Luci's Lullaby

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Luci's Lullaby Page 18

by Leaona Luxx

  “I did not warn him off.” Reese giggles. “I gave him basic guidelines for dating a woman.”

  “We’re just friends,” I say. They all exchange glances, and Alden releases my hand. “What? We are.”

  Alden stands with his head down. “I’m gonna go let the guys know I’m here.”

  He wades through the crowd as I watch him disappear. I take a deep breath and release it before I start chewing on the inside of my lip.

  “Charlee?” Reese stretches her hand across the table to me.

  “Yes?” I force a smile.

  She smiles warmly. “He’s a complicated man, but he’s a good one.”

  “I know, and he’s a great friend.”

  Emerson quirks her brow. “Y’all are ridiculous.”

  “We decided this is how we need to keep things.”

  Ava and Reese smile at one another and point behind me as Alden returns to the table.

  I lean over and whisper, “Everything okay?”

  “Yep, I’m good, ol’ buddy, ol’ pal.” His mouth is set into a hard line.

  “What is wrong with you?” The table grows quiet from the awkwardness. I can’t take this. “Hey, guys. I’m gonna head out. It was great to see y’all, but I’d like to get Luci home and in bed before it gets too late.”

  Alden’s head spins. “What are you doing?”

  “Going home. Well, to your home. Maybe, we’ll stay with Mom tonight. I don’t know, I’ll think of something. Excuse me.” I push his hip.

  “I’m not moving,” he growls.

  I glance around the table and everyone’s trying not to stare, but it’s obvious this is a hot mess.

  “Please, let me leave.”

  “No. I need you here.” His jaw sets.

  I blanch. “You need me here? Not want but need?”

  He swivels in his seat but before he can say a word, he’s flanked by two brunettes.

  “Alden! Can we get a picture?” they say it in such a way that my skin crawls.

  “Sure.” He stands, cozying up with one on each side.

  I cock my brow as rage fills me. I see my chance and scoot from the seat. I slip by them and head for the door. I’m halfway there when someone grabs my arm and spins me around.

  Alden presses me to him, and his hand knots in my hair as he stares at me. He slides the other hand to the small of my back, holding me to him. Our bodies mold to each other, and the world stops turning.

  He tilts his head, searching my face. Leaning in, he brushes my lips with his and hesitates. My eyes begin to well. I no longer understand any of this or what he wants.

  “You drive me crazy. You get under my skin quicker than any other person in the world. You love Luci like she’s your own blood. You make me want to scream and kiss you all at once.” He glowers.

  “What do you want me to do about it?” Tears run down my face. “You drive me insane too, but that doesn’t mean…”

  “Say it.” Alden sets his mouth. “Tell me.”

  “I’m falling in love with you.” The minute I say the words, my head spins and he takes my mouth.

  His tongue sweeps over mine and I give in, allowing him to take everything he needs from me. Praying he’ll want all I have to give. His lips are soft yet commanding.

  This kiss is different.

  I fist his hair, doing my best to get even closer to him. He swirls his tongue with mine, kissing me deeply. My knees go weak but he holds on, giving me as much as he takes.

  When we do come up for air, he brushes my lips and runs his nose along the side of mine. My body trembles from his touch as we pretend there’s no one else in the world.

  Until the table full of our friends start yelling and clapping as they cheer us on. A round of woohoo and yeahs echo through the entire place. I begin to flush as we giggle.

  “Please, stay,” Alden asks as we gaze at one another.


  On the ride home, the only sound in the truck is my music. Charlee’s hair is blowing in the wind from the open window, the moon is full, and there’s a warm breeze.

  Her hand rests in mine as I hold it on my thigh. That kiss changed everything. All I’ve thought about all night is getting her home and making love to her.


  Every thought I have is wrapped up in love, Luci, and Charlee. Yes, I love Reese. The rest means so much to me, but these girls are changing me. I need to be a better man for them.

  I want to be.

  “You’re quiet.”

  She gazes at me. “I’m taking it all in.”

  I flip my signal light on and turn into my complex. She rolls the window up but never let’s go of my hand. A warm sensation floods my body. My pulse races making me feel lightheaded.

  I park and reluctantly let go of her hand. The only time I haven’t held it tonight was when I was playing. She meets me at the front of the truck, taking my hand in hers again.

  “I swear, your palm should be a sweaty mess right now.”

  “Alden, I’m as nervous as you are. Maybe I’m not showing it, but I’m scared.” She begins to tremble, and everything in me wants to protect her. Even from me.

  “We don’t have to do this if you’re not sure about it.” My heart pounds in my ears, almost deafening me.

  Sadness clouds her features. “If you don’t believe in this, then no, I don’t want it. I’ve waited so long for you to look at me the way you did tonight. I don’t want it if it isn’t real.”

  I take her hand and lay it over my heart. “Do you feel this, the way my heart beats for you? I’ve waited all my life for this kind of rhythm.”

  Her lips find mine, and I’m lost to her intoxicating elixir. I fight the door open, dragging her in with me. Kicking the door shut, I wrap my hands around her and pull her to me.

  Our mouths move with one another like a timed routine. It’s as if our lips have never touched the other before. I push her against the wall, hiking her leg on my hip.

  I break away long enough to murmur in her ear, “Not here.” I pick her up, and her legs lock behind me as I carry her to the bedroom.

  She kisses my neck as I palm her ass, and it’s making my cock do all sorts of things. We fall onto the bed in utter chaos, both of us wanting the same thing and needing more.

  “We need to slow down,” I pant.

  “Yeah, okay.” She nods. “You first.”

  I sit up and reach over my head, yanking my shirt off. Her eyes blaze as she follows my lead. Her breasts bounce as she uncovers them, and my cock hardens.

  I hook my fingers in front of her pants, pulling her to me. I pop the button and slowly unzip them.

  “Dear God, can’t you go faster?” she mewls.

  “I love that you think I’m a god.”

  Her eyes smolder as she lays back, and I drag her jeans from her legs. I don’t stop there because I need this woman naked and spread in front of me. I peel her panties from her and lean over to open my drawer.

  She cocks her brow. “Are you taking my panties again?”

  “I sure the hell am because I want all of your panties and you preferably without them when I’m around.”

  Charlee squirms with a simper. “Be careful what you wish for.”

  “It’s not a wish, it’s a need.”

  She sits up, opening my pants and pushing them down my legs. Her eyes follow them as they hit the floor. She slides from the bed and onto her knees.

  “Step,” she says with a smirk.

  “Yes, ma’am.” I do as I’m ordered, watching as she frees each of my legs.

  I reach down, picking her up. “I want you here, not on your knees.”

  I take her mouth frantically as I slide deep into her. She gasps around our lips with the intrusion. I don’t move, allowing her to acclimate. Her pussy clinches my cock, and I pulsate.

  I wrap her tightly in my arms and lay her back on the bed. I slide out to the tip and push in deeper. Her thighs cling to my sides as we hit a rhythm all our own.
r />   Her body answers every bump and grind as I thrust into her, topping out. Charlee grips my shoulders, pulling me closer to her. Our bodies slip and slide with a delicious friction.

  Our pace picks up, and the room is filled with the sounds of our bodies meeting and becoming one. Her moans drive me wild, and I take her mouth with vigor.

  Her head slopes as her back arches, and I feel the heat from her orgasm wash over me, sending me spiraling. I push into her one last time and fill her. Our hearts beating as one.

  I lay over her as our breathing slows, and we float back to earth. I roll over, bringing her with me. I never want her to leave my side. We lay this way for a few minutes, letting everything sink in.

  “Alden?” she whispers.


  “If that was slow, I think we need to practice more.” She lifts her chin to smile at me.

  “I hear practice makes perfect.” I smirk until I realize I don’t have a condom on. I silently admonish myself. “Charlee, this isn’t how I saw this going, but I need to tell you something.”

  She raises up on her elbow. “You can tell me anything.”

  “We kinda went fast and furious there, and I forgot a condom.” I hate myself. How in the hell am I supposed to take care of her and Luci if I can’t remember a condom.

  “You did what?” Her eyes widen.

  I run my hand through my hair. “I’m sorry. I’ve never done this before, I’m always protected.”

  “So are we.” She wiggles her brows.


  “I’m on Depo.” She leans in and kisses me.

  I narrow my eyes at her. “You dirty girl. I thought you were mad at me.”

  “Gotcha.” She pokes my side.

  I roll her over, pinning her arms above her head. “Now, what was that you were saying?”

  There’s a spark in her eyes. “Yes, sir?”

  My cock twitches. “Do women know what that does to a man?”

  She bites and releases her lip. “Please, sir, show me.”

  “It’s a damn good thing we’re covered.”

  “Why’s that, sir?” Her chest rises and falls.

  “We’re gonna need it.” My mouth is on hers before she can utter another word.

  I park beside Reese’s car as Aksel pulls up beside me. He jumps out and meets us at the back of her SUV.

  “What does she want now?” I growl.

  Aksel shakes his head. “No clue, man. She wanted an update, I told her you did the weekend shows. The next thing I know, we’re being called in.”

  “I have a bad feeling, and I hate bad feelings.” Reese grinds her teeth.

  I shove my hands in my pockets. “Let’s go see what She-Devil wants.”

  “I promise you this, a few months and I’m out from under her. The minute you’re free, I want you.” Aksel stares at me, and I hold out my fist.

  “I’m down.”

  We hop a ride and go to the top floor. My stomach rolls when the doors open; she gives me the creeps. Which is why Reese is here instead of Walker. Aksel takes the lead and knocks on her door.

  “Come in,” Sam calls from the other side. It’s a Sunday, again, and no one is here but us.

  Aksel holds the door for Reese, and I follow with him close behind.

  “Samantha Moxy.” She offers Reese her hand.

  Reese takes it with a smile. “Reese Pennington.”

  “Oh, yes. I had the pleasure of meeting your brother the last time.” Sam fires the first shot.

  Reese doesn’t flinch. “My husband actually, and that’s why I’m here instead.” That’s my girl, return fire.

  “I don’t blame you, I’d be protective too,” Sam snarls.

  Reese is stone cold. “Make no mistake, it’s not for his safety.”

  If Sam’s face could move, she would’ve really appreciated that. I award one point to The Pennington House.

  “Alden Beck. I hear you brought the house down and not just for the little kissy face stunt either.” Sam leans in, kissing my cheek. Ewe, cooties.

  “Hey, how can I help you today?”

  “Oh, well, let’s jump right in.” She rounds her desk and takes her seat. “You’re going on the road next week. You’ll start in Dallas and work your way back.”

  I raise my brows to keep my mouth from falling open. “Excuse me? I thought we agreed to take this slow? I have an infant at home.”

  “We’ll hire sitters,” she sniggers. “do it now while she’s small and if you get custody, you’ll have time to be with her then.”

  I sit forward and Reese sits up, taking the floor for me. “There is no contractual obligation for immediate touring.”

  “As his manager, I decide his contractual obligations.” Sam narrows her eyes.

  “It allows for extenuating circumstances, and I believe he more than fits the requirements,” Reese counters.

  “He will be on tour within the week or he will be out, and I’ll make sure he’s tied up until the end of time.” She smiles sickly sweet.

  Reese stands with me right behind her. “You may have him now, but you won’t have him for long.”

  “Maybe so, but he’s mine until then.” Sam eases from her seat. “Aksel, please make his attorney a copy of the tour schedule; it’s in the computer.”

  Aksel shakes his head. “Let me get that for you.”

  “Please take her with you,” Sam directs.

  I follow Reese to the door, but before I get out of it, Sam catches my hand.

  “Alden, this is for the best, trust me.” She rubs my arm.

  I jerk away, staring at her. “I’ll be the judge of that, Miss Moxy.”

  Reese stands by the elevator with Aksel. I don’t even slow up as the doors open. Reese punches the down button a hundred times until the door closes. No one speaks on the ride down.

  Reese hits the lock on her door, and we all get in.

  “What a piece of shit. I hate her. I’m going to take her down” Reese fumes.

  “How am I supposed to leave them? I’ll lose everything.” I rub the center of my chest as it begins to ache.

  Reese grinds her teeth. “I’m not sure how you can’t. She’ll sue you for everything and ruin your career.”

  “I’m sorry, I had no idea she was like this. I’ll see if I can come up with something to help you.” Aksel rubs his neck.

  “She has you under contract, Aksel. There’s nothing you can do.” Reese looks back at him.

  “I don’t have anyone to watch Luci.” My chest tightens, restricting my breathing.

  Reese takes my hand. “We’ll figure it out.”

  “I have to leave Charlee too.” My hands tremble at the thought.

  “We’ll be fine, I promise.”

  “I won’t be.” Alden paces by the windows in the terminal, holding Luci to his chest.

  My stomach rolls as I reassure him. “We have FaceTime, and we can even come see you every other weekend.”

  “You can’t travel in your car; another thing I should’ve done before I left.” He stops pacing and closes his eyes.

  I walk over to him, wrapping them in my arms. “I have your truck. It’s for six months, and I’m positive Reese will have you outta this contract.”

  “I’m going to miss six months of her firsts and six months of you.” A line forms between his eyes.

  I feel as though a knife is stuck in me. I touch his face, caressing him. “I’ll film all of Luci’s firsts, and you can have all of me you want when you get back.”

  “I’ve let you both down.” His eyes swim with emotion. “So fucking ready to be the next big thing, and I’ve screwed it all up.”

  “No you haven’t.” I shake him. “We’ll be fine, I put off my classes for a semester, so I could take care of Luci.”

  “Did you drop out of school for me?” His face is filled with anger.

  I rub his cheek, trying to calm him. “I took a break to be with Luci and visit you until you’re home.”

“It’s not right, I should’ve made her hire someone to help.” His brows furrow.

  My stomach knots. “I wouldn’t want a strange person taking care of her.”

  “I know, me either. I hate this, I hate it so much I feel sick.” He fights back tears, and so do I.

  Aksel walks up beside us. “Guys, it’s about time.”

  “I may never forgive myself for this.” He squeezes his eyes shut, forcing the tears over the lids and down his face. I run my finger over his cheeks, drying them.

  I’m gutted and angry but, most of all—

  I’m in love with this broken man. “We love you.”

  His eyes pop open and gaze into mine. “And it’s the only thing that will get me through.”

  I stretch up on my tiptoes, wrapping my hand around his neck, and kiss him with all of my heart. “Please be careful.”

  “Please take care of Luci and yourself. I would never forgive myself if something happened to you.” He kisses Luci and turns to me again, kissing me breathless.

  I take Luci from his arms reluctantly. “We love you, remember that.”

  “I’ll call as soon as I land.” He kisses us again and hands over his ticket with Aksel close behind.

  Emerson slides her arm around me as we watch them disappear into the tunnel. I slip from her arm and hurry to the window, searching for him. I can’t see a thing. A wave of nausea comes over me as my body trembles.

  The plane begins its departure, and I still don’t see him. I’m frantic when suddenly I see a hand pressed against a window, and I know it’s him. I hold Luci’s in mine up to the pane of glass until he’s gone.

  “He’s gone, baby girl,” I whisper to her, kissing her softly.

  Emerson’s by our side in a flash. “Two weeks and we’ll go see them.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” I force a smile.

  I trudge to the truck and get Luci buckled in as Emerson stands to the side. I kiss her forehead and shut the door.

  “Are we still on for tomorrow?” she asks as she hugs me.

  I nod. “We’ll be there.”

  I climb behind the wheel and watch as she does the same and pulls out after me. She follows me to town and turns into her subdivision as we go on down the road to Alden’s.


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