were alone.

  “This tastes good Barbs, Cas has done well makin’ you his old lady.” Sparky said, around a mouthful of food.

  I snapped my head towards Cas and he was grinning. After everything he said had gone down last year and that we should keep it between ourselves, within a matter of hours he had gone and told someone. So much for secrecy.

; “It’s alright, I told him, and he’s cool.”

  “So you didn’t take part in hurting him last year.” I asked, knowing full well he did.

  “You know the club, you knew what would happen to him when Michael found out about the two of you.” he said, raising his eyebrows at me.

  It’s true, but it doesn’t mean I agree with it.

  “As long as you’re happy then so am I, and don’t worry I won’t be sayin’ fuck all and if events are to be repeated I won’t be taking part this time.” he promised.

  “Thank you.”

  I haven’t had to keep secrets before, not that I have seen anyone to actually lie about our new relationship to, it still hasn’t sat right with me, Sparky knowing about us took the edge off the frustration I felt, also knowing one day we won’t be a secret, this was definitely different to last time.

  “What are your plans for tonight?” I asked, hoping Cas was going to stay and as much as I love Sparky, I hoped he was going to leave.

  “I’m stayin’ here with you tonight.” Cas smiled, sliding my chair towards his. We held each other’s hands, it is such a simple gesture but to us it is our first show of being together, if it was only in front of one person.

  “I have no plans, I’m not in any rush to get back.” Sparky said.

  I’ve been unhappy because I don’t get many visitors and here I am, silently begging Sparky to leave so I can have Cas to myself.

  Then again, while he’s here he might as well as put his muscles to good use and help me out moving the furniture away from the walls in the lounge ready for painting. And if he leaves not wanting to be domesticated then I win too.

  “What’s with evil fuckin’ grin?” he asked.

  “You’ll see.” I giggled.

  After forty-five minutes of both Cas and Sparky moaning about doing the prospects job, all the furniture had been pulled into the middle of the room to make room for us to paint, and by us I mean mostly Billy.

  “He’s only one man and I can’t exactly help him with the heavier pieces, can I?”

  “If havin’ an old lady entails this kinda work, I’d rather stay on my own.” Sparky said, slumping onto the big, plush arm chair.

  “And do you have anything to say?” I asked Cas, amused by how much they were bitching.

  For bad-ass bikers, they sure were being over dramatic.

  “Nope.” he said, pulling me down with him on the sofa.

  Billy returned and hovered in the doorway.

  “Where have you been?” I asked, sitting up a little straighter.

  “Hardware store.”

  “It’s not open at this time of night.” I said, questioning him.

  “The owner is an old friend, I was quick so he didn’t mind staying open a little later than usual.”

  I had learnt so much about this prospect but obviously I didn’t know everything.

  “And you couldn’t get me any discount?” I laughed, not that I paid with my own cash last time.

  “I did tonight, I’ll bring it all in tomorrow mornin’.” he said.

  Cas squeezed me tight against him and spoke to Billy.

  “Grab us some beers and come and join us.”

  I smiled my gratitude and relaxed into the sofa. Billy was gone less than a minute, he passed the beers around and made himself comfortable on the other arm chair.

  Nights like tonight are what I envisioned while I was away at college. I didn’t foresee Cas being a part of this but he is and tonight couldn’t be any more perfect. And the fact that Cas was making more of an effort with Billy shows me he really is trying for me.

  “How did you get named Sparky?” Billy asked him.

  Both Cas and I laughed, any opportunity for Sparky to talk about himself and he was heaven.

  “Well, things that go boom really get me goin’, know what I mean? Growin’ up, I had a certain flare for flares.” he laughed, “I was at one school for a while before my dad moved us on again, he had gotten it in his head that I had bring home no less than C grades, I worked my fuckin’ ass off for weeks on this science project, it was the tits when I handed it in. I got a D, I was pissed, I threw it across the class, then I smashed the lab up. Dad got pissed coz’ he got called into school, I was suspended for a week. After we got home, I got a beating from my old man, fuckin’ livid I was, I sneak out that night, taking one of my home made, plastic bottle creations and broke into the school.”

  “What did you do?” Billy asked.

  I rolled my eyes, he was loyal but he wasn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer.

  “What do you think I done? I blew up the fuckin’ science department, fuckin’ teacher didn’t know what he was talkin’ about.” he laughed.

  “No way.” Billy cheered.

  “Yes way, I left home not long after that, where Michael found me tryin’ to blow one of his places up, didn’t know it was his of course but he stopped me and took me in. When I patched in he called me Sparky.” he finished, draining his beer.

  I closed my eyes listening to Sparky continue to tell Billy stories about the crap he’s pulled over the years, it wasn’t stuff you’d normally be proud off, but Billy was lapping it up. I was content, I have my man by my side, one of my best friend’s blessing and a new life I’m recreating.

  Chapter Seven


  I woke up expecting it to be dark outside and still on the sofa with Cas, instead it was morning and I was lying in bed with him, and from what I could feel, I was lying next to a naked Cas. A girls’ day couldn’t begin any better. He must have carried me up last night.

  I managed to turn around without waking him up, his chest was free from sheets and gave me an opportunity to study his tattoos in more depth. There were more Lost Souls insignias on his biceps as well as the full back piece all the brothers have. He had ‘Lost Souls’ written across his collarbone in Old English script with a date in roman numerals underneath, I knew it was the date he became a full member. From top to bottom on the right side of his ribs he had an intricate detailed sign of the cross and on his left side he had the same style cross but tattooed on upside down. Drawing my eyes away from his tattoo’s I found his chest, I have seen him working on his bike with his shirt off many times last summer and summers before that and each time he took my breathe away, it was unbelievable how anyone could really have abs so defined he looks like a walking photo shopped photograph.

  Feeling the stirrings arising down below, I couldn’t wait for him to wake up. I ran my finger softly across each of his abs, all the way down to where the sheet lay covering his bottom half. I had only moved the sheet an inch before I see him smile, he still had his eyes closed but he knew what I was up to. I continued moving the sheet until he was fully exposed, I had plans to take him in my mouth and start his day with a bang, so to speak, but he moved like lightning and had me on my back before I could touch him.

  “Good mornin’ baby.” he said, between kisses.

  “Good morning yourself.”

  “I’ve been waitin’ for you to wake up.” he growled against my neck, sending a shiver through my body.

  “You should have woke me up last night.” I told him, surrendering myself to him completely.

  “I was tempted.” he murmured, snaking a path with his tongue between my breasts and down to my centre. Taking my thighs in his large hands, he moved on to nip and kiss his way from my knee back to my centre, every time I moaned he would drive his tongue into me harder. I dug my hands into the sheets until all I held was fists full of bedding.

  Knock, knock, knock.

  Whoever was on the other side of the door could fuck off, this might as well be classed as the first time a man has gone down on me, never before has this felt this fucking good! It makes me wonder what the other men were doing down there before.

  All I needed was one more minute and I would find the release I craved, Cas didn’t move his position for which I most grateful.

  Another round of knocking had Cas stopp
ing, fuck, whoever is out in the hall can go to the bottom of hell.

  “What?” he yelled, keeping himself between my legs, I edged further down the bed and wrapped my leg around his waist, I could just feel his erection if I thrust my hips high enough.

  “Thought you would wanna know Michael is on his way.” Billy shouted back through the closed door.

  There was no chance of having the fire burning in me extinguished at the mention of Michael’s name. I uncoiled myself from Cas and pulled the covers over me.

  “You definitely should’ve woke me up last night.” I pouted.

  “Don’t pout, I’ll make it up to ya later.” he winked.

  He slid off the bed and began getting dressed, the atmosphere completely gone I got up as well. Might as well be dressed and ready for when my uncle arrives.

  By the time Michael strolled into the cabin we were all sitting around the table apart from Billy, who was sitting out on the front porch. Sparky had stayed last night in one of the spare rooms which surprised me. It feels like a life time ago since I last saw my uncle. He came into the kitchen and took in us all sitting round the table drinking coffee, if I hadn’t been scrutinizing him I would have missed his eyebrow slightly rise before resuming his normal expression.

  He was one of the people I desperately missed at college, but now I know what he did behind my back last year, I wanted to cry. He still looked the same to me but everything about him was different. I felt like I didn’t know this man anymore and it hurt. Ever since he took me on as his own, he never made me feel like I was a burden, always making sure I had what I needed and wanted. I clenched my hands and stabbed my palms with my nails to keep myself from saying something I shouldn’t.

  Cas squeezed my knee reassuringly under the table, I took comfort in knowing he was here.

  “Alannah, you’re lookin’ well darlin’.” he boomed across the room, “Lookin’ good in here too, it needed freshenin’ up.”

  He held his arms out to me, there was no way I wanted to embrace him after what he did to Cas, and to me. It must have showed because Sparky subtly kicked my foot as he stretched his legs out, throwing him a glare I stood and hugged my uncle.


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