The Rise and Fall of the Barnes Brothers Reloaded

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The Rise and Fall of the Barnes Brothers Reloaded Page 3

by Nikki Brown

  “I know nigga, but I had to fucking disappear or shit would have gotten bad as fuck.”

  “Shit already bad.”

  “I know, but shit would have gotten worse. I know for a fact that the charges against them were trumped up and they really don’t have shit and the shit they do have is bullshit and when they go back to court the judge will know.”

  “Quit this riddle shit Ray; tell me what the fuck is going on!”

  “Aight nigga damn, the night the car blew up Sharon Short the DA came and scooped me to tell me what the fuck was going on. I was never in that car.” After that revelation, his ass eased up a little. “She told me some shit that made my fucking blood boil, and it was best for everybody that I moved out the way for a hot minute.”

  I had plans on getting with Sharon that night after I met with my nephews, but when she called and said the shit was urgent, I told her to meet me there. I had been kicking it with Sharon for years, and I trusted her. I told her things that I had never told anyone, not even Ann. Our relationship needed to stay a secret because of whom I was and who she was, but that didn’t make our bond any less tight. I could honestly say that I was in love with the woman. She knew how I moved, and she accepted it. I had her meet me at the warehouse; she already knew where it was so if that address came across her desk she would be ready.

  That night, once I was done with them, she was pulling up, and I hopped in the car with her. It was then that she told me that an Agent Milgram was looking into me hard. That he had scrounged up some old murder and drug cases and was trying to link me to them, one being his brother’s case, which is how I put together who the fuck he was.

  Midway into our conversation, we heard the explosion, and I had her turn around so that we could see what the fuck was going on. She parked on the edge of the road, and I walked through the woods to see what the hell was happening. When I got close, I could see my car on fire and the boys flipping the fuck out because they thought that I was in there. A part of me wanted to run and let them know that I was okay but after what Sharon had just told me, I couldn’t. If Milgram’s bitch ass was doing what the fuck I thought he was trying to do, then they would be in more trouble with me around them.

  I had a feeling that Ortiz was behind the whole setting my car off shit so if the motherfucker thought I was dead I could get to him and quick.

  Knowing that the boys were okay set my mind at ease and I went into action trying to fix this shit before it went too far. What I didn’t know was that even after my “death,” Milgram would take shit to a whole other level. I tried my hardest to get to him, but I needed help and that’s why I was here with Tate right now. It was time to get shit poppin’.

  “So how the fuck this shit work?”

  “She told me that that bitch ass Agent Milgram was coming for me.”


  “Fredrick fucking Johnson bitch ass got married and took his wife’s name like the bitch he is and became a DEA Agent. You know he still blames us for his brother's death.”

  “Fredrick Johnson?” Tate looked to the ceiling like he was trying to figure out if he remembered who the hell I was talking about. “Nerdy ass nigga, with the freckles and glasses?”

  “Yep, Jerome’s little brother.”

  “Damn.” Was all Tate said because he was starting to remember the shit.

  Jerome was our homeboy when we were coming up. We all hung in the same fucking crew and shit. We were knuckleheads, but we didn’t fuck around too much with the street shit just a little weed sale here and there, fucked a few little broads and fought like hell but other than that we were just your regular street kids. One night, Jerome had this bright ass idea to break into this nigga named Drama’s house, Drama was something like hood royalty where we were from. We tried to talk that nigga out of it; he told us that we were a bunch of bitches and that he would do the shit on his own, said he didn’t need us.

  The night Jerome died, me and Tate were out on the corner doing our thang when we heard gun shots. We were nosey as fuck, so we headed toward the direction of the shots to see what the fuck was going on. Drama stayed a few blocks over from where we were and when we got there all we saw was Jerome’s body lying lifeless in the middle of the street with fresh tire marks beside him. After asking around, we found out that he robbed Drama the night before and Drama found out and sent his men after him and shot him.

  When Fredrick and his family rolled up on the scene, they immediately blamed us for him being dead, saying that if he didn’t hang around us, then he would still be alive. Tried to get us arrested and everything. Cops couldn’t tie us to shit so that didn’t fly and they were pissed. Truth be told we didn’t have shit to do with the way Jerome was, hell he was the one that hooked us up with our weed connections and shit.

  “So, all of this is about a fucking 25-year-old vendetta?”

  “Hell yeah.”

  “So, what we need to do?”

  “That’s why I’m here, I been trying to get at this nigga for months but he’s moving smart. I need ya help, bruh.”

  “You know I got you, but we need to get the boys out first.”

  “Already on that shit.” I wish I would have known that shit wasn’t gonna be as easy as I thought it would be, maybe I would have moved differently.

  “So, what we looking like?” He asked me once he sat down in the passenger seat of the car.

  “Sharon did her part; now we just need that fucking judge to do his.”

  “You ain’t got to worry about that, that nigga is money hungry.” Tate chuckled. “He already set a fucking date for the appeal.”

  “Bullshit,” I said looking over at Tate, and he had a huge smile on his face. “So, the shit shouldn’t be long then. Sharon already got the evidence that Milgram had trumped up and the judge that he hired too. I gotta give it to him, the nigga was smart. I got a P.I. working on this shit too. I wanna make sure that all this shit gets thrown out, so they can’t revisit this shit!”

  “I think shit gonna work out just fine.” Tate smiled. “I need to holla at my daughter and make sure she straight and we all good.”

  “Just what I wanted to hear. After Perry and Krista are gone, and I get my hands on that bitch ass Milgram, I’m taking my fucking family on a damn vacation.”

  “Count us in.” Tate dapped me up. We talked about a few more details, and I got the hell out of dodge. I had been staying with Sharon out in Denver since all this shit went down. So, I headed there. It was about time for me to show my face, but I needed my nephews to be out of jail first. I hated that I would never get to see Denari again, but I would make sure to avenge his death, even if I had to die trying.

  Chapter Five


  “Ohhh shit Perry, fuck yeah! Fuck this pussy.” I screamed out as he banged my back out. I loved rough sex; my motto was if I didn’t hurt afterward you didn’t do your job, and right now Perry was touching everything that I needed him to.

  “Shit Krista! Put your leg behind your head.” I bit my bottom lip and did as I was told. He turned slightly to the right so that he was at an angle and he took his hands and held my pussy lips open to give him deeper access.

  “Ummm yes, baby.” I moaned. “You know just how I like it! Play wit’ my clit.” I demanded. He let go of my pussy lips and applied pressure to my clit, and it was just what I needed to take me there. I felt my pussy muscles clamp around his dick and squeeze. He threw his head back and tucked his bottom lip between his teeth; I knew I was about to cum, and he was right along with me.

  “Shiiiiittttttttt!” He yelled right before his mouth hung open and he released all of his seeds inside me. I could feel my juices running down the crack of my ass and my body starting to relax. We were both panting, and I could feel Perry slipping. He braced himself and slowly slid out of me. “Damn girl, this is why I can’t leave yo’ ass alone.” He smiled at me before he threw himself on the bed beside me.

  “Yo’ ass ain’t going nowhere, you love
me,” I said out of breath.

  “I’m glad you think that.” he laughed.

  “Well, we could just go our separate ways.” I could feel my attitude trying to leap out and attack.

  “Man chill, we just had a good ass time, don’t ruin it with your mouth.”

  “You starting shit with yours.”

  “I was just stating facts; if the pussy wasn’t so good, I wouldn’t be here right now.” He shrugged, and I jumped up and grabbed my phone and headed to the bathroom and slammed the door.

  He was always telling me how the only thing that kept me around was my A-1 snatch and to be honest I was tired of hearing it. You would think after all these months he would have developed some feelings for me. Hell, we had been glued to each other for the last ten months out here in cold ass Michigan. I was ready to go back home and live my life now that them fuckers were gone for a long time, but Agent Milgram doesn’t think it’s safe.

  “Krista, please stop acting like you got feelings for me, ‘cause you don’t,” Perry said from the other side of the door. I hated that he could be such a bitch sometimes. I wished that he would just be who I wanted him to be and I would give a damn about him.

  “You don’t know what I feel because your ass is always trying to find something negative to say,” I yelled at the door. “Just leave me alone.” I threw the tissue roll at the door. I was tired of his little comments. If I had somewhere else to go then I damn sure would. I could hear him laughing on the other side of the door. I picked up my phone and called my mom; I knew that was against the rules of this witness protection shit, but as far as I was concerned shit was done and over and I could do what the fuck I wanted to do.

  “Krista?” My mom asked on the third ring.

  “Yeah Mom, it’s me.”

  “How you doing?”

  “I’m over this shit, and I’m ready to come home!”

  “Well I don’t think that’s a good idea right now,” she paused and said something to someone in the background.

  “Who are you talking to?”

  “Uhh ummm nobody.” She stuttered. I knew she was lying because I could clearly hear a man’s voice, it sounded familiar, but it couldn’t be who I thought it was.


  “Krista I don’t have to answer to you, I’m your mother.”

  “I’m out here in protective custody and you getting your box blown out.” I rolled my eyes like she could see me.

  “I’m sure Perry is keeping you very happy up there in the woods.” She laughed, but I didn’t see shit funny.

  “Who are you with and why isn’t it safe for me to come home?”

  “I think you should tell her.” My mom said to her visitor, “I know she shouldn’t have called me, and I know what kinda of danger that puts her in, but I don’t care. That’s my child, and I want to be able to talk to her. You should take me with you next time and I—”

  “MOTHER!” I yelled to get her attention. “I know that is not Agent Milgram?” She didn’t say anything. “That’s why his dumb ass can’t answer the got damn phone for us because he too busy fucking you.”

  By this time, I was heated. We had been calling to talk to him about what has to happen next. It had been three months since they went to jail, and we were still out here in the fucking boonies. He never answers, and now I see why. If I could wiggle my way through this fucking phone, I would.

  “Krista, it’s not what you think.”


  “Watch your mouth when you are talking to me, young lady.”

  “Fuck all that, tell me what the fuck is going on Ma, like right now!” I heard some shuffling and then Agent Milgram got on the phone.

  “Krista, they filed for an appeal and it was approved.”

  “WHAT!” I screeched and Perry started pounding on the bathroom door. I ran over to unlock it and put the phone on speaker. “You said this was an open and shut case, that they would be gone for good if we testified, and now you’re telling me that they got a fucking appeal?”

  “Yes, but that is nothing to be worried about. It’s the same evidence just a different kind of judge. There is no way that they would overturn that conviction.” He was very sure of himself so that put my mind at ease for a second then I thought about it.

  “Wait, that means we have to testify AGAIN!” He was quiet, and I was starting to get pissed off. “HELLO!”

  “Yes, you will have to testify again; if not they will walk free.”

  “You gonna get us killed.” I said and looked at Perry who was pissed the fuck off.

  “Everything is gonna be fine, just calm down and everything is gonna work out for the best.”

  I didn’t want to hear anything else that he was saying, so I just hung up the phone and collapsed on the toilet and had a complete breakdown. Perry turned to walk out and never once thought to console me; I was starting to hate him. Things were falling apart; they already had a price on our heads according to Perry, so showing our faces in Charlotte again will definitely increase the risk that they may actually succeed in killing us.

  After I got myself together, I walked in the room, and Perry was packing all his shit up. I looked at him like he was crazy because he was running around the room like a mad man.

  “What the fuck are you doing?”

  “I’m getting the fuck out of here, what the fuck does it look like I’m doing, Krista?”

  “You can’t run, and you can’t leave me.”

  “Well get your shit packed because I’m out in the next 20.”

  “If you run he will charge you with Denari’s death.”

  “He gotta find me first.”

  “You will never be able to see your family again if you run now.” I tried to reason with him.

  “I won’t be able to see them if I’m dead Krista. If we go back, that’s like putting a big ass target on our backs!” He finally stopped moving and looked at me. “This shit is all fucked up.”

  “They will protect us, Agent Milgram is a fucking asshole, but I believe him when he said that everything would be okay.” I lied. I didn’t know what to believe, but I felt that if we ran, it would put us more at risk to be found. At least here, we were under the protection of the government.

  “I should have never fucking agreed to this; I should have just taken that fucking charge.” He shook his head, and I knew what I needed to do to get the doubt out of his mind.

  “If you would have taken the charge, you wouldn’t be in a position to have this everyday,” I propped my leg up on the bed and began massaging my clit, and I had his full attention. Perry was a sucker for pussy, it was literally all that it took to get him on board with whatever I wanted him to do. Now if I could just use it to keep his fucking mouth shut sometimes I would be good.

  I dropped my leg and strutted over to where he was and pulled down the gray sweats that he had put on and got on my knees and took his already hard dick to the back of my throat and listened to him moan out. The moment he grabbed the back of my head I knew I had him where I needed him to be, at least for now.

  Chapter Six


  This has got to be the hardest year of my life. Just when things were going perfectly with Kayson and me, this bullshit happens. I hate that he is not here with me physically to help raise his boys. They knew who he was though; whenever they saw a picture or his face popped up on FaceTime, all you could hear was a double dose of “Dadas.” I was praying that this appeal trial did what it needed to do to get my baby home. I missed him, and I was tired of pleasing myself with thoughts of him.

  “Let’s go in Carter’s and see what they got,” I said to Zemia who was in her own little world and Mama Ann who was pushing the twins. “Zemia, you good?”

  She finally looked up from her phone. “No I’m not, boo, not at all.”

  I felt bad for my girl she told me all about the shit with Omari and the bitch at the jail. I told her to find out where she lives and we can do a fucking pop u
p. Raleigh wasn’t that far away.

  “What’s he saying?” I asked.

  “Nothing that I want to hear, so I’m done talking.” She was looking up and smiling at Kyndon who was trying his best to get out of the stroller.

  “You know he loves you though, right?”

  “Yep, I never doubt that but that don’t excuse the bullshit either.”

  I agreed with her. Hell, after she told me that shit I called Kayson and cussed his ass out and told him that if I find out that he was fucking for cell phones I was chopping his dick off. He thought the shit was funny, but I didn’t, I was serious. Kayson wouldn’t do that to me though, he knew that he was on his last strike with me, so I think that he knew how far to go with that shit and I was good with that.

  “So, what you gonna do?”

  “I don’t know, I’ma ride this trial out but after that...” she shrugged her shoulders and Ma Ann looked back at her.

  “If you leave him, I’ma fuck him up.” I laughed and so did Zemia because we knew just how serious she was. “I’m so serious, I know he was going through some stuff with Denari dying and y’all losing the baby but that don’t excuse him sleeping with people for comfort.”

  “It’s okay, I’m sure we will work it out.” Zemia said unsure of what she was saying just as much as we were.

  “Girl trust me, his life depends on it.”

  That was the last of the conversation. We went in Carter’s and Children’s Place and found the twins outfits for their birthday that was coming up soon. I was hoping and praying that Kayson would be home soon. They were being transferred back to Charlotte for the trial, and I was glad.

  “Jenacia?” I heard, and I cringed at the sound of that voice. I turned around and came face to face with the woman who carried me for nine months.

  “Rose.” I’ve always called her by her first name because I haven’t respected her enough to call her mother in a very long time.

  “How are you?” she smirked, I just prayed that she didn’t start no shit because I couldn’t control Ann Barnes and I knew how she could be about her family, and I was considered family. “I heard about ya little boyfriend. I told you not to get wrapped up in that little thug now he got you out here raising his little bastard babies on your own. Probably—” her words were cut off by a crisp slap to the face.


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