Biker Bait: The Lost Souls MC Series

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Biker Bait: The Lost Souls MC Series Page 16

by Ellie R. Hunter

  The Ghost Riders have their local law enforcement so deep in their pocket, they wouldn’t be a worry for us tonight.

  “You’ll make a fuckin’ great president brother.” Sparky spoke in my ear.

  I huffed, that was the last thing on my mind right now. Looking through the front of the van I saw the warehouse on the horizon.

  “Right, get ready boys, when the van stops, the doors open and we shoot like crazy mother fuckers, he’ll have men on the doors, I want them taken out before our feet hit the ground, give our brothers the chance to make it off their bikes behind us.”

  No one could sit still, all rocking, bouncing on the side shelves we call seats.

  “Cover each other and get in there fast, I need her back.” I told them, not caring that my anger was cracking into a begging urgency.

  “She’s comin’ home boss, you can fuckin’ guarantee that!” Sparky bellowed.

  It was a guarantee she was coming home, I just prayed she would be alive when she did.

  Quickly scanning my brothers, I knew there wasn’t anyone else I would feel safer with having my back especially at times like this.

  The first shot fired hit our van, we came to a screeching halt out the front of the warehouse, I didn’t realise how close we were until Pope called for us to get up the other end of the van, which wasn’t an easy task. He slid the door open and fired shots at the three men at the door. They all went down and we all fled the van. All our brothers were behind us, jumping of their bikes and working fast to get a handle on their weapons.

  A gun in each hand, one in the back of my jeans and one each in each inside pocket of my cut, I was more than fully prepared for this. Leading the men into the warehouse was eerie for the first ten seconds, it felt like I had led them like rabbits to their slaughter but then shots were firing from everywhere.

  Fuck being like rabbits, we were ready for this. I shot everywhere I saw a body hiding or moving, I knew every brother in my club so well I didn’t need to worry about hitting the wrong side.

  I was hoping for an open warehouse, maybe with a room or two off to the side, but this had corridors and rooms everywhere. The Lost Souls spread out, I made my way up one corridor, warily opening doors as I went, a Ghost Rider fuck sprung me from behind a door. Momentarily stunned from the blow to the back of my head, I turned and swung my fist connecting with his head, like a sack of shit, he hit the floor cold. Shooting a man who was already unconscious wasn’t how I liked it, but he played in a part in taking Alannah and now he’s paying the price. Squeezing the trigger, I shot him once in the head and twice in his chest for good measure.

  I left the room and carried on up the corridor, the sound of gun shots shook the place around us.

  As I neared the end of the corridor, Sparky flew out of a room and crashed into the wall, his gun falling to the floor, he had luck, as he bent down to pick it up two rounds were fired into the wall where his head had just been seconds before. I ran towards him, and we both shot at the biggest fuckin’ guy I’ve ever seen before.

  “Thanks boss.” he panted, bending to his knees.

  “No worries, where the fuck is she?” I asked, looking in the room he had been thrown from.

  “I don’t know, there’s more stairs over there.” he said, pointing his gun at the end of the corridor.

  “Come on, stick together, I’ll go first.” I said, passing him and headed for the stairs.

  It was quiet up here, there were only four doors on this level. Everything screamed a trap.

  “You take that side, I’ll take this side and be careful brother.” I said, before opening the first door.

  Looking around there was nothing but made up beds on the floor, there wasn’t anyone in them and no cupboards for them hide in. I shut the door and moved on to the next one.

  Nothing again but this room stunk of cigarette smoke and unwashed men, make shift chairs and tables.

  “Cas.” Sparky called, drawing my name out warily.

  I looked down the hall and saw him raise his gun.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I was conscious when Hunter and the young lad came in, it was hard not to hear the guns being shot, by the continuous shots being fired told me there was a lot of people fighting.

  Hunter strolled towards me as if nothing was going on.

  “Show time bitch.” he smiled, exposing his yellow, broken teeth.

  He nodded to the lad to stand by the door, it was a prime position to take someone from behind as they came in.

  The fighting told me the Lost Souls had arrived, relief surged through me but then I realised the guys position would hurt someone I care about. My relief soon turned to dread.

  Hunter took position next to me and fisted the rope and chain in his hand. I forgot what happens when I move so when I twisted away from him, the rope squeezed my neck again.

  “Be a shame if you’re dead before they make their entrance, don’t you think bitch?” he laughed, close to my head.

  Fear for anyone being hurt, fear for not being saved, and fear for being saved and losing someone in the process, I finally cracked and couldn’t hold back the tears, they burst from my eyes in big, ugly flurries.

  Hot, salty tears moistened the dried blood and once again, my vision blurred red.

  God knows how much time had passed, but as soon as the door burst open, everything sped up.

  Not knowing who was on the other side, I cried out protecting them the only way I could.


  Sparky? I wasn’t sure if it was him but if it was then I had to tell him.

  “It’s a trap by the door!”

  Hunter pulled the rope and shut me up. “Go, you know what to do.” he told the young lad. He ran to other side of the room and disappeared through a different door I didn’t know was there.

  Hunter remained at my side, waiting.

  Yes, it was Sparky, I heard him call for Cas. With no threat by the door, my relief returned, I had every faith they would get me out.

  We both heard boots pounding the floor racing towards the open door, unlike Sparky, Cas didn’t stop, he barrelled into the room, so closely followed by Sparky that he nearly crashed into his back when Cas abruptly stopped when he saw me.

  “Drop ya guns fuckers or I’ll let go of this bitch, the fall will snap her neck immediately.” Hunter told them.

  The two men who would protect me to the end of the earth stood motionless.

  “How do we know you won’t anyway?” Cas spit.

  I tried blinking the blood and tears out of my eyes so I could see his face, if I’m going to die, I want his face to be the last one I see.

  “All I want is Michael.” Hunter told them.

  After everything he had done to me, I believed him.

  “What do you want with him?” I heard Sparky ask.

  “Old vendetta and pay back, now drop your fuckin’ guns!” he roared, and to show he meant business, he pulled sharply on the rope forcing it to tighten again round my throat.

  Faster than superman they both threw their guns to the floor, screaming out to stop.

  Hunter kept his word and loosened the rope. I gasped for the missing air, my body was screaming I couldn’t take no more, where is my Uncle? This will all stop when he gets here.

  “Payback for what?” Sparky asked.

  I caught eye contact with Cas, he was a deathly shade of pale and held my gaze. He was shaking, he told me once I would be the only one to take him out and I saw it in his eyes now, if I die here tonight, everything that makes him my Cas will die with me.

  “As if you don’t know.”

  “Apart from the fuckin’ shit you’ve caused my club, it’s nothin’ what you ain’t done to us.”

  “It has nothin’ to do with that you fuckin’ dumb fuck.” Hunter roared beside me.

  “What then?”

  Sparky was keeping him talking, stalling for time but none of that mattered, I held my eyes on Cas and he
on me. He was trembling with anger and fear.

  “I killed his fuckin’ brother.”

  Uncle Michael! He was here, I just had to wait for them to do whatever and Cas would get me.

  “Ah, nice of you to show you fuckin’ face.”

  “You got me now so let her go.” Michael said, getting closer.

  “I’ve waited a fuckin’ long time for this Blake.” he said, I could hear the excitement for revenge in him.

  “Well, I’m here, come and fuckin’ get me!”

  “I ain’t stupid, three on one isn’t what I call fair, this is between me and you.”

  “Trust me, they ain’t goin’ to protect me. They’re here for the girl only.”

  I tore my eyes away from Cas and looked at my uncle, why wouldn’t they protect him? He briefly looked from Hunter to me. He wore an expression I’ve never seen on him before, guilt.

  “Just to make sure ay.”

  So engrossed in trying to work out why Michael looked guilty, I never saw Hunter’s elbow smash into my face.

  Chapter Twenty


  I finally have her in my sights and I can’t do a fucking thing to help her, she looks worse off in the flesh. Fear for her neck being snapped was the only thing keeping me rooted in place.

  “Just to make sure ay.”

  Hunter struck his elbow in her face, it could have been slow motion or the fact I was watching them so intently every movement became freeze frame images. Her head whipped back from the force of impact and didn’t come back up, the bastard had knocked her out. The rope and chain he was holding went slack as he released his grip, and his parting shot was to kick the crates from under her as he flew towards Michael.

  The fucker made sure we would be totally focused on Alannah, he couldn’t believe we really didn’t have any interest in helping Michael. Whether he lived or died at the hands of Hunter I couldn’t give a fuck, all I cared about was not allowing Hunter to live to see another sun rise.

  Sparky flew past me and every move, every battle cry sped up. Alannah was dangling from the roof rafter, her body limp and looking lifeless. I snapped into gear and ran to her, it all happened in seconds. I passed Sparky and snatched her to my chest, lifting her above me to relieve the rope choking the life out of her.

  “Get her out of this!” I ordered Sparky.

  He piled the crates on top of each other and climbed up so he could reach her restraints.

  Cussing and calling out ‘Barbie’ he had her undone in less than a minute. I slid her to the ground and followed her down.

  Sparky untangled the rope around her neck and felt for a pulse. His wicked, relieved grin told me she had one. I held onto her tighter, finally back where she belongs, with me.

  “Wake up Barbie!” Sparky pleaded to her unconscious form.

  I could see he was itching to slap her awake but refrained because of her injuries.

  “Let’s get her the fuck outta here.” he said, turning his glare on Michael and Hunter.

  I looked in their direction, they were both a bundle of grown men arms and legs, kicking and swinging at each other. I honestly wouldn’t be able to put money down on who would walk away from this, the raw, violent hunger coming from both of them was more than I’ve ever seen before, I’ve seen a countless amount of men fight but nothing amounting to this level of pure hatred.

  They both hit the floor and landed near the guns Sparky and I dropped. Obviously moving on from hand on hand battle, they both made a lunge for the weapons. Hunter had an edge in the lead until Michael caught his ankle in his hand and pulled him back, Hunter’s free foot shot into his face and Michael let go. His nose was busted for sure, Michael must have done some damage to Hunter because he wasn’t moving for the gun as fast as he should have.

  Michael got himself together and pulled himself up to his hands and knees, he caught up to Hunter and kneed him in the ribs, and he stopped immediately. Michael reached one of the guns and turned on his back, Hunter getting over the last blow charged towards him and that’s when Michael pulled the trigger, not once, not twice but three times.

  Hunter clutched at his stomach, wearing a startled expression. He truly thought he would walk away the victor tonight. He staggered around before slumping to the floor. I stared as he bled out and drew his last breath. Michael relaxed his head back on the floor and dropped the gun, out of breath and battered he threw

  his arm over his head and remained still, catching his breath.

  It would later occur to me that he didn’t ask about Alannah or even look her way.

  Pope barrelled through the door and scoped the room, he saw we weren’t in danger and his gaze lingered on Michael, who still hadn’t moved, after a beat his eyes lowered to Alannah in my arms. He physically paled and glared at Michael.

  He lowered his gun stepping towards him, Michael saw him coming and hoisted himself to his knees, it turned my stomach Pope was going to help him up, just because he had taken out the Ghost Rider President meant fuck all to me, to Sparky, to every brother who loves Alannah.

  I quickly looked down to Alannah, she was still unconscious, when I looked back to Pope, he had raised his gun directly at Michael’s head.

  “What’s goin’ on?” Michael asked, his voice quivering with fear.

  “Found me a real talkative Ghost cunt, tried to save his life by givin’ up some info on you.” Pope replied, neutrally.

  “What you talkin’ about?” I asked.

  “Found out what really happened to Micky.” he said in pain, never looking away from Michael.

  “And?” Sparky hissed.

  “Turns out Micky was set up, he was meant to deliver a message but he didn’t know what it contained, not until that fuck read it to him.” he spat at Hunter, dead on the floor.

  Fuck! It never did add up, I hated myself because a part of me believed he did rat on us, we buried him a traitor instead of a brother and all this time it was Michael.

  First we find out he used Alannah as bait and now we find out he sent a brother to his death, and not a fucking quick one either.

  I found myself nodding and Pope nodded back, he understood what I was saying.

  “Don’t take me savin’ you from the club as kindness, it’s coz’ I love my club I’m doin’ it this way.” he told Michael, “Betrayal on this level would take the club years to get over, no trust in the club and we have nothin’.”

  “Please, don’t do this! Not havin’ the club will kill me enough.” he begged.

  “Not enough for me, Micky was our brother and you killed him. No more.”

  Michael sobered up, he held himself strong and waited for the bullet. He was right, without the club he would be nothing and that would the worst punishment a brother could endure but Pope was right, he had gone too far and he had to pay with his life.

  “Hunter killed Michael and I killed Hunter.” he told us, squeezing the trigger slowly.

  Sparky and I both agreed, Alannah was cold out so she wouldn’t have no recollection of the lie.

  Pope was also right when he said the club would take years to heal from this level of betrayal, it didn’t feel good knowing I would have to lie to my brothers, to Kitty and to Alannah, but it had to be done.

  “Get it over and done with brother.” Michael spoke.

  “My traitorous brother, as you’re about to walk through the valley of the shadow of death, the only evil you need fear is me, mother fucker.”

  This is where his nickname comes from, every time he takes someone out, he would turn biblical, he’s never explained why he does it, the first time he did Michael asked him who the fuck he thought he was, the pope? And from then on it stuck and he’s been called it ever since.

  Michael held his reserve and didn’t flinch once, Pope got to the end of his sermon. He knew he had seconds left of his life, he finally looked at Alannah, guilt crossed his face and he briefly closed his eyes.

  When he opened them he faced Pope.

  “I know you’
ll look after them Castiel.”

  His parting words as Pope pulled the trigger and Michael flew onto his back. One bullet between his eyes was all it took to take out the disgraced president of the Lost Souls MC.

  Pope turned towards us as he put his gun in one of his pockets.

  “We clear what happened here?” he asked.

  “Fuck yeah.” we both replied at the same time.

  “He was in a one man war and used us as pawns, that’s not a man we want at our backs.” he said.

  He didn’t need to explain nothing, Pope wasn’t a man who said or did anything without facts and precision. It’s also the most we’ve heard him say in one go.

  We all looked at the scene before us, struggling to find words to say.

  Alannah twitching in my arms brought me back to the present, her eyelids fluttered and lips trembled, Pope shrugged out his jacket, taking his gun out and wrapped it around her.

  “Get her out of here, I’ll sort this shit out.” he promised.

  I lifted her in my arms, careful not to press her too hard in case I hurt her further.

  “I’ll go first.” Sparky said, leaving in front of me.

  Having my back, he peered out of the door and checked the hall, following him out when he saw it was clear, we made our way down two flights of stairs, continuously on our guard.

  Thankfully, all the bodies was saw on the floor were Ghost Riders, not one of our own as of yet.

  The exit door was in our sights and with no one around we ran the last distance between us.

  Outside was all our brothers, some wounded, some completely fine. All had smiles and began hollering when they saw Alannah in my arms, Oak was the first one over.

  “She good?” he asked.

  What he meant was, is she alive?

  “Yeah, but she needs the Doc.” I told him, not stopping my stride to the van. We had brought the club doc with us, hoping we wouldn’t need him. He was a good friend of the club, previously a medic in the army until his last tour in Afghanistan fucked with his head too much, he didn’t wear the cut but he was just as important to us as a brother. The amount of questions we could avoid using him was vital.


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