The Rise and Fall of the Barnes Brothers Reloaded

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The Rise and Fall of the Barnes Brothers Reloaded Page 1

by Nikki Brown

  The Rise and Fall of the Barnes Brothers


  Nikki Brown

  Copyright © 2020 by Nikki Brown

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  1. Omari

  2. Zemia

  3. Kayson

  4. Unc

  5. Krista

  6. Jenacia

  7. Omari

  8. Unc

  9. Jaako

  10. Milgram

  11. Perry

  12. Yameka

  13. Omari

  14. Kayson

  15. Unc

  16. Agent Milgram

  17. Omari

  18. Krista

  19. Jaako

  20. Kayson

  21. Zemia

  22. Omari

  23. Perry

  24. Jaako

  25. Zemia

  26. Agent Milgram

  27. Unc





  Chapter One


  I sat in my new home for the next ten fucking years, looking around at the four walls. How in the hell was this my life? Shit was going so fucking good, how in the hell did we end up here? Yameka kept telling us that everything would be okay and that she would find a way to get us out of this, but I didn’t know if I could believe that. I needed her to show me that it was gonna be okay, and for the last three months since we were sentenced, she ain’t showed me shit.

  My heart had turned cold and I was so confused, not only did Zemia lose the baby behind my shit, but my brother was gone. They wouldn’t tell me anything about what happened. The only thing I knew was that he was found in that bitch, Krista’s house. I swear fo God when I get my hands on that bitch she was gonna hate the day she ever came face to face with a Barnes. That is if Ann Barnes didn’t get her ass first.

  I had to laugh at that, it was very rare that I showed any kind of emotions up in this bitch, gonna but when I think about the shit my mama be saying when I talk to her, it keeps my spirits up even if only for a second. That lady told me that if she seen Krista or her mama that she was gon’ stab them both in the eye with a nail file and then pour acid in the wound.

  I had one of the female COs on my side and that shit was a curse and a blessing all at the same time, she got me and my brothers phones so that we could be in touch with each other as much as we could, and we could keep in touch with our family, but that shit came with a price.

  “Barnes,” CO Mitchell called out. I already knew what she wanted, so I got up and adjusted the blue jump suit that these muthafuckas made us wear and walked toward the cell so that I could be released. “Come with me, your lawyer’s here to see you.” I gave her that yeah right look. I already knew what the fuck she wanted.

  “Cut the bullshit, these niggas know why you here.” I held my hand out the cell so that she could cuff me. I knew the routine and her ass had to make shit look good.

  “Shut the fuck up Barnes or your ass can go to lock up.” She swung the door open and I chuckled as she led me to the back room where we always had our little meetings. We passed one of her colleagues and she winked, and the other CO laughed, that was their way of saying that they had each other’s backs.

  Once we were in the back room, she shut and locked the door and backed all the way up to the table and smiled at me. What I was doing was wrong in every sense of the word, but it was necessary. Every time I did this shit it took a little more of my heart, but I had to do what the fuck I had to do so that me and my brothers were good in here. Me breaking this bitch off with a little dick here and there made shit better for us. She made sure that we were comfortable, happy and safe.

  We were all out at the FCC Butner, which was about 25 miles outside of Raleigh, but they had us all in different pods, so we never got to see each other, not even out on the yard. She made it where I could pretty much do whatever the fuck I wanted, she even snuck me weed in here when I wanted her to and all I had to do was lay the fucking pipe, that’s it. Easy enough right? Nah, this bitch wants to catch feelings and shit. I knew from the look on her face that she was about to start that bullshit.

  “We ‘bout to do this or what?”

  “Why yo’ ass gotta be so rude, Omari?” she whined.

  “Because I told you this is what it is, I fuck you to make sure that me and my brothers are straight and that’s it. There is no need to pretend that this is something else.” I mugged her dumb ass. I don’t even know how she got a fucking job here. I guess because we were in a low to medium security facility, so it wasn’t really a dangerous place to work. But I don’t know how she passed the fucking test.

  “So, you don’t feel shit for me Omari?”

  “No bitch, nothing except the back of yo throat! Hell, I wish you would stuff yo fucking mouth now and stop fucking talking.” I sighed heavy; this had been the conversation we had for the last month every time she felt like she needed the D. “Listen, I ain’t gonna keep doing this with you, Shay.” I said calling her by her nickname. “You can take this shit how it is, or we can cut this shit off right now.” I shrugged, and she just stared at me. Right now, I had the advantage, true enough she could make shit hard for my ass, but I could do the same to her. I just didn’t want to take it there. “So, what’s it gonna be?”

  “I just want something from you other than a good ass dick down.”

  “I’m sorry, that’s all that I’m offering, you already know I gotta girl and I ain’t fucking that up for nobody.”

  “You already fucking it up, Omari.” She tilted her head to the side; the bitch was starting to get on my fucking nerves. When we first started doing this she was cool as hell, I guess ‘cause she had a few of us she dealt with, but after I fucked her a few good times, she let everybody else go and I was her go to dick. “I hope you don’t think that bitch gonna be faithful to you for no ten got damn years, hell at least—”

  I didn’t give her a chance to finish her sentence before I rushed her ass and grabbed her by the throat. The one thing that I wouldn’t do is let her talk shit about Zemia, that girl was my world, and no matter what I did that would never change. Hearing Shay say that Zemia wouldn’t wait for me hurt me, because that’s something I had to live with every day. Every time she comes to visit I just know she coming to tell me that she found somebody else, and to hear it come out of Shay’s mouth was a trigger for me.

  “Say something else about my girl.” I threatened.

  I was pissed off and needed to relieve some anger. I already know what y'all thinking, but a nigga lost it after my seed and my brother died. Depression was not the word for what I felt. Shay approached me at a rough time, I was vulnerable and what she was offering was damn good. As much as it bothered me to do this to Zemia, I had to, for me and my brother’s sakes. This shit didn’t mean anything and if Yameka lived up to her promise the shit would end right here in these prison walls.

  “I’m sorry.” She tried to get out, but I still had a hold of her neck. I let her go and threw her against the table. I stepped back and leaned against the wall.

  “I ain’t for this shit right now; take me back to my cell.”

  “If I take you back to your cell without my payment, I will have your phone restricted until I am paid what’s owed to me.” She narrowed her eyes. “Your brothers are living comfortable right now. You
don’t want to fuck that up, now do you?” She started to walk toward me. A part of me thinks that this bitch likes when I put my hands on her, it’s like it turns her on or some shit.

  She stood right in front of me and stood up on her tiptoes and attempted to kiss me like she always did, and her lips met my hand like they always did. I shook my head and she grabbed the waist of my pants and dropped them. My dick was still flaccid because she had completely turned me off when she was talking all that dumb shit. She looked up at me.

  “He mad at me too?” She smirked.

  “Quit fucking talking so got damn much and we wouldn’t have this got damn problem.”

  She nodded and stuck my limp dick in her mouth and began to lightly suck. I closed my eyes and leaned back against the wall and imagined that it was Zemia sucking my dick like a champ. It took no time for my man to spring into action.

  “There he go.” She said with my shit still in her mouth. I sighed deeply because her opening her mouth just made me realize that it wasn’t my baby down there, it was her annoying ass.

  “If you don’t shut the fuck up, I swear I’m walking out of here. Real shit, my dick can’t stand your aggravating ass voice!”

  She rolled her eyes and went back to sucking on my rod. I bit my bottom lip when I felt my dick hit the back of her throat. I grabbed the back of her head and guided her motions because she was playing and shit and I just wanted my got damn nut.

  “Sssssssssss.” I accidentally moaned out and I guess that gave her the mojo that she needed because she started sucking harder and faster until my seeds were coating her throat. “Fuck Z,” I let slip and she stopped sucking, but hell I was done now. I would gladly go back to my room.

  “You disrespectful asshole, thinking about another bitch while I’m sucking yo’ dick.”

  “Yo, call her out her name again and it’s gonna be something.” I pointed at her and reached for my pants. “I told you what it was, so you can accept that or don’t.”

  “What the fuck you doing? You ain’t done.” She ignored what I said and pointed to me pulling up my pants. I knew I wasn’t getting out of this that easy, I let my pants go and they hit the ground. I slipped my feet out of them and reached my hand out for a rubber. She looked at me like she was stupid, this was another trick she always tried but I would never fall for that shit. “Just this one time I wanna feel you with no rubber.”

  “No glove no love, bitch.”

  She sighed and handed me a rubber from between her sweaty ass titties. I looked at her like she was fucking crazy but grabbed it, so I could get the fuck away from her ass. I held it up to the light to inspect for any holes, I didn’t trust these bitches and wasn’t no one about to trap my ass.

  “I would not poke holes in a condom, asshole.”

  “Hell, yo’ ass begging for me to hit it raw, I didn’t fucking know.” I shrugged and slipped the condom on after it was inspected to my liking.

  She unbuckled her pants and stepped out of them, then hopped on the table and spread her legs. I shook my head because I hated looking at her ass, she wasn’t ugly by far, but she was aggravating as fuck.

  “Man, turn around.”

  “No, you always wanna hit it from the back so you can think about ya little girlfriend, I wanna look you in yo’ eyes, nigga.” I shook my head again and placed my dick at her entrance. I pointed my eyes to the sky and slid into her with ease. Loose ass pussy bitch think somebody wanna wife her ass. She needs one of them Yoni egg shits to tighten her shit. “Ummmm yessss Omari.”

  “Shut the fuck up man, before my dick go soft.” I barked.

  “But it feels so good.”

  “How in the hell you feeling anything? I don’t feel shit but fucking space.” I mumbled.

  “Huh?” She leaned up and I chuckled.


  I grabbed the back of her legs and tried my best to touch something in there. The whole three months I had been fucking her in here, it was the same thing. We argue, she sucks my dick and I fuck her loose ass pussy and then I go back to my cell and today was no different. Shit was getting old, but I needed her services, especially the weed that she was bringing in for me, so until I could find another way to be straight up in here I had to do what I had to do.

  I closed my eyes and did what I had to do. The only thing that was on my mind was the fact that I would get to see my mama and my girl tomorrow.

  Chapter Two


  These have been the worst three months of my life, and I wouldn’t wish this shit on my worst enemy. Omari was my very best friend, and not having him here with me is hard as hell. When they first got arrested, and the judge held them without bail awaiting the trial, I was so distraught and stressed out that I had a miscarriage. Omari was so hurt that he refused my visits and phone calls for like a month.

  I was so hurt and depressed that my mother and brother made me go and see someone because they thought that I would hurt myself. I would never do that because I loved myself too much, but I was in a bad place. When Omari finally decided to talk to me again, he apologized for how he acted, but with everything that was going on it was all too much, and he needed time to think. I understood that and of course, I forgave him.

  When he was sentenced and moved to a federal prison, it was like shit opened up for him. He must have made friends somewhere in there because he had a phone where we could talk all night and send pictures and things like that. It was kind of like he was here, but he wasn’t. I loved having the little bit of access to him that I had. I just wished that Yameka would come through.

  Today was visiting day for them and a long ass day for us. We all piled in Mama Ann’s Suburban with the twins and we drove the three hours to the prison. Yameka had it set up that they stayed in the same prison, but they had to be separated at all times. So, not even visitation for them was the same. Omari’s visiting was from 12pm to 2pm, Kayson’s from 2pm to 4pm, and Jaako’s from 4pm to 6pm. Yameka could see and talk to Jaako anytime she wanted to, so she rarely came with us on visiting days unless it was Mama Ann’s week to see him then she would come.

  This week she was seeing Omari, so it was just me, her and Jenacia. Chelley wanted to come but she was getting worse, and the doctors didn’t give her long to live, so Mama Ann thought it was best to leave her at home with her nurse.

  “I’m so ready to see my baby,” I whined. I lived for Saturday mornings now. Anything to touch his skin made me high, it was a feeling I couldn’t explain, but I loved it.

  “Chile I know you are, but I’ll be darned if you gonna keep repeating it over and over.” Mama Ann cut her eyes at me, and I giggled.

  “Kyndon leave your brother alone,” Jenacia yelled from the backseat. “When he hits your ass back, you better not cry.”

  “Kyndon reminds me so much of Denari, it’s crazy. He used to get on Kayson’s nerves so bad; it was like he lived to terrorize him but would have a whole live fit if Kayson hit him back or did to him what he had done.” Mama Ann said and then she got quiet. “I gotta get my boys out of this. I already lost two men in my life. I’ll be damned if the other three was gonna be gone in the system.” That last part trailed off, and then her phone rang through the Bluetooth. “Hey, Yameka.”

  “I’ve got some good news.” She started, and that perked my ears all the way up. “I just talked to my dad, and he found an Appellate Judge that’s willing to take the case. I think we have a really good shot at getting their convictions overturned.” I could hear her smile through the phone.

  “Oh my goodness, that’s great!” Mama Ann said. “I’m not gonna tell them yet until we actually have a trial date. I don’t want to get their hopes up.”

  “I already filed the necessary paperwork, and I should hear back from the clerk on a trial date on Monday. I am so ready for them to come home.” She got quiet. “I just hope they stay home.” The last part she damn near mumbled, but I heard her, and I felt her. I already knew that they were not going to rest until D
enari’s killer was six feet under, but after that, I just wanted to go away and be okay.

  “Baby you let me worry about that because I swear I will chain their asses to the fucking basement if they try some more dumb shit, and that’s my word.” We all giggled because we knew how serious she was. “Y'all laughing, the only way y'all gonna get some nooky is in front of each other in one damn room.”

  “Oh wow, Ma let’s change the subject,” Jenacia said from the back seat.

  “Mama Ann, you are a mess lady. What are we going to do with you?”

  “Love me, that’s all you can do.” she laughed.

  “Well tell the boys that I said hello, and I will be in touch sometime next week. I saw Jaako yesterday, and he knows that I had to catch up on work so I won’t be there today.”

  “Okay honey, you get to work so we can get our boys out.” Mama Ann said.

  “I gotcha Ma, bye ladies.”

  “Byyyyeee,” we all said in unison.

  “Best news I’ve heard since all of this shit started,” I said and sat back in the seat and enjoyed the scenery of the long ass drive to see my man.

  “What’s up baby?” I heard Omari’s voice and everything in my body lit up.

  “I miss you so much.” I jumped up to hug him but was interrupted by the C.O. banging her club on the table.

  “No touching.” She yelled out with a mug on her face, and the look that Omari gave her had my antennas up, and I damn sure took note. She did too because she returned her club to her pants and he embraced me with a big sloppy kiss and a nice ass grab.


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