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Anthropos Page 2

by Frank Desmedt

  Once again he regained consciousness, but only to now find himself constrained by the heavy, thick, sticky penumbra of the holographic terminal end of the projection probe, in an environment where he only perceived a rhythmic throbbing, right there in the middle of the REBIS.

  The first Anthropos, the fusion of the Adamant with the REBIS, had arrived at T3!

  The Awakening

  Gone is his multi-dimensional perception of being one with the Whole. Now, very little—in fact, almost nothing—does he remember of a very, very distant place, whose amplitude and luminosity are rapidly fading in his memory. He feels a bitter mixture of horror, confusion and melancholy for the loss of what he knew and a dreadful terror of the totally strange present.

  Of all this, what strikes him the most is the agonizing feeling of total isolation and solitude, of being immersed between alienating impressions that are terribly unfamiliar to him.

  The Adamant, now transformed into the Anthropos, feels uncomfortable, compressed and suffocated within the three-dimensional shell that the REBIS has become. He doesn’t know what to do to halt, or simply to flee from the alienating deluge of impressions that the REBIS’ mechanisms insist on showing him. Nor can he escape from the hostile mesh that rudely and stubbornly tries to disguise everything with the dense veneer of space and the permanent mask of time.

  Oh! But, how to subsist in such an oppressive pocket of reality?

  Sensing the uncomfortable struggle of the Adamant, SyCON, with infinite care, emits a sequence of timely commands toward the REBIS’ gyroscopic circuit bank. Specifically, toward the mechanisms that are responsible for stabilizing the forces that connect the first and second transducers, a process that it only stops when the Anthropos begins to show signs of greater self-control. This has been only the first of the countless adjustments that were to be made to achieve the crucial point of equilibrium between the multiple components of a system that crosses, resides and expresses itself simultaneously in several correlative and yet different realities.

  Calming down, despite the pervading heaviness that bogs him down, the Anthropos makes a supreme effort to gather the scattered threads of his discernment.

  Slowly, he tries to focus on the pictogram that is insistently shown to him, there, right in the middle point of his lucidity.

  He remains enthralled for a long time with the strange symbols, which, unfortunately, mean nothing to him.

  Quietly, he lets the focal point of his attention drift toward one the top corners of the pictogram. And as soon as he does this, everything present in that area moves to the center of the frame! What could this mean?

  Intrigued, he shifts the focus of his attention toward a combination of especially attractive blobs, very close to the bottom edge of the frame—and again, everything takes on a different configuration! What an interesting effect!

  The Anthropos, now reanimated and entertained with the coming and going of the many shapes and colors that he perceives in the pictogram, becomes a little more daring and ventures to zigzag his attention from one point to another, from one side to the opposite and from top to bottom, resulting the mixture of effects quite fascinating!

  Everything goes well until, suddenly, something different happens! Without meaning to, his attention had surpassed the edge of the pictogram, focusing on a point that was beyond its border, and then, startlingly, a whole section of the Anthropos moved!

  Now, everything in the pictogram had changed. All the things in it were new!

  What’s this all about?

  After having turned his visual field some 60 degrees, his attention was attracted so much by a striking figure that something makes him want to have it, feel it, possess it... Suddenly, once again, something unexpected happens! Now, the Anthropos had caused a part of its structure to unfold and extend toward the mentioned figure. Not only that, but soon it surrounds it with some of his flexible appendages and then, when it retracts this extension, the image thus trapped, as it’s brought nearer, is enlarged until it occupies the entire pictogram! What a curious phenomenon!

  Needless to say, this has been nothing less than the first experience between the Anthropos and the always-present three-dimensional space of T3.

  All goes well, until he realizes that several of the formations that are present in the pictogram, strangely, can escape the grasping ability of the Anthropos. And that, no matter how much he stretched his extension, repeatedly opening and closing the small flexible protuberances, he couldn’t seize them.


  After a while, just as he reaches the apex of his frustrating endeavor, he feels that a strong tremor shakes his entire structural mass, and that the Anthropos very gradually begins to change its center of gravity by executing a series of well-coordinated movements, to then stand completely and vertically erect!

  All the sensations had changed completely!

  And if this were not enough, a complex mechanism began to execute a rhythmical action that causes the entire Anthropos to move, that is, to displace itself toward the much longed-for formation, to finally be able to secure it!

  For SyCON to carry out the dynamic and delicate balance between the many facets involved in keeping the Anthropos in a stable condition is an extremely simple task. Everything is very similar to what it has been doing with the rest of the holoidal manifestations present in T3.

  Everything is automatically evaluated and compensated by SyCON.

  It’s to be noted that only the Adamant’s capacity of self-awareness, now integrated into the REBIS structure, which gives form to the Anthropos, has the manifest power and privilege of NOT being subject to SyCON’s authority. SyCON can not calibrate or alter its entelechy directly. Rather, it must provide the required support for the Adamant’s creativity to function properly, especially when he acts in harmony with the trends of the all-inclusive Global Field. This is the basis of the project at hand.

  The Anthropos is, then, a solitary point of free discernment who has the capacity to integrate himself with the creative mechanisms of SyCON—all alone, in the midst of an infinite and automated Cosmos.


  SyCON can do nothing to remedy the oneiric, semi-amnesic state in which the consciousness of the Adamant has temporarily been trapped.

  To remedy this, it must let him evolve and adapt himself to the tremendous vibratory difference that the Cofrequential cohesiveness presents to his new way of being. It must allow its creation, the Anthropos, to discover through his own experience the extraordinary potential of the functions that have been included in his formation.

  Fortunately, the Anthropos’ expression can be adjusted by the gradual but steady influence of the rhythmic cycles produced by SyCON. And, as I mentioned earlier, the Adamant, now transformed into the Anthropos, is part of a system that continually impels everything toward its perfection.

  The sharp holography presented by the REBIS probe in T3 is generated by the third, most dense and last transducer of the sequence. However, far from being an inert projection, it allows the Anthropos to interact with anything whose vibratory constitution is close to 4.05 x 1016 cycles per second, in any of its relative states.

  This holographic ending, in addition, gives the Anthropos the convenient sensation of having a “consistency” similar to that of the other formations present in T3. It also allows him to use several types of sensors with which to perceive, although not all the vibratory frequencies present there, enough to attain an effective interaction with T3’s environment.

  We could say that with all the functions that SyCON provides the Anthropos, he can develop his own particular creative style, in accordance with the cadence of cyclic events that govern the entire T3 system. All this in perfect agreement with the original instructions that it had previously received.

  By the use of his free will, the Anthropos can make use, or not, of the programs offered by SyCON. He will later discover that any action that harmonizes with these functions is in sync with the evolutionary pr
ocess that permanently acts in T3, that is, with what produces its continuous creation.

  This is the only way that Anthropos can use the full potential of SyCON.

  But if the Anthropos, voluntarily or involuntarily, consciously or unconsciously obstructs, distorts or deflects the action favored by the functions of SyCON and therefore, does not allow the cosmic order to be carried out, he’ll be losing his time trying to code unrealizable routines, according to the principle that says:

  “The greater the divergence between the directional vector of a given action and the synthesis of conditions dynamically upheld by SyCON, the greater the disproportion between the maximum possible effectiveness and the result produced by this action.”

  Parables and Allegories

  After this first projection, SyCON had to repeat the now customary routine of Transfrecuencial implosion, enabling a REBIS probe to every Adamant that was to be projected into T3. This caused so many Anthropos to be present in T3, that SyCON decided to establish a fair and convenient system of attendance, whereby each one remains in T3 enough to evolve one more click of his life cycle and then return to his own environment—simply by reversing the REBIS projection process.

  The Adamants themselves, after their experience in T3 and back in their pristine original environment, remember even the smallest detail of their adventure; but while they’re in T3, unfortunately, there are very few Anthropos who remember anything of their own world.

  Actually, let’s face it, it’s quite difficult to appreciate things from the perspective of an Anthropos.

  In the first place, a real and sustained effort must be made to adapt themselves to the limited depth of field that comes from having to perceive pictograms that only include elements of the most immediate Cofrequential ambience, which leaves out the rest of Transfrequency, as if it didn’t exist.

  At the same time, in T3 one has to get used to the fact that circumstances don’t reveal the continuity of the action between what happens at a given moment and the effect that follows. No, everything seems to be fragmented into episodes called “situations,” which must be extrapolated with segments of a strange measure called “time.” All of which, of course, makes it considerably more difficult to establish the proper link between an effect and its respective cause. Obviously, with these limitations, an Adamant’s natural and eminent awareness becomes very confused (to say the least).

  In spite of this, there were Anthropos that managed to maintain, or to develop, their original and crystalline lucidity, notwithstanding the trillions of vibratory oscillations that Transfrequency imposed on them.

  They were able to retain their perspicuity, despite the inescapable presence of the denser Cofrequential environment of T3, which tends to distract the attention of most of them.

  Those noble and always remembered Corybantes and Egregors generously tried to share the product of their clear discernment with the other oneiric Anthropos.

  With parables, metaphors and simple allegories, they tried to make their fellow Anthropos understand the basics of Transfrequential interaction. They explained how an Adamant’s free will could merge with the powerful functions of the REBIS probe and with the sovereign mechanisms of SyCON, a combination that provided the Anthropos with quasi-magical abilities.

  These enlightened individuals, on so many occasions and in so many different ways, tried to remind the other disoriented Anthropos, that each of them was, in fact, a courageous Adamant. Moreover, they not only explained it but demonstrated what could be achieved by aligning themselves with the powerful processes of SyCON and the local energy-forces of T3.

  Truly, there were very few Anthropos who managed to overcome their own obstructions, so that they could understand what those enlightened beings tried to explain. These, during their brief stay in T3, undoubtedly gave the very best of themselves.

  The Present

  The evolution of the T3 environment had advanced a few degrees more and yet, the vast majority of Anthropos, not realizing their true location or knowing that through the REBIS they could access a mechanism with which they could orient themselves, have become easy prey for the Exploiters of Misinformation.

  The simple explanations of those enlightened visionaries of old have now been converted into popular but incomprehensible ravings.

  Astutely some and artlessly others, completely misrepresent the context of their wise words, so generously given with brotherly love. All this, so that a few, equally or more injudicious individuals, skillfully plotted with their three-dimensional logic, all sorts of dismal and distressing ideograms with which to mislead the sensitive programming of the Anthropos.

  In a very subtle and deceitful way, they were spreading an intricate pseudo-system, which, instead of reintegrating, or re-linking the Anthropos with their essence, only helped to maximize the reigning disorder in T3, thereby aggravating their existential conflict.

  As time went by, the tremendous misinformation and the excessive accumulation of falsehoods and incoherencies, began to overload the second transducer of the REBIS, drowning it in a mirage of anguishing guilt. Then, with studied solemnity and feigned paternalism that the proper histrionic representation required, instead of providing clarity, truthful information and above all, serenity, the Crazed Minority is only concerned with proclaiming themselves as “the only authorized” agents that could give the “absolutely necessary assistance” to all the other needy and gullible Anthropos present in T3, so that in the long run, they may remedy their terrible confusion.

  Brandishing their cunning sophisms, along with the fallacious ideogram of the sub-modular Demogorgon, they continue the extensive and ominous reprogramming of every Anthropos that was within their reach. Undoubtedly, from there on every act, routine or program carried out by the Anthropos would suffer a terrible conceptual deformation.

  For the Deceivers who wanted to impose, cling and defend the Norm, any argument was valid. Specially if they reaffirmed the power derived from naming themselves “the only authorized intermediaries” that were able to establish contact between the Anthropos and the objective processes of SyCON.

  First, they distorted the rotational system that controlled the presence of the Anthropos in T3. This seemed to them a very convenient subject for their unspeakable purposes, since the witless Anthropos could not understand what happened to them upon completing their cycle of presence in T3, when they had to leave the more corporeal Cofrequencies. Undoubtedly, a very fertile ground for those “Intermediaries” not to take advantage of.

  It becomes necessary to explain that any data that impacted with sufficient intensity the sensors of the Anthropos would be incorporated into its basic programming. This would model, or condition, any future action that directly or indirectly included said data. It’s also true that all the data that constitutes the Anthropos’ programming, some with greater effort than others, could be removed, substituted or modified. This could happen as long as the Adamant voluntarily or involuntarily wasn’t opposed to it and if he was prepared to undergo the necessary reconfiguration that the Anthropos would automatically do to any program that included this parameter.

  In order to continue their ominous influence, the Hieratic Minority conspires and decides to implement what they consider to be their Master Plan.

  They knew that in order to maintain control, they had to keep the Anthropos away from anything that would allow them to reorient themselves. Therefore, the plan was to interfere, limit and regulate the free use of the potential that was freely offered by SyCON to each Anthropos.

  And, to do this, with one single blow, they took away the Anthropos’ free will! To do this, nothing better than to generate and spread the most amazing, terrifying and intricate ideograms with which to intimidate, confuse and distress them. How could they have come up with something better than to deprecate any Anthropos who dared to use the functions of SyCON, even a millimeter beyond what was dictated by the Rules that they themselves had established?

  In t
his way, all of a sudden, the use of free will was turned into something evil, impure and dangerous—the cause of all the calamities of the Anthropos!

  With all perfidy, they managed to propagate and convince the Anthropos that anyone who dared to violate the Precepts established by them, would have to face “the most horrible and dismal consequences”—a monstrous and eternal extinction, as well as the inevitable encounter with the abominable dregs of the remote hypo-frequential zones!

  And they get away with it! Oh, gloomy occasion, in which the Anthropos begins the most ruinous stage of their existence in T3—they have succumbed to the preponderance of the Traffickers of the Repetitive Negative Influence!

  The Evaluation


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