Hiding Out (Hawks MC: Caroline Springs Charter, #2)

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Hiding Out (Hawks MC: Caroline Springs Charter, #2) Page 10

by Lila Rose

  “Hey, honey.” She smiled.

  “Girlfriend,” I said and kissed her cheek.

  “This is Nary. She’s a friend from back home and just moved here to get settled in before she starts uni next year.” Back home was Ballarat, a country town an hour away. The town where her mum, brother and sister still lived with their families. Looking to Nary, I noticed she was a stunner, even with a scar that ran from the side of her mouth up to her cheek bone. Nothing could take away her beauty. Her shoulder-length, light brown hair was silky, her body amazing. She was tall and slim, but with curves in the right places. But what made her truly beautiful were her green eyes, a similar colour to mine, which sparkled in excitement.

  Josie had told me about Nary moving and how Nary was eager for the change, eager to get out from under her parents’ roof and their rules. She was also eager to start afresh. You could see it all in her eyes. I hoped to God she would find what she was searching for in Caroline Springs.

  “Hey, girl.” I smiled and pointed to Lucia, who was back to sitting on the couch. “That’s my girlfriend, Lucia. Babe, this is Josie and Nary.”

  “Hey,” Lucia called with a wave.

  “I brought supplies.” Josie grinned and waved a bag I hadn’t noticed out in front of her. With my puzzled look, she added, “The guys are out, so I thought for Nary’s first night here, we could celebrate with a few drinks.”

  “Oooh, baby, you are my new best friend.” Lucia clapped then patted the spot next to her, causing both Nary and Josie to giggle.

  Josie made her way over to the couch and Nary stepped in further. I turned to her and said with a wink, “Welcome to Melbourne, girl.”

  She grinned. “Thanks, it’s great to be here.” I closed the front door after waving to Beast and armed the alarm again.

  “Sweetheart,” Lucia called, her eyes on Nary. “Tell me you got the shithead who did that to you?” She gestured to Nary’s face.

  “I shot him,” Josie said while pouring out the alcohol into plastic shot glasses, ones she pulled out of her plastic bag.

  The room fell silent as we all looked to her. Then I turned my wide eyes to Nary who nodded.

  “Say what, woman?” Lucia whispered.

  “It’s a long story,” Josie admitted. I knew about her past with her sister’s dead ex-husband, but she’d never mentioned her shooting someone.

  “Um,” I started, and then sucked back the shot she’d just handed me. “I think we have time.”

  “Plus.” Lucia grinned. “What’s better than a juicy story about shootouts while drinking? Nary, come sit, get your drink on with us.”

  After three shots were downed, Josie starting talking about her stalker and how he showed at her father’s wake to steal her away. When Nary screamed, trying to warn people, she’d been shot. Josie was taken until she’d had enough, until all her grief, of thinking Pick had been killed, came barrelling back in and she couldn’t deal any longer. She told us she would never, for the rest of her life, regret aiming that gun and shooting that man.

  After five more shots, Nary told us about her mum’s issue back in Ballarat. How Stoke, a Hawks’ brother I was yet to meet, came in and claimed her mum as his own. We also learned about Saxon.

  “Fuck’im,” Lucia slurred. “He ain’t worth it if he treats you like that.”


  “Fuck’im,” she stated again.

  I wasn’t so sure. Saxon obviously cared for her. He seemed to always be in the right spot when Nary needed someone to save her. Like when she was nearly raped at school, and his reaction when she’d been shot made it pretty clear. He’d stayed in the hospital until she was awake. She wasn’t supposed to know that, but her mum told her anyway. He was there at every operation. Again, she wasn’t supposed to know, but she did. So I could understand why she would defend him. She had big feelings for him and everything he did for her showed he felt something back, only he wouldn’t make a move. He steered clear of her when she was around. It broke my heart when she told us he’d said she was too immature for him, that he wanted a real woman. One who knew how to use their body, and that was after she’d tried, and failed, to kiss him. It was even before her accident.

  It was all so confusing.

  Pain etched her face talking about him, yet the depth of her feelings and hope she held for him played across her features with every word.

  I was afraid, though, that one day, he would break her and she’d move on. If she did, he would be miserable. No one went to the length he did to protect someone if he didn’t feel anything for that person.

  Nary had her own shit to go through and I decided that, if she needed me, I was going to be there for her. I was happy, so ecstatic with the girls in the house, drinking, talking and sharing. They were my girls.

  “Anyway!” I shouted, seeing Nary had enough of Lucia and her advice. “Let’s drink to friendship because, girls, I can honestly say I love you all like you’re my sisters from another mister.”

  “Cheers,” they sang. We picked up our shot glasses and tossed them back.

  Hours later, we’d somehow talked Beast into the house. Well, Nary and Lucia convinced Beast into the house, while Josie and I stood at the door laughing our arses off. Once he came in, he sat on the couch and watched as we laughed, talked, and danced when Lucia turned on some tunes—we had a merry old time. I’d just been in the kitchen and walked back into the living room to find my girls playing charades, and I couldn’t help but think how lucky I’d become after my life had taken a turn for the worse.

  Lucia, since I’d moved in with my cousin, had always been close to me. We’d always bonded, but now I found myself with two more girlfriends. I’d been blessed. Maybe my luck was changing and finally Luck was gracing me.

  Trey…God, Trey was amazing. To take me into his home and help me out when I had no money and had pretty much nothing to my name showed me the person he was.




  Sweet when he wanted to be.

  Also scary, possessive and mean when he wanted to be.

  All in all, he was perfect.

  He’d even gone to Josie, gave her money, and told her to buy me clothes and all the girly shit—his words—I needed to start over.

  Yes, perfect.

  Just thinking of him brought a smile to my face. I was excited to see him when he got home. Desire reared its head because I wanted to start where we’d ended things in the bedroom earlier. If my snatch could sing, she would be.

  To keep my mind occupied, until I saw that powerful man walk through that door, I headed into the living room, took another shot and grabbed Nary into my arms to get my wiggle on. She giggled as we spun. I dipped her and we swayed against each other.

  What I didn’t expect was to trip over Beast’s foot behind me and land on my arse in his lap…which happened to be when Dodge walked—no, barrelled—into the house.

  Chapter Fourteen


  A few hours earlier

  We reached the compound and walked straight in. Saxon stood outside Dallas’s room. He gave us a chin lift before he opened the door and went in with us following. Billy, Pick, Memphis, Lan and Dallas were already in there, either standing around or sitting where they could.

  “Someone could think we’re havin’ an orgy in here,” Dive muttered. Before I could slap the back of his head, Memphis had already done it.

  “The cameras are hooked up to Dallas’s computer, dick,” he barked.

  Dive rolled his eyes. “Just playin’.”

  “Now’s not the time,” Pick said and gestured with his head to the computer Dallas sat in front of. He clicked on the mouse and the video turned to life. It was of Handle and Slit in the garage. It looked like it was just after closing time. They were the only ones left, but it was their words—not their actions, their words—that got my blood pumping for some violence.

  “What the fuck you
mean you’re pullin’ out?” Slit spat at Handle and shoved him back. “You can’t pull out now, dickhead. Not only will he kill you, but he’d take your girl’s life, as well.”

  “This shit is wrong. I said it all along,” Handle snarled. “I only got in it to have your back, brother. You and your fucked-up, get-rich-quick schemes. Where did it get ya? Got any money yet? No, because a prick like that don’t pay in money.”

  “It ain’t about the money now. You know that. Can’t wait to see Dodge’s face when we take his life apart. He thinks he’s hot shit being president now. He don’t scare me.”

  “He should. You just got no brains for it.”

  “You sayin’ you’re scared?”

  “Fuck, yes.”

  “You gonna rat out your own flesh and blood?” Slit asked.

  Holy Christ, they’re blood brothers.

  Handle sighed and looked to his boots, crossing his arms over his chest before he raised his head and looked to his brother with vengeance in his eyes. “Don’t have to.”

  Slit glared. “What you mean by that?”

  “They have cameras in here. You just told them everything they need to know.”

  “The fuck?” Slit spat just before the garage door burst open and Dallas rocked in, gun raised, with Saxon behind him, also carrying a piece.

  “Move a muscle and we’ll fuckin’ shoot,” Dallas barked.

  Slit looked to his brother. “You’ve just killed me.”

  Handle’s wince was small, only his hard eyes never turned to regret. No, they were still travelling the vengeance wild ride. “You killed my woman,” he uttered. “He took her a week ago. He took her so I’d keep you doin’ what you’re doing for him. He fuckin’ took her from my house!” he bellowed. Pain and deep loss etched over his features. “He took her, broke her and then…fuck, fuck, I found out last night, brother,” he spat. “He killed her. Killed my woman because of you. I wanted to kill you with my own hands, but I think the way Dodge will deal with you would be more enjoyable.”

  “You didn’t fuckin’ tell me. I would have got her back!” Slit yelled.

  Handle snorted in disgust. “Bullshit!” he roared. “You knew. You fuckin’ knew, you sick cunt. You knew he had her because you went to him worried I’d back the fuck out and wouldn’t help with the delivery. I saw the tape, brother. I saw it and when he said he’d take my woman, you nodded. You fuckin’ signed her death warrant right then.”

  A shot was fired. We saw Slit fall to the ground, his hand over his thigh. Before Dallas switched off the recording, we saw him turn to Saxon. As the room quieted, I looked to Saxon, who shrugged and said, “He moved.”

  Fuck me.

  The kid was born to be a brother, like me.

  Looking to Dallas, I asked, “Where are they?”

  “Down in the basement. Muff is guarding Handle. Knife has Slit’s room.”

  “Right. Pick, Billy and Dive. I need you lot to find out all Handle knows.”

  “Any way?” Pick asked.

  “Sucks his woman got killed, and he’s in this shit for havin’ his blood brother’s back, but if you think he’s leaving anything out, get it outta him in any way you can,” I said. “Dallas, me and Saxon are gonna go pay a visit to Slit.”

  “The kid?” Memphis asked.

  Looking to Saxon, his jaw clenched, his eyes vicious, I also saw he wasn’t a kid any longer. He may be nineteen nearing twenty, but he wasn’t a kid.

  “Yeah, Vicious is comin’ in with us.”

  “Vicious?” Saxon asked.

  “Your club name. You down with it?”

  He smiled. “I’m cool with it.”

  Lan cleared his throat. “Time for me to leave.”

  “Yeah, brother. I’ll get someone to call with an update later.” He gave me a wave over his shoulder before walkin’ out the door. He was a good cop—fuck, detective—and a clean one. Which was why I probably should’ve had him outta the room before I said the plays. Not that he seemed too fazed by them. He understood how it went down with a dirty brother, and he’d be the same once they found the dirty cockhead in the force. Though, for him to keep clean, he may need to call upon us to get rid of his problem.

  And we’d do it. He had our backs and we had his. He’d proved himself many times. Even when he was in the law business, he saw Hawks was good, pure. We didn’t deal in pussy, drugs, guns or other shit. We were on the straight and narrow. He liked the way we were and knew we’d do anything to bring justice to the fuckers who did us wrong. Even if that meant he’d have to turn a blind eye to something.

  I spun back to Memphis after Lan had left. “I want you to spread the word. Have a sit-down if need be, but tell the brothers what’s going down. We had a snitch. I’m dealin’ with it, and when I’m done, have the brothers walk through the room to see what would happen to them if they fuck with Hawks. This brotherhood is not about snitchin’. It’s not about fuckin’ each other over or playin’ games. It’s about loyalty, about trust. It’s about family, friends and fuckin’ hard. Living strong and finding our peace. Hawks is safety. Remind them of that after they’ve seen the room.”

  “Done,” Memphis said.

  “Let’s get to it then, ladies.” Dive smiled.

  Knife saw me coming, and he had the door open before I reached it. With a chin lift, I walked past him to see Slit sitting on a chair, his arms tied behind his back and his ankles tied to the chair. His head was down, but it came up with a smirk on his face when he heard someone walk in. I waited until Saxon and Dallas were in there with the door closed before I stepped in front of Slit. He tilted his head back more so our eyes clashed.

  “Whatever you’re gonna do will be nothing compared to what he’d do to me.”

  I shrugged. “We’ll see.” Glancing at his leg, I saw a white bandage wrapped around his thigh where Saxon had shot him. “You gonna tell us anything freely?”

  “No.” He glared.

  “Be quick for you if you did. Less suffering,” I offered.

  “Get fucked.”

  My fist connected with his face, his stomach, the wound on his thigh. He puffed, panted and screamed, but it didn’t make me stop slamming my fist into him over and over.

  No one fucks with Hawks.

  Suddenly, I stopped. His breath heavy, I could hear each intake he took. It was slow, pained. His eyes were black and blue already, but that wasn’t the end for him yet. I drew my gun free from my jeans.

  I needed answers, answers he’d give me. I’d make him tell me all he’d hidden while double-crossing his club. Hunching down in front of him, I offered again, “It can go easier.”

  Defeat shone through Slit’s one squinted eye. Still, the fucker had will in there, also.

  The bastard had to tell me, and he would with his life. He spat at me, blood coating my black tee and face. The gun in my hand caused my palm to sweat. I stood, wiped the blood splatter from my face and threw a sinister smile at him. “Last chance.”

  He looked down, not acknowledging me. I lifted the gun slightly. His good eye tracked my movement to his left boot that was still tied down.

  A smirk reached my face. I fired. Pain radiated through his features as he bellowed. Screams tore from his throat. My smile didn’t leave my mouth.

  No one. Fucks. With. Hawks.

  “Next one?” I questioned. He violently shook his head back and forth. Now was the time to get the answers I wanted. Then I’d give him what he needed. A six-foot hole in the ground, with bugs crawling through him, making him the piece of shit he was.

  “You don’t understand. I do what I have to do, and I would do it again just to fuck up your life. You think you’re too good, untouchable, but you’re not. He’s gonna come for you. He’s gonna wreak havoc through your life until you have nothing, and I can’t wait for it.”

  Shaking my head, I asked, “Who is he? Where does he take the women?”

  An evil laugh burst from his busted lips. “Your worst nightmare.” Without th
inking, I aimed and shot. His other foot received a bullet. He screamed again. “Stop, fuck, stop. It’s Baxter Davis, also known as Blade, and guess what, motherfucker? Bad shit will be coming your way. He’s gonna take that black bitch. He’s gonna ruin you and Hawks, so there will be nothing left for you before he takes your life.” His voice was mixed with pain and satisfaction.

  What. The. Fuck?

  Baxter Davis.

  I knew that fucker from years ago, during the time I was involved in backyard fighting.

  Again. What. The. Fuck?

  Through his good eye, Slit looked up at me. He knows. His time had come. I knew that was all he’d give, so that was all I’d get. The bastard was going six feet under. Tired, his head flopped down, his breath hardly recognizable. I pocketed my gun and walked behind him. Reaching into the back of my pants, I pulled my knife out. The blade came up over his neck. He didn’t even move, the fight gone from him.

  Yeah, he knows. “See you in Hell, snitch,” I whispered just as the blade sliced his neck. Blood coated his clothes then dripped onto the floor.

  “You left us with nothing to do,” Dallas complained.

  Actually, I’d forgotten they’d even been in there.

  “Do you know who he was talking about?” Saxon asked.

  “Yeah,” I started as I stood and wiped the blade on my jeans at my thigh. “He was from Ballarat. Before I met Talon, I was into backyard fighting. He was one of my opponents. He never liked that I’d win. He’d been undefeated until I’d come along. Hated I took the glory away from him. I also stole his girl at the time. Guess the fucker never got over it.” I shook my head and grabbed the towel Dallas threw my way. “Knew he was a sick fuck back then. Was glad to take his woman away. I saw the bruises he’d given her. But fuck, selling women into slavery and waiting to cause shit with Hawks? He’s not just a sick fuck, but a sick and twisted one seeking revenge after losing a fight I’d fuckin’ forgotten about years ago.”


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