Asylum Mine

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Asylum Mine Page 3

by Viola Grace

  Tor started a dark whisper in that strange language again, and while the words were unknown to her, the tone sent a spike of urgency straight to her womb, causing a clench that made Tor groan and started broken cries as her the fire in her system shattered into a glittering wave of stars.

  His shout of surprise and hard shove into her again started a round of small shockwaves that milked him of everything he could give. Instead of slumping on her as previous lovers had done, Tor rolled to his back, taking her with him and lifted her so he could kiss her softly while stroking her from neck to thighs.

  The head of his cock was still within her, and from what she could tell, he had not shrunk at all.

  She enjoyed the glow of his body under hers until she noticed that her own body was taking on the same blue tinge.

  “What is this?” She held out her hand in wonder.

  “It is a Decarro thing. It helps mating pairs sync up.” He stroked her hair.

  She shook her head and smiled. “We are not exactly a mating pair.”

  “I am still inside you, I beg to differ.”

  She snorted and then sighed, resting her head on his chest while he wrapped his arms around her. “I feel a little guilty having such a lovely evening with you when my men are struggling with a hobbled ship.”

  He stiffened underneath her.

  “What, what is it?”

  He lifted her from him and sat her next to him on the bed, both of their bodies glowing softly in the dim light. “There is a formal court convened to charge your crew with killing you and setting your body adrift into space to hide the evidence.”

  Shock ran through her. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  He looked down at his hands. “I was afraid you would leave. I got the signal after you were down for your nap. I just wanted some time with you.”

  Seeri sighed. “I understand, but I need to go to them. The price of mutiny is death.”

  Tor grunted and got out of the bed, disappearing into the bathroom for a moment before reappearing. He pressed a cloth between her thighs and nodded. “There is a uniform in your wardrobe.”

  A word in that strange language and the lights were on full. Her glow was almost imperceptible in the brighter environment. She felt a sense of loss when he opened a chest and started to pull on all black clothing. Realizing that he was planning something, she went to the wardrobe and thumbed through the selections until she saw a uniform that would scandalize any of the military officers she knew.

  She pulled it on and smiled at the tight fit, the boots and short skirt with the matching top, all in the same purple.

  She went to the bathroom and combed out her black locks, weaving them into a quick braid.

  “What next, Tor?”

  She was facing him in the most intimidating thing she had seen him wear. He looked like a chunk of shadow come to life, even his eyes had shifted from bright to navy. Seeri swallowed heavily when he moved and the blasters on either thigh were exposed.

  Whatever was going on, he was ready for anything.

  “Come with me.” He didn’t offer his hand, but turned and stalked out of his quarters, leading her into a dark shadow of the station that seemed to be completely shut down.

  At his touch on a panel, the halls lit and fans stirred to life, giving them the oxygen they desperately needed.

  Anticipation started to flip in Seeri’s belly as she identified the signs of a launch bay. The gleaming and glowing shuttle was made of glossy mirror finished metal.

  A tap of his fingers and the door eased open. “Let’s go and save your crew.”

  She blinked at the shuttle as she entered it. “What…how long have you had this shuttle?”

  “It was the means of my escape. I keep it well maintained. Get in and buckle up.”

  Seeri followed his direction and paused as her skirt slid up, the cold contact making her jump as the door slammed closed and locked in place. “Thank you for doing this.”

  “Thank me if we survive.” The whirring of the wheels as they moved toward the bay doors was the last noise she heard as the bay closed off from the station and the exit opened slowly.

  They rolled along until he struck the thrusters and at that point, they were back in space. Back to the only home Seeri had really known.

  The Coalition base allowed them to land when Seeri provided the necessary codes, and striding through the streets and then halls to the Coalition Courts was made easier by the huge and forbidding presence of Tor at her back.

  Guards tried to stop her at the courtroom. “You cannot enter. The court is in session.”

  She drew herself up. “As I am the dead body they are being killed over, I believe it is imperative that I attend.”

  A quick consultation with his companion and the guard allowed her to enter.

  Striding quickly to the front of the courtroom, Seeri nodded to a shocked and furious Commander Darkour and waited to be acknowledged by the court.

  The judge narrowed his eyes at her appearance, and his companions nodded for him to address her. “Miss, what is your reason for attending this court?”

  “I only thought to file a complaint against Commander Darkour for attempted murder and to speak on behalf of my crew. I am Battle Commander Seerian Vish. I was wounded in an attack by Commander Darkour’s ship and forced to seek asylum on a healing station.” The words could never be tested as untrue.

  Commander Darkour tried to exit, but Alpha Tor in all his glory stopped him.

  The judge leaned forward. “If you are found to be Battle Commander Seerian Vish, why would Darkour attack you? He has always been a law abiding Coalition citizen.”

  Smiling at the direct question, Seeri was able to answer it on the record. “I have documentation proving that Commander Darkour has been instrumental in engaging in genocide on three planets, for profit. He is using a bacterial agent that he has rigged into his shuttles and is using a Wedford bank to collect his monies. I have the account numbers and even if he tries to move it, I will be able to track it. This is the reason he wanted me dead.”

  “Who is the man with you?” A judge on the left had a peculiar look in his eyes. A softness was there.

  “He is the true heir of Decarro and the three planets killed by Darkour. The last survivor of the purge and a good man, Alpha Tor.”

  Several folk cried out at the name and one of the judges pounded a gavel. When silence was forced into being by the pounding, the judge with the strange expression stood.

  Seeri glanced back at Tor and he had a stunned look on his own features. “Father.”

  A ripple of shock ran through the crowd.

  “Son. It is good to see you. The purge was repealed, but no one knew where to find you.”

  Twenty feet apart, it was as if they were the only ones in the room.

  “I knew of the change, but there was no reason to rejoin the worlds as the last of my kind.” Alpha Tor gripped Darkour’s throat and the man fell to the ground.

  “Why did you come forward now?” The man looked happy, his medals and rank bars marking him as career military.

  “I was needed.”

  He placed his hand on Seeri’s shoulder, but before the conversation could continue, the doors to the courtroom flew open.

  Gurn, Commander Darkour’s second in command was there and he was wielding a blaster. In a quick move, Seeri put herself in front of Tor just as Gurn fired. She felt the burn and slumped back against Tor.

  He caught her and raised a hand, a blast of power struck Gurn and threw him back out through the doors. A crack was heard as his back made contact with the marble of the foyer.

  Leaning against Tor, it was a relief when he laid her on the floor. “Seeri, come on, you can’t leave me yet.”

  She smiled and touched his face, the glow starting under her skin once again. “This wound is too severe for you to heal and we both know it. Don’t look at it!”

  The feeling of inches of scorched flesh was enough without him tortur
ing himself. Her body was slowing down, organs locking up as blood flow was disturbed. She didn’t have long to live. With a smile, she spoke, “It isn’t everyone who gets to die twice in one week. I have the weirdest luck.”

  Faces were surrounding them, Tor was her focus, but Vorner appeared behind him, as did the man he called Father. Words were spoken, but she was a thousand miles away and the stars were calling.

  Tears flowed from his eyes and he lifted her to him, pressing a kiss on her lips that warmed her soul while her body cooled.

  * * * *

  Alpha Tor didn’t know what to do.

  “You can manage it, son. All of their pent up power is now passed to you. Use it.” Four star general Quenar Zaric put his hand on Tor’s shoulder.

  “What if she doesn’t want it?”

  “She exchanged her life for yours. There is nothing else to be said. Stop guessing and do it!”

  With the order given, Tor pressed his lips to Seeri’s and the instant that her lifeforce fled, he replaced it with the life of the Decarro.

  A species with their lives linked on a frequency of psi energy gave all of that energy to Tor at the moment that they died. Healing came from Tor, but a new life could come from Decarro.

  He poured the energy into her, restructuring her body and the neural pathways that his primary people needed. The talent she would develop might be small, but it might be something to make her life easier. Either way, she would have a life.

  Tor pressed his free hand to her chest, over the wound. When the flesh turned from crumbled and scorched back to soft and pliable, he gripped her waist. Her light sigh into his mouth was music to his ears.

  He fought the urge to smile when she reached up and pulled his lips back to hers. She smiled and blinked her now brilliant violet eyes.

  The courtroom was in uproar and Darkour was trying to slink away. Vorner jumped on him and with the rest of the crew taking turns, they kept him on the ground and in a foetal curl.

  Seeri was alive, and now she would leave him, ripping his heart in two.

  * * * *

  His eyes were a startling blue. Alpha Tor was still holding her and her afterlife had shrunk to nothing. She was alive.

  Seeri smiled. “What did you do?”

  “You are Decarron now. Your original DNA is still in place, but all of the extras have now been activated.” He looked nervous.

  “How did you do it?”

  The general next to him spoke, “It has always been his power to give. He just chose to live alone somewhere.”

  The general was smiling and she couldn’t help but notice a certain resemblance in Tor’s bone structure.

  “You were one of the donors?”

  He winked at her quickness. “Obvious isn’t it? Yes. And as soon as I met Tor all those years ago I knew he was mine. He knew it, too. It broke my heart when he was reported dead.”

  “We need to get the mining stopped on Decarro. It isn’t right.”

  He nodded and nudged Tor. “You picked a bossy one.”

  Her lover lifted her in his arms, “She picked me. I merely embraced the moment.”

  Laughing, she let him take her to the medical centre for the testing that the Coalition would demand before they let her men go free and clear. In her mind, dying twice had given her an early retirement, but paperwork would have to be filed before she could return to Tor’s station. She knew he would not stay here with her.

  It had been over a week and her heart was aching at the distance between them. She quivered, ached and longed more than she ever had in her life.

  The station looked dead as she approached, but she sent it her name and after a few scans, the anti-aircraft weapons stood down. She parked the tiny shuttle in the bay next to Tor’s and quietly made her way into the station.

  Lights didn’t come on for her. The bedroom was empty when she dropped off her duffel.

  No bots moved around today, it was all silent.

  If she hadn’t been able to sense him, she would have been worried, but as it was, only mild concern filled her when she went looking for him in the oxygen manufacturing centre.

  He was lying on the ground and staring up at the trees. Only the minute lifting and falling of his chest gave her the clue that he was still alive.

  She knelt nearby and spoke quietly. “Do you need to replace those filters? I think my hands need a work out.”

  He sat up and looked around him in panic. “Seeri?”

  She cursed as she realized she was sitting in the shade. He couldn’t see her. She got up and moved to his side, caressing his face. “Hello Tor.”

  His hands shook as he touched her in turn. “Why are you here?”

  “Because you are. Decarro is yours if you want it. The monies earned by the mining corps were placed into a holding account for you. You can buy whatever you need to make a home there.”

  “Is that why you came back, to tell me to leave?”

  “No, I came back because I love you. We can live here, or somewhere else, or just bum around in your shuttle, but if you will have me, I will be at your side.” She punctuated it with a kiss.

  In an instant, they were tumbling around on the soft grass and the moment he was nude, she was straddling him, taking him in with the slickness she had been emanating since she stepped on the station, making quick work of fitting him into her.

  Long slow strokes as she rode up and down started a trembling in her belly before she could contain it, she bucked and clenched around him.

  Tor clenched his hands on her hips and slammed upward until he met her mid-orgasm with his own.

  She sighed. “I am sorry, I couldn’t hold out.”

  He laughed. “Isn’t that my excuse?”

  “Not when I have had thoughts of being with you every moment of every day since we parted at the medical office. The general wants to visit with you as well.”

  “He can come when he wants, but for now I want to have you back in a bed again.”

  She looked around. “What is wrong with frolics on the garden?”

  “The grass gets itchy and dirt gets into everything. The only thing I want inside you is me.” He leaned up and pressed a hot kiss to her breast, pulling on each nipple in turn. His hands kneaded and stroked the flesh and in seconds, her glowing body was warming under his touch.

  She sighed. “Cheater.”

  “Any advantage I can get.” With a sigh and a grunt, he got to his feet with her still riding his cock. With slow steady steps, he took them back to the bedchamber and straight into the bathing room.

  Sex in the shower was fun, and slippery, but she got to play and touch every inch of him with all the lights on. There was beauty in this beast of hers, and her asylum had been the luckiest place of her life. Whatever their future held, they would do it together.

  She knew it with every pulse of their skin. Dead or alive, they were bound for eternity and it wasn’t a bad thing at all.

  About the Author

  Viola Grace was born in Manitoba, Canada where she still resides today. She really likes it there. She has no pets and can barely keep sea monkeys alive for a reasonable amount of time. Her line of day job tends to be analytical which leaves her mind hopping to weave stories. No co-worker is safe from her character analysis. In keeping with busy hands are happy hands, her hobbies have included cross-stitch, needlepoint, quilting, costuming, cake decorating, baking, cooking, metal work, beading, sculpting, painting, doll making, henna tattoos, chain mail, and a few others that have been forgotten. It is quite often that these hobbies make their way into her tales.

  Viola’s fetishes include boots and corsetry, and her greatest weakness is her uncontrollable blush. Her writing actively pursues the Happily Ever After that so rarely occurs in nature. It is an admirable thing and something that we should all strive for. To find one that we truly like, as well as love.




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